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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Is it still possible for me to join?
(I don't mind waiting. I can be patient.)
The group has not yet left the building... Okay.
Let's see a character and i'll see what i can do.
Name: Kevin Gauthier
Age: 15
History: Kevin is the older of his parents' children. His father was a teacher and his mother was a stay-at-home mom. He went to a private school for kindergarten through sixth grade. He was used to being in the popular crowd, but that wasn't hard when the class was never bigger than eighty. Seventh grade was hard, there was adapting to be done, and he wasn't very accepting of change. Toward the end of seventh grade, he relaxed a bit. Once eighth grade come around, he was ready for it. He was slightly nervous about high school, but not enough to loose any sleep over.
Personality: Loud and talkative he is social and friendly. He is often sarcastic and jokes around. He usually has something to say about everything. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. His tendency to talk back often leads him into trouble. He can be blunt, and can't usually take a subtle hint. He's a good liar, yet he honors honesty. He isn't very patient.
Appearance: Kevin is a fair-skinned boy who is about 5'5". He has brown eyes and 2" dark brown hair that curls slightly. He usually wears jeans and a T-shirt with his black hooded sweatshirt over it.
Abilities will be PMed.
Almost forgot to post here.
You are accepted. Welcome to psyren.
A little question.
Do you want some social time or continue with the plot?
Personally, i think that you should talk with each other for a bit. At least introduce yourselves.

Once you want to continue post that here. We will continue as soon as there are 3 "continue posts"
What is the reason for Ashling and Kevin for being there? Similar to the rest of the group's or something else?
The only way you can be there at all is by using the red Phone Card. So you must have used it like anyone else.
Does this answer your question?
Has anyone posted after me? Iwaku keeps telling me theres a new post but mines the last one its showing.
Nope. Currently you are the last one.

By the way. Does anyone know how to remove polls? I don't see a button for it.
This rp seems to have stopped. Shall we move the story again?
We can. I think most of us were waiting to see if Nova awoke. Seriack has dozed off, his mind being exhausted from all the crazy stuff that just happened.
I think we should move on. And thanks for the comment Kyy. <3 Kingdom Hearts~
Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. Hopefully I'll keep on top of it now :/
No problem and thanks for letting me know.
I was worried why some players were gone all of the sudden. Luckily the story did not move far so you didn't miss much.
I just figured out how to get iwaku working again lol
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