Persona RP anyone?

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That's cold blooded you know there's a perfectly good Kazuo right there.

Also DNA...what the heck, the first one's hurtful and the second hurtful in another way.
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*chains Kazuo with Ken*
Why not both?
Well, I mean, Nihil might go after Kazuo if she thinks Osada is too annoying. You know how she gets pissed easily.

I know, Mizos. I hope you're all in pain.
I was going to do another Nihil one that says "I'm burning up for you, Valentine!" but I decided that would be too cruel.

You know, because she almost died in a house fire.
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I'd say to go ahead.
But, that's just me.

It doesn't look like anyone else is on though.
We can post if we want to
We can leave your friends behind
'Cause your friends don't post and if they don't post
Well they're, no friends of mine

*Nihil and Takako dancing in the background*
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-is dead- i wake up to dog's whining and barking i am going to kill them one day. This shit is annoying. Anyways how is everyone doing? Once I fully wake up I will get a reply out.
I'm fine
Waiting for Aiva to come back from the dead

Nihil and Kazuo have a tumblr date that needs to happen
I hope everyone had some fun with their Valentine. Mr. Pillow was such a good cuddler.
Do you think I have any Valentine's outside of the internet lol

*bought a small pink Valentine's-themed cake for self and ate the whole thing*
Sounds like something id do
I... I didn't get it either, at first. I think I'm too northern.

I'm actually not that north, I have the "neutral" American accent.
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