Pixie Hollow Dystopia

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Soon that would melt, and the only issue was making sure it didn't leak or get slurped up by some creature first. "Little secret about this place. According to the maps my agent sent, this island has no water sources. Rain's enough for these plants and fruits as you can see, but animals who need more moisture would have a tough time here. If it's too hard for you to give us extra moisture we'll move on. Last place anyone would expect to find faeries living."
He grinned. "Far as I'm concerned, that and your one-of-a-kind job for Epic are your only jobs while I'm around."
Kieaara smiled. "I couldn't just leave you to do it all. I can do more than that." She spoke to him.
"Tch. Your job's recovering." He'd seen some animals bounce back the same day from a birth and others lie up for a season - play it safe. On the other hand, try telling a badger what to do and watch it backfire... "If you've still got some pep left after Epic's needs and making water, that would be just dandy," he assured.

Before he and the spider got to work with more constructions, he called the arachnid over to the family. "First up, help me with a name for this one?" He looked into that eight-eyed, mandible face and hairy legs. "I was thinking Cuddles."
"Cuddles is cute. Or fuzzy." She said smiling. "I like cuddles better." She petted it behind it's head near its midsection. "Do you like cuddles? Or would you prefer some other name?" She asked the arachnid.
It chittered, mandibles waving and multiple eyes catching white crescents of light. It rose up under Kieara's hand, currying favor. "Looks like a yes. Fair enough. In its language it probably named us-" and Cal made a rasp in the back of his throat in fond joke. Cuddles perked at the imitation.

Cal settled beside Kieara and pet both her and Epic. So much to do, so much to build, but for now he was just drained. He already had one berry bigger than a beach ball in their partial shelter. It couldn't hurt to post guards but he really doubted any pursuit would head for their bizarre choice of island first. Snoozing would be like leaving her lonely in a new place but that's how he was headed. "With you always," he murmured drowsily.
Kieara smiled. "Cuddles it is." She settled with Cal knowing he must be exhausted. She pulled his head to her lap and gently stroked his hair. She sang soft tunes to him to help him rest.
The shift and tune actually made him open his eyes dreamily. "Aw babe, you're stealing my show," he teased. "Man you've got a voice... well between the two of us I'm pretty sure of ONE talent Epic winds up with." He snuggled in and rested.

(( If it's too soon to move days forward, disregard this. )) The next couple days fell somewhere between chaos and routine - waking again and again throughout day and night to feed and clean the blessed infant, tending themselves in between, and whatever stamina was left over went into improving their home. The animals were invaluable. Cal tried to plan so that no improvements would be seen from shore or overhead flight - screw patrols if they came this way. He also set aside his own dust and relied on leg power instead of flight, making ladders for their home and a berry plant; better to have that stash for a crisis than to run out from keeping up their habits and have to walk later anyway.
After the pregnancy the walking didn't come as much of a crisis to Kieara. She agreed that it was better to stash it and wait til it was needed. She had been grounded already having not been able to get a ration from the dust tree since she'd had the infant. He was gaining a routine to him. Wake about four to five times at night for feeding and two changes, periodically through the day, bath in the evening, and repeat. Kieara didn't mind it though. Just so she had Cal and her son there with her that was all she needed. She was also glad that Cal thought about things calculatedly about hiding them because she didn't have that kind of brain about her. It made her feel much safer in his care.
Cal also measured Epic once, the first time he could unclench his legs to string out all the way, along with tallying their escapee days on notched sticks. It hardly mattered here in their summer-ish island and the unchanging Pixie Hollow but their former home did have seasonal work cycles and recurring special days. Keeping track of the overall place in the routine would at least eliminate some of the surprise the next time they went back for any reason.

And one day after Kieara had been showing a lot of activity and energy the fierce animal faerie insisted on taking over the bath and everything but the feeding, and just about lovingly threw Kieara out of the house to refresh herself with her own washing, feel her toes on the shore, or see some bit of nature other than their own camp walls. And when she came back with still an hour of Epic's sleep left Cal asked how she was feeling, wrapped his arms around her newly slim belly, nuzzled and nipped into her neck and confidently asked to be lovers again - all his passion for her as a couple had not gone away, just diverted in awe and consideration of her condition.
Kieara was so thankful for the time to herself. She loved her child dearly. That had not changed. But time to herself was short lived just as it was for her lover. She returned to be greeted with affections long since missed. She smiled and kissed his lips ever so gently and gave him the consent he sought.
And this is what made the young male and female complete; family-love and protective-love was one thing but now they had it all, raw physical-love too. Cal took care for any lingering soreness, and a finish that couldn't wind up with another fertility, but relished fusion with Kieara after the long sabbatical even more than their first time.

He spent the little time left to themselves tracing his hands over Kieara's face, breasts, belly, gossamer wings, because Cal realized if he just needed an hour to be a man and not a father, warrior, or wilderness survivalist then Kieara definitely needed a chance to be all woman, admired and massaged.
Kieara loved the chance to be loved as a woman and not anything else. She knew that family love was very important. She loved it just as much, but right nohe just wanted to be loved in the way only a man and a woman could manage. She enjoyed every second of the moment as well while their little Epic rested totally unaware.
More time passed and mostly thanks to the female animal-plus-frost faerie the trio of pixies and their familiars had a good routine going. Improvements to their camp or home, however they looked at it, came more from the whim to poke around with comforts than from factors necessary to get by. And one day as Cal was shielding his eyes to see Kieara in the light in a little walk excursion with an awake, happy Epic on his chest, Cal could swear he had trouble seeing the girl in the light but not her leaf-wrap dress. He asked her to stop, came forward and looked closely - he cursed and his face drained as soon as he recognized he could partly view through her body and make out the inside of the dress like Kieara wasn't there. He held up his own hand and yes, he could tell whether there was bright lit sky or the jade shadow of vegetation behind it. Just for this minute he refused to check Epic, not wanting to see the transparency in the little one too. He swore again, shaking his head and pacing, looking to Kieara with worry. He'd never heard of a slow Fade before; usually injury or illness itself was the only thing that showed until the Fade claimed you all at once.
Kieara hadn't been feeling well lately. She'd been more sluggish and tired. And epic hadnt been as active either. She looked back when he told her to stop and did as he asked her to. She began to get scared at his reactions. "Cal whats wrong?" She hadnt noticed it yet. Epic yawned and curled back into the mans shoulder.
Calamus held Kieara's slim hand into the light and told her to concentrate until she could dimly see which colors were behind it. "Maybe there's a reason nobody leaves Pixie Hollow. But people are gone for a lot longer than this to change out the seasons," he speculated. Fretting alone didn't help. He glared at their transparency like it was an enemy to slay.
Kieara frowned. "Well it has to be some sort of change...Lets see. What's different from our life here than our life there?" she began to think. "The only thing I can think of is pixie dust...." Epic began to cry. He suddenly wasn't feeling well.
At Epic's cry and the need to try Kieara's solution, Calamus almost turned and dived up for the air right there; seasons of flight from the time of his very first hour alive momentarily overrode his higher brain's knowledge that he was earthbound. Then he wanted to sprint back to their stash and try that fix on their little one at once - but Kiera was a little more transparent than he, and if he just left her assuming she'd catch up but then she Faded alone in that time, Cal'd be a bastard. "We'll try that right away," the fierce one nodded slowly to keep from alarming Kieara further and especially keep his voice soothing for the baby.

They got back to the shelter as soon as they could without straining themselves in case that affected anything - though all hell would have broken loose to save every tiny second if any of the family had gotten more ghostly during the return trip. Cal insisted on Kieara and their baby taking a sprinkle first. Like it would be more of a proven fact if their change reversed and his didn't. Stars Above knew he wasn't going to let himself wait until extinction if this was the cure though.
Epic stopped crying at Cal's soothed voice, but he still whined and was fussy on their trip back. Kieara let Cal dust them with a minor sprinkle of dust. It was enough to bring the life back into her wings which she hadn't stretched for so long. And it made her completely solid again. It did the same for baby Epic and he suddenly stopped fussing.
Cal yelled in relief and gave his lesser ailment a preventative pinch of dust. He eyeballed their amount left and ran some mental figures. "'s not like we need more tomorrow. I'll wait longer so the authorities are even less likely to believe the new crime wave has to do with us, even figure out the best time in the work schedule. Find a crew that's returning from the change of seasons, maybe." The warrior trailed off in thought, automatically assuming that he alone would take the risk.
Kieara spoke. "Cal do you think it best to go alone?" She frowned. "We need you cal. We can't afford to lose you." She explained to him. Little epic kicked his feet contently from where he rested on his fathers hip.
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