Pirate Adventure!

Lilly nodded. "Alright. For now, I guess we just rest and wait. We'll need our strength." She sat down in the corner again.
Kaine would have nodded at this though said nothing more at this point in time as he settled down using the quiet to listen to the boot falls on the deck above.

((time skip a bit?))

Lilly slept through the night. She awoke in what she thought was the morning to get ready to escape.
Kaine took a short nap before waking about 5 hours later around the middle of the night or so he hoped. Given the lack of bootfalls above them it seemed likely. He stood up to shake lilly awake at this point saying "Its time we get out of here your highness." in a joking tone as he reached into his coat and pulled out a lock pick.
Lilly was still a bit groggy. "I'm not a princess. If I was, you can bet these guys wouldn't have gotten their hands on me. Just get us out of here."
"whatever you say your highness." he said with a sarcastic smirk at this point going over to the door and starting to fiddle with the lock. "How quiet can you be? because if its not very your staying here till I get my deck."
Lilly silently moved behind him. She stood on her tip-toes and poked the back of his head. "How's that? Did you even hear me coming?"
he would have chuckled at this point "nope heh. that'll do fine." In a slightly more friendly tone as the door clicked open and he snuck out checking both ways for the guard that would inevitably be on guard though glad to see he was down the hall at this point engrossed in a carving.
Lilly followed him silently. She didn;t know what he need the deck of cards for, but she need to get out of that cell. She was an okay fighter, and she could handle herself if anyone noticed them.
Kaine would sneak down the hall keeping his head down and in a crouch at this point before rushing at the man wrapping an arm around his neck and beginning to strangle him dragging him to the ground as he did so.
Lilly stayed back and watched quietly. She hoped he wouldn't kill the guy. Yeah, he was one of her captors and a pirate, but that wasn't a good reason for him to die.
Kaine only stopped once the man himself had stopped kicking out and attempting to grab at kaine. The only thing the man had actually sucseeded in doing was knocking off his hat, which once he let him gently fall to the floor he picked up and placed on his head before heading forwards towards the ladder up to the next level of the ship. The man would be dead, but it would be unlikely to know whether he was dead or unconscious by just looking at him.
Lilly looked at him in a way that said "Well? Let's go!" She tried to signal him to get the deck and run.
He mouthed back at her "get to a boat. Left side of the ship. going for cards." as he climbed up a single level to where the crew was sleeping a this point in time. He had spotted the small row boats earlier that day when he had been captured, and while not ideal, it was the best way they were going to get off this ship.
Lilly nodded and silently snuck in the direction of the boats. She hoped that he would be following soon. She got in one and got ready to go.
Kaine would have been a full 45 minutes at this point before he managed to get up onto deck with her now also carrying a bag with him stuffed full of provisions that he would drop into the boat before him and then move to start lowering the both of them into the water wordlessly.
Lilly was relieved when he came with supplies and started lowering the boat. She sat quietly, waiting to feel that they had hit water. She was finally free!
Kaine waited until the soft slash of them hitting the water could be heard before quickly releasing them from the ropes that had lowered them and simply sat there not wanting to take the risk of making sound by using the oars at this point. He would wisper "so were are we off to princess?" in a somewhat joking tone at this point.
Lilly smirked. "Don't call me princess!" she whispered. She thought about what direction they would need to go. She wasn't entirely sure where they were, but she thought she had an idea. "I think we need to head west."
"Well then we will head west, but unless you have a better idea than that we are stopping at the first plane that has food we see your highness." In a some what of a
Mocking tone now as he kept an eye on the edge of the ship.