Persona RP anyone?

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... I get it.

But why the fuck did you chose this as your metaphor for me.

Couldn't you have gone with the Schrodinger's cat thing?

There is a DNA in the box. Now, whether or not this is a good thing or a bad thing, we don't exactly know right until we open the box. But for now, it's both.
I needed a complex back story where two sides would be in opposition with one another over the true advantage.

Schrodinger is not enough, I need drama, action, misery.

Also I was looking forward to explaining it.
You... You're something else.

I-I don't get what's the big mystery about me, though...
That's what makes it fun, everyone has a sense of mystery, yours is just fine to observe.

Also Auchhior. I shall know you as Uchi, it is done, nickname complete. Now everyone has one.
I don't have any mystery! I'm just a nerd typing at her computer/phone all day! You can probably ask me anything about my life and I'll answer it! (within reason)

Did you even have a nickname for me, or is DNA short enough?

... I didn't know we all had nicknames.
Course ya do I believe in your mystery.

I generally make them if names are too long but since I didn't want people with shorter names to feel left out I pick some for them yes you have one.

Crimson and K's are pretty self explanatory.
Do you want another explanation?
That's what makes it fun, everyone has a sense of mystery, yours is just fine to observe.

Also Auchhior. I shall know you as Uchi, it is done, nickname complete. Now everyone has one.
That's a new one.

I'm ok with this.
Saw your name, wondered who discovered DNA, went through all the scientist I knew, eventually used Google got Francis Crick, went ahhhhh....her nicknames Pavlov now. End of explanation.

I'm glad Uchi, wear it with pride.
This stems from boredom, it's why I occupy my time.
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But I want to be called The Fabulous Gay Bitch of Gay Bitchiness.
Alright time to vanish again, enjoy your time together.
(Dramatic anime girl voice) Mizos don't leave me I have something important to tell you
I'm going to regret this...yes DNA.
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