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Elle Joyner

Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Online Availability
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Writing Levels
  1. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Political intrigue, fantasy, futuristic, sci fi lite, superheroes, historical fiction, alternate universes. Smittings of romance, but only as side plot.

In Dreams As In the Real World...Nothing is Ever Quite What it Seems
-- Dean Koontz
Code by Elle Joyner

OOC || CS || INFO || IC

Created using darkflames base code! Thanks Rissa <3

To Sleep... To Dream...
All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams. -- Elias Canetti

detailed || futuristic
{tab=3}the nudge patch{/tab}
{tab=4}important players{/tab}
{tab=5}legal jargon{/tab}

What happens when it becomes illegal to sleep? When the only means of staying awake is a supplement that you happen to have an intolerance to? When your body suddenly stops responding to the Nudge Patch, it's all you can do to stay awake - but it won't last long…

And things become inherently worse when you discover it may not be a fluke… Someone has been tampering with the medication supply, but their motives may not be entirely what's expected. Someone's been lying to you... and it's time to discover the truth.

Why was sleep outlawed in the first place? What's so dangerous about those things called 'dreams'? You might not know, but you're about to find out. Just don't get caught...

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
-- Poe

A world where reality and dreams collide and nothing is quite as it seems. You'll portray a lower class citizen, employed at The Warehouse- an enormous multi-level factory that does everything from assembly line production to telemarketing.

For the better part of your life, you've responded well to the Nudge Patch, but rather unexpectedly, you've begun to show signs of rejecting the medication. Previously, it's was assumed this medication would only prove ineffective in those with a specific genetic trait known as Narcs (Narcoleptics).

You've done your best to hide this sudden development, but it's only a matter of time before you're discovered. Possibly more disconcerting are the dreams you've been having. Dreams of a world, ripped apart... a wasteland of death and devastation, where voices cry out in constant agony and need - voices you can never find... which can never find you.

You wake, sweating... heart pounding, but even as sleep fades, the dreams do not. They cling to you throughout your day... walking, waking terrors. You're sure you're alone, until the letter arrives...

You have been chosen.
Don't fear the dreams.

Fear everything else.
You will be contacted soon.

To Sleep... To Dream...
All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams. -- Elias Canetti

detailed || futuristic
{tab=3}the nudge patch{/tab}
{tab=4}important players{/tab}
{tab=5}legal jargon{/tab}

█ S E T T I N G ███

It's a Dangerous Time to be Asleep...

No one really knows when or why sleeping was outlawed. Even those who remember a time before the ruling was passed can't seem to recall the reasons for it. It just felt natural, slipping into the new way of life... and really, maybe it was better that way. Despite the change, there was order... there was peace...

For most everyone else, life continued as it always had. There was The Warehouse, providing 15-20 hour shifts, arcades, bars and night clubs with 24 hour entertainment of all varieties, theaters and cafes on every block. Every cafe featuring an unlimited access to caffeinated beverages and computer and/or VR access, for a small monthly fee of 900 Credits. There were also numerous clubs and organizations to join - including the Colosseum, a floating dirigible arena, where members could take in and bet on a nightly fight.

But rarely is peace anything but an illusion. There were those who rebelled, of course... who were quickly shut down - then there were the Narcs. Despite all recourse, nothing could be done for those who, through some fault of genetic coding, essentially rejected the medication patch. They were labeled as disabled and made pariahs, unable to work, forced into seclusion...

SETTING || Miami, FL
DATE|| 2052
TIME || Not-so-Distant Future
SEASON || Fall
WEATHER || Moderate/Warm
CURRANCY || Credits (45 cred (^C45) to one former US Dollar ($1.00))

New Miami is located in south of Floridian, formerly Florida of the United States of America. The city itself is separated into six separate districts, forming a pentagon.

The northern most areas belong to the Business and Upper Class Districts, to the west is the Red Light District, in the center of the city is the Downtown Hub, and down south are the Lower Class District and the ISO district. At the forefront of New Miami are The Grunts.

Lower class citizens, designated jobs in the Business District. They work roughly 15-20 hours a day but are otherwise free to go about as they please. Upholding order are the Dream Police, a special squadron responsible for apprehending anyone in violation of the Sleep Laws. A separate division also exists known as the Nightmare Squad - tasked with particularly challenging Sleep Offenders.

Most prevalent amongst those watched for Sleep Crimes a those referred to as Narcs or Narcoleptics - people who are unresponsive to the Nudge Patch, considered highly dangerous outside of a controlled environment.

Responsible for maintaining The Warehouse are The Suits - a team of specialized corporate tycoons. At their head is The President - a man everyone claims to know, but none have actually met.

█ T H E...B U I S N E S S...D I S T R I C T ███


Located in the northwest is the business district. As the name implies, this district is responsible for all places of employment offered to the citizens of New Miami. The largest source of this employment comes from The Warehouse - a massive seventy-five story structure, also housing the Office for The President. Jobs in the warehouse offer anywhere from 15-20 hour shifts, on-site medical facilities, dentists, therapists and accounting. Childcare is also available to any in need.

Most jobs offered are in the Industrial or Commercial areas, and full training is available to all new employees. Employees receive a yearly review and every five years, employees are eligible for transitional Floor-Promotion. Lower class citizens, however, are not eligible for promotion beyond the sixtieth floor. Conduct outside of work is rarely subject to much scrutiny, but the use of unapproved substances within the Warehouse facility is grounds for demotion.

The top fifteen floors of the Warehouse are offices belonging to HR, media and all financial positions. The uppermost floor of the building is rumored to belong to The President, himself.

The Warehouse| Seventy-five floors of employment opportunity. The source of work for most New Miami residents.

NMMO| New Miami Media Outlet. The main headquarters of the sole news/media source for New Miami.

Augustus Mall| The largest shopping mall within New Miami - where most of the merchandise created in the Warehouse is shipped and distributed.

New Miami Historical Museum| A gallery of historical relics and antiquities. Membership to the museum costs a pretty penny, so most Grunts will never see the inside.

█ L O W E R...C L A S S...D I S T R I C T ███

To the southeast is the Lower Class District - a district housing the vast majority of the population

in New Miami, also known as Grunts. These are the employees of The Warehouse and most Law Enforcement members (except the Nightmare Squad).

The LCD is a veritable slum, with closely situated buildings, most of which are to some degree falling apart. The LCD has been thrice flooded since the initiation of the Quadrants, but very little effort has been made to assess or repair any potential damage. The LCD is home to a few popular businesses, primarily Jake's, an authentic diner and a plethora of tattoo shops, which double as fronts for selling prohibited substances. Because of the distance from the UCD and LCD, police are rarely involved in anything less than absolute catastrophes.

Apartments within the district are generally fairly basic - small and sparsely furnished, typically available in bigger than two rooms.

Jake's| An authentic retro diner, complete with red patent leather booths, a high-top dining bar, a short-order/short-tempered cook and a functioning jukebox.

Mooly's Bar| A dive bar, with a similar authenticity to Jake's, though much less charm. Mooly's is a known front for multiple illegal activities, including the procurement and distribution of unlicensed narcotics.

Dinah's| Slightly more high caliber than Mooly's, Dinah's is a nightclub for member's only - the owner of which is considered a highly reputable fount of information, which she will gladly offer to any willing to meet her steep price.

The Sinkhole| A Black Market of sorts - the location of which is never stationary, due to frequent raids by the NMDP. Its current location can be sourced in a few ways, but the most universal method is a code word, deliver via word-of-mouth.

█D O W N T O W N ███

The Downtown District of New Miami offers endless entertainment options, whether it's a quiet drink with a special someone or dancing the night away with hundreds of other partygoers. The vibrant life, thriving under millions of neon lights, includes numerous bars, nightclubs, and smoke lounges, most of which operate twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

The Downtown District is also home to the Colosseum, a floating arena where men and women can take in the latest fight thousands of feet above the city in the comfort of a massive dirigible. Every night, the Colosseum docks, taking on passengers and fighters alike, then for several hours, the blimp flies high above the city while spectators enjoy the gladiator-like brutality. There's an underlying hum of life going on in the downtown of the city, drenched in hundreds of people who want to be noticed and are looking for the next big thrill. From small, elite clubs to huge dance halls, the district has something for everyone. The only question is: where do you fit in?

The Colosseum | One of the main draws around New Miami, thr Colosseum is a brutal fighting arena, featuring an array of nightly events, upon which citizens of New Miami can wager bets.

AdrenaLine | A popular nightclub designed in an old subway station.

Moth's Flame | A slightly more elite club, located in central downtown. The owner is an infamous tycoon, well embroiled in organized criminal activity.

Forrester (hotel) | The Forrester is a rather popular club and cafe, located in an old hotel.

█ U P P E R...C L A S S...D I S T R I C T ███

Northwest belongs to the Upper Class Quadrant. This district is used for housing the Suits and the members of the Nightmare Squad, as well as those with a supplemental income ranking them above Grunt status (mainly political figures and public transportation management). The UCQ is a gated community and personal identification, as well as a designated fob key are necessary to gain entrance. The Upper District and the people who live there, nicknamed the Northies, comprise expansive stretches of estate-like homes and country clubs that have never seen an overgrown lawn.

Known for its eclectic mix of dining establishments, custom boutiques, galleries, and stores, the Upper District truly gives a definition to the word 'affluence.' The people who live in this district have every luxury than they could ever dream, and then some, but tend to be quite private and exclusionary, rarely venturing out past the gates that separate the Upper District from downtown. Homes and buildings are brimming with technology and boast only the highest quality grandeur, the Upper district is jeweled in year round art festivals, sprawling malls, and family manors groomed within an inch of their life.

Shady Tree Bank | A massive banking institution, housing most of New Miami's crediting resources.

Chez Velours | A swank restaurant, famous for their vintage use of french cuisines, combined with a modern flair.

Bancroft Manor | A historic home, thought to be in existence since before the Sleep Ban.

Dilly's Boutique | A modern salon and clothing boutique.

█ T H E...I S O...D I S T R I C T ███

To the south is the Iso District - a fenced off compound used for safe containment of any Narcs or Sleepers. Little is known about the Iso District, and special classification is required to enter. The fence and compound are guarded on a rotating schedule by heavily armed patrols - select members of the Nightmare Squad, given orders to take anyone into custody who comes within a specified distance of the building.

█ R E D...L I G H T...D I S T R I C T ███

The Red Light District, often known only as 'The Block,' is likely to leave nothing to the imagination. An ugly underbelly, of sorts, to New Miami, the Block is teeming with bad decisions. Guaranteed. Illegal drugs are rampant, and prostitution, legalized decades ago, even more so. Men and women alike parade their merchandise in window displays for potential customers, most willing to offer more than just a good look, for the right price, of course.

Despite the assumed atmosphere of the Block, crime rates tend to be high here, particularly when it comes to minor theft. While busiest during the nighttime hours, the windows lit up in bright red lights, the Block is open all day, everyday, even on holidays. Relations and drugs are the most common ploys that draw people in, but don't be fooled, The Block is home to some of the biggest and most infamous clubs in the city.

Prima Donna | One of the few more sophisticated brothels within the Block. Owned and operated by Donna Maison.

Ambrosia VI |An exotic dance club, thought to be a front for sleep narcotic runners.

Cassanova's Hideaway | A less than savory joint, with a less than savory reputation. Only the desperate or drunk wander willingly into Cassanova's

Tot's | A brothel near the edge of the Block, run by an elderly woman named Velma.

To Sleep... To Dream...
All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams. -- Elias Canetti

detailed || futuristic
{tab=3}the nudge patch{/tab}
{tab=4}important players{/tab}
{tab=5}legal jargon{/tab}

I hear the secrets that you keep...When you're talking in your sleep
-- The Romantics

Not sleeping doesn't exactly come naturally. Lucky for those living in New Miami natural isn't really the issue. Several years prior to the Sleep Laws being passed, Dr. Heather Litner discovered what has been called for many years the scientific breakthrough of our time... A cure... for sleeping.

The Nudge Patch effectively regenerates adenosine triphosphate, serotonin and somatropin levels and essentially tricks the brain into believing it's had a full night's sleep, restoring the cognitive function otherwise interrupted by lack of REM sleep. Provided the wearer does not remove the patch at any time, it only needs replacing monthly, by a medical professional. Side effects are rare, but include restlessness, dizziness, muscle twitches and trouble concentrating.

Despite it's effectiveness, some people prefer the use of other stimulants, such as caffeine, to increase awareness and/or function.

While the patch is designated to all citizens, regardless of status, very rarely (generally due to the genetic traits of Narcolepsy) the patch is ineffective. There are other methods one might utilize, though none are recommended medically - including prescription and non-prescription pharmaceuticals (primarily Amphetamines, empathogen-entactogens, and Methylphenidate) which are typically purchased through the Black Market trade. Purchase, possession or use of these medications are strictly prohibited.

To Sleep... To Dream...
All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams. -- Elias Canetti

detailed || futuristic
{tab=3}the nudge patch{/tab}
{tab=4}important players{/tab}
{tab=5}legal jargon{/tab}

The Brains
Heather Litner:
Biochemical Science Engineer
Head of the Supplemental Sleep Science division
Creator of the Nudge Patch Supplement
The Brawn
René Benoit:
Law Enforcement Supervisor
Captain of the Nightmare Squadron
One tough SOB

The Bucks
Silas Reid:
Vice President of the Suits Department
A Very... very rich and powerful man
The Boss
The President
Head of the Suits Department
Known leader of New Miami
A mystery


To Sleep... To Dream...
All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams. -- Elias Canetti

detailed || futuristic
{tab=3}the nudge patch{/tab}
{tab=4}important players{/tab}
{tab=5}legal jargon{/tab}


All Iwaku rules apply
Please be respectful - no arguing OOCly, no godmodding/bunnying without permission
This is a cooperative writing RP and you will need to be open to both plotting AND collaborative posting.
READ EVERYTHING! IC and OOC, please be sure to read everything. RP is more than 50% reading, so no laziness, please :)
I expect dedicated players - posting with be biweekly to start and at LEAST three paragraphs per post. Hiatuses and vacations must be announced to me in advance.
Keep the EDGELORDS to a minimum. Dark themes will run prevalent throughout this RP, but I am looking for characters that blend into the storyline - invariable jerks and introverted wallflowers suck up character depth - be creative!
Because there is no restriction on age in this RP, any GRAPHIC details need to handled respectfully - This means that sexual scenes needs to FADE TO BLACK, gore/violence should be minimum and I ask that you use no more than THREE swear words in one three paragraph post.
There WILL be a discord for this RP - please only join the server if you have been ACCEPTED.​



What happens when it becomes illegal to sleep? When the only means of staying awake is a supplement that you happen to have an intolerance to? When your body suddenly stops responding to the Nudge Patch, it's all you can do to stay awake - but it won't last long…

And things become inherently worse when you discover it may not be a fluke… Someone has been tampering with the medication supply, but their motives may not be entirely what's expected. Someone's been lying to you... and it's time to discover the truth.

Why was sleep outlawed in the first place? What's so dangerous about those things called 'dreams'? You might not know, but you're about to find out. Just don't get caught...

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
-- Poe

A world where reality and dreams collide and nothing is quite as it seems. You'll portray a lower class citizen, employed at The Warehouse- an enormous multi-level factory that does everything from assembly line production to telemarketing.

For the better part of your life, you've responded well to the Nudge Patch, but rather unexpectedly, you've begun to show signs of rejecting the medication. Previously, it's was assumed this medication would only prove ineffective in those with a specific genetic trait known as Narcs (Narcoleptics).

You've done your best to hide this sudden development, but it's only a matter of time before you're discovered. Possibly more disconcerting are the dreams you've been having. Dreams of a world, ripped apart... a wasteland of death and devastation, where voices cry out in constant agony and need - voices you can never find... which can never find you.

You wake, sweating... heart pounding, but even as sleep fades, the dreams do not. They cling to you throughout your day... walking, waking terrors. You're sure you're alone, until the letter arrives...

You have been chosen.
Don't fear the dreams.

Fear everything else.
You will be contacted soon.

█ S E T T I N G ███

It's a Dangerous Time to be Asleep...

No one really knows when or why sleeping was outlawed. Even those who remember a time before the ruling was passed can't seem to recall the reasons for it. It just felt natural, slipping into the new way of life... and really, maybe it was better that way. Despite the change, there was order... there was peace...

For most everyone else, life continued as it always had. There was The Warehouse, providing 15-20 hour shifts, arcades, bars and night clubs with 24 hour entertainment of all varieties, theaters and cafes on every block. Every cafe featuring an unlimited access to caffeinated beverages and computer and/or VR access, for a small monthly fee of 900 Credits. There were also numerous clubs and organizations to join - including the Colosseum, a floating dirigible arena, where members could take in and bet on a nightly fight.

But rarely is peace anything but an illusion. There were those who rebelled, of course... who were quickly shut down - then there were the Narcs. Despite all recourse, nothing could be done for those who, through some fault of genetic coding, essentially rejected the medication patch. They were labeled as disabled and made pariahs, unable to work, forced into seclusion...

SETTING || Miami, FL
DATE|| 2052
TIME || Not-so-Distant Future
SEASON || Fall
WEATHER || Moderate/Warm
CURRANCY || Credits (45 cred (^C45) to one former US Dollar ($1.00))

New Miami is located in south of Floridian, formerly Florida of the United States of America. The city itself is separated into six separate districts, forming a pentagon.

The northern most areas belong to the Business and Upper Class Districts, to the west is the Red Light District, in the center of the city is the Downtown Hub, and down south are the Lower Class District and the ISO district. At the forefront of New Miami are The Grunts.

Lower class citizens, designated jobs in the Business District. They work roughly 15-20 hours a day but are otherwise free to go about as they please. Upholding order are the Dream Police, a special squadron responsible for apprehending anyone in violation of the Sleep Laws. A separate division also exists known as the Nightmare Squad - tasked with particularly challenging Sleep Offenders.

Most prevalent amongst those watched for Sleep Crimes a those referred to as Narcs or Narcoleptics - people who are unresponsive to the Nudge Patch, considered highly dangerous outside of a controlled environment.

Responsible for maintaining The Warehouse are The Suits - a team of specialized corporate tycoons. At their head is The President - a man everyone claims to know, but none have actually met.

█ T H E...B U I S N E S S...D I S T R I C T ███


Located in the northwest is the business district. As the name implies, this district is responsible for all places of employment offered to the citizens of New Miami. The largest source of this employment comes from The Warehouse - a massive seventy-five story structure, also housing the Office for The President. Jobs in the warehouse offer anywhere from 15-20 hour shifts, on-site medical facilities, dentists, therapists and accounting. Childcare is also available to any in need.

Most jobs offered are in the Industrial or Commercial areas, and full training is available to all new employees. Employees receive a yearly review and every five years, employees are eligible for transitional Floor-Promotion. Lower class citizens, however, are not eligible for promotion beyond the sixtieth floor. Conduct outside of work is rarely subject to much scrutiny, but the use of unapproved substances within the Warehouse facility is grounds for demotion.

The top fifteen floors of the Warehouse are offices belonging to HR, media and all financial positions. The uppermost floor of the building is rumored to belong to The President, himself.

The Warehouse| Seventy-five floors of employment opportunity. The source of work for most New Miami residents.

NMMO| New Miami Media Outlet. The main headquarters of the sole news/media source for New Miami.

Augustus Mall| The largest shopping mall within New Miami - where most of the merchandise created in the Warehouse is shipped and distributed.

New Miami Historical Museum| A gallery of historical relics and antiquities. Membership to the museum costs a pretty penny, so most Grunts will never see the inside.

█ L O W E R...C L A S S...D I S T R I C T ███

To the southeast is the Lower Class District - a district housing the vast majority of the population

in New Miami, also known as Grunts. These are the employees of The Warehouse and most Law Enforcement members (except the Nightmare Squad).

The LCD is a veritable slum, with closely situated buildings, most of which are to some degree falling apart. The LCD has been thrice flooded since the initiation of the Quadrants, but very little effort has been made to assess or repair any potential damage. The LCD is home to a few popular businesses, primarily Jake's, an authentic diner and a plethora of tattoo shops, which double as fronts for selling prohibited substances. Because of the distance from the UCD and LCD, police are rarely involved in anything less than absolute catastrophes.

Apartments within the district are generally fairly basic - small and sparsely furnished, typically available in bigger than two rooms.

Jake's| An authentic retro diner, complete with red patent leather booths, a high-top dining bar, a short-order/short-tempered cook and a functioning jukebox.

Mooly's Bar| A dive bar, with a similar authenticity to Jake's, though much less charm. Mooly's is a known front for multiple illegal activities, including the procurement and distribution of unlicensed narcotics.

Dinah's| Slightly more high caliber than Mooly's, Dinah's is a nightclub for member's only - the owner of which is considered a highly reputable fount of information, which she will gladly offer to any willing to meet her steep price.

The Sinkhole| A Black Market of sorts - the location of which is never stationary, due to frequent raids by the NMDP. Its current location can be sourced in a few ways, but the most universal method is a code word, deliver via word-of-mouth.

█D O W N T O W N ███

The Downtown District of New Miami offers endless entertainment options, whether it's a quiet drink with a special someone or dancing the night away with hundreds of other partygoers. The vibrant life, thriving under millions of neon lights, includes numerous bars, nightclubs, and smoke lounges, most of which operate twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

The Downtown District is also home to the Colosseum, a floating arena where men and women can take in the latest fight thousands of feet above the city in the comfort of a massive dirigible. Every night, the Colosseum docks, taking on passengers and fighters alike, then for several hours, the blimp flies high above the city while spectators enjoy the gladiator-like brutality. There's an underlying hum of life going on in the downtown of the city, drenched in hundreds of people who want to be noticed and are looking for the next big thrill. From small, elite clubs to huge dance halls, the district has something for everyone. The only question is: where do you fit in?

The Colosseum | One of the main draws around New Miami, thr Colosseum is a brutal fighting arena, featuring an array of nightly events, upon which citizens of New Miami can wager bets.

AdrenaLine | A popular nightclub designed in an old subway station.

Moth's Flame | A slightly more elite club, located in central downtown. The owner is an infamous tycoon, well embroiled in organized criminal activity.

Forrester (hotel) | The Forrester is a rather popular club and cafe, located in an old hotel.

█ U P P E R...C L A S S...D I S T R I C T ███

Northwest belongs to the Upper Class Quadrant. This district is used for housing the Suits and the members of the Nightmare Squad, as well as those with a supplemental income ranking them above Grunt status (mainly political figures and public transportation management). The UCQ is a gated community and personal identification, as well as a designated fob key are necessary to gain entrance. The Upper District and the people who live there, nicknamed the Northies, comprise expansive stretches of estate-like homes and country clubs that have never seen an overgrown lawn.

Known for its eclectic mix of dining establishments, custom boutiques, galleries, and stores, the Upper District truly gives a definition to the word 'affluence.' The people who live in this district have every luxury than they could ever dream, and then some, but tend to be quite private and exclusionary, rarely venturing out past the gates that separate the Upper District from downtown. Homes and buildings are brimming with technology and boast only the highest quality grandeur, the Upper district is jeweled in year round art festivals, sprawling malls, and family manors groomed within an inch of their life.

Shady Tree Bank | A massive banking institution, housing most of New Miami's crediting resources.

Chez Velours | A swank restaurant, famous for their vintage use of french cuisines, combined with a modern flair.

Bancroft Manor | A historic home, thought to be in existence since before the Sleep Ban.

Dilly's Boutique | A modern salon and clothing boutique.

█ T H E...I S O...D I S T R I C T ███

To the south is the Iso District - a fenced off compound used for safe containment of any Narcs or Sleepers. Little is known about the Iso District, and special classification is required to enter. The fence and compound are guarded on a rotating schedule by heavily armed patrols - select members of the Nightmare Squad, given orders to take anyone into custody who comes within a specified distance of the building.

█ R E D...L I G H T...D I S T R I C T ███

The Red Light District, often known only as 'The Block,' is likely to leave nothing to the imagination. An ugly underbelly, of sorts, to New Miami, the Block is teeming with bad decisions. Guaranteed. Illegal drugs are rampant, and prostitution, legalized decades ago, even more so. Men and women alike parade their merchandise in window displays for potential customers, most willing to offer more than just a good look, for the right price, of course.

Despite the assumed atmosphere of the Block, crime rates tend to be high here, particularly when it comes to minor theft. While busiest during the nighttime hours, the windows lit up in bright red lights, the Block is open all day, everyday, even on holidays. Relations and drugs are the most common ploys that draw people in, but don't be fooled, The Block is home to some of the biggest and most infamous clubs in the city.

Prima Donna | One of the few more sophisticated brothels within the Block. Owned and operated by Donna Maison.

Ambrosia VI |An exotic dance club, thought to be a front for sleep narcotic runners.

Cassanova's Hideaway | A less than savory joint, with a less than savory reputation. Only the desperate or drunk wander willingly into Cassanova's

Tot's | A brothel near the edge of the Block, run by an elderly woman named Velma.
I hear the secrets that you keep...When you're talking in your sleep
-- The Romantics

Not sleeping doesn't exactly come naturally. Lucky for those living in New Miami natural isn't really the issue. Several years prior to the Sleep Laws being passed, Dr. Heather Litner discovered what has been called for many years the scientific breakthrough of our time... A cure... for sleeping.

The Nudge Patch effectively regenerates adenosine triphosphate, serotonin and somatropin levels and essentially tricks the brain into believing it's had a full night's sleep, restoring the cognitive function otherwise interrupted by lack of REM sleep. Provided the wearer does not remove the patch at any time, it only needs replacing monthly, by a medical professional. Side effects are rare, but include restlessness, dizziness, muscle twitches and trouble concentrating.

Despite it's effectiveness, some people prefer the use of other stimulants, such as caffeine, to increase awareness and/or function.

While the patch is designated to all citizens, regardless of status, very rarely (generally due to the genetic traits of Narcolepsy) the patch is ineffective. There are other methods one might utilize, though none are recommended medically - including prescription and non-prescription pharmaceuticals (primarily Amphetamines, empathogen-entactogens, and Methylphenidate) which are typically purchased through the Black Market trade. Purchase, possession or use of these medications are strictly prohibited.

The Brains
Heather Litner:
Biochemical Science Engineer
Head of the Supplemental Sleep Science division
Creator of the Nudge Patch Supplement
The Brawn
René Benoit:
Law Enforcement Supervisor
Captain of the Nightmare Squadron
One tough SOB

The Bucks
Silas Reid:
Vice President of the Suits Department
A Very... very rich and powerful man
The Boss
The President
Head of the Suits Department
Known leader of New Miami
A mystery


All Iwaku rules apply
Please be respectful - no arguing OOCly, no godmodding/bunnying without permission
This is a cooperative writing RP and you will need to be open to both plotting AND collaborative posting.
READ EVERYTHING! IC and OOC, please be sure to read everything. RP is more than 50% reading, so no laziness, please :)
I expect dedicated players - posting with be biweekly to start and at LEAST three paragraphs per post. Hiatuses and vacations must be announced to me in advance.
Keep the EDGELORDS to a minimum. Dark themes will run prevalent throughout this RP, but I am looking for characters that blend into the storyline - invariable jerks and introverted wallflowers suck up character depth - be creative!
Because there is no restriction on age in this RP, any GRAPHIC details need to handled respectfully - This means that sexual scenes needs to FADE TO BLACK, gore/violence should be minimum and I ask that you use no more than THREE swear words in one three paragraph post.
There WILL be a discord for this RP - please only join the server if you have been ACCEPTED.​
Last edited:
I am here!! This looks to beautiful to pass up on.^^
  • Love
Reactions: Elle Joyner
...My poor mobile can't handle the code D: Just thought you might want to know
Should be fairly mobile friendly. The very edges might get chopped tho.

Ah. Except the last panel. I'll play around with it once I get to a computer lol
you're killing me elle
Hello, Hi.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Glad to see there's some interest in this! It's easily one of my most favorite projects and I'm ready to get started. I should have a CS sheet and an OOC thread up within a day or so -- I'm still without a proper computer, but I'm getting on Wednesday, so yaaay :) If anyone has any questions, please let me know!
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Can't read full post on mobile. :(

Would love to give interest if I knew what it said.
If you turn your phone sideways it should show up.
Can't read full post on mobile. :(

Would love to give interest if I knew what it said.


I had same prob but I can read the full writeup when I choose "Request desktop site" in my settings.

~edz~ I use Androids Google Chrome browser btw :]
*glomps with interest*

I'm definitely IN on this. :D
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super interested! I'll pop back in later.

Alright kids - CS is officially Up and Running.

As well, the OOC thread is also available! Please DO NOT USE the Discord yet. You must be ACCEPTED first!

TAGS || If I tagged you, it's either cause you expressed interest, or cause I like you XD Don't feel obligated to join or respond - Just didn't want to leave you out :)

@Jess Incognito, @Kimberlyn, @Boo Girlie BoomBoom, @Petrichor, @rissa, @BearEnthusiast, @Joan, @Nav, @CloudyBlueDay, @Rowboat, @Effervescent, @Red Thunder, @Doctor Jax, @Shizuochan, @Tyrannosaurus Rekt

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