Project Icarus: Aces High

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I'm not sure if this would be ran best as a group RP, or in a thread, any thoughts?
Oof, just realized there was no Mecha class section on the CS, updated that.
@Akira "ok sooooo I call fem!kamina"
you mean this?


In other news, I'll see about a CS soon (Or talk to BoB about it elsewhere, etc, before I do so)
Yeah, we're not at capacity quite yet I dont think. This is mainly a thread for just interest before I make a more official OOC.
Mecha, count me in, sure as sure! If you have room left, of course.

And I can play a Gaia class, would be an entertaining shift compared to the others, most likely.
Mecha, count me in, sure as sure! If you have room left, of course.

And I can play a Gaia class, would be an entertaining shift compared to the others, most likely.

Spirit of Motherwill anyone? :3

That...would be very tempting actually. I'll be considering that, dependent on what I find, and GM decision.
God, posting that picture made me nostalgic of my Armored Core days... I wish I still had those games.
Well, spirit of motherwill is a strong option so far, found this guy I like as well, a bit more than the motherwill as personal preference.


EDIT: Another one I found for consideration

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Remember, you're going to have to go big, your mecha will essentially be the staging platform for the others. There will be some ranking things involving it as well, but that can be worked out later.
Well, the scale can be stated to be whatever fits, images are more a design idea then a set in stone size, the Spirit of Motherwill is a good size, just not a big fan of its aesthetic. Those were just some ideas I had. But I understand what your saying, both in ranking and scale, and understand the comments. Appreciate the forewarning, sure as sure.
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I like the looks of this one, personally, it could lower itself to the ground to deploy its payload of mechs, men, ect ect, and scale it up so it can fit the size needed. Add some weapons, where they are located, and I think it would work well for our purposes. Its either this one, or the Spirit of Motherwill design. I'm fine with either, so I'm curious what everyone would like more?

I'd say go with what you feel is best. I mostly brought up the Spirit of Motherwill in slight jest (although glad to see people really do know what it is :P)
Figure I'd take a tally since ya'll are the ones who would be along for the ride, so one for personal choice so far.
Hm...Very interesting. Looks and reminds me a lot of Titanfall (My favorite game to date) Will write up a CS tommorow.
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You...You have definitely captured my attention, I will start making my CS now.
I feel like I've seen that signature before from somewhere...
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