Persona RP anyone?

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The order will take effect after next post.
If anyone wants to post now would be a good time to because the posting order will be in affect by my next post, which will be after I reply to everything
*shrugs* I practically just posted, so anyway....

Knowing my luck, I'll get the good roles at perfect comedic timing.

I have been involved in quite a few DnD groups, and surprisingly, I have not rolled a 1 on any of them, not even when using things like 6 sided dice. Which is actually shocking. So maybe we're all screwed. Or at least, I'm screwed. Shrug.

As a disclaimer we were playing with slightly unorthodox rules, but the same main concept was there.
So, our tale begins with a thief named Nemia. Who was a tiefling. Basically she was a big demon lady. Now, somehow I decided that this extremely-noticeable demon lady was also a stealthy-ass motherfucker. Clearly this was the best decision. So, she breaks into the castle. Because she's a thief. That's what they do.
She's sitting around inspecting this fine weaponry when a guard catches her. Nemia gives him a big ol' smile and tries to pass herself off as a 'health inspector.'

It doesn't work.

Oh shit. She runs out of there as fast as her hoof feet can carry her. After flailing around in the square and running in circles away from the guard all comical-like, I decide to make her trip him with her tail. Rolled an 18. Guard fell flat on his face and took a while to get back up. But he caught up with me anyway because of DM stuff. You know how it is. Nemia's practically a sitting duck with this dude's OP speed. There was only one thing left to do.

I look the DM straight in the eyes and tell him "I shank the guard." Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. I repeat again, "Nemia is gonna shank this guard." Rolled a natural 20. Nemia takes out her dagger and stabs this dude right in the gut. Now, obviously, this dude's gonna attack me back. Now I'm sitting there thinking 'oh shit' because obviously, Nemia can't take a hit. She's a thief. This dude is a guard, he's a huge burly man with heavy armor and a giant sword. So I sit there bracing myself for this because: first character I've ever made and she's gonna get her ass kicked and die.

Dude rolled a 2. He hit her and practically missed, only scraping her a bit. My turn. I say "non lethal damage" and roll the die. It was another natural 20. Nemia almost kills this lard-ass self-righteous paladin shitlord. Now, then that was when the DM went "okay that's enough" and let my friend's wizard-y character (I don't remember specifically what class he was) teleport to where my character was and hold Nemia in some magical orb. Because apparently I was disrupting the seriousness of the game or something with my antics.

I was disappointed, to say the least. Not much else happened that campaign. Nemia tried to negotiate with some dragons and I rolled a 3 for diplomacy. If it weren't for the fact that she SOMEHOW managed to do the most damage to the big dragon, we all would've died.

I was about to type the story of "Surina the kenku beastmaster" here but I don't feel like typing anymore sorry.

Okay bro I wanna make sure that this is enough to make Kazuo piss his pants because I love torturing everyone. Just look at Nihil.

So if we're doing specialized dungeons for shadows then I got this AAALLLLLLLLLL planned out.

Here and here are good themes for this. Mainly the second one. :3

The dungeon starts out like some sort of twisted mansion. The entire place is fairly dark, most of the lights in the ceiling are either dim or flickering. The walls and most furniture is covered in some sort of dark red/pink, leathery substance. The floor is also made out of this stuff, but there's some sort of clear coating to it. The coating is some sort of crystal or glass-like layer giving the floor a hard surface. Though it is not made of ice, due to the "frosted" look of the floor, someone might mistake it for ice. The temperature isn't freezing, but it's cold enough in the dungeon to be uncomfortable to people not wearing warmer clothes. There is constantly a faint heartbeat, along with the occasional dripping sound accompanying a soft crying echoing throughout the halls.

Every once in a while, there is a framed portrait on the wall. The portraits seem relatively normal, except there are large, bleeding scratches where the faces should be, as if they were swiped by large claws. A lot of the portraits are clearly supposed to be Nihil from various ages, or at least a girl who looks very similar to her. As the group moves on, there'll be furniture and props displaying a clear theme of exclusion. A doll table set up with two regular chairs for two parent dolls, while the baby chair is smashed in pieces on the ground, with the child doll ripped to shreds. A pair of what seems to be two human hearts that seemed to have been sewn together at one point, however now the thread is ripped. Eventually there is a painting of a silhouette with a red string attached to their finger that trails off to the other end of the painting, which is scratched out similar to the portraits from before. There's other things like that scattered about.

As the group goes deeper into the dungeon, the leathery walls start to fade and are replaced with that same crystalline material, though sometimes shards or cracks in it are a blood red rather than clear. The place also gets slowly brighter, the older lights being replaced by brightly glowing crystal sections in the ceiling. The portraits become scarce and are replaced with carvings in the walls. Again, where the heads should be, they are gone, though this time where the head is, there's a charred black mass covering it, as if someone tried to burn something stuck to it. Though at the beginning, most of the pictures were clearly Nihil, these ones would be nearly unrecognizable to the rest of the group. The dripping and heartbeat fade away, but the crying only grows. Leading up to the final room, there is a long hallway filled with more pictures. However, these ones are different. It might be a bit hard to tell at first, but each one is someone in the persona group. Instead of having burnt faces, the faces are missing entirely, and the portraits are cracked, as if they had been smashed.

The final room is some sort of long throne room leading to a sort of stage where there is a crying Shadow Nihil, sitting atop a throne that looks like it's made of ice. The stage extends from the left wall to the right wall in the back, no spaces. On both corners there is a set of stairs leading down. At the bottom of these stairs are both carved reliefs of Nihil in a dress that gives an air of royalty about her.

As far as Nihil's dungeon goes, if anyone wants to see the possible scenario I've come up with so far and an explanation as to why I chose all of this stupid shit for her dungeon, then just ask. I love sharing my creative process-y stuff.
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Makin' sure I got the pecking-
I mean posting order down with whoever's the subposter for that person

Crim (Pyro) > DNA (Aiva) > Mizos (Ser K) > Autumn (Crim) > Pyro (DNA) > Aiva (Mizos) > Ser K (Autumn)

And my phone keeps trying to correct "Ser" to "See". And I had to add " Ken" because it didn't think that was a real name.
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I literately can't think of what to post right now, so I'll come back later after I get sleep or somethin.
Me an' Crim are compiling the list of events and the order in which they will occur as we speak.

Maybe put some dates on there for when things will happen. Idk.

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Is ValxYuji possible and is ValxKen possible

yes or no is needed

thank you
Who wants to pair up with Nihil. Look at her. She's so lonely but won't admit it.
//pets her
You know what this feels like?
Tsundere material.
Also if you wanna make a second character tell me in advance and tell me the arcana

i am going to make a third character......... Shhh shhh its ok if you want three that is fine

So i am going to look through what can be used for my character
I'm afraid Yuji is forever alone so it's a no on him.

I wouldn't mind a scene with ValxKyo though he's open game at least once...he'll resist though.
...I'm not sure about a second one I'll hold off for now.

DNA...there's...a bit too much Tsun I'll leave that to Osada or Kazuo, though they'll need translator eventually.
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Moon is reserved by me

Hermit DNA wants

Death is what Pyro wants

other arcanan's are free game

and uh... well... Val needs like a bf for the rest of his days so a one time fling would only work before his shadow fight
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