Persona. IC and plot. (accepting)

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Nihil was running along just fine. Well, no. It wasn't fine. She hurt like Hell and she couldn't keep up with everyone else. Looks like she was gonna die. 'Well, eh, I had a good run, at least,' she thought to herself. Not many people in the world get to witness real-life monsters, after all. It seemed just as she had accepted her fate, she heard a "Yoink!" as she was scooped up.

"H-Hey! What?!" she yelled as she looked up at whatever idiot decided to pick her up. Lo and behold- it was Osada. Of course it was Osada. "What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" she shouted at him as he ran with her in his arms. Inwardly, she was thankful for this. It helped relieve the strain on her leg, but this big moron probably couldn't carry her like this for very long. It wouldn't be too good on his survival chances. She was just an unnecessary weight in this situation.

"You big idiot! Put me down! I can run on my own!"
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Yuji came to a stop glancing back to make sure everyone hadn't fallen behind, for the most part everyone was keeping up, whatever these monsters were they weren't a threat so long as they were avoided.
He didn't want to wear himself out fighting through the things just in case something bigger came along, getting worn out on the peons made fighting the head guy that much harder, that much he knew fighting on his own.
His eyes narrowed seeing Lucelle fall and he felt something click in his mind as Kyo's words resonated back to him.
Kyo in his supposed infinite wisdom had informed Yuji that there were times when clear choices appeared in a person skull, similar to a,b,c, down in a line.
Of course a and b were fight or flight responses but c was a supposed bad-ass response and should always be taken.
Generally Yuji ignored any advice Kyo had but these was one of the rare cases where he was right, seeing Lucelle he could physically see his options.
Though it wasn't Kyo being right that irritated him, it was that each option was to hurry up and help Lucelle.
Yuji had to admit he was tempted to just let her stay there...but he knew that was wrong and turned around.
"It's Baka-yama all over again," he said sprinting back towards Lucelle, running passed Osada he hoped he wouldn't step on her glasses as getting her out of harms way was more important.

Reaching down Yuji lifted her up off the ground and threw her over his shoulder doing what he could not to touch her inappropriately as he turned getting her some distance away from the approaching creatures.
"Sunshine you're becoming a pretty damn big thorn in my side. Also if you say something positive in my direction I will throw you into those creatures and leave you to die."
Once he was sure she was far enough away he set her down before taking her hand so she had at least had an anchor.
Irritating as it was he understood the helplessness that came with losing one's glasses, that's why he carried multiple pairs on him at all times.
Watching Lucelle reach for hers was pathetic to a point he couldn't stand it anymore.
"I doubt we have the same prescription so can you deal walking with me at least until someone else takes you or we get your damn glasses."
If they weren't broken at this point anyway.
He didn't really wait for a response and just turned pulled her along with him as he walked, he didn't want any kind of hold ups. The sooner they got to his place the better.
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Nihil protested that she could run just find, but Osada didn't believe it, and if they weren't currently being chased by a bunch of gangly shadows he would be more willing to put up with Nihil's protest. "Really? Cause it looked like you falling behind there and I'm not going to let anyone die under my watch! Now shut up and enjoy the ride!" Being preoccupided with Nihil's back talk, he missed most of whatever Valentine was yelling at him about. "Huh? Glasses? What about glasses?" he yelled back. His foot then soon landed on something oddly shaped and he started to lose his balance. It certainly wasn't something as solid as a rock or a chunk of concrete, but he did hear a loud snap from under him as he started to spin around, trying to regain his balance and not trying to drop Nihil. "Whaa- Ack!" The pair sort of spun awkwardly for a brief moment, but Osada soon got his balance and he was back to running. "Shit what was that!? Whatever. Everyone get inside!"
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Kazue got to watch Osada's little "dance" and tried to stifle her laughter. "Well, it looks like someone owes Lucelle a new pair of glasses when we get back!" She chimed. Sure, maybe it was not the time to make such comments but hey it was good to keep spirits high, right? That being said it sure did seem like they had already been walking/running for a while, and though the town was just ahead it certainly did look closer than before. Kazue looked back and saw that the monster still was following them. "Sheesh those guys don't seem to give up do they?" She mused. "But it will probably give up when we get into the town. If the monsters could attack the town there wouldn't be one after all."
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Kazuo has a mixed feeling of pity for Nihil and relief that the person most likely to get caught by the monsters was handled temporarily by osada picking her up. Unfortunately one of the girls managed to mess up in the worst situation they could by tripping, but not only that, she lost her glasses as well."This isn't Scooby Doo damnit" is what he wanted to yell towards the the girl as she made a shockingly familiar remark but he held it off. Thankfully Yuji managed to get the girl but her glasses weren't as safe as they managed to get crushed by the idiot Osada who didn't hear the warning. Why were the girls in this group so troublesome kazuo wondered to himself but focused on thte task at hand and continued after the group.
"Way to go, hotshot." Ken jokingly said to Osada. "Well.." He picked up the now broken glasses. Luckily for the glasses wearing girl, the only thing to actually break was the glass; no point in having her folks buy a whole replacement, right? "They're not completely broken, so... I'll hang on to these until we're somewhere safer." That was, if they could find somewhere safer, sure there was the town, but from where they were it looked completely barren. What would keep those masked monsters out once they were in town? Ken didn't hesitate to lag to the back of the group, he's one of the few able-bodied ones not preoccupied with helping another. He supposed he could do something if the monsters got close enough; maybe get another cut, this time on his leg. He looked backward to notice they were sort of slowing down. That's odd; perhaps there really was some sort of "magic barrier" that would protect them once they got to the town. It wouldn't make sense, but nonsense seems to be a reoccurring theme.

"[This is getting tiring.]" Ken silently complained, exhausted. "Someone remind me to flick this "S" person in the forehead if we ever meet him or her."
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Lucelle felt Yuji pick her up and then set her down only to take her hand. She heard the other's talking about her glasses and knew someone stepped on them. Her face got serious for a moment and she looked around, not directly towards anyone. "Whoever broke my glasses better get me a new pair because I am blind as shit and unless you want me swinging like crazy someone better reassure me that I will have a new pair. A metal pipe will definitely hurt." Her little ray of sunshine turned into an icy snowstorm before she became depressed. Lucelle somewhat moped behind Yuji.

Valentine watched Osada fail pretty hardcore and Ken took the frames that were left. Though as they went past the gate into the town the monsters seemed to just fade away. The darkness ran into the gate and an invisible force stopped it from flooding into the small town. He stopped running and just looked at the wall of darkness as it consumes the edges of the town, including the sky. The lights from the city kept from being pitch black but it was still dimly lit on the streets. It seemed no one was in this ghost town. A brighter light could be seen and it looked like a neon sign. "Should we find a place to take a break or continue forward. I mean whatever that sign is about must mean a hotel or something."

He took a few more steps so he could see the full sign, since part of it was blocked by the building leading into the city. It read The Velvet Cafe. "What does is say Val? I would read it but I can't see." Lucelle looked into a direction hoping Osada was there. Valentine looked back. "The Velvet Cafe, that sounds like something teenagers shouldn't check out." He paused a second. "So let's go check it out." He just took off towards it like nothing happened.

Upon entering the group would see that the carpet a dark blue, the wall's matching, a bar was in one corner, a piano and stage in the other, and in the middle was a table occupied by a man. There were multiple tables occupied by what seemed like residents of the town but the one man in the middle stood out. A waiter was walking around but as he turned to address the group they saw he had an owl head. Val kinda just gasped and Elle asked what. The man.. the thing... the man thing was dressed in a blue suit matching the decor and his hands were human like, except small feather occupied the shape. "Ah she has arrived Igor." The bird man said looking at Kazue. "Please sit Miss Inoue. Jasper please give our guests some refreshments."

The waiter nodded and went to the bar, though he got each a bottle of water and set it on a tray as he walked back over. "Miss Inoue I believe we have a contract you must sign. In order to leave here you must discover your inner selves. Though with that comes a price. A mark must be sown into your skin but fear not it will not hurt nor be visible outside of this realm. Will you make the decision for everyone? Will you lead them to the truth?"
"This is why I wanted you to put me down!" Nihil yelled at Osada as he struggled to regain his balance. That spin would've made her dizzy if it had gone on for any longer. "Damn it, Osada!" She considered struggling but at the moment that wouldn't be too good for either of them. She'd been enough of a hindrance lately.

Nihil faintly heard Lucelle's complaining and shouted, "I'll buy you nice new expensive ones later, just run!" back at her. Well, Nihil wasn't lying. She did feel like this was somehow at least partly her fault.

Takako saw that Lucelle seemed to be in good hands, and so she ran. Man, all those years of softball really paid off in survival situations, huh? She ran past a few people, being one of the first to get to the gate. Hopefully this was some kind of magic gate and the stuff following them couldn't get inside. "C'mon!" Takako shouted back at the group as she ran inside.

Once they had gotten past the gate, Nihil contemplated whether or not she should escape Osada's grasp. As much as it embarrassed her, being held actually felt kinda nice. Nihil shook away the thought and wriggled out of his arms, saying "Okay, that's enough!" and landing less-than-gracefully, with her ass on the ground.

Using her cane to help herself up, Nihil told him, "Don't think you can get away with pulling that shit again," before turning away a bit and adding, "but... Thanks," as she dusted herself off.

Nihil didn't even hear what Valentine was going on about until Takako exclaimed, "Yay! A café!" Damn. This girl could really get hyped over just about anything, couldn't she?

Nihil silently followed everyone into this "Velvet Cafe." Velvet? Like red velvet sweets? Oh well, only one way to find out.

As they walked in, Takako seemed a bit creeped out by this bird man, since such a thing wouldn't normally exist. Although, she tried her best not to look perturbed by it.

Nihil just watched him with vague amusement. She just accepted all of the weird shit that had happened in the past hour or so, and after that demonic priest and the minotaur, a bird waiter was... Well, a huge relief, to be honest. Everything still felt so unreal that after the adrenaline faded, she just couldn't bring herself to worry about this anymore. A bird man was cool with her. And then there was that other dude... Igor? Was that what the bird had said?

Then this 'Igor' had addressed Kazue. Hm? So she was the special one out of the group? Nihil sighed. This had all better be a dream.

Meanwhile, Takako was confused. A bit excited and kind of scared, but mainly confused. She had a million questions to ask the bird man and the other guy but nothing would come out of her mouth.
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Yuji continued walking keeping his attention forward deciding not to bother with the others at the moment, mostly because he heard the loud snap and that basically meant Lucelle was blind and since no one volunteered to take her he literally made himself a sitter.
Nihil was upset about something and he wasn't about to turn and see what it was, Osada was...well officially lower on his list for breaking Lucelle's glasses almost below Valentine which was basically an accomplishment.
Kazue was being...cheery and Kazuo was being quiet something Yuji appreciated right now seeing as his nerves were almost at their limit.
Ken at least was trying to help with the glasses situation so he had nothing against him and he agreed with the whole 'S' part.
"Screw flicking his forehead I'll beat him within and inch of his life," Yuji grumbled.
He caught Lucelle's comment and looked back at her but remind silent turning back around, good to see she had different modes other than happy.

When the cafe came into view and Valentine ran towards it Yuji brought his free hand to his face squeezing the bridge of his nose, which pushed up his own glasses in the process.
"...I never thought I could hate a person as much as I hate that man," Yuji said sighing as he followed afterwards. "No other choice anyway."
Though once he entered he immediately regretted it the moment his eyes landed on the owl man, granted this was the most regular place they had come across so far but that just made it all the more suspicious.
He still had a hold of Lucelle since leaving her behind in the darkness was a bit of cruel move but he wasn't sure what he was going to do if they get attacked again, he couldn't hold her hand and not die at the same time.

"Sunshine," Yuji said. "Allow me to explain what's in the room since you can't see. We're in a cafe that seemed to appear out of nowhere, with blue carpets, blue wallpaper and probably a blue bathroom too. There are people in here seated at tables but a few of them stand out especially...a man who...I don't want to call human whose name is apparently Igor and an actual non human man...he has an owl face, feathers and he can talk...I can say I envy that you can't see right now because this is the almost literal interpretation of bullshit and I'm staring right at it."

When Igor addressed Kazue and mentioned something about a contract he didn't feel just leaving the matter alone without a word in was a wise decision.
"Hold on a sec here, I like the idea of leaving here but I'm a bit skeptical of leaving my well being in the hands of someone I considered a stranger. I'm not sure what this price or inner self thing is either or this random contract."
Yuji turned to Kazue at this seeing as she was the one leading to all of this.
"Honestly I don't know what the hell is going on and it's irritating...but I can't think of what else to do. So Kazue let me make this clear to you, I don't know what this is going to do, if it helps us leave all the better we'll leave it that but if you sign that and we get fucked over I will come after you personally with the last of my breath if need be and make sure you die before I do."
Yuji let out a sigh after saying this and turned back to Igor.
"Just putting it out there since you're making the decision for me, I will hold you responsible for it."
Yuji grabbed one of the waters and put it against Lucelle's forehead so she'd feel it.
"They gave us water, not sure if it's spiked or not so you drink one first."
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Kazue entered the strange cafe with the others and looked around. "Wow what a fancy place." She muttered. Thankfully, she was never under-dressed, ever but her outfit didn't quite fit the theme, oh well. It took all of her self control to not burst out laughing at Yuji's description of the place. Kazue was surprised they were waiting for her, and admittedly a bit skeptical, but sat down to hear what they had to say anyway. After hearing the terms she couldn't help but feel uneasy. Her? Lead everyone? Surely someone else was better fit for the job... But she listened to what the others had to say and there was no objections so everyone else must have been fine with it. Kazue nodded. "Alright it's a deal."
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Whatever it was that Osada stepped on, the rest of the group seemed to make a large fuss about it. Was it really that important? Well at this point Osada was just worried about getting the rest of the group through the gate as one by one, all of the member managed to run through the gate and away from the shadows. They were safe, at least for now. Once the chaos of chase ended, he noticed that Lucelle was standing very close to Yuji, holding his arm actually...missing her glasses....oh...crap. He'll have to apologize to her later once they got out of this hell hole.

Osada self-guilt made him forget that Nihil was still in her arms he snapped back to reality in time for her to struggle out of his grasp and on to the floor. "You know I would have put you down all normal like if you just asked." Well at least Nihil still seems like her usual self. What was very unusual was what appeared to be a cafe in the middle of this hell hole. Osada had his reservations about going into a place called The Velvet Cafe, but everyone was already heading inside without a second thought so as per usual Osada made sure he was the last one in before he closed the door behind him.

The cafe itself was nice, at least compared to what else the group had seen today. Blue decor everywhere with a old school feel and furniture. What wasn't nice however was the Giant Owlman and...well the person for the part looked human, but with his big bulging eyes and ludicrously long nose it made it hard for Osada to believe he was human. Whoever he was, he seemed interested in Kazue of all people and getting her to sign a contract of some kind. Considering all the weird and scary shit that had happened once they stepped into the church, agreeing to a strangers contract seemed the less than ideal plan right now. "N-now hold on a second! Why should any one of us sign this contract!? What is this about a mark!? Who are you two, and where the hell are we for that matter!? Whats with those shadow creatures and the minotaur and that preist and and-" Osada was gripping his head in stress "Gaaah! There is just so many thing we don't-" Osada little freakout was cut short when Kazue "Agreed" to this contract without so much as a question or second thought. "W-wait what!? Why Kazue?"
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After the group finally made it to the gates the finally made it to the safety, the monsters somehow disappearing if they tried to enter the are. "seriously, does this world intend to follow any normal rule?" Kazuo questioned silently as, slowly growing desensitized to the surprises. Of course the first place they went to was obviously a terribly named cafe called the "Velvet Cafe". He wanted to say something about there being no chance of there being no actual drinks or people but her was soon quickly proven wrong in that aspect as he followed them in. All he picked up in the confusion was that the guy was going to help, the owl is perfectly safe, and the happy girl.

Kazuo didn't get a particularly good feeling from the creepy guy named Igor. That may have something to do with the revolting face he had, a huge nose that reminded you of a certain stereo type, as well as big beady eyes that looked like they belonged on a rat. It putting it gently to say he was suspicious of the man who conveniently had a way to get them out of there but only if the Inoue signed the contract. Naturally she agreed with no hesitation whatsoever, something that didn't surprise him as much.

"...Well, it's not like we have much of an option. As far as we're aware he knows the only way out, he has food and drinks, and the owl guy doesn't seem like the rest of the monsters and might even potentially be able to protect us if they somehow get through." Kazuo said, fine with the decision but still not liking Igor. "I admit he's suspicious but if he wanted to trick us he probably would have approached us first rather than chancing us not finding this place." he continued, just trying to make sure nobody else really disagrees. "Lets at least learn where the hell this place is and what we have to do before we sign anything major though." Pausing in thought, making sure he didn't forget anything else to say before shrugging, it being up to our new "leader" anyways.
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"Huh, this is strange..." They were in a cafe... What the heck was such a chic place doing in such an unextravagant location? What the hell? This couldn't be real; and what was up with that Igor fellow's nose? Even stranger were his apparent assistants; Some had white hair and odd coloured eyes... There was also some sort of attractive flair to a few in the bunch... Ken rapidly shook his head to the thought. Then there was that one with an owl's head.

Ken had never been so uneasy in his life.
. . .

So this Inoue chick had to make a descision... for all of them? He meant everyone here... And she said okay...
That easily...
She said okay...

WAS SHE INSANE?! Usually Ken would be apathetic about another's choice, but she didn't even get the consent of everyone else!
Ken cleared his throat "Uh, Pardon me, Owl, man, guy?..., "Igor"?, If you don't mind me speaking up... I just met these guys, I'd rather not put my so called fate in the hands of one of them. No offence, Kazue. I'm just pretty sure all of us don't know what's going on here." Ken took out his phone. "See... We got similar messages from this "S" person and just came to check it out." Ken got an awful feeling that whatever contract Kazue just agreed to would lead to their eventual deaths, He just hoped he could talk them out of this situation.
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Igor listened to everyone blabber on and on but once they shut up and smiled and intertwined his fingers. He heard the magical words of an agreement. He waved his hand and a paper appeared in front of Kazue and a pen floated down out of nowhere. Lucelle felt the water on her forhead and heard Yuji say something about it may be spiked. "Well maybe it can give me eyesight. Mr. Talks a lot goofball over wherever he is broke them." Her anger kept hinting at her irritation with Osada. Though she would go from being mad to depressed. She opened the water and took a few sips before setting it down on the table... well she thought it was the table but it fell on the ground, luckily the lid was on it.

Valentine listened to everyone and looked at the paper. "Hell I will sign it if we can get out of here. Did anyone else almost fall off a cliff? No. Though I am not complaining." At least Osada helped him instead of Nihil or Lucelle or just a vagina in general. "So after she signs this what happens? Do we like get on a bus? A plane? There better not be snakes." Jasper's creepy owl eye's flickered back and forth between the talking brats and he gave a low irritated whoo. His head spun around and once it was facing the crowd his eye's landed on Kazue. "Young miss please hurry up. We only need you and if these hindrances make anymore noise I may have to rip their eye's out."

Lucelle shrugged. "I am basically blind anyway."

(Autumn will post next because well everyone put their input in. Then I will post the reaction to the signing and posting order will be normal after her and I post so DNA will post after us.)
Kazue grabbed the pen and twirled it between her fingers. It was only natural that not everyone would be on board with her as the "leader" after all, she wasn't so sure of this herself, but hey she was probably chosen for a reason. She turned to address everyone and pointed the pen at the group like a cool anime protag (or at least she thought so) "come on guys we already pushed a minotaur off a bridge, if we are going to get cool powers what is the worst that can happen?" She said with a smile before turning back around and signing the contact. If they were all a team now would they get cool matching costumes like a superhero tokusatu series or like magical girls? If not she could always sew some, but then she would have to figure out everyone's measurements and what color. She would obviously be pink and/or red, depending on what theme they go with.
(Sorry for the short post.)

Upon signing the contract the group would feel a intense pain as marks etched themselves on their skin. Igor watched them and explained. "The marks you are all receiving enables you the use of your persona. They are you and you are them. Use them to aid you in the fight. For now you must find a way out. Listen for the bells." Val held his arm as pain hit him and a mark formed. Lucelle's appearing on her thigh.
Nihil cried out as she felt a burning sensation on her chest. Not only was she not expecting it, but it felt like fire was searing her skin. And she remembered exactly how that felt. The surprise combined with the actual burn caused her pulse to race as she frantically looked around the room, clutching her chest. Everyone else appeared to be in pain, too. Great.

Nihil's breathing faded back into regularity as the pain ebbed away. "What the fuck was that?!" she squeaked out at Igor, her voice hoarse. She never thought she'd have to be burnt again, let alone on purpose. She listened to his little explanation before snarling, "I thought you said this wouldn't hurt."


Takako grasped her left shoulder, yelping. Holy shit, that hurt! It was like a million needles into her skin. "Ow ow ow!" she repeated over as she rubbed her shoulder. When she looked down, there was a strange mark on her body. It looked kind of like... a clock? Sort of? She couldn't really tell. She looked over to make sure everyone else was relatively okay. Well, they were all also in pain. Takako wasn't really sure what she expected.

She looked over at Nihil once she spat out her question. Was that... Was that a tear forming in her eye? Maybe Nihil got a worse pain than she did. Takako's eyes trailed down a bit to notice another weird marking, but on Nihil's chest. It wasn't centered, though, being a bit off to the side. Takako couldn't really tell what it was. An arrow destroying something? Nihil's shirt covered part of the bottom, so Takako couldn't see the entire thing.

She shook her thoughts from her head at Nihil's second outburst. Takako turned to Igor and exclaimed, "Yeah! Senpai's right! You said it wouldn't be bad! What gives?" She paused a bit to actually process his words. "And persona? What's that about?"


Both the girls were silenced by Igor's warning. Nihil mentally facepalmed. Of course! They couldn't wait with all this weird shit if those monsters were still running around. For all the group knew, the things could've somehow gotten past those gates. Nihil looked to the rest of the group for the general consensus.
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Yuji could see where Ken and Osada were coming from bothersome as it was to consider, he wasn't exactly keen on this either but this wasn't a situation where common sense mattered anymore. Just beating the snot out of these two wouldn't solve anything, he wasn't sure who igor or this owl man was but he got the feeling there was a bit more to them then he could decipher right now. Attacking an enemy in this place without any knowledge on them could led to complications and seeing as they were in this place long before them he imagined they had dealt with these things before or at least knew how to avoid them.
He lowered his hand when Lucelle took the drink and watched as she drank from it, he waited a moment watching the bottle fall to the ground, when she didn't fall with it he grabbed one himself shoving it in his right pocket before picking hers up putting it in his left pocket.
"His name is Osada Masaaki," Yuji said glancing back at her as she brought up Osada. "I'll point him out to you when you get your sight back so you know his face. Also...sunshine it's a good thing your average looking. If you think a spiked drink will do that you'd be in trouble otherwise."
Yuji turned back around having provided his friendly advice to her before turning his attention forward least until he heard Jasper's comment.

His head shot in the owl man's direction before he narrowed his eyes at him making a fist as she stepped towards him, though with Lucelle in his other hand he couldn't exactly move fully forward.
"You want to go you reject furry I'm in the mood to punch something right now you-" Yuji cut himself off as he picked up what Kazue said causing him to turn his attention to her his glasses falling off his face a bit hearing what she just said.
He straightened his body and pushed his glasses back onto his face as he shut his eyes, he was starting to lose it he needed to calm down.
" powers...I regret all of this," he mumbled.
He really wanted to punch something but he was too tired for an all out brawl right now, lowering his hand from his face his gaze looked around at the people near him. Sugiyama was an option but she had a sword on her and she'd put up a fight, Takako probably would too but that was just from appearance, he didn't want to talk with Valentine so punching him in the face wasn't an option right now, Ken's assistance in that fight more than likely saved their lives so punching him would be ungrateful. Kazue was extremely tempting but these guys had an interest in her, there was a possibility he could get jumped and after weighting the odds decided against it. Lucelle was in range but something felt wrong about punching someone who couldn't see, that and he was holding her hand it felt weird to help and hurt her at the same time so she was out. He was trying not to acknowledge Osada so punching him would be admitting he existed and one noticed towards him was enough for today.
Yuji's gazed finally rested on Kazuo his eyelids narrowing a little...he was the best option right now.
He stared at him for a moment before turning his attention forward again, punching someone just because he was irritated was something thugs did, for now he'd resist the temptation.

All of Yuji's thoughts fell apart however as he felt something flow through his body and it took a moment for his mind to register the pain that was coursing through him, he hunched forward a bit his hand twitching as he stared wide-eyed at the floor. Gritting his teeth he clenched his fist and raised his body as the feeling slowly subsided though Yuji couldn't deny the pain that came with that. It felt like something had been carved into his skin, the back of his neck to be specific which it had.
He couldn't see it now but the mark almost resembled a phoenix with its wings closed in on itself, though the wings were almost in complete tatters and the birds fur was ruffled and a tad dirty.
"You filthy liar," Yuji said glaring at Igor. "Ugh...that smarts."
He shook his head pushing the pain down before his gaze moved around at everyone else, he noticed Takako looking at something and sure enough following her gaze he could see a mark on Nihil, who pretty much took the words right out of his mouth.
He turned his gaze away figuring he had something like that on the back of his neck, his attention went to Lucelle his eyes scanning her for a moment before they narrowed not seeing one on her.
" didn't get one?" he questioned his gaze moving to the others for a moment.
Persona....what that did that even mean and this thing about their inner selves none of it made sense and now he had a mark on him.
"...if I become a sacrifice I'm going to be pissed," he said bringing a hand to his head.
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Kazue inhaled sharply at the pain and put her hand to her chest, but seemed otherwise unperturbed. She gently tugged at the neckline of ger dress to examine the mark that she was given. It was round and relatively small, centered on her upper chest. It seemed almost like it was modeled after stained glass, with a flower design in the foreground. How odd. "Rude." She muttered under her breath before addressing the rest of the group. "Well, is everyone okay?" She asked, glancing at Nihil in particular, who didn't seem to be handling it well but phrased her question in a way that hopefully wouldn't draw unwanted attention "Whoopsies I guess. Ah well," she tapped her chin with her finger, "when you think about it would you have done otherwise? I mean we didn't exactly have much in the way of alternatives here."
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"What the heck is a Persona!?" Osada felt like he was talking to no one the way that the long nose man ignored all of his questions. Once the pain started to kick in however, Osada didn't bother with demanding answers any more on account of the immense pain on his left pectoral. The pain was long and excruciating as he felt the mark being burn into his flesh. It was like his a scalpel and a branding iron combined into one tool and was tracing a pattern into his skin. He clenched his chest and gave long, strenuous breaths until for what seemed like an eternity, the pain stopped. "That...was not at all. WHAT THE HELL OLD MAN!" Osada pulled on the collar of the tank top he wore and saw what might be the coolest tattoo he had ever seen on his skin. "Huh...maybe it was worth it."
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