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The dreams got better as we moved away from the cold north. I was not sure on the exact nature of what was causing them; was it just the shock from all the violence and carnage I was made witness to, or was there something else up north that made my mind react so strongly against my presence there?

A wise man would find the simple, more wholesome explanation sufficient, however I was not one, if my actions were left to speak. Regardless, the case got better as we abandoned sailing the icy desolation, and returned to the warmer, more civilised waters. My mood improved as well, now that I was able to sleep normally again. Were we to return there, I was sure I'd need something to help me overcome those nightmares. Perhaps some form of laudanum or other soothing solution could be acquired in one port or other.

"Charmer, that one," Kadi made himself heard, commenting on the reunion of old friends they just witnessed. "However, Captain, perhaps it would be wise to review how we appear to the... shall we say public eye? Next port we hit might not be so lenient with who comes in and out, and we could be faced with... some uncomfortable questions from the port authority."

He turned around and looked the ship over. "I mean, we could, with some small adjustments, pass as a trader ship... find a flag of some nation known for trading, and such. If we want to sail civilized waters, that is. Would make our life easier, I think."

In the moment they drew guns Alicia dashed forwards, her sword pulling from it's sheath to perform a killing blow before stopping mere inches as her ears registered the absence of the gunshots followed by the sound of laughter. She was momentarily confused as she withdrew from the engagement, sliding her sword back into it's saya in one fluid motion after looking to the captain who motioned with her hand that it was ok. She said nothing but turned to walk back to where she'd been standing, still quite unsure about what had just happened. The young swordswomen listened to the rest of their conversation before it seemed it was time for introductions, "My name is Alicia Tashigi" she spoke softly, "My job aboard the ship is primarily ensuring jobs are taken care of" she replied, deciding to leave out the part about her being a fighter among the crew. Since Alicia was mostly a fighter and had no official ship duty she'd taken to doing jobs here and there, mainly seeing to the sails and ensuring everything was in order. It was the least she could do and she didn't really mind doing it. Alicia looked towards Kadi when he mentioned changing the flag, shaking her head. "I do not think we should change our flag. It is our symbol, the flag we sail under and something we should be proud of" she said, looking mainly towards Kadi.

Location: Cerula Docks
Mood: Loving Terra Firma

Jem crumbled the remains of stale mock bread. These bits were gobbled up enthusiastically by the assortment of live fish living in the empty barrels in the cargo hold. "Better eat up," Jem told them. "You need more meat on your bones." A particularly intelligent looking catfish blinked twice then vanished, garnering a snort of laughter from the temporary cook-in-name. "Aye, enjoy what you can when you're alive."

She tucked the rest of the bread back under the blankets of the basket suspended on her arm and waved to Ray who had ventured to this quieter part of the ship. "No freezing them fish or I can't guarantee food tasting good," she said jovially, knowing that Ray had much better control over his abilities than most of them gave him credit for. In an attempt to mitigate any potential barb hidden in her verbal jab, Jem gave Ray a friendly clap on the shoulder as she made her way to the door. "Anyway, the pot has been empty too long. A bouillabaisse takes a good few hours and I doubt we can wait till sunset for the next meal."

Jemima barely exited the cargo area when Runali's excited calls came from above. Jem only needed to hear one word, "island", to know what was in store for them. Jem turned her head round. "Oi, Ray! Land ho." She relayed. "Guess the fish live to see another day, those lucky bastards."

Having to stop by the kitchen meant that Jem was last on deck. As she drew closer to the group, she could see their usually phlegmatic captain brimming with energy and darting about asking whether anyone has heard of Cerula. Hiding her amazement at the sudden transformation as best as she could, Jem kept a poker face when it was her turn to answer the question.

"Sorry to disappoint, Cap'n. Never docked here in my life." Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw Luro disappearing over the edge. Immediately, Jem's head turned to the vacated corner and stared. Runali's reassurance allayed some of her initial surprise, but overall, Jem appeared completely unmoved, even after hearing that loud crash coming from somewhere below.

Based on the last two weeks alone, she had wised up to Luro's potential antics, though how he remained unscathed was a mystery. Jem inhaled slightly then trotted over to the spot while talking rapidly in her usual no-nonsense manner. "I worry more for people he meets," she began. "Luro has the luck of the devil and slipperiness of an eel in murky water. Not easy to get a scratch on him." She rested her hands on the edge then peered down. "Nossa!"

A scene of utter carnage greeted her eyes – vivid tropical fruits lay on their sides, spewing out their sweet smelling overripe pulpy contents everywhere. The other casualties included gasping fishes flopping on the planked floor of the pier, claw-bounded crabs scurrying to edge of the pier and leaping into waters below and, finally, last to emerge from the wreck was a lone octopus. The creature remained basking in the sun, blinking lazily, as if it was contemplating the next course of action.

"We'd be lucky we don't have to pay for that," Jem sighed, although her scheming mind was prompting her to pilfer what she could from the heap and she would have done it too, if the Captain hadn't started apologizing to the workers on the dock. "Missed opportunity," she commented under her breath, but left it at that.

Jem was the first to stoop down and help several workers to gather their ruined wares. She was examining a smashed up papaya she wrestled from the box guarded by the octopus, when a woman's voice caught her ear. Acting on pure instinct, Jem dashed forward to grab Luro's shirt, but the fabric slipped out of her fingers before she could get a firm hold. Jem shook her head, remaining where she was observing him make a beeline for a "classy" blonde with a young lad by her side. Jem quirked a single eyebrow. Luro? Ray and Kadi were more likely to be acquainted with a lady of class, but that probably showed how much she really knew about her current comrades.

Then the lady drew her pistol in retaliation to Luro's insults. Jem smirked, feeling a little less floored by the otherwise sweet reunion. Kadi, their ever vocal navigator, had said all that needed to be said with regards to Luro and his friend, Nura, so Jem continued maintaining her usual silence, while she walked briskly alongside Kadi.

Introductions were in order, judging by the curious looks the woman and her son gave them, but that had halted, because Kadi was already pitching his latest idea to the Captain. Jem considered waiting for her turn, but upon seeing the child peering curiously at them from behind his mother's skirt, Jem reminded herself to smile and wave. Sadly it did little to reassure the small lad, because he darted behind his mom again. Jemima allowed her lips to return to their usual neutral position thereafter, as her eyes met Nura's blue ones.

"Kadi's busy, so guess it's my turn," she said brusquely, extending her hand. "Jemima Bentham. Ship's doctor at your service." Her eyes moved towards the head peeking from behind Nura. "And who's the young lad?" She inquired, not wishing to appear completely oblivious to his presence. "He's an intelligent young one and mighty curious." She cracked a smile, this time it seemed better received. "You can tell from his eyes."

Her eyes twinkled mischievously, as she turned to Alicia. "Alicia, I think you have an admirer." She teased. "He's been staring at you for a while now." She noticed that Ray was standing not too far away, so Jemima decided to rope in him as well. "I wouldn't be surprised if he were staring at you too, Ray." She called out to the gunner. "So, lad," she turned to the child once more. "Was it this gentleman or the lass here that met your eye?" She indicate each person in turn then waited for his response. Hopefully, it was enough to help the kid relax.
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After Jem clapped Ray on the shoulder, he winced and grimaced. He was pleased to see the last of the mock-bread gone, but he was disappointed he couldn't go 'ice fishing' for some real food. Hungry as he was, he wasn't eager for something unpalatable. At least we're pulling into a port. With food.

As the ship docked, Raymond took care to disembark carefully, quite unlike Luro's departure from the Pearl. Ray could only shake his head and chuckle softly at his antics. "And to think that that sot won 2nd​ place in the Utsukushī Annual Tournament. He might even have won 1st​ place... if he hadn't quit for a drink." He sighed in nostalgic memory. "I so would have liked to see that fight." His eye caught Alicia's and he smiled. "The 1st​ place winner would have given him quite the run for his money, don't you think?"

Ray followed Luro to dry land where they started heading off in different directions until Ray noticed the sniper had accosted a young lady. Turning around, he meant to stop Luro from making an ass of himself, if that's even possible. Overhearing him interrupt her with "That dress looks awful on you," only confirmed his suspicions. When he grew close enough to listen, he realized they must know each other and decided to wait until they finished before introducing himself. Noticing the boy with her got Ray thinking. Luro was talking to another woman with a little girl on Utsukushī. These kids couldn't possibly be his children... could they? Beyond his perpetual intoxication and haphazard disregard for social mores, there is a lot about Luro I don't know....

All of a sudden, the two of them drew guns on each other. Ray started forming an ice gun in response and Alicia stormed in like a whirlwind. In the split second before Ray could level his pistol at the woman, he realized it was too late. Fortunately, the click of an empty chamber was all that sounded, along with laughter. Ray put away his pistol, shattering it to hide it's presence. He suddenly felt sheepish for having almost exposed his powers in public this early into their visit. It would be very bad if we were chased out of town before getting some real food. I am NOT eating any more of that garbage we're down to. Almost in response, his stomach growled quite audibly. He remembered that he hadn't eaten for about two days now, since before he got inked.

Momentarily ignoring his stomach's complaints when it was his turn to introduce himself, he turned on the suave and bowed, "Raymond Stalter, wayward gentleman and professional musician, duelist and gunner." Turning to the boy, he winked. "I also do magic tricks." He brought his hands together and when he pulled them apart, a shark toy made of ice sat in them. He offered it to the boy with a smile. So long as they think it's magic, I think I can get away with using my powers sparingly.
Nura watched the crew of StarDusk with a small smile and a twinkle of interest, she had tried to size up the pirates the moment they set forth on Cerula but with little success, there was definitely more to this crew then she could see outwardly, it was plain to see there was more below the surface then what she was staring at now. That intrigued her causing a small smile to slowly form on her relaxed expression, a natural curiosity born from the appearance of different faces, and of pirates especially, considering the company they kept she expected at least a little rambunctiousness but a majority of them seemed pretty down to earth and it took a bit of effort for her not to chuckle at the idea.

Walking past Luro who arched a brow at the woman she shook the hand of Jemima only to take a few steps back offering nods to each member as they introduced themselves, with the exclusion of the man who commented on their ship. She picked up his name from Jemima seeing as none of them were named Kadi that name seemed to fall on him. She opened her mouth to speak again only to feel William's grip her skirt, looking down she noticed him watching the members of StarDusk with an expression mixed between awe and fear. When spoken too he looked up at Nura who just nodded which seemed to be permission to speak, more than likely to strangers.
"The lady's pretty," William said looking over at Alicia.
"She's kind scary once you get to know her though," Luro said rubbing the back of his head.
"...if you can be that rude then you must be close," Nura said sighing. "That or your being insensitive again."

William didn't seem to have an opinion on Ray until he approached him with the makeshift shark, William's eyes widened and seemed to sparkle with childhood wonder as he reached forward and delicately took the toy from Ray looking at him with a small smile.
"Thanks mister..." he said holding the shark close to his body.
"Handsome, a gentleman and good with kids. You're an interesting man Raymond Skalter," Nura said moving a strand of hair behind her ear.
"He's a pirate Nura," Luro said pointing at Ray.
"Oh yeah I forgot that part," Nura said lowering her hand turning her gaze from the gentleman. "Guess Kadi's one too huh. Shame Alicia's a girl."
Luro leaned towards Ray cupping a hand to the side of his mouth.
"She can smell noble blood a mile away, she could take down kingdoms in a matter of minutes be careful," Luro said before turning away.
"I heard that," Nura said crossing her arms and narrowing her gaze.
Luro grinned before noticing William's gaze had come to rest on him and Jemima raised a good point, who was this child?


"Nura who is this kid by the way?" Luro said pointing down at William.
"Ah I'm glad you asked Luro," Nura said bending down.
Putting her hand on his back she gave him a small push forward so he'd get closer before speaking once more.
"This is your son."
The smile on Luro's face immediately faded as his gaze move down to William, Nura on the other hand had a small smile resting on her own watching the father and son. The two stared at each other neither really sure what to say to the other until William surprisingly spoke first clutching the toy close to his chest.
"This isn't my son," Luro said pointing at William.
William eyes widened and tears stung the edge of his eyes as his lip started quivering, Luro leaned away from the boy as he started sniffling before holding his hands out, realizing that may have been a bit harsh. He laughed nervously trying to comfort William who just stared at the man with large eyes.
"Nura," Luro said eventually.
With a sigh Nura turned and looked at William, meeting Nura's gaze he held his new toy up to her which Nura took, wiping his hands off he covered his ears and closed his eyes. Once Luro was sure he couldn't hear he grabbed Nura by her arm and pulled her away from him before looking back at his fellow crewmates.
"One second guys," he said before looking at Nura.
"Are you really trying to get out of this Luro?"
"No it's not that, he's not my son."
The two seemed to be loudly whispering to one another though William was humming a tune and couldn't hear their conversation, the same probably couldn't be said by the others.
"You're just trying not to take responsibility," Nura said glaring at him.
"he's not my kid, how old is he anyway?"
"He just turned four."
Luro counted on his fingers for a moment before he shut his eyes tight turning his head slightly.
"Okay there's a slim chance he's my son but he looks nothing like me."
"So? You look nothing like your father, and don't try that height thing you were a short kid too."

Luro held his hands out towards Nura but quickly closed them lowering his head knowing that trying to talk to her normally wasn't going to work.
"Nura I know he's not my son because I know you...who is he really?"
Nura stared at Luro glancing back at William for a moment before her gaze moved over to StarDusk, she remained silent seeming to contemplate her next words carefully, but in the end she just placed her hands on her hips and turned her attention away towards William.
"Okay fine he's not your son."
"I knew it."
"I got involved with this noble some time back, nothing serious I was just going to take most of his wealth but he ended up leaving me for some other woman. Something about how she really loved him and listened to him, I don't know I wasn't really paying attention. The point is I ended up having a kid, he gave me a small fortune finding out and ran off leaving me with William. Part of the fortune went into this dress by the way that you so happily insulted as well so an apology is in order."

Luro brought a hand to his face before digging in his sleeve, pulling out his small leather pouch he took a quick sip from it before moving it back in his sleeve, clearing his throat he looked at Nura again who was lazily picking at her own fingernails.
"Why am I his dad then?" Luro asked.
"I had your old wanted poster and you were out at sea," Nura said holding her hand out. "Told him you were a pirate seeking fortune for his family. He kept asking about his dad and I didn't want to tell him his father had abandoned him."
"...you're still a horrible person Nura."
"I'm the horrible one," Nura said looking back at Luro. "I'm not the one who sat on a pile of dead bodies in that burning town waiting for his friend."
"...it wasn't a pile."
"No it was a literal pile, you dragged dead bodies into a pile, sat on it and waited for me. You took the time to both kill them and position their bodies and even had a drink while you were waiting."
"I didn't want to get my pants dirty. I don't like washing dirt out of my pants."
Nura squeezed the bridge of nose before grabbing Luro's wrist. Digging in his sleeve pulled out his pouch and took a drink herself, she turned her head coughing a bit before handing it back to him, Luro sniffed the contents before shrugging and putting it away.
"Fine Luro if you don't want to be his dad then you tell him..."
"I'm not going to do that!"
"You think I want to, it's my fault he doesn't have one in the first place. Because of my own greed William lost his father...I didn't want him to not to feel wanted, that he had been abandoned. I hate that I'm lying to him and if he hates me in the future for it then I definitely deserve it, but I just want him to be happy. I love my son Luro and I'd do anything to make sure he stays happy. I can't tell him he was left behind. Listen I'm not asking you to be his father Luro, just...spend some time with him. If you can't do that then...just tell him."

Luro looked over at the young man who rocked back and forth on his feet continuing to hum with his eyes closed, reaching up Luro ran a hand through his hair, before bringing both hands up ruffling his already messy hair. Hanging his arms at his side he walked over to William before kneeling down on one knee, reaching forward he placed a hand on the young man's shoulder causing him to lower his hands and open his eyes.
"You've gotten so big I didn't recognize you boy! Give your old man a hug!"
Nura watched William immediately latch onto Luro tears streaming down his face as the red head let out a long sigh patting his back, he started to remember why he didn't get involved with Nura who had turned her attention back to StarDusk.

"I apologize for getting you pulled into my personal affairs, I live on the west side of town next to the tavern. It's a big white house pretty hard to miss. Let me treat you as guests in my home, I was getting ready to make dinner, I'm happy to set more places at the table. If you want please come by I won't keep Luro for too long."
Nura walked back over to William handing him his new toy, William holding onto Luro's sleeve walked with Nura as they walked towards into town. Leaning his head back he mouthed 'H-E-L-P' before the group faded into the distance.




[BCOLOR=transparent]"Alicia's right Kadi. We've gotta be proud of our flag. And who wants to spend time decorating the ship? No need to hide if we don't plan on causing trouble." Runali gave a reassuring nod before adding. "Easy lives aren't all that fun." After the little aside, she focused back on the two before them. She found it a little...endearing? Maybe it was just amusing how well Jemima and Ray could entertain children. Jem didn't seem like the 'nurturing' type. Sure Ray was a musician, but that didn't mean he would want to entertain all ages. And yet here the two were being so kind towards one kid. See, pirates weren't all bad.

Runali could only shake her head when Luro offended Alicia. When would he ever learn? Hopefully, Luro would figure it out on his own that he was definitely being insensitive. Hopefully he'd figure it out before Alicia had the urge to use her sword against him.

However, at the moment that seemed to be the least of their problems. The captain watched as the kid covered his ears and closed his eyes, similar to how he did earlier. Was that some sort of protocol for 'grown up' things? Luro and Nura stepped not too far away, leaving William with the pirates. While waiting, she could still hear bits and pieces of their loud whispering. Actually, she could hear a lot of the conversation. And what she didn't expect was for it to be about Luro having a kid! Luro was capable of many stupid things, but this seemed a bit out of his style. She remembered the kid from Utsukushi that Luro 'knew'. Fortunately, he wasn't the father of that kid. This was the second random lady Luro knew though… "I should really start checking you guys' history…" It was a light tease towards the rest, but she was definitely starting to consider prying at Luro's life more.

"Oh thank Neptune, she's lying." Runali gave a sigh of relief. Why? Well...was Luro really capable of caring for a child so young? Knowing him, he may have suggested the most dangerous option of taking them out to sea with a band of pirates. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew she was also being a bit selfish. If it really had been Luro's son, he may have wanted to do the sensible thing and leave the group to care for him. It was a little too soon to lose more of her crew- so she thought.

"But...he's playing along." By that time, William had been in Luro's grasp so she whispered it towards the rest of her pirates. She was definitely confused. "I'm not the only one seeing this right?" Runali glanced at the others for confirmation, only to see Luro being roped towards the town. "Uh, aye aye…?" Runali looked in the direction they were pointed in and then towards the hustle and bustle of town. For some odd reason, the look in her eye read that she'd much rather have them going to her home than following the trio into town. Who knew, maybe she wanted alone time with him…

"Ya know, I question that guy sometimes. A lot actually." Runali gestured for the others to follow her towards Nura's home. After all, free food was always nice. She pulled Arcadius to the front of their small pack, just in case they headed in any other direction than west.

"Soo, it's been," Runali glanced up at the sky for a second. "maybe a full fifteen, twenty minutes since we docked? And Luro's already gotten himself into some sort of trouble. Or, whatever you want to call that." Turning on her heel, she faced the crew. "New record? I think so. What do you think?" She looked over at Ray and Alicia, the two having known the shipwright longer than Kadi and Jemima. "Not to worry, Luro only pretends to be as dull as he is...Sometimes. You'll get used to it. Besides, this'll be a short trip. Just resting and getting supplies."

As they walked through the town, it was pretty quiet. If anything, this island- or at least Cerula in particular, didn't have much going for it. The town was simple and to themselves. Hopefully, with the lack of commotion, the pirates were safe from the Marines ever watchful eyes. All they had to do was stay under the radar, rest up, gather some supplies and food, and then head back to the ship. Not all their adventures were filled with excitement after all.


[BCOLOR=transparent]Read: Start of This Arc l From the Beginning[/BCOLOR]​
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~"Beyond the veil existed only nightmares, so out of necessity we became fear itself"~
~"They looked upon me and I them, in that moment we all understood"~
~"We were to walk tall against the rain"~
~"Greeting hell with a smile"~

ooo000OOO Durukai Ocean, Aboard the Alluria, Twenty three years ago OOO000ooo
The wind howled in their ears as the sky broke in thunderous growls of warning, beckoning forth the flashes that illuminated the black ocean before them which threatened to swallow the ship whole. "ROLL OUT THE GUNS! ENEMY ON OUR STARBOARD SIDE!" called the captain over the patter of rain striking the splintered wood of the large vessel. The ship was a large warship but even she could not escape the daunting waves which towered towards them, forcing the ship to face it head on before the bow split the wave like a powerful spear.

Upon them riding onto the apex of the wave they caught a glimpse of the ocean before them, hundreds of warships illuminating portions of the dark with cannon fire which erupted violently with the intention of sinking their enemies. The Crew of the Alluria took pause in a single moment to witness this before the ship began to dip and slide down the other side of the wave, isolating them once more. "THIS IS IT BOYS! THE ALLURIA JOINS THE FREY!" the captain roared above the thunder as he spun the wheel, turning the vessel towards the center of the battle. "SWORDSMAN! YOU'RE UP!", the words caught the ears of a women standing alone at the bow, her clothes drenched from the waves but her expression devoid of concern.

She gave but a simple nod before her hand drifted down toward her sword, a flash of lightning reflecting from the metals surface before she pulled it out before her. The women took a steadying breath and with a single strike the wave before her was pierced with a whole big enough for two ships of Alluria's size to sail through. They could see it now, the battle that sat within the eye of the storm at the edge of the world. Hundreds of warships fighting for a cause known only to each individual soul that stood aboard a ship still sailing which hadn't yet been claimed by deaths embrace.

At once the cannons of the Alluria ignited in a symphony of loud explosions, their salvos striking the closest ship which began to let off a distress bell as it's mast collapsed, people screaming as the ship fell apart moments latter to fall into the void of the ocean. Other ships took notice and turned to retaliate, letting of salvos of their own towards the Alluria, but the salvos never made it to them as the swordswomen flicked her wrist with barely enough movement to be noticed, the cannon balls detonating in the air as if they dare not come any closer. She turned to look over her shoulder as the wind blew her hair to the side, seeming as if she was checking on them for a moment before she disappeared as a wave came crashing down on top of her.

Some of the crew paused, others shouted words of her having gone overboard while some scrambled for a life raft, which in this ocean wouldn't have made even a bit of difference. A moment latter three ships began to ring their bells in front of the Alluria, their hulls cut into two as they began to sink to their graves. The center ship fell last but upon it's intact mast stood a figure, the swordsman with her sword standing upon it. More ships turned towards the Alluria at having noticed the three downed ships. The Swordswomen sheathed her blade before her arms raised to her sides, stepping forwards as she dove into the abyss bellow.​


ooo000OOO Twenty three years latter. Cerula Docks OOO000ooo
Alicia watched the exchange between Luro and this women, pausing for a moment as the young boy called her pretty, for which she smiled and spoke softly. "Such a charming gentlemen. The ladies must be careful" she replied with a smile, which grew a little at seeing Ray give him a toy made from his Ice powers. Alicia definitely had a soft spot for children, though it had always been unclear to others for why that was. Perhaps it was due to their innocence or maybe it was something more maternal. The only one who would ever know was Alicia herself.

The swordswomen raised both her eyebrows in surprise when this women mentioned that Luro was the young boys father, her eyes momentarily looking towards the boy to draw a comparison between the two in likeness. Needless to say it did look as though there was some resemblance though Luro refused to believe it, all the way till the women herself came clean, causing Alicia to ease a little. It wasn't so much she didn't think Luro was up for being a father... well at least not entirely. It was that a child posed all kinds of issues and questions on whether Luro would be continuing on their journey as a companion.

Despite her previous statements and frustration at Luro's insults, she still valued his company and would lay her blade for him as she would any other among this crew. Watching them leave she turned to the Captain as she spoke towards her and Ray. "Well, I should think we'd be disappointed if something with Luro wasn't in some kind of trouble" she replies with a small smirk. She turned briefly towards Jem, "I hope you thought to bring your medical supplies with you... knowing Luro he'll probably need them at some point" she said semi jokingly before following after Runali.​
The Kingdom of Lendria, City of Lendrianos, Ten Years Ago

Raymond returned to Manor Skalter with his friends, flush with the rush of victory, the numbness of painkillers in his slung arm and the elation of escaping death. Nearing the steps to the main entrance, he became aware of the figure standing at the top. Without looking, he knew who it was, and his joy turned to dread.

"You're back." The words were not a greeting, but rather an indictment. His normally blank face seemed even more unreadable than usual. Raymond could not quite meet his steely gaze.

Bidding his friends leave with a gesture, Raymond replied, "It's over."

"And what of Hugh?" his father replied, stone-faced and emotionless. Ray could only look down, knowing his father could not be satisfied with any answer. They stood there in silence for a moment before Alexander Fargrove Skalter II turned and wordlessly entered the manor.

Raymond stood at the foot of the steps, dismayed. He thought of all the things he could have said to his father there, that he didn't want to kill Hugh, that he didn't even want to duel him, that he did it for the oh-so-precious family honor, that he did it for him and all he wanted was a modicum of thanks or even a simple 'welcome home' is that too much to ask for.

Then, as Ray took the first steps up to the manor, he felt the tears come as his shame turned into spite.

<> <> <> <> <> <> <>

Cerula Docks, Present Day

Ray recalled that day unbidden, reminded when Nura mentioned the status of William's actual father. The duelist couldn't help but draw comparisons between himself and William's abandonment, so when Luro played along with Nura's ruse, Ray felt tears involuntarily welling in his eyes. Scowling, he blinked them away, hopefully before anyone noticed. Fortunately, his stomach growled again, giving him something else to focus on.

"Well, she's pressganged one of our crew members to a fate arguably worse than death," Ray joked as Luro was being dragged off, "And she's offering us food. I for one say it would be rude to refuse her hospitality. Also, Luro might need our help." He dryly added the last part as if it were an afterthought.

Location: Cerula Docks ---> Heading Towards Town Center
Status: Enjoying the Warmth

Jem bent forward, bringing her fact onto the same level as William's, as she gazed intently at the child rocking back and forth on his feet with his hands clamped over his ears and his eyes screwed shut. His features clearly looked more like his mother's than his father's, which perhaps made it harder to discern whether there was any truth in Nura's claim. In fact, the welp could be any man's as long as he had functioning male parts. And as far as she knew, Luro's was working fine, unless he was good at hiding a disability in that department.

"Not too uncommon for sailors, pirates, the like, to find lasses at port," the doctor commented, while pulling herself up once more. "Just stay far away when there be a spat regarding paternity claims. That or you better hope the welp looks more like the sir than his mom…"

Realizing her words fell on deaf ears, because everyone was far too engrossed in the loud "whispered" conversation going on between Luro and his lady friend, Jem lapsed into silence again, as she turned back to study William once more. This time, however, she decided to use the little she remembered about children's health. Her eyes flit steadily from William's rosy cheeks to his glossy fingernails. No matter how she looked, everything, aside from his short stature, seemed to indicate that he was a healthy child. Narrowing her eyes slightly, Jem tried to catch a glimpse of his teeth from between his slightly parted lips, when Runali let off a sigh.

"Oh thank Neptune, she's lying, but he's playing along."

Captain sounded confused, Jem concluded while she stepped away, so William could run unhampered towards his mother and "father". Was this another one of Luro's eccentricities? She pondered the question briefly then dropped the matter to focus on more practical things, such as their lack of food and decent medical supplies. She was busy figuring out the best way to stretch their current funds, when Runali, their captain, addressed her.

"Eh? Luro?" Her face changed within a split second from a dazed, faraway look to one of total comprehension. Jem's eyes locked onto Runali's single good eye, as the older woman flashed her captain a slight smile. "I gave up figuring him out. Luck, smarts… too many possible reasons for him being who he is." She shook her head. "He is an unusual fella and unpredictable as they make them."

Jem jabbed her thumb in Alicia's direction. "Alicia's right," she agreed. "The moment Luro is quiet out of battle, I'd start worrying even more." The woman then dropped her hand, while tilting her head politely in the Alicia's direction. "I have some, but speaking of medical supplies, I need to much more than what we have on deck." As she spoke, her hand wandered towards the pouch suspended from her belt and Jem pulled out a polished badge consisting of two intertwined winged serpents round a rod. "I'd like to see how the medical guild would honor the badge and give us supplies cheap."

Hearing no objections to her proposed idea, aside from her nodding to agree with Ray's wry comment that Luro might need their help (eventually) to break away from Nura, Jem waved for Runali to continue leading the way. The warmth air washing over them was nice change from the icy dreariness they left behind. But, as most of the crew commented, Cerula, while more sprawling than Yakone, wasn't exactly the biggest port town they've seen compared to places like Yula Fei, Waterdeep and Brass Cape. Based on the number of buildings and the streets dividing them into neat rows, it appeared that Cerula was merely a stopover for cargo ships travelling between bigger ports. That certainly explained the exotic wares on sale at the small street side stalls lining the main road.

"Now where is the place?" Jem wondered out loud. Her head swiveled from left to right, as she tried to spot the familiar logo that marked the entrance to the local chapter of the medical guild, sadly, it appeared that Cerula was far too small a place to house such an establishment. "I don't see the medical guild anywhere," she admitted, sounding a little frustrated. "I guess we could stop by what serves as the apothecary here on the way back….?" The rising intonation at the end of her last sentence, plus the way she looked in Runali's direction, indicated that the doctor wished to get the Captain's attention. "Not sure what your plans are, Cap'n," she had Runali's attention. "I rather shop now while the merchants peddle their wares, but we can wait till the morrow, if you aren't shipping out by sunset."

The situation wasn't an easy one. Luro appeared to be caught up in a reunion with an old time friend and, depending on how things go, they might have to stay docked longer than they planned initially. And worse, if Ray's cynical words about rescuing Luro proved to be true, stocking up on fresh food wasn't exactly the smartest choice, because their perishables would rot before they had the chance to eat it.
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Though the town didn't offer much for the few guests it happened to take in Cerula still managed to hold a subtle beauty that could be easily seen by those who walked its streets. Few shops lined the side of the road, a tailors, cafe, fishery and the such but the majority of the buildings were small one story homes, most resting on the right side of the road. A few unfinished buildings rested on the left with men pounding away at the wood with wide grins on their faces, one requesting for the sign to put up for the soon to be medical guild. The people walked the streets dressed in simple clothing, reserved for those of the middle and low class, patches here and there in the cloth to show wear and tear, but the walked bright smiles. Multiple conversations could be heard frim one side of the road to next, light jokes, comments on the weather and a few personal conversations were easy to pick up by passing. Though the town was small the very air it gave would make it easily confused for a larger city, and the people greeted all who happened to pass them except for the members of StarDusk who strange enough they seemed to ignore. Cerula was a small town and everyone knew each other thanks to that, thus when new faces showed up it generally piqued curiosity, but sadly this was not one of those cases.

The laughter and conversations died down almost immediately as the people became more aware of StarDusk, to a point where everything went completely silent.
The people's gazes moved to StarDusk from whatever activity they were engaged in, and they stared at the group in silence. There was no expression of fear, anger or even awe at the group, it was a cold emotionless stare. The mouths of every resident a thin line and a blank expression in each residents face from every man, woman and child. The tailor on his porch took a sip from his mug his eyes slowly trailing the movement of StarDusk, a woman sweeping her porch a few feet away watch the group and her young son who came to her hip stared at the group taking a bite out of his apple. None made direct eye contact with anyone in the crew however, if the eyes of any of the members moved towards them they casually turned their heads away pretending to be focused on something else, but their gaze would return once they were sure they weren't being looked at. Even from up above people stared down at StarDusk from their windows, but strange enough the people who watched from their windows turned and walked away, then the people on the streets followed the same example. People walked back into their homes and the shopkeepers went back into their buildings closing the door and turning the 'open' sign to 'closed'. The tailor rubbed his chin taking a few steps back before slowly closing the door his gaze never leaving the group before vanishing into the darkness within his own shop.
Eventually nothing was left in the streets except for the pirates.

Footsteps rang out from the right of the crew and figures stepped out of the alley's between a few of the buildings. The figures wore long black cloaks that hid their forms and faces excluding their mouths which just like the people mimicked thin lines. Footsteps came from behind StarDusk walking out spaces between the buildings and closing in from the distance. The sound of splashing soon followed and gloved hands grabbed the edge of pier before the cloaked people pulled themselves out of the water and approached StarDusk before some of the figures fell from the sky landing a few feet in front of the crew, within a matter of moments eleven of the robed people surrounded StarDusk on all sides staring at them with what could only be perceived as blank expressions. Each figure could barely be perceived as male and female as the cloaks hung loosely on their forms, minus the wet figures. A large symbol rested on the chests of the strange, a large red insignia of a raven with it's wings out a few feathers falling from the wings.

The cloaked figure directly in front of the crew took a step forward as each member had stopped a certain distance from the crew, specifically just out of reach of certain weapons. The 'head' cloaked figure leaned their neck to the side causing a loud snap to come from his neck before he flexed his hand a small blade falling from his sleeve into his hand. The other cloaked figures did the same blades falling into each of their hands before they all rushed towards StarDusk brandishing their blades.
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[BCOLOR=transparent]"Glad to know you're caught up." Runali said in response to Jemima's agreement to Alicia. She chuckled. "The quicker you learn about everyone, the easier it will be to get along with them." The town was pretty close knit. It kind of reminded Runali of her own home with the various stalls lined up and the people mingling happily with each other. Spotting the medical guild being constructed, she pointed over. "Maybe we can ask the about getting medical supplies." It was a nice change of pace from all of the large towns and islands that harbored marines, or fugitives, or other pirates. "Huh, nice place here." [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Well, it was. It was until she started to notice the lingering eyes on them. Conversations died down considerably and it became eerily silent, save for the splash of the waves in the distant. She noticed a few people even change their store signs. Almost soon after, the once lively and humble town was deserted. "Anyone else gettin' a bad feelin' from this?" Despite not needing to be, her voice was soft. She gazed around a little more intently, slowing the group down. She tried rationalionalizing what was going on. "Well, I'm sure we've had our faces plastered on wanted posters now… Might be the reason they're shutting us out." However, that didn't feel like an appropriate reason. Usually merchants were eager to sell to everyone willing to pay. And it wasn't like the crew barged in destroying things. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Well, pirates were pirates. They were all labeled in the same light. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And wherever there were pirates, there just had to be someone out looking for them. It was a pirate's true curse. Once they gave their oath under a flag, they'd be hunted down. The cloaked figures confirmed this. Runali noted their black attire and the insignia they all shared. "Those aren't the marines, that's for sure." The group gave off an aura of intimidation. There was no need to try and talk things out or even figure out who they were. It would have probably been helpful, but the group had already began to ready their blades. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"So much for restocking... And it doesn't look like they want to talk… Maybe we should have followed Luro after all." Looking over her shoulder, Runali gave a nod, signalling that they were to fight back. She hadn't tried using the haki she inherited that gave her those claw-like abilities since they had fought in Yula Fei. "So much for the peaceful town. Kadi, you think if we distract them long enough, you can find an escape route towards Nura's place?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She wasn't counting on there being an actual distraction however. There was eleven of them against the five. "Only rule guys, don't die." [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Read: Start of This Arc l From the Beginning[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]

Location: Medical Guild
Status: Trapped like Rats (Soonish)

"We could," Jem agreed with less enthusiasm than expected. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously at the newly painted sign. "I reckon it be awhile 'fore they stocked up good. That said," she paused to survey the rest of the stalls. "… here's as good as anywhere. They have none too many herbs and the like among the rest of the stuff the merchants be selling."

Jem moved towards the door. "Go ahead, if you needs, Cap'n. I need some time with the person-in-charge to see what he makes of the badge." She waved her hand in the direction of the tavern only to pause suddenly. "Cap'n," she spoke urgently. "We best be off the street or hurry ta Nura's."

The two ladies weren't the only ones perturbed by the sudden inversion of the welcoming atmosphere, in fact, Ray and Alicia were reaching for their weapons. Likewise, Jem began undoing the string that held her pouch close. "Kadi," Jem exclaimed loudly, grabbing Arcadius's shoulders and pulling him under the sheltered Medical Guild doorway. "Come here!"

At this juncture, she doubted she ought to spend her energy worrying about bruising the man's ego, as she'd rather have him offended than dead. He was, solely based on her observations in Yakone, not a very experienced fighter, thus ensuring his safety would be her first priority as the ship's doctor. Still, giving that their enemies have yet to rear their heads, Jem figured she had some time to placate any ruffled feathers. "No offence, Kadi," she said softly as a way of apologizing. "I'm sure you can defend yourself, but for now … let's not take chances. You're an important man for our crew."

Jem's eye caught movement out of the corner of her eye and she pulled her pouch free from her belt. More footsteps came from her other side, indicating that with their enemies intended to corner them. That meant they'd probably needed to enter the guild and escape by the backdoor. "Eh, Ka – never mind." Jem was about to suggest Kadi throw the door open, but her keen hearing caught the sound of the locking mechanism sliding into place, which made her frown deeply. Great, she thought, they were no better than rabbits with half a foot inside the snare. "Kadi," she focused on echoing the Captain's earlier orders. "Better start thinking of another route."

The combatants locked eyes, each daring the other to make the first move. Gunners had their fingers wrapped round their triggers and the swordsmen tightened their grip round their hilts. Such situations weren't new to Jemima, so she was able to remain staring whilst surveying the battlefield. She was disappointed by stretches of empty stalls and her lips thinned. Her second sweep of their surroundings yielded better results, as she finally spotted a weather worn wooden sign sporting a fading loaf of bread. Bingo! The poor baker too hurried to realize he forgot to pull the tarp over his flour barrels sitting in front of his shop.

"There be barrels in front of the bakery. The shop behind them," Jem spoke softly such that only those closest to her could hear what she said. "Flour by the looks of it. Give me an opening and I'd get a couple into the air." Her eyes shone with a determined glint. "Blind them with the flour and we escape with Kadi leading the way."

A pair of eyes staring from beneath a hood blinked. Instantly, his finger pulled the trigger, breaking the tension. Jem saw Alicia dashed forward, while Ray kept the enemies at bay. The woman nodded to the Stardusk captain before she ducked down and elbowed her nearest opponent in the stomach. Beads of spittle flew into her face and hair, but Jem didn't flinch. She kept her eyes on her goal and ran.

Her movement chained together fluidly with each step – Jem tossing her pouch in an arc overhead, then wrapping round the semi-translucent strings round her ten fingers and manipulating those strings to connect the segments of her metal rod, then sliding the assembled rod backwards under her arm close to her waist in a samurai's sheathed blade stance. She thrusted her pole forward and lunged to throw her body weight behind it as her arms straightened in front. Cool metal dug into cloth and flesh, as Jem pushed her weapon deeper into the cloaked man's stomach, leaving him breathless and tearing in pain. Yelling loudly, Jem gripped the back end of her rod with both hands and tossed them overhead violently. She wasn't that strong usually, but the momentum gained from earlier gave her the much needed oomph. The incapacitated man recovered just enough to yelp loudly as he sailed through air, crashing head first into his nearest ally.

Two more cloaked figures ran towards her and Jem took two huge steps back. Her knees bended even more with each step. Then, without warning, she shot forward with a sprinter's burst. Like a madwoman, she continued hurtling towards her enemies raised knives, but at the very last second, she dug the tip of her rod into the ground about 2 and 1/2 feet from them. As the other end travelled heavenward, Jem leaped. Together with her pole, she flew over their heads and ended up standing at the top of the barrel pyramid.

"She's trap now," one of them yelled.

Jem rolled her eyes and shook her head, which served to infuriate the more vocal of the two even more and he attempted to scale the first tier of the four barrel high structure. She rewarded him with a hard blow to the head, but he clung possum-like to the edge of a barrel jutting out from the third tier. A second blow followed shortly after the first. Screaming loudly, the man flailed around and pulled the barrel down with him.

With one of the central pillars gone, the whole structure shook violently. Jem shifted her weight right-left-right to keep balanced as long as possible. Then, as her foothold began dipping towards the ground, she brought her left pointer finger and thumb to her lips and whistled in Ray and Alicia's direction. She spun with feline agility in mid-air and batted her pole with both hands, pitching two, three… four barrels towards her fellow pirates. And now, the figurative ball was in their court. Hopefully, she thought, they understood her plans and follow up accordingly.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Fox of Spades
Ray was mostly occupied with thoughts of what he was going to eat at Nura's house, but it soon dawned on him that the town was awfully quiet. The feeling of being watched was unshakable, since it was blatantly apparent they were being watched by everyone within eyesight. Ray rested his hands on his weapons, sighing in disappointment. "Is a nice peaceful shore leave really all too much to ask? Lords, I'd just settle for a half-decent meal." He said after the Captain remarked on the eeriness, softly enough for only the crew to hear.

The cloaked figures scuttled out of the alley, drew weapons and attacked. Ray, all too ready for and thoroughly unimpressed by the ambush, ran the first one through while Jem and Kadi ducked into a nearby shop. "Amateur," Ray spat at his now dead assailant, kicking him off his rapier in time to parry a strike from another. "I've seen better planned ambushes from drunkards!" He roared at the enemies. Any further insults were truncated by the attacks of two more Raven cloaked enemies. They pressed their attack, forcing Ray to give ground to maintain a safe distance from their blades. He struggled to find an opening among their attacks. If I can open up enough distance between us, I can gun then down easy, but they're pressing the attack, and I can't strike at one without opening myself to the other two, and I can only block one. I need a distraction.

Fortunately, Jem had him covered, knocking a barrel towards him. He positioned himself to be backed into a barrel, planted his foot on it and froze his boot to the wood. He started building pressure in the barrel by displacing the contents with ice. Stepping back, over the barrel, as his assailants pressed, he aimed the keg towards the feet of his attackers just as the barrel exploded in a cloud of flour and wooden shrapnel. Ray lunged forward and finished his attackers before sheathing his blades for ice pistols with which to cover Jem's escape from the building, along with the rest of the Stardusk.

"Hey Captain!" He called after all the enemies were taken care of, "Now that the town has effectively declared war on us, do you think it'd be okay to sack the place? I've always wondered what it's like to sack a town. Maybe I should ask Luro, once we find him."

Alicia regarded the cloaked men carefully, her expression showing little in what she thought of them as they revealed their knives with a clear intention to harm. Her eyebrow would only raise slightly, her head tilting a little in the direction of the captain as she spoke about her one and only rule, which even she couldn't help but smile at. "As they say, out of the frying pan... " she commented, leaving the quote half said as she felt the rest was self explanatory. She couldn't say she was disappointed about the ambush as much as she was mostly curious as to who they were and why they felt compelled to engage them so quickly. But then such questions mattered only when their opposition was deal with, which it would be soon enough. The swordswomen gave a single exhale of breath before she began to walk forwards, her thumb pressing against the guard of her sword, causing it to give an audible 'clink' as the blade was set free.

She seemed to be in no rush as she walked, even as Ray and the others sprung to action with those of the opposition who peeled away to their marked targets. Alicia headed straight for the middle, closing her eyes as she took in another breath before opening them again, a fiery blue glow emitting from her left eye as she gave a soft smile. "Fatal whispers... " in a moment her body seemed to flash beyond the first four attackers, reappearing on the other side with her blade half drawn from her sheath in front of her, "Lament!" she finished before sliding the blade closed into it's sheath, slash wounds opening up on the four cloaked men who screamed before their bodies slumped to the ground. Alicia looked towards her next targets who began to back away while holding their knives up towards her, seeming to be caught in fear at her demonstration of power.

"I give you one chance to leave, you shall not receive another" her words were soft but firm as was expected from the swordswomen. A few of them threw their knives down and ran for it while those more stubborn and more brave remained and drew courage from their initial fear. "She's just one women, what're we waiting for!" one of them yelled before the rest whom she'd fought rushed towards her. Alicia gave a sigh and once again began to walk forward, this time withdrawing her blade quickly as the blade flashed in silvery arcs, intercepting knives and cutting down her opponents with not much effort. A whistle caught her attention once the last of her group had been dispatched, seeing the barrels head for her and Ray. She smiled and gave a theatrical bow towards Jem before readying herself for the barrels.

In a twist of her wrist her blade flicked as she did a nimble side flip over the rolling barrels, flicking her sword again as she sent them away like projectiles towards the scattered remains, the explosions coating them in flour which provided more of a distraction for Ray to mop up the rest. She heard him call something about sacking the place, giving a small smirk before she replied herself, "Might want to check with Luro, just in case you accidentally steal from his wife" she said with a hint of amusement before looking to see where the others were. She returned her sword back into it's sheath once the enemies were taken care of, turning to join up with the others once she was sure it was all clear. "Usually I would have asked we spare one to question for why we've been attacked, but something tells me this place just doesn't like pirates" she said with a casual shrug.
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The group seemed to realize rather quickly that they weren't doing well against the members of StarDusk, the difference in strength became increasingly obvious the more they fought, the numbers of the strangers quickly dropping in number the longer the fight went on. Yet strange enough a majority didn't stop the assault towards StarDusk, the few that chose to run ended up with blades in the back of their skulls from their comrades, a clear sign that cowardice wasn't acceptable in this situation. There were no real tactics among the group and they fell to the members of Stardusk in a matter of moments leaving behind black clad bodies in the middle of the road, accompanied by flower mixed with red.
One of the figures slowly stood up, specifically the one thrown by Jemima into the other robed figure, though he stood his companion was not so lucky in that regard. The hooded man stood with their back to the members of StarDusk before he glanced over his shoulder at them, just as he did more figures ran from the alleyways and walked out of the homes, the eleven that were dispatched were soon replaced with twenty-four and each one allowed blades to fall into their hands.
Even as they surrounded StarDusk once more others climbed out from under structures and others gathered on the roofs staring down at the crew. They seemed pretty intent with killing the group.
One of the figures dusted their cloak off before raising a finger and pointing at Raymond.
"Skalter is able to use ice, that is not in our information," The man spoke before another on the roofs pointed at Alicia.
"The eye of Tashigi changed color, we must check why. Her swordsmanship is also better than anticipated."
"Bentham is quick thinking and skilled in combat with her weapon."
"Information on Captain Lev, and Arcadius inconclusive."
Each time a figure spoke one pointed at the members to clarify who they meant, their voices were monotone and low but they spoke loud enough for the crew to hear, showing they didn't mind their words being heard by the group.
"That is the second time Skalter has used ice, he did so at the docks for the child as well."
"Let us not forget the speed Tashigi demonstrated as well, she approached 'him' with little effort at the docks, we did not catch her full movement but she clearly moved forward."
"Interesting, you are very interesting StarDusk. Far more than anticipated. Let's get information on their captain as well, and Arcadius."
The cloaked figures knelt down starting to sprint towards StarDusk again but before they could attack one of the strangers looked into the distance and held up a hand.
"Fall back 'He' comes! We don't have the numbers to engage six."
The blades seemed to slide back into the sleeves of the figures and they quickly dashed off in different directions, vanishing into random crevices of the city, some diving back into the water and generally running into the shadows of the city leaving as quickly as they came.

Luro approached his fellow cremates tapping his rifle on his shoulder raising his hand, which was holding a bottle of rum, once he got closer. However as his eyes landed on the mess created by the crew his mouth twitched to the side. Breaking into a slight jog he approached everyone before looking down at the bodies scattered around.
"You guys had fun without me, that's pretty mean," Luro said walking over to one of the figure's body and rolling one onto their back with his foot. "You could have saved one me one I mean-"
Luro cut himself off his eyebrows arching seeing the symbol on the front of their outfits and he knelt down running his finger along it, reaching up he removed the hood of one of the figures to see one had the face of the dockworkers they had encountered earlier.
"Nura told me I should probably find you after the people started acting weird, I'm guessing this is what she meant," Luro said bringing a hand to his chin. "I mean I went to the tavern first and got a few drinks, but then I immediately came to check on you. Still if I'd known you fought these guys I would have stopped after four bottles."
The doors to the buildings around the crew opened and the community seemed to come back out into the open, Luro glanced over at them as they returned to their previous activities paying StarDusk no mind, some even offered small smiles to the pirates only to continue their business. The streets were full of people once again and they seemed to ignore the bodies sprawled out on the streets, some even stepping over the bodies in the process.
"...um...does someone want to tell me what happened by the way," Luro said. "I want to hear how you killed them too, don't leave that part out, oh and did you say something when you fought them. 'This is your end' or 'I'll show you true power!' something like that? Come on I want details you fought them right tell me what happened! I didn't get a chance to fight any so it's the least you can do you know...did all of them have symbols like this?"

[BCOLOR=transparent]At first, she watched her crew fall into battle, taking a step back in order to dodge a downward slash of a sword. Runali noticed Jem and her quick plan of action. She worked fast. Ray was getting better with his ice powers too and their teamwork worked like a charm. As she frustrated her attackers with countless dodging, Alicia took them down with one strike, reminding her just how deadly the swordswoman could be. Seeing her crew fight, and fight together made the captain proud, even it wasn't the most appropriate time to do so. "Pillage to your heart's desire. Once we find Luro, we're not stayin' longer." [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Found three paths. Two lead to the docks, one being a little more secluded while the third heads towards Nura's home." Arcadius called out and hurried back over as the enemies thinned to a less threatening number. Unfortunately, the number of random hooded figures multiplied instead of diminished. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Oddly enough, they began to converse right in front of the crew. It was even more unnerving that they were talking about them. How long had they been watching? She began to signal for another attack, possibly a retreat because by the looks of things they were very outnumbered. However, before she could, they began to retreat on their own.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"...Let's head to Nura's, we'll meet them there." Runali gazed around towards the fallen and then towards where the others escaped too. "Hm." She pulled a knife from her boot and knelt down by one of the dead ones. Lifting the fabric on the cloak, she cut out the insignia to keep for questioning. "Some kind of red bird. It's no parrot or seagull that's for sure." The captain tilted it, this way and that to examine it. She handed it off to Arcadius so he could keep it in his possession. "Maybe Nura'll know somethin'. She does live here. Also, souvenir."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As they followed Arcadius' path, she commented. "How'd you find paths so fast?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"A mix of guessing and judging terrain- along with knowing where West is and where the harbor is." He figured the short answer was enough to suffice since she didn't know much navigation jargon.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Huh, impressive. You guys were too." Runali walked backwards to face the three behind her. "Quick thinking and dangerous. I've obviously picked amazing crew members. And no one died so we're in good shape." She chuckled before turning around and continuing on the path. It wasn't long before Luro had regrouped with them- they hadn't even made it out of the marketplace. "Speaking of amazing' members…" As Luro approached, rambling off different questions, Runali politely gestured for him to bend down. When he did, she bopped him over the head. Thanks to the height difference she needed him closer to the ground. "We've got people hunting us down and you're nowhere to be seen." She wasn't hostile nor did she seem upset, Runali just felt the necessity to make sure Luro understood what had happened. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Looking over at the bodies still sprawled and the town's people casually going about their day as if nothing happened, Runali crossed her arms. "So much for thinking this place was normal..."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Finally getting around to his questions, Runali looked up. "We were going to gather supplies. You know, what we came to do in the first place. And then people started acting weird and going in doors. Next thing we know, these guys come outta nowhere and attack us. Apparently...they've been following us." Once again, her gaze rested where the hooded figures escaped too. "By the sound of it, I don't think they plan on quitting either." [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She gestured for them to follow Kadi, who suggested the best option of turning around and heading back to the ship. "It's probably the best idea, but we're on critical with supplies. We have to get those before we head to the next place. And free food is terrible to pass up." While they walked, she let the rest of the crew explain what they may have noticed that Runali might have missed.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Read: Start of This Arc l From the Beginning[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]
There was as much science as was intuition in navigation. Ultimately, it was about knowing you were 'here'. You had to know what 'here' was, and where it was. Afterwards, it was quite easy. It didn't matter if you were on land or at sea, though naval navigation required, shall we say, artificial reference points in the form of compass, sextant and star and sun charts. For the uneducated in the art, magic. For the ones taught basics of celestial mechanics and math, a simple enough task.

Regardless, this knowledge hardly helped us understanding the nature of this black blood frenzy we just weathered. Something triggered absolutely insane aggression in the town's inhabitants, and since we were clearly not affected by the curse, one had to assume we were the target. It was all too suspicious to not be us. The encounter in the docks, little William... and what was the red bird supposed to mean? I could not recall seeing it anywhere. Perhaps something from the captain's past... or someone else's.

We were all walking enigmas, in a one fashion or other.

"Captain, even if we get to the docks with no other issues, we still need supplies," Kadi restated, patting flour off his coat and hair. He looked around carefully, to not cause any suspicion from the surrounding townsfolk, but nobody, absolutely nobody seemed to even acknowledge their presence as anything more than couple of ship officers, looking for place to restock their ship and load themselves with rum afterwards.

"How do we get the supplies?" he asked in hushed tone, leading them back to the docks. "I mean, we can load them ourselves, albeit slowly, but we need someplace to haul them from. And if everyone here is like the bunch we just faced in front of the medical guild, sacking the whole town is not exactly a wise course of action." He stopped and looked around again, them entering a crossroads, surrounded by large harbour warehouses. "Not that we can just bolt it, though, there are no other good ports within reasonable sailing distance. We're in a bit of a pickle, I fear. Sans the actual pickle, sadly."
Ray was quite pleased to receive the Captain's blessing to begin looting. Ignoring Luro's arrival at the prospect of loot and, more importantly, food, he ran into the bakery that Jem and Kadi had holed up in during the fight and kicked over a shelf for no reason, a big grin plastered over his face. He then perused the baked good on display, smashing the glass once he made his selection, which wasn't long, considering his hunger. He started devouring tarts, muffins, cookies and even part of a chocolate cake that was hidden behind the counter, discarding the least tastiest portions and entirely ignoring the selections of breads. In between picking out what he wanted to eat next, he opened the cash register and shoved the rather disappointing amount of money into his pockets.

Halfway through his feast, he overheard Kadi suggesting looting wasn't the best course of action. "You have a point." Ray replied. "Looting leaves us vulnerable to enemy counterattack. Several Ceranian victories have been turned to routs by attacking during a sack. Besides, it's not quite like I imagined, though that's probably because it's not much of a sack when I'm the only one doing it." Worried if he didn't stop eating he might be too full to fight effectively, Ray willed himself to stop eating and left the bakery, though not after filling his pockets with cookies. "So, I suppose we should go see Nura about those Raven Cloaks or whatever they were. Assassins? Bounty Hunters? Cultists?" Ray shrugged.

Location: Cerula Streets

Jem's eyes narrowed till they were no larger than slits, as her eyes picked out the words spoken by the strange men. So, her gut feeling hadn't been off the mark earlier, the crew had been watched. And, from the sound of it, from the very moment they had disembarked from the Coral Pearl. Jem's feet stepped about in a circular motion, as her rod swung in a wider arc, winding two more. The two collapsed onto the compact ground and were spared from the blood soaked edge of Alicia's blade. Jem ran two fingers through her hair just above her temples. Hopefully, those two would lay low long enough for her to round them for some needed questioning.

Sliding off to the side to avoid the icy barrage, Jem swung her staff upwards, deflecting the brunt of the tide. In the process of redirecting the deadly hail, several shattered in the process and the shards grazed parts of her skin. "Oi Ray," she yelled at her fellow pirate. "Watch where you send those." Her harsh words and stern voice wasn't really a lecture. Rather, it was a friendly warning to someone she held in high esteem, as Jem knew she won't be as forgiving after this. The most she could tolerate was two near misses after that she'd go ballistic.

She swung round, catching a third man by his ankles. This man, however, had a lot more experience than his fallen allies. He regained his footing before Jem swept her rod backwards. Then, instead of hurrying off, he leaped over the returning staff end and grabbed the mid-section of rod. Jem took a millisecond to realize what he had planned. She reacted accordingly by gripping as much of her weapon as she could, thus engaging him in a mini tug-o-war.

"Let go," she growled.

"Gladly," he jested, letting go suddenly.

"What the – "Jem stumbled backwards rapidly with both hands gripping the rod parallel to her falling form. She felt the air rush out of her lungs, as she smashed through the boarded window of the bakery and ended up crashing through the glass display. Broken glass, cake and seeping blood hugged her exposed skin, as Jem sat there stunned.

That fellow sure knew what he was doing, she thought hazily as her mind struggled against the current pain overload she was experiencing. A very clever man who knew had used the rest to mask his true skill. Jem closed her eyes and rested her sore palm against her sweaty brow. Slowly, her fingers moved towards the throbbing area above her ear. Something warm and sticky began coating them, as the pain intensified, causing Jem wince. "And now, I have a headache," she murmured. Unable to think of a better way to alleviate the hurt and annoyance she was experiencing, Jem decided to focus her current anger on her latest target, the man responsible for her getting hurt in the first place. "I will strangle that wretch the next time I lay my eyes on him."

She sat there with her head cradled in both hands, while she listened to the sound of retreating footsteps. The constant pitter-patter only made her even more testy and thus even more sarcastic. "Now they run," she spoke after swallowing. "Now they run. Should've done so earlier. Not like they'd learn enough with few worthy opponents around." Yeah, that'd be something she'd mention to the captain later. Based solely on the information the men had gleaned, this felt like a bloody trap and they'd been silly enough to play into their enemies outstretched hands. She groaned and straightened up, as she heard the tinkling of the bell that hung from above the door. "We should've run when the Capt'n said so."

Using her rod as a cane, Jem clambered out of the shattered case and placed one hand firmly on her hip. "Really, Ray?" She asked, sounding really exasperated. "Looting is as bad as murdering. Put the two together and you might as well summon the devil." She hobbled towards the door slowly. "Don't know about you, but I've enough of the navy back at Yakone." She clutched her pounding head. "Yeah," she paused, watching their gentleman stuff himself and leaving a huge smear of chocolate on his chin. "I think there's better food at Nura's. Shall we be on our way?"

She ignored the fact that he had echoed her words about heading to Nura's less than five minutes after she spoke. At least, they were on the same page. Kind of. Jem righted herself and finally stopped using her rod for support. She clapped Luro on the shoulder and gave him a wry smile. "So Luro, seeing as you had time with your misus and lad, why don't you show us the way?"

Jem patted him on the shoulder a few more times and nudged him forward. "We can drink, ask questions and the like once we're there," she reminded their jolly friend who oscillated between being interested in their current predicament and taking another swig from his latest bottle. Jem watched Runali catch up with the retreating Luro followed by Kadi and Ray. Jem trailed along slowly behind Alicia. "What did you notice earlier in battle?" She asked the swordswoman softly. "I said 'fore that you have a keen eye, lass, and I think I'd take your judgement Ray's any day. Nothing against him, but you are the more seasoned fighter."

Only Luro and occasionally Ray were boisterous during their walk towards Nura's mansion. Their voices echoed strangely in the empty streets. Jem tried her best not to shudder, but the whole setup was starting to remind her of Yakone. The few people they passed chose to huddle in tight groups, whispering and pointing at the Stardusk. Jem broke off mid-sentence and turned her head a tad to the right. A child no older than William stood on the road side with a rock clutched tightly in his hand.

"Capt'n!" Jem called warningly, as the boy hurled the rock in Runali's direction.

The stone flew swiftly, leaving the young captain only two options – duck and let Luro get hit or pretend to be oblivious and let the stone hit her. Jem would have continued watching, but, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the boy starting to pick up a second rock so she decided to intervene. She stepped forward. "I won't do that if I were you," she warned, as she stabbed her rod downwards such that she narrowly missed his bony little hand that was snaking towards the half buried pebble. "Mess with the wrong people and you may get hurt."
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The young swordswomen watched silently as the cloaked figures began to talk, pointing at them individually and pointing out detail without caring much for whether they heard them or not. It was peculiar, this whole situation was peculiar and Alicia was starting to struggle to understand what exactly was happening, having to piece things together in her head to try to come up with at least some kind of logical explanation for all of this. Her eyes moved between each of them as she tried to pick out any differing details, or at least differences in voices and tone. She'd keep a mental note of those voices in case she'd come across them latter. Though it seemed they were about to go for another round as they crouched, Alicia doing the same as her hand rested upon her hilt as her eyes focused on the closest attackers. But then they retreated which caused Alicia further confusion before she noticed Luro walking up towards them without a care in the world.

She noticed Runali cut something from one of the bodies, an insignia which caused Alicia to give a small nod of approval towards the initiative shown by their captain. It'd be useful to have at least one lead to go on if they planned on getting to the bottom of this, although from the looks of it the others were more concerned with getting what they needed and setting sail as soon as possible. Alicia flicked her blade out to the side to ride the remnants of blood which stained it before sheathing it once more, tilting her head as Jem spoke from behind, giving a polite nod in response before relaying her thoughts. "Cloaks and knives suggest a cult or an order of sorts, a rather generic look and common among people who run those circles" she began, "The people in this town disappeared before they arrived and reappeared when they left, which makes me think these people walking around us this very moment are those whom we just fought" her eyes moved between those who walked around them, going about their business.

"Whoever they are, they don't acknowledge their dead, nor honor them and they repeated to use the word 'We' out of context when they spoke about us, suggesting a collective" she paused for a moment. "My guess is that this town has seem deep secrets and aren't friendly towards outsiders. Could be because we're pirates, but I'm starting to believe it wouldn't have mattered if we weren't. The Captain cut an insignia from one of the bodies" she turned towards Jem, "So far things are pointing towards a cult, but really what we need is to interrogate one of them for more details" she finished eventually, relaying to the doctor everything she'd noticed during the short engagement.
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