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Sitting alone, the man realized his counterpart had not thought this through at all, though what he remembered of him didn't make that seem very surprising. Head in his hands from where he sat on a park bench, Jarred had no idea how he was going to find these people. Didn't know a thing about them. He'd have to apologize to the group when he found them and assure them he was much more stable.

Chell (Flipside)

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Others?

Chell woke up with a gasp, what time was it? Her eyes immediately shot to a nearby clock; it was kind of late really... Hmm... Looks like she may not have to worry about running errands for a while, until then, she decided to get out her laptop and began to look into the whole deal with the RKDC, attempting to find any corrolations with "project voodoo" and the RKDC company, even the tiniest little detail would be a good start. Though it would most likely be risky to act upon whatever discoveries she may have, it was definitely better htan just sitting here, letting an opportunity like this pass her by. Besides, it seemed that alot of the property that Caroline, her former captive once had was... Confiscated by that very company, and whatever her alternate self had discovered, might just tie into that stuff somehow... And if that were true, then she might have more than just the plights of some other version of herself in a distant dimension to worry about.
Chell's google-fu did eventually turn up a few interesting facts. Caroline's company hadn't been the only one who's remains had been snatched up by RKDC. They actually had a bit of a reputation of being corporate vultures who swooped in and bought out bankrupt or otherwise defunct tech companies to gouge out whatever good projects or employees were still there and leaving the remains out to dry. There were even whispers on the shadier message boards about how some thought that Red Knight actually sabotaged companies beforehand, though obviously no official investigations had ever turned up any wrong doing.

Unfortunately, any searches for a project voodoo just turned up a metal band that was native to Louisiana.

"Good." She stated with finality, sliding the phone across the table for him to take. "In any case, I suppose I'd best go off to try and meet up with some of the others. Maybe swing by the police station to see if Lucifer is on duty first even, who knows?" Azula shrugged and stood up, already heading for the front door. "Hopefully we all have luck on our side." She added, looking over her shoulder with a smirk. A smirk that faded just as soon as it appeared, as without even missing a beat she turned her head to look over her opposite shoulder, delivering a cold glare at her brother's back while he served the customers. A stare that spoke of getting even.

...Even if she didn't remember any of this, she knew she would get even regardless. That was their nature, always one-upping the other.​
A short taxi or bus ride later, Azula found herself back at the Edison dormitory. She passed the same spot the other Azula had finally gone to sleep at on her way to Ruby's room, and when she turned the last corner before her destination, a now familiar white haired girl came around the corner from the other side, dressed in running clothes. She narrowed her eyes slightly at the sight of Azula for the second time in as many days and made her own way to the room, pausing outside the door with her arms crossed. "Can I help you?"



To those who were new and had gotten Bucky's little speech, the Jasmine Dragon tea house was pretty easy to find with a quick internet search or phone book dive, it was just a matter of getting there.

@Jeremi @Kaykay

Sitting alone, the man realized his counterpart had not thought this through at all, though what he remembered of him didn't make that seem very surprising. Head in his hands from where he sat on a park bench, Jarred had no idea how he was going to find these people. Didn't know a thing about them. He'd have to apologize to the group when he found them and assure them he was much more stable.


A squirrel landed on the bench next to Jared, nut in hand and seemingly unconcerned with the man sitting next to him as it chowed away


Sunday was his day off, but nothing was preventing Lucifer from going to the station or the tea house after his impromptu sparring match. Wherever his destination was, his phone vibrated a few minutes after he left his master's house.

'Oi, hero in training, still need to talk?'

A short taxi or bus ride later, Azula found herself back at the Edison dormitory. She passed the same spot the other Azula had finally gone to sleep at on her way to Ruby's room, and when she turned the last corner before her destination, a now familiar white haired girl came around the corner from the other side, dressed in running clothes. She narrowed her eyes slightly at the sight of Azula for the second time in as many days and made her own way to the room, pausing outside the door with her arms crossed. "Can I help you?"
It had been a brief glance on her way, but it felt much longer than it had been. Nothing more than a stare, knowing with certainty that was where she, the other she, had finally let her guard down and slept. To think that spot could go from this to that in such time...it was nuts just thinking about it. And of course, no sooner had she turned the corner did another come around the opposite corner.

Azula's nose scrunched a bit as she tried to recall if there had been a sign of this one on the other side, even just a mere glimpse as a spliced or simply as a dead corpse, lying there...but there was none that she could remember. Her face relaxed and she shook her head over at the white haired runner. "I doubt you can." She stepped up to the door herself, trying to peek in for any sign of Ruby.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
It had been a brief glance on her way, but it felt much longer than it had been. Nothing more than a stare, knowing with certainty that was where she, the other she, had finally let her guard down and slept. To think that spot could go from this to that in such time...it was nuts just thinking about it. And of course, no sooner had she turned the corner did another come around the opposite corner.

Azula's nose scrunched a bit as she tried to recall if there had been a sign of this one on the other side, even just a mere glimpse as a spliced or simply as a dead corpse, lying there...but there was none that she could remember. Her face relaxed and she shook her head over at the white haired runner. "I doubt you can." She stepped up to the door herself, trying to peek in for any sign of Ruby.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
The door opened just a crack enough for a glimpse of Red-tipped black hair hunched over a laptop to be visible before a dainty hand shoved the door back shut. Weiss' eyes were still narrowed as she sniffed at being ignored. "And what exactly do you want with her?"
The door opened just a crack enough for a glimpse of Red-tipped black hair hunched over a laptop to be visible before a dainty hand shoved the door back shut. Weiss' eyes were still narrowed as she sniffed at being ignored. "And what exactly do you want with her?"
"That's funny. I didn't even know you cared, didn't seem to last time. Besides...you probably wouldn't believe me if I stood here and told you everything. So how about instead, we save ourselves a lot of aggravation and time by you pretending you didn't see me and I didn't see you? How about that?"
"That's funny. I didn't even know you cared, didn't seem to last time. Besides...you probably wouldn't believe me if I stood here and told you everything. So how about instead, we save ourselves a lot of aggravation and time by you pretending you didn't see me and I didn't see you? How about that?"
Her brow furrowed even farther till icy blue slits were staring Azula down with her hand still firmly planted on the door

"Just because I'm not friends with the little dolt doesn't mean I shouldn't be concerned about people taking advantage of such a young student. She comes home beat up, then you show up, and then she's suddenly researching her dream jobs rival company? Who are you really, mysterious teenagee in all black?"

Her brow furrowed even farther till icy blue slits were staring Azula down with her hand still firmly planted on the door

"Just because I'm not friends with the little dolt doesn't mean I shouldn't be concerned about people taking advantage of such a young student. She comes home beat up, then you show up, and then she's suddenly researching her dream jobs rival company? Who are you really, mysterious teenager in all black?"
Azula sighed loudly, emphasized just for Weiss. Oddly enough, Ruby's roommate reminded her of her other self, in a few ways. "I'm not taking advantage of her. It may not mean much but I promise you. My name's Azula. Azula Akari. All I am is a student and a barista who's in way over her head. Wish I wasn't but I don't have much of a choice. We...have something important beyond belief to accomplish. Don't believe me? Ask your roommate."



An obtuse sound was keeping Shaun Hastings, Barista from sleeping. It buzzed his unconscious mind like an insect flying round and round his spiky haired head. It dragged him farther and farther from of the land of Morpheus and into the reality that his inner self was telling him was only half real.

Opening his eyes, he realized that the world had already ended, it's solidly dissolving into a blurry mass of matter that-... wait, he didn't have his glasses on. Reaching across to the nightstand, he put his glasses on and realized that no, the world hadn't ended and what's more, he hadn't just picked up his glasses from his nightstand. He was in a hospital, wearing a bedsheet.


And, to add insult to injury, there was an incredibly angry computer technician glaring at him. Realizing that the ides of march were upon him, he hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep once more.


He could feel the intensity of her glare burning a hole through his bedsheet, revealing his pasty white chest within. After a few minutes of this while the hospital speakers played the theme to the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in the background, Shaun eventually cracked from under the strain and shouted; "What in the bloody blue hells did I do."


To be continued~

Sunday was his day off, but nothing was preventing Lucifer from going to the station or the tea house after his impromptu sparring match. Wherever his destination was, his phone vibrated a few minutes after he left his master's house.

'Oi, hero in training, still need to talk?'


He smiled broadly, his mood suddenly more clear as he texted back a quick reply.

"Yes. Meet me at our place?"

A little bakery near a book store. Quaint neighborhood, with the best schnee balls in the city. Its owner was to pastries what Iroh was to tea and the city knew it.

And a little faster now, Lucifer headed off.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer

Azula sighed loudly, emphasized just for Weiss. Oddly enough, Ruby's roommate reminded her of her other self, in a few ways. "I'm not taking advantage of her. It may not mean much but I promise you. My name's Azula. Azula Akari. All I am is a student and a barista who's in way over her head. Wish I wasn't but I don't have much of a choice. We...have something important beyond belief to accomplish. Don't believe me? Ask your roommate."
Weiss' eyes stayed squinted as she jab a finger towards Azula. "I accepted that excuse last time, bu you know what? fine, we'll do just that. Ruby!" She barked as she pulled the door back open. The engineer in training almost flew out of her chair at the abrupt greeting, and tried to catch her breath as she answered. "Jeez Weiss, gimme a heart attack why don't you? What, did something happen on your run-"

"Shut up. Who is this?" She cut off as she turned her head towards Ruby while keeping her finger pointed at their visitor. Ruby blinked a few times in confusion but eventually answered.

"... That's Azula."

"And why is she here?"

"She's... a friend?"

"And what is your 'friend' here to do?" she asked, turning away from Azula to turn her full wrath upon Ruby. The girl blinked at this seemingly random interrogation and tried to answer, but...

"She... well... there's a thing that... we're doing. Together. Yea."

"What thing"

"...Thingy things."

"What? What is so important that you or your mysterious new friend can't spit out? I will not have any sort of illegal or suspicious activity based out of my dorm room, Rose!"

Ruby frantically waved her hands "No no no, its nothing like that, its just, that, well, you know, its, uh, there's a thing? its...Video games!" She finally fell back on. Not like Weiss would have anything to go on there, she didn't touch the stuff-

"...No. Its not." Weiss said after a moment.

"I-its not?" Ruby replied, almost going pale in the face.

"Of course not! You won't shut up about those to me after two months, you wouldn't bother making a big deal out of it now! What. Is. It?"

Crap. Crap crap crap. She had to think of something, or else she was pretty sure Weiss was going to call the cops or something and who knows what would happen after that? "She's, s-she's uh.... my girlfriend!"








He smiled broadly, his mood suddenly more clear as he texted back a quick reply.

"Yes. Meet me at our place?"

A little bakery near a book store. Quaint neighborhood, with the best schnee balls in the city. Its owner was to pastries what Iroh was to tea and the city knew it.

And a little faster now, Lucifer headed off.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer

By the time Lucifer got there, Belle had already snagged a table by the shop's window outside. The streets were relatively calm for Parrel, the Sunday afternoon laze effect heavy in the air as the slightly cool air breezed down the sidewalk. Isabelle herself was bouncing a fork in her hand as she chewed her way through her latest bite of pastry, eyes closed and with her headphones in as she hummed along to whatever the song was, her inability to carry a tune making it inscrutable to whatever it was exactly. She was in a long skirt and a sweater over a grey top, the rest of her outfit various hues of green as she waited seemingly unaware for Lucifer to arrive.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: BarrenThin and C.T.
Jarred watched the squirrel with a growing smile. Cute. Still, he had to find some way out of this. A thought did occur to him, though. He reached out to poke squirrel. "You're not the talking cat, are you? That would be freaky." Yes, poking the random squirrel, an animal with no relation to cats, would certainly end well. Was Jarred a bit calmer and easier going than his counter-part? Yes. Was he really that much more sane when it came down to it? No.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
Weiss' eyes stayed squinted as she jab a finger towards Azula. "I accepted that excuse last time, bu you know what? fine, we'll do just that. Ruby!" She barked as she pulled the door back open. The engineer in training almost flew out of her chair at the abrupt greeting, and tried to catch her breath as she answered. "Jeez Weiss, gimme a heart attack why don't you? What, did something happen on your run-"
"That is why I suggested it, after all." Azula remarked.
"Shut up. Who is this?" She cut off as she turned her head towards Ruby while keeping her finger pointed at their visitor. Ruby blinked a few times in confusion but eventually answered.​
"I'm Azula Akari. I just said that? Barista and all..." She commented helpfully, though she fell silent as the pair continued on with their back and forth. Her eyebrows raised a few times at some of Weiss's interrogative questions. Very nosy for a roommate who seemingly didn't care...of course, it was all about her. She didn't want questionable things associated remotely with her. Why couldn't she just let it go so they all could move on--
Crap. Crap crap crap. She had to think of something, or else she was pretty sure Weiss was going to call the cops or something and who knows what would happen after that? "She's, s-she's uh.... my girlfriend!"





"..." Admittedly she was caught just a little ABSOLUTELY off guard, her mouth hanging open...for a brief second before she regained her composure. To her credit, she fell in line with the bluff, forcing a blush to her face. "You didn't have to say that out loud, you know." Azula practically hissed before her expression softened. Just to further sell it, she took a few quick steps and locked her lips with Ruby.

Eyes closed of course because she was not sure she could handle seeing what she was doing, nor did she want to check.​
  • Thank You
Reactions: BarrenThin
"That is why I suggested it, after all." Azula remarked.

"I'm Azula Akari. I just said that? Barista and all..." She commented helpfully, though she fell silent as the pair continued on with their back and forth. Her eyebrows raised a few times at some of Weiss's interrogative questions. Very nosy for a roommate who seemingly didn't care...of course, it was all about her. She didn't want questionable things associated remotely with her. Why couldn't she just let it go so they all could move on--

"..." Admittedly she was caught just a little ABSOLUTELY off guard, her mouth hanging open...for a brief second before she regained her composure. To her credit, she fell in line with the bluff, forcing a blush to her face. "You didn't have to say that out loud, you know." Azula practically hissed before her expression softened. Just to further sell it, she took a few quick steps and locked her lips with Ruby.

Eyes closed of course because she was not sure she could handle seeing what she was doing, nor did she want to check.​
"Are you SERIOUS-" SLAM. The door was resolutely shut as Weiss stalked down the hall to just... re-evaluate her opinion of the universe after seeing that dolt doing... that, with someone that attractive what the hell.

Ruby meanwhile went absolutely completely, one hundred percent stock still at the sudden move. Barely even breathed as she froze entirely. Didn't reciprocate, didn't sock Azula in the face, basically just stopped existing for a few seconds till it stopped.

And actually after it stopped.

Just stared off into space.

After a few seconds she finally squeaked out a few words.

"That... wasn't what... I... was trying to do."
By the time Lucifer got there, Belle had already snagged a table by the shop's window outside. The streets were relatively calm for Parrel, the Sunday afternoon laze effect heavy in the air as the slightly cool air breezed down the sidewalk. Isabelle herself was bouncing a fork in her hand as she chewed her way through her latest bite of pastry, eyes closed and with her headphones in as she hummed along to whatever the song was, her inability to carry a tune making it inscrutable to whatever it was exactly. She was in a long skirt and a sweater over a grey top, the rest of her outfit various hues of green as she waited seemingly unaware for Lucifer to arrive.

He stood there for a long moment as though seeing her for the first time. Every habit, every conduct of her fork as she listened to her tunes. A part of him wondered what was wrong with the image before realizing he was looking for softball equipment. No bat with her runes engraved, no shorts for running. She was Isabelle and yet...Not. Not the one his Shadow was familiar with and fought alongside with. A feeling akin to vindictive pleasure flashed over his heart, low as it was at the realization.

You never knew anything like this. You were always afraid, afraid to connect with anyone. War made you a quivering mess and though you fought, you fought without fear because you had been reduced. Reduced to a crying child in the dark, screaming for it all to end. And because of that, you lost her. Well, I didn't make that mistake.

And he never would. Where Lucifer the Executor got it wrong was the sheer, presumptuous arrogance. Hells bells, even he got it and he was just a cop. The problem was that his counterpart was expecting perfection out of himself. Did he really think he was that much better than anyone else? That his powers make him a higher quality of human being? That his knowledge placed him on a higher plane than everyone else in his world?


Sheer, bloody arrogance on a level so deep, he didn't even realize it exists. He had set a higher standard for himself. He believed that because he have more power than others, he have to do more with it. Some form of penience or attempt to be a hero, he didn't know and he didn't care regarding the motive. However he thought about himself though, in his inner thoughts? The Cop had this to say to the Executor.

Monsters don't care. The damned don't care. The only way to go beyond redemption is to choose to take yourself there. The only way to do it is to stop caring. It was something every policeman learned on the job, that it wasn't enough to be a symbol...You had to believe it. To care. And that made all the difference between the good cops and the bad. He knew it and this was why he was here. Because he knew to rely on others and not push them away. No, he didn't hate his counterpart. He no longer hated the Executor.

He pitied him.

And with a surge of affection, he approached his fiance and placing his hands gently on her shoulders, snuck a lingering kiss on the side of her neck before pulling away with a broad smile, taking a seat across.

"Hello Isabelle."

Executor and Cop stared at their first love and if there was a small tear, he discarded it.

"Its wonderful to see you."

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
Jarred watched the squirrel with a growing smile. Cute. Still, he had to find some way out of this. A thought did occur to him, though. He reached out to poke squirrel. "You're not the talking cat, are you? That would be freaky." Yes, poking the random squirrel, an animal with no relation to cats, would certainly end well. Was Jarred a bit calmer and easier going than his counter-part? Yes. Was he really that much more sane when it came down to it? No.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
Unless the cat had lost its ability to speak, it was not the same mind in the fuzzy creature as it simply squeaked in indignance and hopped off the bench, taking its treasure with it.​
"Are you SERIOUS-" SLAM. The door was resolutely shut as Weiss stalked down the hall to just... re-evaluate her opinion of the universe after seeing that dolt doing... that, with someone that attractive what the hell.

Ruby meanwhile went absolutely completely, one hundred percent stock still at the sudden move. Barely even breathed as she froze entirely. Didn't reciprocate, didn't sock Azula in the face, basically just stopped existing for a few seconds till it stopped.

And actually after it stopped.

Just stared off into space.

After a few seconds she finally squeaked out a few words.

"That... wasn't what... I... was trying to do."
"You didn't exactly let me in on what you were trying to do before you did it." She pointed out, taking a few steps back for both their sakes. "But it worked, didn't it? I sold the bluff and she believed it and now she's gone. Easier than explaining, in my opinion Still...sorry. Don't get me wrong, you look...adorable. But not like that. Let us just forget it ever happened?"
"You didn't exactly let me in on what you were trying to do before you did it." She pointed out, taking a few steps back for both their sakes. "But it worked, didn't it? I sold the bluff and she believed it and now she's gone. Easier than explaining, in my opinion Still...sorry. Don't get me wrong, you look...adorable. But not like that. Let us just forget it ever happened?"
"Yep. Never gonna think about that again. Just first one and all. But nope. Never ever thinking about that again if I can help it. Hah. Haha. ha."

The thousand yard stare continued for a few seconds before Ruby literally slapped herself and spun her desk chair back towards her laptop. "RIGHT, So uh, terrible ideas by everyone aside, I spent last night doing some digging into RKDC and stuff, and when I woke up this morning I tried to see what I could find on the people that other Ruby brought in and all that. And two of them are like, famous. Err, famous-ish. One's apparently some sorta royalty, and the other actually goes to school here! And... was kidnapped. By terrorists. At least thats one more person who has experience with... stress?" she said with a wince at her own wording as she pulled up the pages she'd found to show Azula.​
Jarred stood and moved after the squirrel, "Aw... I'm sorry! Come back! I'll... Get you peanuts?" No, he did not consider talking to the squirrel in the least bit strange. Yes, he did realize he had no money to buy nuts with even if it turned out it was the cat just being difficult.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer

He stood there for a long moment as though seeing her for the first time. Every habit, every conduct of her fork as she listened to her tunes. A part of him wondered what was wrong with the image before realizing he was looking for softball equipment. No bat with her runes engraved, no shorts for running. She was Isabelle and yet...Not. Not the one his Shadow was familiar with and fought alongside with. A feeling akin to vindictive pleasure flashed over his heart, low as it was at the realization.

You never knew anything like this. You were always afraid, afraid to connect with anyone. War made you a quivering mess and though you fought, you fought without fear because you had been reduced. Reduced to a crying child in the dark, screaming for it all to end. And because of that, you lost her. Well, I didn't make that mistake.

And he never would. Where Lucifer the Executor got it wrong was the sheer, presumptuous arrogance. Hells bells, even he got it and he was just a cop. The problem was that his counterpart was expecting perfection out of himself. Did he really think he was that much better than anyone else? That his powers make him a higher quality of human being? That his knowledge placed him on a higher plane than everyone else in his world?


Sheer, bloody arrogance on a level so deep, he didn't even realize it exists. He had set a higher standard for himself. He believed that because he have more power than others, he have to do more with it. Some form of penience or attempt to be a hero, he didn't know and he didn't care regarding the motive. However he thought about himself though, in his inner thoughts? The Cop had this to say to the Executor.

Monsters don't care. The damned don't care. The only way to go beyond redemption is to choose to take yourself there. The only way to do it is to stop caring. It was something every policeman learned on the job, that it wasn't enough to be a symbol...You had to believe it. To care. And that made all the difference between the good cops and the bad. He knew it and this was why he was here. Because he knew to rely on others and not push them away. No, he didn't hate his counterpart. He no longer hated the Executor.

He pitied him.

And with a surge of affection, he approached his fiance and placing his hands gently on her shoulders, snuck a lingering kiss on the side of her neck before pulling away with a broad smile, taking a seat across.

"Hello Isabelle."

Executor and Cop stared at their first love and if there was a small tear, he discarded it.

"Its wonderful to see you."

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
There was a slight jump as the hands were placed and eyes shot open, but Belle's shoulders relaxed immediately after once she saw who it was and she accepted it with grace and giggles and basically a thousand times better than that kiss that just happened across town : |

She put down her fork and clasped her fingers so she could rest her chin on them and smirk at Lucifer from across the table. "Good to see you too Lucy-loo. So, while I've got no qualms with extra date days... are you ok?" She asked, the lilt in her voice disappearing along with the till that point ever present smile. "Did something happen at work?"
"Yep. Never gonna think about that again. Just first one and all. But nope. Never ever thinking about that again if I can help it. Hah. Haha. ha."

The thousand yard stare continued for a few seconds before Ruby literally slapped herself and spun her desk chair back towards her laptop. "RIGHT, So uh, terrible ideas by everyone aside, I spent last night doing some digging into RKDC and stuff, and when I woke up this morning I tried to see what I could find on the people that other Ruby brought in and all that. And two of them are like, famous. Err, famous-ish. One's apparently some sorta royalty, and the other actually goes to school here! And... was kidnapped. By terrorists. At least thats one more person who has experience with... stress?" she said with a wince at her own wording as she pulled up the pages she'd found to show Azula.​
"Good." She agreed, settling down on the floor and repressing the memory herself.

"And even better. Good thinking, investigating all that. Me, weeeeeell..." She flashed back to Zuko and Bucky. "Not as productive. So. Famous, huh? Royalty." She cringed ever so slightly. "I hope they're better to get along with than my other self, who...I also want to apologize for. She's...a mess. Anyways, this is good. Any hints to where they're at or where they could be heading? Royalty at least, like fancy galas in town or something? Dunno why else royalty would come here." She stated as she flicked through the pages.​
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