• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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Thaaaanks kiddies~ I'll just remind you all every few days. Don't feel like you're in a rush to get it up. I'd just like first posts for humans to be done by the end of the week.
So, is there a posting order or something? I know my post wasn't super long, but it'd be nice to keep in mind if there is one so I can pack in more detail.
So, is there a posting order or something? I know my post wasn't super long, but it'd be nice to keep in mind if there is one so I can pack in more detail.
I will look at this in a moment. ^^
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@Saint Allison

Posting order will go by a rule of three for now. So basically after ever third person go ahead and post.

Example: Saint allison posted

Kitsy Posted

Vio posted

Andy Posted

Saint allison can post again.

If only a small number of people are currently active, then there is no posting order. However please be mindful and try not to get carried away, if its just two people that are posting back and forth then that can be done in a collab. We don't want to leave anybody behind just yet, especially your own GM, due to busy schedules.​
Also I have everyone accounted for in my tagging list correct? I'm not missing anyone?
So I had emergency dental work, so I'll be fairly on today and tomorrow. If anyone needs anything, just pm me saying your in this rp. <3 I always at least check to see if people need help~
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I posted not all that long ago. Posting now would break the three post rule...
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Same here...
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I'm trying to post but I'm drawing up a blank for ideas :/
Sorry I was going to post but I got super busy! I'll post tomorrow, hopefully!
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I'll try post when I get home. Hopefully my cold has gone down then ㅠ.ㅠ
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I've got Omo's post loaded in the chamber, I just need to polish it a tad before I pull the trigger.
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(Heyy, just wanted to let you guys know. I won't be able to reply or anything until Tuesday. I'm going to a place with, apparently no Wifi....For two whole days )
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Hey everyone! I'm jsut letting you know that Aka will be posting soon. Kitsy is working on a collab with someone, and she told me they are reaching the end of it.

After they post their collab I will move the story forward. ^^
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@Saint Allison

Hello everyone!!!! I apologize for the very slow pace here in Project:Wonderland. I assure you that things will get moving very soon. I will be moving on in the IC either later tonight after I work, or sometime this weekend. Those of you that would like to interact with some of the other characters so far should do so before I continue since the group will be split up into pairs once they make the jump, and it might be some time before your character gets to interact with specific ones until a bit later on.​
I went ahead and posted in reply to @RainDash since no one has posted in a while. And no worries @Vio!!
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