Persona RP anyone?

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This is a bad end, it screams it.
Not helping Uchi.
Gah Michael Scott save me!

Thank goodness the universe is safe again. Thank you Michael Scott.

The butterfly effect from that isn't worth it. I don't like the idea of eight suns imploding on themselves.
Oh come on! DNA no!
Damn it Michael Scott!
I'll get you more Ramen, I mean no...not that.
I don't want to be on the list again...I hate being on lists, I just show up randomly to RSVP events because of it.
You're all on my shit list (besides Autumn)

Even Pyro and Aiva.

All of you.

Feel the wrath of the Kohai, Senpais
Hmmm if I'm on the list that means I don't have to worry about being put on it now?

Kinda like already being in prison...huh...good to know. I'll keep that in mind in my future endeavors. I like this it's liberating I see how Crimson feels, he's already in trouble so he can say anything. Yeah this feels great I like it.
Huh...fascinating, excuse me for a minute.
Is it because I keep laughing at your antics?

I'm totally genuine about this. Totally.
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You can get deeper on the shit list, you know.

And just for that I'm moving you up, so you're still technically on the shit list but you're not too far in.

Also is... Is everyone here my senpai except Aiva and Crim? I think they're the only two younger than me.
Awww I had a whole speech and everything. Boo I'll save it then, I need Crimson for it anyway.

Also probably going off your words from earlier.

That's not fair, boo Uchi, boo on you.
I'm a 19 year old freshman in college. I think you're all older than me except those two. Unless Auchi is younger...?

Wait! No! Ser K is the only non-adult here!

So... Pyro and Mizos are my senpais~!
K is the young-un and I suppose so.

I do not ball Uchi, I flounder.
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