Persona RP anyone?

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... Do I get to be the cute little girl following her senpais around everywhere? a scary though.

Was that a Haiku Uchi?
"A scary thought" huh...?

*goes off to sulk in the corner. I never get to be the cute girl*
Wait're the one...that...uh...walk alongside the senpai. Yeah that one.
Why do I never have back up to prevent this from happening...

Of course not DNA, you're like a...uh...sapphire glistening the moonlight, wooo pretty.
Attempt at comfort is lowered by 24% at the moment.
Apologies are accepted in the forms of hugs, smooches, or excessive head petting.

Pick your poison.
No. I hate snow cones. They are inferior to the slushie.

*edit* well good thing you ate it, then there a fourth option cause....even with three I anticipate a country will end up destroyed.
I really am that terrible, aren't I?
If giving me affection really means the end of the world like that

*continues to sulk*

(you all know I'm just messing with you right)
I just can't give any form of affection, it shatters reality so it's not allowed.

(Absolutely, I do get too into it that I actually feel guilty though).
I do actually feel bad and kind of offended, but I always feel bad, so it's okay.

Okay I guess Mizos can be taken off the shit list. I GUESS.
Yay alright now I'm going now, errands to run and all that. I'll see you later.
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