Parasite e.v.e: Mitochondrial Disaster (Always Open)

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Name: Kris Alexander Dailin, "K" as a nickname
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Hometown: Johnson
Relatives: Parents Deceased.
Occupation: Military. (USMC)
Goal: Destroy them and save as many as possible.

Mitochondrial Stage: Stage 2
Symptoms: More Aware of Surroundings, Vomiting, tightening of stomach, migraines
Abilities: none
Talents or Skills: Sniper, Combat, Gathering
Weakness: Conversation
Appearance: he has Brown hair and blue eyes. He stands tall at 6 feet. He wears a black Under Armor shirt and combat vest. He is wearing Camo cargo pants and military boots. He is very well built as staying in shape was a must for him. He does have a tattoo on his right shoulder blade of a Pheonix rising from the ashes. Due to the virus he has gained quite a few scars and loos of weight.

Personality: He is usually quiet and reserved, only speaking when he wants to. He is can be easily agitated if things start getting out of hand and pushy. On top of the agitation he can have a very bad temper.
Fear: Losing himself to the Mutation.
Mental Illness: Frequent Night Terrors.
Allies: Dr. Lauran

Biography: Kris joined the Military right out of high school. The Military is all he has known, when the Varicella Zoster pandemic started he was immediately assigned to New York as a guard for the researchers. Not long after being there he had been infected and was told he had to stay there due to him being infected. He had to watch as all the others left. They just left. He had no orders telling him he had to continue what he was doing. Instead as the three years passed he has been with Dr. Lauran. She had no combat abilities that he knew of. So he would be the one usually to get what she needed that was outside the apartment building. He also only went out at night usually due him being in stage two.

Weapons: Remington ACR firearm_carbine_ACR_11_ss.jpg
Equipment: Ammo, Cantine (water), First aid kit, MRE (Meals Ready to Eat), Scope (for ACR)
Gear or Clothes:
Tactical backpack.
Under Armor shirt, Camo pants, combat boots, tactical vest, Tactical scarf.shemagh foliage 1.jpg
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All have been approved thus far, Cry yours is nice just double check yours please. You missed a section.
Personality dear.
did it ^^; I really had no idea what to write in her personality ^^;
That is alright, I am sure you did your best! :3
  • Thank You
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Me neither! Imma try to grab a few other people first.
Let me see if I can get my sister interested! She should be I watched her play P.E. before I played it myself. Although she hasn't played 3rd Birthday like I have.
@ausriasan you should totally get into this.
Tehe~ Thanks. :3
I can't do a bio tonight, but I can do one. I have a terrible headache and thinking makes it worse.
No problem just means these people have to wait longer. ;) Mwahaha

-runs off to bed-
asdfghjkl you tease! D:

Name: Aliah (Prefers Coral)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Hometown: Binghamton
Relatives: Dead
Occupation: Student
Goal: Find a group of people who will help me survive with them.
Mitochondrial Stage: Stage One
Symptoms: Rashes, Constant Headaches.
Abilities: Stage Five Only
Talents or Skills: Archery, Hiding, Tinkerer(fix things please tell me if these are okay)
Weakness: Running, splitting up, others being hurt (will die for another person)
Appearance: Aliah is about 5 Feet 10 inches tall. She is skinny but not bone skinny she has muscles. Aliah has a rash between her collar bones right under her neck, one on her right hip, and the other on the bottom of her right foot. Aliah has green eyes which are very vibrant and bring out her red hair. Her arms are sprinkled with freckles every so often but she has 4 freckles making a rhombus on her right forearm. Her legs are muscled but skinny at the same time, she just has a bit of muscle there. Her hair is naturally wavy and likes to frizz up, she usually puts it in a half up half down with a clip she saved from her mother before she mutated. (If this isn't good tell me I can change it right away! :)
Personality: Aliah is a very out-going person or was ever since infected by the virus she's become more and more isolated after watching her mom become mutated and her mom then hurting her leg (why she can't run well) she doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore. Although she will do anything to help someone using her archery skills. Aliah usually puts other peoples safety in front of her own.
Fear: Aliah's biggest fear is being mutated and losing control hurting people she wishes so much she can control herself and not hurt anyone.
Mental Illness:
Allies: No one as of now but willing to accept anyone for this role :)

Biography: Watching the virus take over at the age of 14 she was quite confused. Her life before that was simple. She always went with her father to the shooting range her wooden bow always with her, and always practicing with it. She was exceptionally smart at math and reading in school. Aliah made many friends and was considered popular before the virus broke out. She had major connections with her family nothing got in her way of protecting them. Her father died before the virus, due to a robbery. Aliah had to use her bow to shoot the robber but not before her father was killed. This was when Aliah was 12 and she dropped from being popular and became a bit depressed. The guilt on her for killing the man was very strong but she knew if she didn't everyone in her family might have died. So Aliah then started to practice with the bow more and more feeling she would never make her dad proud. Then the virus struck, she helped her mom and brother during the 3 years. Although her brother died due to a mutated animal and her mom became mutated not soon after. She vow's to try whatever it takes to help find the cure to this virus.

Weapons: Black compound bow

Equipment: Bag, Matches, Tarp, Flashlight, Hunting Arrows (only 5), Food and Water
Gear or Clothes:
this over sized hoodie with white shirt, and ripped up dirty jeans. Torn up old black vans for shoes
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