Pokemon Light Blue/Grey (Closed. Unless you want to be a bad guy)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
yeah obviously.
@Raitoningu: Would you like to win the battle or should we use a random generator or something? I love this way of doing, but I don't want to accidentally go OP without realizing and yeah. (:
I think who wins a battle should be based on how good they are at describing, plus tactics. But, I expect people to be getting hit quite a lot, unless theyve used double team 15 times and they'd dodge even a swift. If I don't think someone's battling fairly then i shall give them a strict telling off.
It occured to me that this RP could slow down very quickly. Anyone object to saying that if someone doesn't respond IC while in a battle, after 24 hours, then it is assumed that they lost the battle and the IC continues from there? That is, unless the other battler gives a valid reason for not responding within then, in which we assume it a draw?
I guess. But this would only apply to battles among ourselves, right? I mean, eventually we're going to split up, I presume, and the battles that occur then won't have to slow the others down.
oh yeah thats only for battles between players. Especially ones that stop the plot really moving on. I don't really intend for everyone to split into groups of one though. It wouldn't be much of an RP then would it? more a story from multiple perspectives. Well probably split into groups of 2 or 3, and meet every so often. This will be important for the second half.
I've got a pretty busy life, especially at the moment. But its never going to be so busy that you cant spare either the time to post properly or the 5 minutes it might take to explain why you can't post. Plus i have pretty much nothing else to do. I sat here all afternoon waiting for people to reply to various RPs.
I'm not gonna point out any fallacies at this moment in time.

Well, if Lady doesn't want to fight I suppose I'll have to challenge the victor of the current battle XD

After healing, o course.
Just wondering, but am I still allowed on here, or did I get kicked because I took too long to work on data and got replaced?
If it's the latter, I'd understand your decision, but if it's the former, I'd like to know if I need any more edits to my character or Pokemon so I can get posting.
I don't remember whether or not I was going to let you in :P. Your app looks fine though, the only thing I noticed is that you've put 4 possible abilities for the 2nd and 3rd states, when I said max 2 possible abilities, also I doubt a giant panda is going to be fast enough to use electro ball, but that's just an observation taken from other large pokemon. So yeah cut down to 2 abilities on each and you're accepted.
Oh, that meant the abilities they have when they evolve, such as base and hidden?
I thought it meant the possible abilities they'd be able to have at all, having either one or two of them, depending on their nature, when they evolved. XD
I'll get right to fixing it then.
Then accepted!
Oops. I knew i'd forgotten something. Also i've decided i'm going to allow people 48 hours to reply to a battle.
OoO Whnesew *Cerying to hard to say words*
*after an hour of calming down*
ok since thats over and done with May I Please join this awesomeness Please also do I have to be a bad guy I dont mind being one but once I saw pokemon character sheet i was like I want to be pokemon OoO
A: nobody's a pokemon. B: if you want to join then yes. Youll have to wait for a while though. I havent introduced them yet.
But I dun wanna fight geargr... ;-;

Also I accidentally hit buttons a lot, sorry if weird ratings happen