Project SINC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Should I make a group for our thread?

  • Yes. And we shall ROCK IT!- (By the way, I am one of the awesome members of this thread)

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • No. Can I just have a bacon sandwich instead?- (By the way, I am one of the awesome members of this

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Lol hey church, you accepted you own character :3

Disregard what I said I read too soon

Ahaha, it's okay, but I think I might make a character myself on top of GMing the thread. I'm still debating... =P
Name: Vadel
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Faery

Personality: A normally passive youth who has more curiosity about the human world than he probably should. On the inside he actually suffers from feelings of cowardice that will sometimes manifest themselves in the face of danger. But he tries to be brave and fight back these feelings as much as he cn so as not to embarass himself or his family. While not obnoxiously optimistic. . . he will give more than just a second chance if he feels it justified. He has a faith in others that he would deeply love to see rewarded. Nothing would please him more than if the humans and supernatural beings could live together in harmony. But the wise words of his elders and the stories passed down through the generations have not been carelessly brushed aside. Vadel understands that his race was one of the hunted ones. Any potential threat to his race will be taken personally.

Even hands with such exotic beauty do have a certain amount of blood on them.


True Form- Resembles the human illusion rather closely with a few key visual differences. Vadel's skin is a pale purple while the eyes and hair are a vibrant golden yellow. Moreover, the texture of his skin itself is slightly different than human flesh. It feels rough to the touch in certain spots where his musculature is slightly more developed over the typically willowy body frame, similar to that of tree bark, while other places have the smoothness of a flower petal. At the tips of his fingers and toes there are no nails. . . only a place for thorns to grow from.

Human Illusion-


Raised up in one of the many hidden sect of faeries, Vadel gained curiosity from the moment his wings held enough strength in them for him to fly around. For the first decade of his life no one would let him near humans. After all they were the race which had hunted them so cruelly in the past. But for some of the newer generation this was a rather distant past. Some did not heed the stories and brought misfortune on themselves. But not Vadel. Instead he awaited patiently the day when he might get a chance to explore human society for himself and make his own decisions about such a mixed bag of a race.

Learning the techniques of growth and illusion greatly enabled this innocent endeavor toward knowledge.

Months passed on and on until his 15th birthday, when the Faery ventured out into the world on his own without decieving his own people. For a little over two years he has learned human customs to the best of his ability in an effort to blend in with them. Even though his parents are worried for their son it was beyond them to stop one who had so diligently passed all the tests of gaining recognition as an individual.

Innocence has not remained his though. During his time among the Faeries, he did help them ward off a group of human attackers who stumbled upon their hidden village. Such a remote location was too valuable to just abandon it. For the sake of maintaining the secrecy of that location . . . he was forced into a confrontation with rather violent humans. Victory was his in the end but only just barely. Assistance had come from other older Faeries who had given up the ways of fleeing long ago. Rest assured, their secret was a safe one.

One who now carried the burden of making their own choices and suffering the consequences. They know where he is and watch his actions closely. Vadel is not the first to do this and will likely not be the last. For now though he is certainly the only one that while disguising himself on one hand. . . has openly revealed himself to Project SINC in the hopes that some sort of peace can be attained between the races.

Reason: "That time will come. One day you'll see. When we can all be friends."
So basically it's just the history with a problem right? How about this?

History: Devi was born in a world where the supernatural was the norm and in fact considered beautiful. Her parents cared for some of her basic necessities but where rather distant, a personality trait shared by nearly all those who bore some serpentine tendencies. Her mother especially had lightening quick flashes of emotions, mostly those on the dark side and would constantly curse Devi's curiosity and her impetuous nature. She was a child who would run headlong into trouble without a care as to the consequences. She most especially wanted to find out the possibilities and limits she had to her gift and one day wandered a little too far from home. When she came back, the small shack at the edge of the woods had been burnt to a crisp and her parents were nowhere to be seen. She was only thirteen years old and didn't know what she was going to do. That's how her adoptive mother, Carolyn found her; forlorn and alone in an isolated bit of forest. However when Carolyn found out that Devi was a very unusual child instead, her love gave way to fear. That's when Devi ran away, sure that she could never find acceptance among humans. She wasn't even really looking for that elusive emotion known as love...she just wanted to fit in.
So basically it's just the history with a problem right? How about this?

History: Devi was born in a world where the supernatural was the norm and in fact considered beautiful. Her parents cared for some of her basic necessities but where rather distant, a personality trait shared by nearly all those who bore some serpentine tendencies. Her mother especially had lightening quick flashes of emotions, mostly those on the dark side and would constantly curse Devi's curiosity and her impetuous nature. She was a child who would run headlong into trouble without a care as to the consequences. She most especially wanted to find out the possibilities and limits she had to her gift and one day wandered a little too far from home. When she came back, the small shack at the edge of the woods had been burnt to a crisp and her parents were nowhere to be seen. She was only thirteen years old and didn't know what she was going to do. That's how her adoptive mother, Carolyn found her; forlorn and alone in an isolated bit of forest. However when Carolyn found out that Devi was a very unusual child instead, her love gave way to fear. That's when Devi ran away, sure that she could never find acceptance among humans. She wasn't even really looking for that elusive emotion known as love...she just wanted to fit in.
Name: Vadel
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Faery

Personality: A normally passive youth who has more curiosity about the human world than he probably should. While not obnoxiously optimistic. . . he will give more than just a second chance if he feels it justified. He has a faith in others that he would deeply love to see rewarded. Nothing would please him more than if the humans and supernatural beings could live together in harmony. But the wise words of his elders and the stories passed down through the generations have not been carelessly brushed aside. Vadel understands that his race was one of the hunted ones. Any potential threat to his race will be taken personally.

Even hands with such exotic beauty do have a certain amount of blood on them.


True Form- Resembles the human illusion rather closely with a few key visual differences. Vadel's skin is a pale purple while the eyes and hair are a vibrant golden yellow. Moreover, the texture of his skin itself is slightly different than human flesh. It feels rough to the touch in certain spots where his musculature is slightly more developed over the typically willowy body frame, similar to that of tree bark, while other places have the smoothness of a flower petal. At the tips of his fingers and toes there are no nails. . . only a place for thorns to grow from.

Human Illusion-


Raised up in one of the many hidden sect of faeries, Vadel gained curiosity from the moment his wings held enough strength in them for him to fly around. For the first decade of his life no one would let him near humans. After all they were the race which had hunted them so cruelly in the past. But for some of the newer generation this was a rather distant past. Some did not heed the stories and brought misfortune on themselves. But not Vadel. Instead he awaited patiently the day when he might get a chance to explore human society for himself and make his own decisions about such a mixed bag of a race.

Learning the techniques of growth and illusion greatly enabled this innocent endeavor toward knowledge.

Months passed on and on until his 15th birthday, when the Faery ventured out into the world on his own without decieving his own people. For a little over two years he has learned human customs to the best of his ability in an effort to blend in with them. Even though his parents are worried for their son it was beyond them to stop one who had so diligently passed all the tests of gaining recognition as an individual.

Innocence has not remained his though. During his time among the Faeries, he did help them ward off a group of human attackers who stumbled upon their hidden village. Such a remote location was too valuable to just abandon it. For the sake of maintaining the secrecy of that location . . . he was forced into a confrontation with rather violent humans. Victory was his in the end but only just barely. Assistance had come from other older Faeries who had given up the ways of fleeing long ago. Rest assured, their secret was a safe one.

One who now carried the burden of making their own choices and suffering the consequences. They know where he is and watch his actions closely. Vadel is not the first to do this and will likely not be the last. For now though he is certainly the only one that while disguising himself on one hand. . . has openly revealed himself to Project SINC in the hopes that some sort of peace can be attained between the races.

Reason: "That time will come. One day you'll see. When we can all be friends."
Awesome sauce.

Lemme know when the RP starts.
Name: Krystal Sin

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Personality: Krystal is a loner who tends to distance herself from others. She tries to be unoticed in fear of being mocked about her life. She lives in an apartment with her parents that fights all the time and treats her like she doesn't exist. She's quite the artist and writes poems every now and then. She normally is found sitting in a rose garden while gazing up at the moon and stars or walking down the streets listening to music to block out the world when the sun is still up. She won't open up to anyone but helps out everyone who is in danger. She has a sweet heart and is very understanding of everything but she lacks courage.

Appearance: Long, straight black hair and light brown eyes. Normally wears black clothing and pins her hair back behind her ears. Mostly found with a peice of paper and a pencil in her hand or at work in a coffee shop as a waitress.

History: Krystal grew up in an apartment ever since she was born. Her parents hardly had enough money to support the whole family so from the age of 0 to 5 she was raised by her Uncle Ichigo. She started preschool at the age of 5 and sat in a chair next to the wall while all the other kids played together on the playground. She would sit there and draw pictures of a happy family and a lot of friends. At the end of every drawing she would put a rose on the top right corner as her signature. She was a smart student and a fast learner so she never had problems with teacher.

One day she came home to her Uncle Ichigo and called for him to come look at her progress report sheet. She waited for a few minutes but he never came down the steps so she went up to his room to see her uncle lying on the ground in a puddle of blood. Krystal screamed at the horrible sight and ran out of the house to the apartment where her parents lived. As she desperatly pounds on the door her father opens it and she hugged him crying. Her mother came out of the bedroom to ask what was going on and Krystal told them everything she saw between sobs and tears. Her mother was terrified and called the cops. Her father lead her to the couch and covered her with a blanket, looked at her as if she was still a stranger, then walked off without a word. That night she moved back in with her parents.

From age 6, she started a new school that was closer to the apartment. The kids there looked at her and whispered to eachother. They were gossipping about how she looked different from everyone else and that she seems to be a loner. Which they were correct but she couldn't help that no one would talk to her in fear that she would be depressing all the time. She would cry in the bathrooms because everyone steps away from her when she enters a room. She hated the feeling of being treated like a desease.

At age 10 she was walking home and saw an old lady trying to cross a street but the cars kept passing by, not giving the lady a chance to even take a step. Krystal ran up to the stranger and told her to stay still, then jumped out into the street as a car was coming. The person in the car hit his breaks and stopped right before it could touch her. Then she held the ladys' arm and walked her across the road. When they reached the other end the old lady thanked her and handed her a book as a present. Krystal took the book and bowed in thanks before she went off to go home. When she got to the apartments she walked into her room and opened the book. It was filled with poems about love and nature. Her eyes explored every page and took all the words by heart. She wished her life could be as blissful as the book pointed out life to be. Near the end of the book she found 5 dollars, a gift that the lady secretly slipped in. Krystal went to the store the next day to buy a set of headphones.

Ever since that day she learned that she doesn't need to listen to what people had to say or thought about her. She didn't care about how her parents still treat her like she's a stranger to them. She would drown out reality with her head phones and at night she would sit in the schools rose garden star gazing every night wishing for something amazing to happen in her life. She wanted something to prove that she wasn't the only one that's different.
Church are you accepting new players, cuz i want to join, but i want to make a banshee, can i?
Name: Krystal Sin

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Personality: Krystal is a loner who tends to distance herself from others. She tries to be unoticed in fear of being mocked about her life. She lives in an apartment with her parents that fights all the time and treats her like she doesn't exist. She's quite the artist and writes poems every now and then. She normally is found sitting in a rose garden while gazing up at the moon and stars or walking down the streets listening to music to block out the world when the sun is still up. She won't open up to anyone but helps out everyone who is in danger. She has a sweet heart and is very understanding of everything but she lacks courage.

Appearance: Long, straight black hair and light brown eyes. Normally wears black clothing and pins her hair back behind her ears. Mostly found with a peice of paper and a pencil in her hand or at work in a coffee shop as a waitress.
View attachment 7866

History: Krystal grew up in an apartment ever since she was born. Her parents hardly had enough money to support the whole family so from the age of 0 to 5 she was raised by her Uncle Ichigo. She started preschool at the age of 5 and sat in a chair next to the wall while all the other kids played together on the playground. She would sit there and draw pictures of a happy family and a lot of friends. At the end of every drawing she would put a rose on the top right corner as her signature. She was a smart student and a fast learner so she never had problems with teacher.

One day she came home to her Uncle Ichigo and called for him to come look at her progress report sheet. She waited for a few minutes but he never came down the steps so she went up to his room to see her uncle lying on the ground in a puddle of blood. Krystal screamed at the horrible sight and ran out of the house to the apartment where her parents lived. As she desperatly pounds on the door her father opens it and she hugged him crying. Her mother came out of the bedroom to ask what was going on and Krystal told them everything she saw between sobs and tears. Her mother was terrified and called the cops. Her father lead her to the couch and covered her with a blanket, looked at her as if she was still a stranger, then walked off without a word. That night she moved back in with her parents.

From age 6, she started a new school that was closer to the apartment. The kids there looked at her and whispered to eachother. They were gossipping about how she looked different from everyone else and that she seems to be a loner. Which they were correct but she couldn't help that no one would talk to her in fear that she would be depressing all the time. She would cry in the bathrooms because everyone steps away from her when she enters a room. She hated the feeling of being treated like a desease.

At age 10 she was walking home and saw an old lady trying to cross a street but the cars kept passing by, not giving the lady a chance to even take a step. Krystal ran up to the stranger and told her to stay still, then jumped out into the street as a car was coming. The person in the car hit his breaks and stopped right before it could touch her. Then she held the ladys' arm and walked her across the road. When they reached the other end the old lady thanked her and handed her a book as a present. Krystal took the book and bowed in thanks before she went off to go home. When she got to the apartments she walked into her room and opened the book. It was filled with poems about love and nature. Her eyes explored every page and took all the words by heart. She wished her life could be as blissful as the book pointed out life to be. Near the end of the book she found 5 dollars, a gift that the lady secretly slipped in. Krystal went to the store the next day to buy a set of headphones.

Ever since that day she learned that she doesn't need to listen to what people had to say or thought about her. She didn't care about how her parents still treat her like she's a stranger to them. She would drown out reality with her head phones and at night she would sit in the schools rose garden star gazing every night wishing for something amazing to happen in her life. She wanted something to prove that she wasn't the only one that's different.
Church are you accepting new players, cuz i want to join, but i want to make a banshee, can i?
Nicho, I am sorry, I really am. You have interesting characters, but your level of literacy does not meet my required standards.
*Starts doing a victory dance*
I know that my grammar is very bad, but my first language isnt english so i dont know how all the words are writen, but i understand
I know that my grammar is very bad, but my first language isnt english so i dont know how all the words are writen, but i understand
Well you are doing pretty good. Just need a bit more practice. Look at me, my first language wasn't English! :) Try using Microsoft Word to correct your posts. I know you try, but still...
@Tazmin I was just looking at your Gorgon, before realizing I added a whole other species so you could be a Succumbus. Oh well :P lol
Well ill try harder but im knew to this :P
It's alright. So am I. Practice makes perfect. Try the 'Newb Friendly' threads. They don't care if there is bad grammar. Good luck! :)