Pilgrim's Reach

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Okay, I brought Episode 1 to an end there to prevent any further stalling and deprive Woodrat of further excuses to slack off.

Oy! Don't deprive me of my best talent now!

But eh... yeah... what Jumi said sounds good.
*locks Karoiga's tank in the brig*

Looks like Gabriel might have to wear a rather fetching red shirt for this particular mission.

Right, rise and shine kids. The studio has decided that the pilot was successful and have commissioned the next episode.

Show me your morning mojo.
The other prison tanks have plans for it.

And why is Draughlaw now called Vorn?
Clearly because it isn't Draughlaw... must be his superior officer, as Draughlaw is too lazy to wake up at 4/5 in the mornin.
DONT SAY THAT!!! D= you confusin mah little head!!! seriously though, will there be need for mah tank?
Ask Jumi.

He's Mission Mother.
Up hill... both ways... in the middle of a nuclear winter snow storm with no shoes....
*throws Woodrat in the brig too*
As a heads up, the squads be traveling in jeeps, no tanks or planes considering those vehicles would be overkill, and a waste of fuel.
Ok, so me and my squad aren't going>? that works? just another day of vr simulators then?
All of our characters will be going, but there won't be any NPC's or single writer controlled squads. Gregor's going to brief our characters of where we're going, and what we'll be doing.