Quest Online (RP)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
GM Post~ Boss vs Raid!

The Goblin King continued to thrash about, but did not worry of the other members, not with the little pests that floated about his form. His glowing red eye flashed as he caught sight of Durendal floating between his legs, and just as he went to slash at him, the giant of a man moved and caught his blade. "Fool!" He growled and placed his other hand on his weapon hilt, a wicked curved blade as he pressed the blade down into the flesh of the hulk of a man. It would be extremely difficult to completely block the great Goblins weapon.

The Goblin then spun about and brought its foot around pretty much guaranteeing a kick that would knock Klugh off balance. Durendal was between his foot again, and hacking away as they liked to do, His Armor piece fell off that leg, and soon as it racked the ground below the great Goblin raised its foot, and at point bliank range, readied a powerful Kick that would either stomp Durendal or send him back a ways, depending how he maneuvered. The Goblin was off balance at that point but it was necessary to get rid of these little pests.

Players~ Non Combat Players

The Players were still quite disturbed; they sat about the Dungeon floor and continued to glare at the creature. So many had been lost now, so many had believed they would see the next floor and to most of them, they had been friends, friends that were now lost to this damned game, because that god damned commander, because of him!, and her! The cast scornful glances to the red head as they sat there, and continued their whispers, Anger rising, frustration, fear, all of these things held them where they were, let them "trust" in the three facing the Boss Creature, if only for no other reason, than they had to trust it or fight it themselves.

As for the others, The shield tanking Lancers moved with Morgana, at her will and made their way over to the girl Kaozuki, while another group moved to at least help the young girl Feather as well. They had nothing against those few, after all they had met to this "White Wolf's" betrayal, and they didn't see a reason to shun them for the betrayal. So one Blader moved over and and offered a shoulder to the young girl. "Hey, you should get a bit farther out of battle, just in case, the Healer will probably be able to help at least ease the issue." He was a Kind Blonde haired boy with two iron swords at his back, and one at his waist. And with little effort the non combat group at this point moved and helped everyone get away from the raging battlefield for the healer to attend to them, it was her responsibility so they didn't assume her feelings, it might have been selfish but of course what else were they to do in this situation with a single healer.
Location~ Boss Room!
Tirian~ Boss

A low growl formed at his lips as he glared deeply at the green figue and dodged one of the creatures swings ducking low and retaliating in the same step of his dance. His Blade finished up Klughs handiwork and cut the Bracer from the mighty Goblins right fore arm. The shield came about in that moment, like a freight train ready to pile him over as if he were nothing, and only by sudden instinct, was he able to dip down and roll completely sideways under the weapons mighty sweep. This damned creature was a pain, but now with the force it had used He had its back, and it was rising its leg now to stomp at Durendal, which it made the movement of in the next second Tirian was already scrambling toward the things back, and he glanced at Klugh, wondering if the hulk of a man would notice, wondering if he would catch on and if they could finish this fight.

Morte just continues to watch everything~

Note: Goblin King is at Half HP at this point but remember Critical attacks are used like Fatal Blows on Bosses it may not kill but Fatal or lethal strikes will do deathly damage.
Location ~ Tower 1, Boss Room
Feather ~ Raid Party

The young girl sat off to the side of things so long that eventually exhaustion began to tug the strings of her mind like a pizzicato violinist. Watching the kunai spin was almost like a trance. She couldn't have forced herself to be concerned with the battle anymore, although part of her knew she should be watching, waiting for an opening. Maybe it was pride that kept her eyes from leaving the spinning blade, maybe it was pure exhaustion. Unfortunately it was also due to those two things that Feather refused to move from her spot only a small distance from the battle, even when the young blond blader came to offer her support. Similar to before her eyes shied away from him, but his provocation distracted her from the spinning kunai enough to look back toward the battle... or what was left of it, anyway.

The goblin chieft-... king, was already at half health, and the three damage dealers were taking him out rather swiftly. Watching them move, so quick and confident, roused her desire to jump in once more and finish things like a legitimate player. What point was there to sit on the sidelines anymore? She'd thought by joining this raid in the first place, Feather would break out of this faulty personality vice and trust the other players to be decent people. Sure, things had fallen apart after the death of so many players... but if she really intended to be the girl that emotions did not hinder, sitting amidst the rubble was just pure idiocy.

Before she knew it Feather had become consumed all over again with strategic battle analysis. For quite a while her hard gaze picked through the boss battle going on, having completely forgot about the blond-haired male until he cleared his throat irritably. "Thanks for the advice, but I'm fine. I'll get myself healed in the next city, Morgana is probably exhausted." Contrary to her words she did allow him to help her up after finding it difficult to move as easily without one arm. But before he could tug her back toward the other players, to safety, she detached from his support and stepped away, closer to the battle being waged against her fellow 'team mates'.

"The battle isn't over yet. I won't be satisfied with sitting on the sidelines and watching people die."

She took off like a shadow through the dimly lit dungeon, her eyes skimming the dingy black armor of the boss. He was in a bad position - trying to stomp on the double-sworded blader, effectively putting himself off balance. It was clear as day to her what need be done... but a little girl like Feather? Not strong enough. Tirian wasn't even strong enough to knock the beast on its ass, and Durendal, also likely not strong enough, was occupied anyway. Where was that hulk of a man? Her eyes searched for Klugh in the darkness but found it hard to see much other than the malevolent boss. Through gritted teeth she feinted to the side, bringing herself closer to the battle without putting herself in point-blank view of the beast. Meanwhile she gathered her lungs in the loudest shout she could manage, hoping the big oaf, wherever he was, would hear her and understand.

"KLUGH! Knock him off balance!"

Location ~ Tower dungeon, boss room
Durendal ~ goblin chieftain

Durendal smirked as the chieftain raised its leg up. This had been exactly what he'd been aiming for when he'd rolled down here in the first place. Lodging one sword into the ground, blade up beneath the foot. Then he hopped back just behind the chieftain and stabbed the ground with his other sword before pulling it out, readying his followup, being lodging his sword into the widened crack he'd just made again but this time with the hilt first and the blade up.

Location ~ Tower dungeon, boss room
Kaozuki ~ people

Kaozuki felt herself being hoisted off the ground, just barely aware that someone was talking to her but unable to make out anything over the pain of what was left of her arm. Even so, she gripped down on him with her left arm to try to help him carry her. She would have uttered some sort of thanks if she could get over the pain enough to talk or think something more than "I'm saved" but there was no luck there.
Boss Room

Morgana to Kaozuki and anyone else

It took a few minutes but eventually Morgana was able to heal Kaozukis wounds,and ease the girls pain. Her own pain however never left her. It was always lurking as she helped the others as best she could. The reality of what it meant to be in this game was hard hitting, and Morgana sought to distract herself will the healing. If she was fatigued she didn't notice. All she could focus on was healing or she would fall apart for sure.
Location ~ First Floor Boss room
Klugh ~ Tirian and Durendal

Klugh roared in anger at the same time the goblin king did and their all fearless leader circled around to behind the creature and faded from his violet gaze when the creature rose its leg from the ground his eyes lit up and a smirk crossed his mighty lips, he lowered his shoulder and took off in the direction of the giant goblin king. He ran off his feet pounding hard against the concrete floor as he darted towards the giant goblin king his shoulder slamming hard into the metal armor of the goblins leg in an attempt to knock the giant creature on its back if the creature fell he was sure the two speedy characters would take the kill but he didn't care.
GM Goblin Boss!

The Goblin Boss roared again as it planted its foot straight down on a upright sword. A screeching yowl of pain echoed the halls as it lifted its foot again and started trying to get the sword from its body, only just in time of its bewilderment to get tackled by the mighty Klugh who rushed its leg. Of course it swayed forcing himself to fall in a slightly off set direction and then it tumbled backwards falling back as its helmet slipped off and revealed the disgusting worts and horns and what not on its head, it had no chance of regaining balance in that moment, and with that it was in a prone state.
Location~ Boss Room!
Tirian~ Goblin King!

Tirian stepped in sway as he continued to watch the Goblin. Even when it rose and hopped about holding its foot he never cracked a smile only waited preparing, and then, after a gaint Thud crashed into the Goblins leg, he knew it was time. The mass was falling backwards, readily falling to the ground, and it flailed its arms out in some attempt to balance, but to no avail. Tirian roared as he took to the air with hands on the hilt of his weapon and with just enough vigor right as Durendal would have had the time to retrieve his weapons and make attack, Tirian found the tip of his Iron sword at the Goblins throat and with a push shove and twist he cleared the Goblin of the remainder of his life with sufficient critical damage.

The next moment almost in some bewildered daze he hopped from the creature just in time for the Goblin to fade and what was left behind was the mass amounts of Gold, and for one lucky person a brand new Legendary Sword (Legendary is a step down from Sacred. It is not a one time item drop many people may have this drop. but it is still incredibly powerful for current level. and may have a special effect. Can be sold for 5000 Gp)

Before I continue this post in the morning I have to ask that people send me a number between 1-100 in a PM Ill put mine here.. 32, 65 please send me PMs ASAP

The daze that had thus far kept Tirian numb to everything finally faded with the Goblin as he sheathed his weapon at his hip. He looked behind him, first sight of Azzy off by herself, and then towards the rest of the group, but they had not given him any praise, no their eyes remained full of scorn for him when he turned, and being who he is, he caught on very quickly. His fist tightened as he started to walk in their direction, beaten up, hurt even but nothing horrible He didn't receive the drop despite the final hit bonus, but deciding for himself he started to mile and cheer a little bit. "What a bad ass looking Sword!" he made it "apparent" he had obtained the drop and then without anymore than that, he took what he had obtained of his 400 Gold, kept 100 of it and then the rest he split evenly among his own party, azzy getting the largest amount should it be an odd number when split apart between, Klugh, Feather, Azmeryth, and Morgana, and the only remaining Tank that had survived from their party. Along with the Gold he sent a message with just "I'm sorry" on it.

The People started quickly they spared nothing with their berating insults. "Murderer!" It fell upon him like a rain of needles but he did not turn back again, the boss was dead and behind them the door was open. Some surely would be there to get the others through now that they knew how, and the only room they had to worry about for the rest of that day was the room before the boss which was simple if one person stayed behind, transporting would be easy, and so as more of the insults rained in upon him he continued towards the door. "Liar!, Selfish Bastard! All you wanted was the drop! You used us!" he heard all of the comments but he didnt turn, not until he reached the door, then he took a breath and faked a smile an evil grin as he turned to them and simply said.. "You're right about me..." and then faded through the door to the next Floor.


Durendal= about 400 Gold +Chest Item + whatever normal drop items like leather and shiz
Tensa= 230 Gold + whatever normal drop Items.. (Not too many)
Shadow= 270 Gold + Blahh blahh blaah you get the point.

Party A= 300 G each +Whatever yadd yadda
Party B= 230 G each + jfdjkf;ads
Party C= 150 G each +kfjd;lfaj;

Rare Drop will be decided soon as Nevvy sends me his PM with a number 1-100 but im pretty sure I know whos got it already. It will not be announced unless the character does it themselves. otherwise its awarded through PM.

Floor 2 will be up within a day or so. Thank you. =D
Location ~ Tower 1, Boss Room -> Gates of Floor 2
Feather ~ Raid Party

She waited for the beast to fall before springing into action; her blades ready, four gripped tightly and fanned out between her right-handed fingertips. But despite her superior speed, the little whisper apparently wasn't fast enough to move in and strike the goblin. She threw the blades, aiming to strike the goblins skull... only to watch the beast explode into a cloud of blue pixel dust before the knives even scathed its disfigured face. Irritation bloomed beneath the surface of her skin, but rather than shouting or erupting as her livewire nerves begged, the little girl lifted from her throwing crouch slowly and straightened the hair flowing down her back. Her gaze strayed from looking at the white haired "commander" even as he bent to collect his loot.

She collected her knives carefully with the one good arm left and gathered what remaining drops had been deserved of her efforts. From the look of it she had amassed 350 GP and a good small collection of leathers and pelts from the entire dungeon. Not too bad, she supposed... but it was pretty clear if she'd been working outside of a party, the little whisper would have had an event greater payment waiting in the end. It wasn't really a concern at this point. The drops didn't matter - not as much as the horrific events that'd occurred. And as she finished collecting and moved forward toward the door of Floor 2, it became painfully obvious the war was not yet over.

"Murderer!" "Liar!" "Selfish Bastard!"

Although those curses were clearly not hurtled in her direction, Feather stopped at the gate of the next floor and glanced back to watch the chaos unfold. She listened silently to the words thrown back and forth, noticing for the first time a side of the white wolf she'd yet to believe possible. He was practically provoking them, putting on a facade and making himself out to be just the devil they claimed. Or maybe it wasn't a facade at all... maybe everything he'd said and done up to point had truly been an act, and this new selfish bastard she saw before her was the true Tirian. But that didn't seem likely. It wasn't as if she'd known him long, but what she'd seen of the white haired man before this demon of a dungeon suggested he was truly a kind man who wanted to protect people. That would have also made him feel guilty for his mistakes... Yes, that was probably it. But standing there and watching him put on such a malevolent and contemptible face made it increasingly difficult to believe in his philanthropy.

It was pointless to stick around now. A dull ache had slowly spread through her incapacitated arm, pain to a much lesser degree than it would have been in real life, but irritating nonetheless. She needed a good healing session, followed by a long hot bath and some silence... Every moment spent hanging around drove her further up a wall of no possible return. Before the white haired man could even finish his little display for the silly people she was off, bounding through the door to Floor Two on her own... the same way she entered Quest in the first place.​
Location ~ Boss room
Durendal ~ people

Durendal crossed his arms and drummed his fingers as the goblin managed to apparently die from a little slice to the throat after surviving a sword going all the way to the guard through its leg and another going all the way through to the guard once again through the back, leaving a giant gap in its spine. In the background, Mami was chasing Charlotte around who was dancing around the room, nomming heads off of corpses to go along with Mami's head and Deadpool was posing on top of the goblin chieftain's corpse. An anger mark formed on his forehead as he had not received his drop. The one that he by all rights got the last hit for when not even in a party, thereby excluding himself from any kind of randomization system. He and Deadpool would have to have a little chat later. He was half in the mood to start killing people off till he claimed what was his but enough stupidity had happened for one day already. Reaching the steps that led out of the room, he took a seat on the bottom step and waited.

Location ~ Boss room
Kaozuki ~ people

Kaozuki returned to the world of those aware of their surroundings a couple minutes after the fight ended and looked around, finding the room empty except for a few random people still left over. Pushing herself to her feet using her arm that hadn't just been burned off, she gave the healer a word of thanks and teetered about a bit till she regained her balance. Then she trudged over to the entrance to the boss room and poked her head through the door, beckoning those who had stayed back in the previous room to prevent respawning to hurry and come up before everyone else left, leaving them stranded.
Location~ Boss Room~ 2nd Floor
People~ None​


As soon as the large beast had fallen, and the clashing of sword, and shield ceased to echo through the Boss Room, people had moved in to collect their rightful drops, and then proceed to throw out hateful names toward Tirian, and shoot menacing glares in both of their directions. Soon enough, the room was echoing with a different sort of fight; Bastard! Liar! An assortment of insults were directed towards them both, mostly Tirian, and she felt rather uncomfortable being in this room much longer. In her mindset, her life was still at stake with all the hostility that surrounded her. The Reaper girl said nothing in retaliation, nor did she try to defend Tirian. No, she stayed silent, moved about to collect her things: 300 gold, leather, tufts of fur, etc. It had come to her attention that Tirian had given each of his party a total of 100 gold as well. She now had enough to at least survive for awhile on the 2nd Floor on her own....if she kept up on her Chained Sickle Skill, and kept ranking up her Life Skill.

The thought of that caused a dull pain to ache in her heart, and as she stood, out of habit, her hand reached out to rest on air by her side as if her loyal friend were still there. He wasnt, and would never be again, and that simple fact caused any, and all feeling left to disappear from her eyes. The dull blue orbs dulled, and their usual shining gaze became cold, empty. She didnt know if she'd ever be able tame another animal, and look at it the same as she did Temper.

With a sigh, Azmeryth waved her hand to the left in front of her, and opened her menus. Selecting her inventory, she opened it in a means to retrieve something, but her eyes caught something sitting there that wasnt there before. It was the rare drop that came from the boss. Geez if everyone knew that she was the one that ended up with the weapon. The girl who distracted the commander. The girl who was practically the reason for the deaths that happened today. She closed the inventory, forgetting what she'd initially gotten in there for, and made her way toward the stairs to the second floor, and soon she was basking in the sunlight of the floor itself.

She'd made up her mind that she'd stay alone on this floor, and stood at the entrance, the gate, and opened her inventory once more to gaze at the sword that rested there. She wasnt even really thinking that anyone may be able to see the things she had resting in there while she thought of what to do with the ancient, and rare drop she'd received.​
Location~ Boss room
Kaozuki ~ people

Having rounded up the few that were still alive from the previous room that had stayed behind to keep it from respawning and hadn't died from the fiasco when the others had tried to run out, Kazokuki dragged herself back to where the others were piecing themselves back together. After scooping up her share of the loot, she hoisted the last wounded but not dead player to his feet with her good arm and helped him up the stairs. To her surprise, she found that Durendal wasn't leaving. Instead, he was just sitting there at the bottom step. For a second, she thought that he might be frisking them all for the drop given the scowl of annoyance on his face but he didn't say a word to her, nor did he move to stop her and her passenger. He even scooted to the side to give them some more space even though he didn't lift a finger to help. A peculiar person but not one she held in high esteem. After all this, the only three who didn't seem to be in the mood for helping the rest were Tirian who had been calling the shots before and had for all purposes been driven away, possibly by himself as much as by others, Azmeryth who likely felt similarly guilty for what had happened and was almost as equally ridiculed for no fault of her own as all she'd done was exist and mess up once, and then Durendal who seemed to be the aloof sort who sought gain above all else, not malicious but not benevolent either. Getting the man up the stairs and onto the next floor, she spotted Azmeryth who looked about as lonely as one would normally get after... that. Seeing the man to the group ahead that was heading to the town healers, Kaozuki turned back around and walked towards the reaper, making sure that she looked as far from accusing and imposing as possible... not that she could pull that off well even if she tried.

"Are you okay?" she asked with a bit of a sad smile. It was sort of a silly question in a way, seeing as the reaper hadn't really been too wounded compared to her who had literally lost half of her right arm which was not back but still stiff and unable to be lifted or even moved. All she could feel in it was pain from the elbow down to the tips of her fingers but that pain was welcome and reassuring compared to the horror of knowing that all that if she looked down, there wouldn't be an arm there. On the other hand, Azmeryth's pains were likely of an entirely different sort.
Location~ 2nd Floor Gate
People~ Kaouzuki​


She'd been standing there for awhile now, the white, fur hood covering her head, and the red tattooing on her cheeks, and forearms giving her the oddest, wild like look as she closed her inventory menu, and gazed up at the sky with cold, pale blue eyes. Dropping long, slender arms to her sides, she found herself lost in the odd little ways that the puffy clouds whirled on a vivid blue canvas of 1's, and 0's. This artificial world was becoming a pain in her ass, and far to mentally, and emotionally scarring than she'd like it to be. Her thought drifted away, chugging out of her head as her thought process disappeared into the distance like a slow moving train.

Pale eyes fell upon a girl she'd never much talked to before, but she'd seen her running around Grand Masai more often than not. The girl inquired about her well being which gained a small huff from the reaper girl. Azmeryth dropped her head, and closed her eyes before her icy gaze was brought back up to Kaouzuki, her her voice sounded. "What doesnt kill me makes me stronger. Have you ever heard that saying?" She stayed silent for a moment, her hand instinctively reaching out to rest upon a nonexistent canine head, and when it didnt, her fingers curled, and she pulled her hand back as if the spot burned. Azzy attempted to give the girl before her a smile, but it just wasnt possible right now. Instead, she settled for a sigh, her gaze still blank as she took noticed of Kaouzuki's arm, her lips turning down into a frown. Azmeryth pointed at it, and nodded her head forward toward the rest of her party which managed to stay linked together; Klugh, and Morgana. "You should go see the healer about that. If anything, she could at least dull the pain, or numb it until you find a more experience one."

Azmeryth didnt stick around much longer, she bid Kaouzuki adieu, turned to her left, and began to walk off on her own. She found more comfort in the idea of being alone right now than being surrounded by the masses.​
Floor 2



Available Herbs:

Available Minerals:

Everyday Drops:

Leather (Common)
Fur (Everywhere)
Wool (Everywhere)
Down (Common)
Pelt (Common)
Pearls (Hard)
Bronze Bar (Sometimes)
Paper (Common)
Quil (Common)
Dragon Scale (Rare)


Field Monsters
Hob Goblins (Soldiers, Archers, Mages, and Wolf Riders)~ 10-30 GP
Dark Vultures~ 15-20 GP
Dire Wolves~ 5-15 GP
Dire Bears~ 5-20 GP
Wild Board~ 20-30 GP
Small Rock Golems~ 20-40

(Field Boss Lobos????)

Mountain Pass Dungeon
Dread Miner~ 0-50 GP
Small Cobblestone Golem~ 10-30 GP
Dire Wolves~ 5-15 GP
Boss: Ore Golem - Drops all types of ore except (?????) 200 GP


Tower Dungeon
Armored Hob Goblin Types~ 10-60 GP
Boss: Ogre (Drops a Legendary weapon and unknown amount of GP)
GM Post:

The Second Floor is now upon those who have survived the world, however to their almost absolute surprise and disappointment; they find that as they appear through the Gate way they are greeted by bustling shops and ten times the amount of players they had normally seen on Floor one. On the street flags wave of a brilliant white and gold color insignia. The symbol is that of a mighty Lion baring a Sword in its Maw, and the words in brilliant script "The Order of Conquest"

The city is huge perfect by all right and twice the size of Grand Masai. People walk around in odd armors, and of course in the center duels are taking place, but no one seems disturbed, rather they seem incredibly determined, powerful to a sin. There are other guild symbols through out the streets and on some large buildings the Insignia is easily seen, but that same lion is seen most prominently through out the City. As the group walks in they are able to see a sign. "Welcome to Alexandre"

(This is the permission for all Posting to continue, enjoy the 2nd floor of the World of Quest Online)!
Location~ Town center of Alexandre
Stella~ Any

A sharp wind caught her cheek as she stepped out of the distance of the warriors spear, and bright her own about to press it down. Her shield was raised at her side and her feet danced around like a passing gale. She had a determined smile upon her face as the opponents face shown a much more frustrated half smirk. The woman wore amber armor that was dyed and decorated to be symbolic to the guild she served. The Insignia of the Lion with a Sword in its maw shown upon her breast, and you could tell she wore her armor proudly.

Finally the man broke contact and stepped in jabbing thrice to try and land a crucial blow at her gut. Just as he did, she dodged with an infinite amount of grace before she stopped with a foot forward and flung her shield down to deflect the spears fourth shot and in that same moment she shot her spear in towards the mans shoulder in which he held his shield. A direct hit stopped him on the spot as she brought her arm back and aimed to more fierce strikes to his gut while he was bewildered.

With that the battle ended and she moved over to him and held her hand up. "You lack defense for the amount of offense you harbor, it would be well learned from this to keep tight hold to your shield and have it close to your breast. It will avoid mishaps like such." He nodded dipping his head and returned to the crowd as she stepped out flipping her hair as she did and walking towards the gate. Stella had habit of dueling once; maybe twice a day before she went on her daily routine. "I have to find a party, now…" she tapped at her chin standing near the wall of a corner store and sorting out possible routines for her day. There were no missions assigned with the Order today so in a sense she had the day off to enjoy it.

Location~ Town Square of Flintess

Tirian no longer existed among people; he was a shadow now, a dark figure that walked in the light of unawares. He hadn't stopped though, in fact he'd returned to the roots he enjoyed, a solo player who relied on his own strengths, even though he hadn't been able to delete his few friends he had. He thought to speak to them, especially Azmeryth at times but couldn't bring himself to do so. Currently he liked to rest in the town of Flintess more so than anything, if for no other reason but to collect the ore daily and train in the forest above. Of course he never stirred to far into the forest.

It had been a horribly bittersweet surprise that others had survived, Arias the man he had admired during his first run now stood at the top of the food chain for this place. Guards constantly followed him, and paraded around him in the white and gold armor of the order of conquest. The warriors that were TRUE Front liners, unlike Heizen and his dummies, but Tirian had not time for that as he wandered out of the town in his pure pitch-black jacket, with a hood and silver linings. No one could see but a single part to his silver hair that fell over his face, and he preferred it that way, after all he was a shadow now and shadows had no names.

He paid little mind to anything but the ore fields as he approached and started his work for the day.

Location~ Town Square of Alexandre

Both of his precious targets had left nothing but a ghostly invisible trail behind them when they passed through that gate. Morte saddened but only for a short minute as he found a whole new potential to prey that stood before him. Higher than any of them, was this stranger, this warrior Arias of the Order of conquest, that and any of those other prominent guild leaders. For now however he simply wandered whistling along his way as he walked through the streets of the Mighty city Alexandre.
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> Location ~ Floor 2, Front Gate – Alexandre
People ~ None

Mitsuhide walks just within view of the front gates to the main city on the second floor, Alexandre. He sheathes his swords after a steady day of farming and wipes away the small bit sweat that he has broken. Four hours today of farming was shorter than he typically does but he wanted to take it easy today, his stress was getting a little hard to concentrate with. He was just reaching the entrance to the city when he finally got the memories under control. His group had been one of the few that had almost reached floor three. The party had been making their way through the boss dungeon just fine, steady and slow, until they made it to the boss. The ogre had made easy work of the party and Mitsu had barely made it out, the trauma was devastating. His small party had become like a family, and he had watched everything that had grown to love get taken away from him in just a few moments. He couldn't remember much of anything besides watching his party fall quickly, one by one. All he remembers is his "brother" looking towards him and screaming, just before the ogre reached him, "Run Mitsu! He'll kill us all!" Then in an instant, the Ogre's sword cleaved through him, shield and all, just as Mitsu was activating his recall to return to the city.

Mitsu reached his room that he had been renting in the inn. He unequipped himself and laid down just to relax, "This is getting harder, I don't know if I can stand alone by myself any longer. Being alone is all I had in the real world, and he had hoped for so much more in this game." Mitsu unwinds for a few minutes before he gets up to check his spoils for farming for the day, knowing that he owes the innkeeper for the past few days of his stay. Time to pay up and the spoils will show how well off he is doing.


10 Leather

20 Wolf Pelts

300 GP

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Location ~ Alexandre Shopping District

"For all of this, I can offer 640 GP. Deal?" the shopkeeper asked. Kaine had been frequenting this shop since arriving on Floor 2, and by now knew to never take the first offer.
"I think you can manage a bit more, yeah? Say, 720?" The shopkeeper's offer was lower than the going price, but Kaine's counter offer was a bit above. That was how it worked with this guy, he liked to haggle a little before he bought or sold anything, gouging just a few more gold out of anyone who didn't bother to haggle back.
"Eh, too high, sorry. I can do 654." The man's offers would usually end in a 0 or 5 when he was still haggling, but be something strange like a 4 or 7 when he was done. It was a bit odd, he usually haggled for longer.
"That'll do nicely. Catch you tomorrow." Kaine pocketed his money and left. He had still sold under the usual value for the items he'd brought, which would have been roughly 680, but that was fine with Kaine. That merchant liked his regulars, and would give special discounts on the pricier items he came across.

As he left for his room in the nearby inn, quite nice given its low price, the Dark Vulture he'd tamed the other day flew down from the rooftops to perch on his shoulder. "You behaving yourself, Nacht? Not doing anything to get me in trouble when I take my eye off you?" The vulture, Nacht, gave a sounds that could be taken for confirmation. Or hunger. Or anger. It was difficult to tell with vultures. But Kaine was getting the hang of it now, and could tell it was a confirmation. "Good boy. Here's a treat." He got a bit of meat from his inventory and offered it to Nacht, who gulped it down in an instant.


654 GP
Location ~ Alexadre
Durendal ~ people

Durendal finally exited the warp pad and walked into the city. The detour had been an annoyance, a large annoyance. Strolling down the street, he made straight for the armory. The fact that there were actually tons of people here didn't seem to bother him in the slightest. It was to be expected that there would be those who had gotten to the upper floors within the first day or two. Plus, it made things simpler. Where there were people, there were services and where there were services, he could finally arm himself at least somewhat properly. His original swords were about to fall apart. They were chipped in multiple places and he honestly wouldn't bee too surprised if they'd snap in half if he hit them on the street a few times. His priorities dictated that he was going to get some new and better gear, first and foremost. Walking into the weapons shop, he skimmed their wares and rattled off his order.

"Four swords. One stone, two iron, one brass. All one handed, all flawless. That comes up to 65 gold," he said, not even bothering to haggle. He just wasn't in the mood. The shopkeeper looked at him oddly for several reasons, starting with the lack of haggling and ending at the fact that he'd come alone and ordered four swords when most tended to get only two at most. He was paid no heed at all, though, and decided to let it go, directing Durendal to the case that had his finished products. Durendal went over to the display and went about the process of looking them all over, scouring them for the most minute details and checking for even the smallest blemishes. As it turned out, none of them were as "flawless" as was claimed but he figured that he could expect no better. Throwing the money onto the counter, he stuffed his swords into his inventory and dumped his nearly broken original swords down as a tip. Whether it was a real tip or just him using the shop as a dump zone was up for question and a question best left unasked. After that, he stuffed all the swords into his inventory and walked off to find something to eat, mostly to burn off stress while deciding how to toss more of his considerable earnings down the sink, probably in the form of some enchantments for his swords. While temporary, if they weren't at least decent, he'd be too irate to even consider holding them.
Snow (White)
Location ~ Luminescence Guild Home, Devius

A long yawn elongated the white-haired beauty's lips into a picture of exhaustion trimmed by the disappearing sun. It was already pretty late in the day, and what a long one it'd been. Sun-up to nearly sun-down saw Snow and her newly acquired guild-mates rummaging through the dark forest outside of their "home town", grinding on monsters, farming and training until muscles had turned to jello and bones the infamous silly string that constantly coated the Freshman Hallway back in High School. Her neophytes were growing up. Already the two "backline" players she'd picked up earlier in the day had finished off their first weapon rank and were now class E. Just like the rest of them. But there was a definite gap between her first members, those who had joined before the new wave of weaker players made it to Floor 2, and those she managed to snatch and place under her wing when those new players came. It would take time, many days worth of bringing her guild-mates out to train, before she could lead them to face the third floor which she'd already defeated. But the job wasn't a bad one, either... The childish banter and earnest work Snow had seen from her guild mates today was enough to charge her smile even this late.

They were all exhausted, and by the time the members of Luminescence returned from their makeshift "boot camp" most of them were eager to relax and kick back in the homey guild headquarters. It would be dinner time soon - everyone knew it, too, even the two newest members. All day the "senior" guildies had been pumping their juniors up for the 'Glorious!' meal promised after each day of training, a tradition Snow coddled into setting after her first guild members discovered that their "battle-goddess" leader took up cooking as a life skill. Lucky for them she was pretty good. Her food had gained a rough sort of fame, even if the first few days, and right about now there would probably be five battle-worn children with a ravenous appetite. She could hear them bantering lightly behind the door she leaned against. Inside, two voices battled for supremacy a gruff and harry man who was oddly sweet despite his harsh nature, and an even kinder, yet sternly passionate shout that probably belonged to the blond-haired blader she picked up early that day from the second wave.

From her place outside, leaning against the face of her guild home with eyes watching the horizon, Snow lost herself in the back-and-forth debate that for some reason had become centered on her cooking. Lyon, the stocky warrior, was defending Snow's cooking with all of the vigor one could manage. But the blond-haired newbie seemed adamant that the best cook in game was an old buddy of his who chose to stay on floor 1. It took a while before Tessa, one of the only other girl guild mates, jumped in to the testosterone-charged conversation with her voice of reason. "Lyon! Avery! Arguing about it before the neo has even tried White's cooking is just plain stupid!" Tessa... she was a fantastic mediator. Snow adored the spunky purple-haired girl's ability to point out the obvious in situations like this. It kept Snow from the hassle of going in and breaking up the argument before it went to fa- "HEAR THAT, WHITE? WE'RE HUNGRY. STOP WORRYING ABOUT KAINE AND COME MAKE US FOOD!" Tessa's shout nearly pounded against the door, knocking Snow out of her mental praising of the blunt girl now that she'd been called out. Well. Her reason was good for some things. Muttering softly beneath her breath the white-haired girl pushed off from her place against the building. She called back to the anxious players with a composed "business-like" voice, knowing all the while they could see right through it and knew her to be laughing internally. "Honestly. Shakespeare didn't whine as much about Juliet than you three are about my food."

Despite answering them, Snow couldn't help but to linger outside for a few moments, watching the remainder of the sun disperse below the horizon's rim of clouds. If her oldest guild mate intended to return for the night he probably would have been back already. Traveling the night was dangerous... and although she could see Kaine as the type of person who would grind overnight just to get the extra practice in, all the worrisome guild leader could do was hope that her new friend would be careful. She couldn't wait for him all night - there were other guild mates, who she worried about just as much as him, to take care of. And the knowledge that Luna was probably still sitting on near the gates of Devius waiting for the last of the warriors to return softened her resolve enough to propel the guild leader back inside, where her hungry little birds chirped and hopped about with impatient grins. "Alright, alright. Wash up while I cook. It will only be a few minutes." As they scrambled to claim rights on who got the bathroom first - and Tessa, like usual, beat her way to the top of the list - Snow drifted through the kitchen like a ghost who moved through muscle memory. Cooking was different in Quest than in real life; easier to a fault, but still interesting if one knew the right tricks. She would have a full meal whipped up in no time, and soon after the guild-mates would retire to their rooms and end the 9th day in the comfort of a makeshift family.​