Quiet Country People

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Pippa would totally do that. And maybe a little biting would be included. Ehehehe.
I think Eliza would skip the licking and go straight to biting.
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You guys are really going to try to cover the Parson's mouth? 0.0
note to self: write better sermons.
Dwyn would squirm away.
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Hey guys!
I will be gone from now till the 19th to take care of my mom.
So in case anyone was wondering...

This is Gy:

I'm so sorry for being a poisonous poster at the moment. I'm not getting notifs at all, I'll just make it a point to manually check everything.

I'll post in a few hours, my eyes aren't working properly right now. But I'm drafting, I'm drafting. I'll churn out a post asap.


Really really sorry.
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@Lorchenne Everything is okay, friend! No need to stress yourself.
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Everybody has bad writing times, don't worry! I've had to just start checking manually too, I think all the awesome people posting has broken the system :D
@Dip – Sorry, but your latest post has me confused . . .
I was under the impression that @Midian had your character come from the bathroom to finish the dot drawing on the scroll the rest of the cast found in the previously locked parlor?
@Falcon, @Midian - Was that the case? How I read it, Archie drew himself some butterflies on a spare notepad, and the scroll was in the other room. Archie just headed to the bathroom in order to swipe the pen and play with it, but he came out as soon as he got some ~!+weird feelings+!~

If I'm wrong, which I usually am, I'll be sure to edit it out and make things right!
I had imagined Archie was in the bathroom when he got the odd feeling and then had to come into the parlor to basically draw the giant connect-the-dots butterfly to call the butterflies off of Eliza.

No better use for a pen that a creepy mama-butterfly drawing! :D
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Thanks, one more question before I write another post.
What time period is this supposed to be in again?

I think I remember you saying that this RP takes place in the Regency/Victorian era. That means late 1820s – mid 1840s (Regency 1811 – 1820s, Victorian 1837 – 1901) ?

If that's the time period, things like mascara and bathrooms (because bathrooms keep being mentioned) do not exist in the modern sense. (Mascara as we know it was not invented until 1911.) Indoor plumbing wasn't widespread until the 1840s. (The Tremont Hotel in Boston was the first hotel to have indoor plumbing, in 1829, and anyone else who had it was probably very rich.) Bathing would have been in a tub with heated water carried to it, or rag and bucket, and the tub could have been in any room of the house.

Here are some helpful links on the bathroom thing:
But, if this is AU to history as we know it, then does it matter? Or are we taking artistic license?

Sorry, this has just been nagging at me long enough that I had to ask. It doesn't really matter in the long run, I just like to know what the setting I'm writing in is :)
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Okay, so um, the butterflies are on Archie's drawing now and off Eliza?
Also, Leanne was shooing the butterflies away from Pippa. Allen hadn't stood up.

Am I following this right?
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Yes! You're on point, Lorchenne :) I'll go and edit my post to fix that

And @Falcon - It's a mishmash of Regency and Victorian eras with a little artistic license thrown in. Nothing overtly anachronistic, but things like mascara are small enough I'm not going to worry. Proper ladies of the day wouldn't wear any, but as for the tarts and trollops... I'm looking at you, Belle Watling.
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Thanks, I won't sweat the details then ^^

Also, The internet people say they want to send a tech to me, so hopefully my net problems will be fixed soon!
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Yeah, but now I have to make sure my apartment's presentable . . .
*looks sadly at all the art supplies that have to go back to hiding in a box in the closet*
@Midian, I'll go and edit it in, now. That was a very cool idea you had! It's a shame we didn't share it... My apologies, haha.
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