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"Raime, stop! That's enough!" The plant yelled as he rushed over as he tugged at Raime's arm. He knew it wouldn't have done any good but this didn't seem any better than leaving the man to their mercy. He'd been set on fire before. It was one of the many attempts on his life to claim the sixty billion double dollars reward for the humanoid typhoon.

But no matter how much the plant tugged, the knight's hold would not loosen. Seemingly not until Cena was unconscious yet again or more likely pleading for his life due to the searing pain from the burns. Raime had done so much to try and get to know Vash, and the plant felt he had gotten closer to the knight than any of the others had. Maybe he'd be a good influence on Raime and help him get along with the others.

But sparing someone's life only to go about subduing them in such a roundabout and cruel manner was not the way to go about it! He'd keep pulling at Raime's hands, not at all caring how the heat burned at his own hands. He had already ruined so many people's lives in July and Augusta and he hadn't killed a single one of them with his bare hands. He would have hated to see Raime go down the same path and hurt someone who hadn't been all there to begin with.

It almost reminded Vash of the Gung Ho Guns. Some of the most broken people who had a tough lot in life. But Knives took them in and accentuated their negative feelings and anger in a manner to try and break Vash. To force him to abandon the morals that idealistic woman had poisoned his mind when he was a child and to actually take someone else's life. He hadn't been able to help any of them. Either Knives disposed of them or they took their own ways out.

"I'm not going to let you walk down that same path, Raime. Not if there is something I can do!"

Looking over RC's horrendous burn wounds, Vash's entire body shook with revulsion. Not at Raimes but just what had happened as a result of whoever had put Cena in this place. Something had been wrong with this man and had all of their fighting against him only worsened his condition? Made him even more insane if that was even possible? Was whoever brought them all here responsible for Cena being like this?

Maybe, maybe before all of this he had been a relatively kind fellow. Maybe he had a loving wife and a son who admired him. But none of that mattered now that he had lost it all. Then he'd been placed here for them to encounter and to have no other choice but to fight. Twas a sadistic choice with no positive alternatives. Now the poor man's face looked like he'd been through hell and for all Vash knew maybe he had been?

Walking over to the downed rubber-man, the plant knelt down and removed his glasses. Folding them up neatly he'd tuck them away for the time being. It wasn't an ability he used often. In fact it was only when Legato wanted to taunt him did he have a use for it, but both him and Knives and by extension Legato due to possessing Vash's missing arm could speak telepathically.

Placing a hand atop Cena's forehead, Vash closed his eyes and began to broadcast into his mind.

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you. I don't know the man you used to be, the man you might have wanted to be. But I can tell with certainty that this was not him. This is what you've been forced into. But I swear on my life that I'll find the one responsible for putting you and us in this situation and I'll bring them to justice. I'll be long gone by the time you wake up and I'm really sorry about the burns. Raime isn't a bad guy, he's trying to do what he can. I'll just be there to give him the help that he needs. I hope that's some modicum of peace for the real you."

Removing his hand from RC's forehead, Vash rose back up to his feet with his back to the others. His eyes were still closed and for good reason. No one needed to see him cry. These were not just tears of remorse of not being able to do more for Cena but tears of anger towards whoever twisted him into being the sympathetic lunatic that he was now.

Some angel he turned out to be, eh?


@C.T. @El Tigre! @Schnee Corp Lawyer @BarrenThin @york @Saint Guillotine

The Fume Knight was perplexed by these attempts to stop him. Of course, he understood that the plant was a gentle soul, but Raime had done as he'd asked; he hadn't killed Cena. In his own bizarre naivete, he wasn't able to fully understand why Vash attempted to steer him from what Raime saw as a 'peaceful' alternative to simply killing him.

He didn't say anything, though. In fact, he didn't even look at Vash through the whole ordeal; to do so would have provoked weakness. Hesitation. In the defense of himself and his 'allies,' there was no place for that. It would put them at risk if he paused for even a moment.


Still, resting a moment more couldn't hurt.

Raime briefly stepped off to the side, examining his hands. They still hurt from when he caught Cena's fist, but, injury wise, they were fine. The Fume Knight examined his own leg briefly, as well. Sprained. Nothing he couldn't ignore. His chest and back were completely different stories, however. The kick had broken ribs. He could feel it when he took a breath. His back had gone through a wall; it simply hurt. Badly. He had no way to tell what the injury was, just that it would be difficult to ignore.

With a grunt, he rejoined the group as though nothing happened. He scanned them with a sigh. What could he do? If what he had been told earlier was true, he had no Nadalia. No one to return to. He wasn't even real... at least, not the original. No Nadalia. No warmth. No beauty. No caressing Darkness.

Not even a Velstadt to someday defeat.

He hadn't given all of this any real thought, up until then. If they truly weren't real, and were just imitations, what did they have to return to?

He thought back to his time as a knight in Vendrick's army, joining his king in the invasion of the Giants' home (despite his reservation) alongside none other than Velstadt. His own Knives. A brother he loved. A brother he fought beside. All underneath Vendrick's regal smile and guiding hand.

"That's five!" Raime remembered Velstadt calling out in the middle of combat at one point. "You'll have to speed up, Raime, if you ever want to compete!"

"I've got eight!" Raime's greatsword dismembered a giant, sending the brutish creature toppling. He deflected an oncoming spell with his shield. It had greatly surprised him to learn that the Giants wielded magic. Every passing hour here sewed the seeds of doubt about their cause. The Giants had few boats. Most of what they'd done was stumble upon villages, catching their guards by surprise. Still, he fought on alongside his brother in spite of his doubts.


But Raime could only ignore his doubts for so long. Nashandra was a lying temptress with nothing but evil in her heart. She was leading the kingdom into ruin. Even then, the Giants were bearing down on them, seeking revenge. He had to do something. Anything. But his brother stopped him.


"She is going to drag this kingdom to its grave, Velstadt!" Raime shouted over the din of weapons clashing. "Countless more will die if we don't stop her!"

"Vendrick knows what's best for the Kingdom, Raime! Not you! We have to trust him!"

The fight was long. Miserable. Neither side was willing to go all out. Raime had an opportunity to end the fight. He saw it. Almost took it. But he felt that moment of weakness. He hesitated. A blow landed. His shield was torn from his arm, and his arm badly broken. Velstadt sent him sprawling with another blow.

The Aegis readied himself to finish his brother, but a voice called out and stopped him. Vendrick. "Wait, Velstadt." The massive hammer paused midair, and was then set aside. Raime stood, clutching his arm. "Raime... I cannot let him kill you," Vendrick began. Though this may be reassuring to some, Raime saw where he king was going and felt he panic rising. "But I cannot suffer you to stay. You are a traitor, Raime. Go. Leave Drangleic don't return."

Raime shook his head. He started to speak, but Vendrick cut him off with a wave... and Raime slowly left the room.


He didn't stop walking for a long time. Not until his knees gave out. Brume Tower. He'd seen it on the maps.

Before crossing to it, sitting on his knees, he simply screamed. Screamed at his own weakness. At his own failure. He screamed out of hatred for the brother that had betrayed him and the father that had abandoned him.

But someone heard him. Nadalia called to him. Took him in. Even after he attempted to destroy her.


But none of that was truly his? All of this was someone else's memory?


For the first time in centuries, Raime was in the company of humans... and yet he'd never felt more alone.

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Thuro The Assassin Potato

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"What? You're just going to leave him unbound? I'm not saying we kill him or anything like that, but he could just get up and come after us." Shaun looked around at the gathered participants, looking to see whether any of them had anything that could be used to bind the poor wrestler. It would have used his fairly newfound Eagle Vision, but he'd have rather not overuse it. Didn't want it becoming a crutch. That was how you ended up like poor Desmond, dead in a cave. Not that Shaun wouldn't have taken his place if he'd had too. Life of an Assassin and all.
None of them had anything on them looked like it could be used as a binding, which was rather disappointing.
Well, Vash was wearing an awfully long overcoat.


"Vash mate." He said, flicking his Hidden Blade out, for cutting the cloth of course. "If you don't mind terribly, I'd like to take part of your trenchcoat off your hands. Make sure Mr. "And his name is" doesn't come after us the moment we decide its safe to relax a little."

"Not that I see that happening any time soon." He added under his breath.


The tears were still fresh by the time Shaun spoke up to get Vash's attention. Wiping them away as best as he could, he'd bring out his glasses and slipped them back on. To repair his 'goofball' image.

He took a moment to analyze Shaun's features. He had spoken to him briefly but from what he could recall, they'd worked together. Yeah, in that one donut-coffee place. Basically the joint that was close to Heaven for the plant. But it felt like there was so much more to the story that he couldn't fill in. Just like the only images of his last encounter with Knives were that of him blasting his younger brother with the Angel Arm and the ruins of the city. Not the most pleasant thing to think of however.

"Oh, yeah sure. No skin off my nose. Just, uh be gentle with him okay? I think he's been through enough."

Believing that Shaun would follow through on Vash's request, the plant unbuttoned his coat and slipped it off his shoulders. What laid behind the coat wasn't the prettiest of sights and not one Vash liked to show off to people. His midsection was a mess of scars as was his right arm, covered with scars from bullets and knives and who knew what else? His hand also showed some slight indications of a burn, most likely due to him pulling at Raime's hands while they were set ablaze. His prosthetic arm also seemed to house it's own share of scrapes having been made into the synthetic fibers of the arm. His legs also weren't exempt from this grotesque mutilation as scars littered them as well.

Overall he looked less like one of the heroes from Ruby's stories and more like a victim of a war. Which in a way he was, having waged a one-man war against the scourge of those who'd hunt him either for their own selfish reasons or they just needed the massive bounty on his head to support themselves. But Vash had made sure that there would be no casualties and any injuries he suffered along the way were worth the cost of keeping people alive.

The Fume Knight was perplexed by these attempts to stop him. Of course, he understood that the plant was a gentle soul, but Raime had done as he'd asked; he hadn't killed Cena. In his own bizarre naivete, he wasn't able to fully understand why Vash attempted to steer him from what Raime saw as a 'peaceful' alternative to simply killing him.

He didn't say anything, though. In fact, he didn't even look at Vash through the whole ordeal; to do so would have provoked weakness. Hesitation. In the defense of himself and his 'allies,' there was no place for that. It would put them at risk if he paused for even a moment.


Still, resting a moment more couldn't hurt.

Raime briefly stepped off to the side, examining his hands. They still hurt from when he caught Cena's fist, but, injury wise, they were fine. The Fume Knight examined his own leg briefly, as well. Sprained. Nothing he couldn't ignore. His chest and back were completely different stories, however. The kick had broken ribs. He could feel it when he took a breath. His back had gone through a wall; it simply hurt. Badly. He had no way to tell what the injury was, just that it would be difficult to ignore.

With a grunt, he rejoined the group as though nothing happened. He scanned them with a sigh. What could he do? If what he had been told earlier was true, he had no Nadalia. No one to return to. He wasn't even real... at least, not the original. No Nadalia. No warmth. No beauty. No caressing Darkness.

Not even a Velstadt to someday defeat.

He hadn't given all of this any real thought, up until then. If they truly weren't real, and were just imitations, what did they have to return to?

He thought back to his time as a knight in Vendrick's army, joining his king in the invasion of the Giants' home (despite his reservation) alongside none other than Velstadt. His own Knives. A brother he loved. A brother he fought beside. All underneath Vendrick's regal smile and guiding hand.

"That's five!" Raime remembered Velstadt calling out in the middle of combat at one point. "You'll have to speed up, Raime, if you ever want to compete!"

"I've got eight!" Raime's greatsword dismembered a giant, sending the brutish creature toppling. He deflected an oncoming spell with his shield. It had greatly surprised him to learn that the Giants wielded magic. Every passing hour here sewed the seeds of doubt about their cause. The Giants had few boats. Most of what they'd done was stumble upon villages, catching their guards by surprise. Still, he fought on alongside his brother in spite of his doubts.


But Raime could only ignore his doubts for so long. Nashandra was a lying temptress with nothing but evil in her heart. She was leading the kingdom into ruin. Even then, the Giants were bearing down on them, seeking revenge. He had to do something. Anything. But his brother stopped him.


"She is going to drag this kingdom to its grave, Velstadt!" Raime shouted over the din of weapons clashing. "Countless more will die if we don't stop her!"

"Vendrick knows what's best for the Kingdom, Raime! Not you! We have to trust him!"

The fight was long. Miserable. Neither side was willing to go all out. Raime had an opportunity to end the fight. He saw it. Almost took it. But he felt that moment of weakness. He hesitated. A blow landed. His shield was torn from his arm, and his arm badly broken. Velstadt sent him sprawling with another blow.

The Aegis readied himself to finish his brother, but a voice called out and stopped him. Vendrick. "Wait, Velstadt." The massive hammer paused midair, and was then set aside. Raime stood, clutching his arm. "Raime... I cannot let him kill you," Vendrick began. Though this may be reassuring to some, Raime saw where he king was going and felt he panic rising. "But I cannot suffer you to stay. You are a traitor, Raime. Go. Leave Drangleic don't return."

Raime shook his head. He started to speak, but Vendrick cut him off with a wave... and Raime slowly left the room.


He didn't stop walking for a long time. Not until his knees gave out. Bruce Tower. He'd seen it on the maps.

Before crossing to it, sitting on his knees, he simply screamed. Screamed at his own weakness. At his own failure. He screamed out of hatred for the brother that had betrayed him and the father that had abandoned him.

But someone heard him. Nadalia called to him. Took him in. Even after he attempted to destroy her.


But none of that was truly his? All of this was someone else's memory?


For the first time in centuries, Raime was in the company of humans... and yet he'd never felt more alone.

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Thuro The Assassin Potato


Tossing the jacket over to Shaun, Vash smiled at him. "Take as much as you feel is necessary. I'll survive with a little less coat to cascade in the late night winds. Toss it back when you're done." He'd say simply before glancing over at Raime. Last time the knight had approached him. Maybe it would have been better if he was the one who made the approach this time. With that mindset in play, he'd make his way over to Raime and shot a small but friendly smirk the Fume Knight's way. He normally felt bad about letting people see his body or even just parts of it due to how scarred up he was due to his pacifistic nature in a world that did not look fondly upon such a mentality.

But somehow he felt like out of all these people, Raime might have been the one who had scars that ran even deeper than his. Ones that Vash couldn't even hope to match. Not that he'd even want to.

"Hey Raime. Listen, about what happened back there with RC. I could have gone without snapping on you like I did. I saw that what I said to you might have actually caught on. For the better I'd even go as far as to say. You tried to think of a solution that didn't involve killing Cena. I couldn't ask for much more than that. Sure, you still need some work around the edges. But I'll be there to help you when you need it, Raime. I don't want you or anyone here to forget that. I'll help anyone anywhere."

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @BarrenThin @Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Thuro The Assassin Potato
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The tears were still fresh by the time Shaun spoke up to get Vash's attention. Wiping them away as best as he could, he'd bring out his glasses and slipped them back on. To repair his 'goofball' image.

He took a moment to analyze Shaun's features. He had spoken to him briefly but from what he could recall, they'd worked together. Yeah, in that one donut-coffee place. Basically the joint that was close to Heaven for the plant. But it felt like there was so much more to the story that he couldn't fill in. Just like the only images of his last encounter with Knives were that of him blasting his younger brother with the Angel Arm and the ruins of the city. Not the most pleasant thing to think of however.

"Oh, yeah sure. No skin off my nose. Just, uh be gentle with him okay? I think he's been through enough."

Believing that Shaun would follow through on Vash's request, the plant unbuttoned his coat and slipped it off his shoulders. What laid behind the coat wasn't the prettiest of sights and not one Vash liked to show off to people. His midsection was a mess of scars as was his right arm, covered with scars from bullets and knives and who knew what else? His hand also showed some slight indications of a burn, most likely due to him pulling at Raime's hands while they were set ablaze. His prosthetic arm also seemed to house it's own share of scrapes having been made into the synthetic fibers of the arm. His legs also weren't exempt from this grotesque mutilation as scars littered them as well.

Overall he looked less like one of the heroes from Ruby's stories and more like a victim of a war. Which in a way he was, having waged a one-man war against the scourge of those who'd hunt him either for their own selfish reasons or they just needed the massive bounty on his head to support themselves. But Vash had made sure that there would be no casualties and any injuries he suffered along the way were worth the cost of keeping people alive.


Tossing the jacket over to Shaun, Vash smiled at him. "Take as much as you feel is necessary. I'll survive with a little less coat to cascade in the late night winds. Toss it back when you're done." He'd say simply before glancing over at Raime. Last time the knight had approached him. Maybe it would have been better if he was the one who made the approach this time. With that mindset in play, he'd make his way over to Raime and shot a small but friendly smirk the Fume Knight's way. He normally felt bad about letting people see his body or even just parts of it due to how scarred up he was due to his pacifistic nature in a world that did not look fondly upon such a mentality.

But somehow he felt like out of all these people, Raime might have been the one who had scars that ran even deeper than his. Ones that Vash couldn't even hope to match. Not that he'd even want to.

"Hey Raime. Listen, about what happened back there with RC. I could have gone without snapping on you like I did. I saw that what I said to you might have actually caught on. For the better I'd even go as far as to say. You tried to think of a solution that didn't involve killing Cena. I couldn't ask for much more than that. Sure, you still need some work around the edges. But I'll be there to help you when you need it, Raime. I don't want you or anyone here to forget that. I'll help anyone anywhere."

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @BarrenThin @Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Thuro The Assassin Potato

Raime looked at Vash as he approached. The gunslinger couldn't see it under his helmet, but he returned the smirk, if a bit half-heartedly. He barely even noticed the scars. Or, rather, he saw them and didn't dwell on them. Raime would be just as bad, if the Darkness hadn't cleansed him; who was he to judge? Though, like any healthy person, he couldn't help but wonder how Vash had gotten them.

Vash's explanation of his actions made him pause. The Knight nodded slowly, still distracted by his own thoughts of meaninglessness and despair as he was. Truly, if ever there was a time the Fume Knight had been afraid since he left Drangleic, it was now. Raime was glad his helmet disguised his expression. He wanted no pity from those that might offer it, and he wouldn't tolerate taunting.

"I don't need help, Vash. I didn't want to kill him in his state. Simple as that." Raime looked away after a moment. His movements were a bit less... purposeful. He was almost dragging his feet. After a moment, he did speak again, his voice a little more subdued. "But... thanks."

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer

Between the fight and everyone's conflicting scents, it was impossible to detect any sort of trail Lucifer was hoping to count on.

Sharp as he was, he was no lycanthrope after all, but it was a faint idea. Like thinking R. Cena might have been amiable to talk. He still rued the fact that it had ended up as it was, and that the party ended up in this state. He thought about another small thing as well, that eventually they'd have to face.

Hunger and thirst.

They couldn't hold out as they were forever and eventually, some of them- The more human of them would need sustenance. Rest and sleep was also something, considering what they had done in recent times.

He might last longer then most, due to his state but frankly that was a very dangerous thought. To do so would sacrifice his humanity, sating nothing but his Bloodline which would lead to his personal worse-case scenario.

And the party already was suspicious enough of him as it was, if he was any judge.

Thoughtfully, he contemplated their situation. His train of thought something along the lines of the following as he considered the practical.

We can't keep like this forever. Some of us need rest. Soon, all of us will need food and water. And of course, there's the fact we're still as much in the dark now as we were before.

And then there was his personal concern, as he glanced behind him at the ones who ranked highest in his mental checklist.

Speaking of which, he slowed his step as they walked to approach Ruby, waiting till they were side by side if she didn't run before speaking quietly to her.

"If it helps....You have my word that I won't feed off of any of you without permission."

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Thuro The Assassin Potato
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Oh yea, sure. Don't worry. That sounded like a great idea! Except she was stuck on a world that wasn't her own where grimm and aura didn't exist, with a fourteen foot murderous knight who's hands could be set on fire and a FREAKING VAMPIRE along with a bunch of others people. Ruby didn't say that out loud, just nodded meekly as the group finally started back down the hall.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Thats… great!" she said with as much brightness as she could manage, shooting Lucifer the double thumbs up of super approval at his reassurance with a smile that seemed super genuine and 0% less worried as she turned her eyes back ahead because they'd gone three minutes without something crazy happening was like a record in her very short time here.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]There was finally a lull. No monsters. No elevator problems. No crazy guys with weird powers. Ruby finally got a few minutes to just… think.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Ruby Rose wasn't someone who had ever seen an obstacle and thought "that's impossible". She was obviously still human of course, and there had been [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]plenty[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] of times that she'd thought that, as super cool and awesome and stylish as she could be with Crescent Rose in hand, that there was a problem that she personally couldn't handle. Like making friends with Weiss, or taking down a Nevermore, or handling the doom train of exploding doom that had almost brought grimm based doom upon Vale. There used to be nights that she thought she wasn't going to be able to handle being a huntress, that if someone as amazing her mom couldn't' survive the grimm menace, then who possible could?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But those problems could be solved [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]with[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] people. Weiss ended up as her friend with the help of Blake, Yang, Ozpin, and, well… in some respect the Deathclaw that almost killed her (thanks giant killer scorpion!). The Nevermore had been brought down in an awesome and kickass display of teamwork by the not-even-yet-formed Team RWBY. Even a disaster like the doom train had been doomed to fail from the combined efforts of her, her team, and like half of Beacon. And even her own nightmares were fought off by a caring sister and warm hugs, till they got their butt kicked so hard they just stopped showing up. If Ruby Rose saw a problem and thought 'I can't do this', there was always the underlying addendum that even her occasionally prideful self had to add of 'I can't do this [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]alone[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]'[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But this?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Ruby wasn't about to pretend she was even the slightest inkling of smart enough to have a clue what was going on in the first place. Before she ended up here Ruby would have just stared blankly at whoever was trying to explain the idea of multiple worlds before telling them she'd never heard of that video game before and asking if they could try explaining that again, just slower. This seemed like a problem with no solution, because it was a problem that should have never had existed in the first place. Scared wasn't even the right word for it. That implied she [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]knew [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]how she was supposed to react. Yet here she was, stuck on a world that wasn't hers with people she didn't know, with memories that weren't hers. Her best friend and sister almost killed, and only saved because....[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Yang would have done the same. There really wasn't a question in Ruby's mind, but still the question of what was going to happen beacuse of it gnawed at her. and even then, what was happening with her team now? Were they ok without her? were they worried? Did they even realize she was gone, or had whatever had ripped her from them took the memory of her as well? Was there anything to even go back to if they could solve this impossible probl-[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]"...I really need to start watching where I'm going." Ruby whined only half sarcastically from where she was lying flat on the floor. So lost in her ruminations had she been that she hadn't even [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]began[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] to have noticed the glass door she had led everyone else towards and walked right into. She pushed herself up to seated as she rubbed at her now sore nose, glowering slightly at the stupid glass door that had been so cruel as to punch her in the face-[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]They had reached the foyer of the building they'd been wandering in. It was a huge, vaulted affair, six stories up to the ceiling with massive glass panes for the entire outer wall. The black and white motif remained, with six or seven different secretary desks spaced before the elevators. a few padded benches surrounded potted plants that were, bizarrely, also black and white save for the red leaves. and the center wall behind the desks had a far bigger version of the RKDC logo they had seen earlier. Elevators were situated into the walls, and the now inactive security checkpoints they had wandered past to get to this point looked high tech even for modern standards.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]That was all far less important than what was [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]outside[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] the window though.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Frankly, everyone else probably stopped way before Ruby because you'd have to be blind not to notice[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]for one, the sky was purple.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was a dark, ominous color, similar to the beam that had been in the room they'd first started in. It colored the light of the sun, bathing the whole city beneath it in bizarre shades that seemed to subtly shift even as they looked at it. Stranger still, the architecture, the white skyscraper that seemed bigger than the other buildings far off in the distance… it all seemed so… [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]familiar[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] to them. [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Save for all the bodies.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Cars laid abandoned on the streets in front of the building they were in, and scattered about were some of the occupants. They were greyed out and staticy, just like all the others they'd found on the way. most were human, but some were not quite, and others were almost completely alien looking. Their wounds varied greatly as well. Some had been torn by claw or blades, others perforated with obvious bullet wounds, others still with wounds only a few or none of the party would even understand the origin of. There were far more cars than corpses though, and down the streets the occasional moving grey blur could be seen. occasionally a scream or laugh pierced the silence, even a single explosion off in some distant corner of the city.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Wha… what the… what is this?" Ruby asked quietly. She hesitantly put her hand on the door she'd ran into, as if the simple glass was all that was keeping the chaos outside out there and away from them… but eventually she pulled it open, and took a few steps out onto the steps that led up to the building they were in.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"...Where are we? And… what… [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]happened[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] to it?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And why did she recognize the street name?[/BCOLOR]

'You don't. She did.'


'Ruby Rose.'

"Well that makes no sense" Ruby said with a flummoxed frown as she turned towards... uhhhhhh...


It was a cat. Staring calmly up at the huntress from where its tail was flicking side to side in lazy fashion.

'It makes complete sense. You simply do not understand.' the cat 'said' its light but obviously masculine voice echoing in their minds, almost like the eldrazi's screams from before.

"....Guuuuuuuys?" Ruby squeaked, taking a step back from the... cat.

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin
"God have mercy."

Lucifer breathed out in horror as he looked upon the city outside. He was a man who had seen many horrors in his time and had ventured into what many would broadly term as Hell. The Alaskan Massacre, the Wendigo Wild Hunt and the Underground of New York City hunting Outsiders. But nothing on a scale like this. This was what the end of the world looked like.

This was what might happen for keeps, if they allowed it to continue and fail in their mission.

He moved to assist Ruby, helping her up if allowed before marching towards the cat...And briefly kneeling to talk to it better, in his particular wheelhouse now of mystery and paranormal occurrences as he spoke.

"You speak of the odd memories all of us share. Of another life, one raised in a city where we were all different people and yet the same. Am I right?"

It was the only explanation that made sense. All of them woke up, with memories of another life. One Ciri confirmed in her conversation with Ruby and Lucifer's own of his counterpart. To think it was this same place though- He flicked his gaze past the cat to look outside as he asked grimly.

"What do you know of such events as these and have you any idea how we might stop them?"

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin @Schnee Corp Lawyer
Pleased with Raime's response, Vash moved on while keeping pace alongside the knight. He'd take his coat back and slip it on whenever Shaun had felt the need to return it. He refrained from gasping as he stared out into what appeared to be Hell on Earth and yet he could feel himself remembering things.

But then a voice invaded his mind and Vash's hand quickly reached for his revolver. He didn't know the powers of everyone else here but he didn't know telepathy to be among them. But as he gripped the handle of his gun, he caught a full glance of who the intruder was.



That cat always had a bad habit of finding itself wherever Vash or any of his companions went. But it never stuck around for long. Always gone within the blink of an eye. If this was Kuro or at least another black cat, then how had it gained the ability to broadcast through people's minds? Vash's train of thought was punted off the tracks just as Raime attempted to punt the cat through the air.

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @BarrenThin @Saint Guillotine @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Schnee Corp Lawyer

To her credit, she didn't stop in her tracks at the sight outside. She didn't gape or let her jaw drop. Not even an appreciative look over at the foyer they found themselves in. It was far more deserving of housing her royalty status than the previous rooms combined but for the life of her, she could not find it in herself to care about that right now. She walked up, stopping mere inches from the window separating them from the world outside. Whatever world it was.

The sky was purple. A bright, almost regal shade. Illuminating...and unnerving. She reached out a hand, placing it softly on the glass and bit her lip in thought. The Spirit World is said to be strange and inhuman. Could it not have had a purple sky if it so chose? But this thought was conflicted as well. Even if she had been sucked into the Spirit World...none of these other idiots came from her world. She doubted several of them were spiritually attuned. There's no way. Beyond that, her own feelings conflicted with her thought. The sky was different but the city itself, vast and tall and wide.

It was giving off the strangest vibe of deja vu. And she had never been to the Spirit World save a single time to a realm far different than this. A test of cold, calculating logic and no emotion. A visit to Koh the Face Stealer, a test from Father to make sure ridiculous emotions would not rule her. It was only further supported by the fact that bodies and carnage strewn the streets. Spirits were strange, annoying, crazy and sometimes beyond understanding. But they would not fight among themselves. No. This is not the Spirit World. She nodded with supreme conviction.

She turned away and closed her eyes, clenching a fist so tight her nails dug into her skin and drew blood. If this was not the Spirit World, then she was just as ignorant as the rest of them. Stuck on the same level of these idiots. What have I done to deserve this hell? And how do I get out of it?

Then someone else yet again dared to enter her mind and drew her attention. "Who do you think you are--" She began to snap, only faltering when she spotted it.


"That's a cat." She uttered, rather lamely compared to her usual manner. Cue a sudden incoming feline punt.

"How uncivilized."

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @york @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Oh yea, sure. Don't worry. That sounded like a great idea! Except she was stuck on a world that wasn't her own where grimm and aura didn't exist, with a fourteen foot murderous knight who's hands could be set on fire and a FREAKING VAMPIRE along with a bunch of others people. Ruby didn't say that out loud, just nodded meekly as the group finally started back down the hall.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Thats… great!" she said with as much brightness as she could manage, shooting Lucifer the double thumbs up of super approval at his reassurance with a smile that seemed super genuine and 0% less worried as she turned her eyes back ahead because they'd gone three minutes without something crazy happening was like a record in her very short time here.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]There was finally a lull. No monsters. No elevator problems. No crazy guys with weird powers. Ruby finally got a few minutes to just… think.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Ruby Rose wasn't someone who had ever seen an obstacle and thought "that's impossible". She was obviously still human of course, and there had been [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]plenty[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] of times that she'd thought that, as super cool and awesome and stylish as she could be with Crescent Rose in hand, that there was a problem that she personally couldn't handle. Like making friends with Weiss, or taking down a Nevermore, or handling the doom train of exploding doom that had almost brought grimm based doom upon Vale. There used to be nights that she thought she wasn't going to be able to handle being a huntress, that if someone as amazing her mom couldn't' survive the grimm menace, then who possible could?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But those problems could be solved [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]with[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] people. Weiss ended up as her friend with the help of Blake, Yang, Ozpin, and, well… in some respect the Deathclaw that almost killed her (thanks giant killer scorpion!). The Nevermore had been brought down in an awesome and kickass display of teamwork by the not-even-yet-formed Team RWBY. Even a disaster like the doom train had been doomed to fail from the combined efforts of her, her team, and like half of Beacon. And even her own nightmares were fought off by a caring sister and warm hugs, till they got their butt kicked so hard they just stopped showing up. If Ruby Rose saw a problem and thought 'I can't do this', there was always the underlying addendum that even her occasionally prideful self had to add of 'I can't do this [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]alone[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]'[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But this?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Ruby wasn't about to pretend she was even the slightest inkling of smart enough to have a clue what was going on in the first place. Before she ended up here Ruby would have just stared blankly at whoever was trying to explain the idea of multiple worlds before telling them she'd never heard of that video game before and asking if they could try explaining that again, just slower. This seemed like a problem with no solution, because it was a problem that should have never had existed in the first place. Scared wasn't even the right word for it. That implied she [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]knew [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]how she was supposed to react. Yet here she was, stuck on a world that wasn't hers with people she didn't know, with memories that weren't hers. Her best friend and sister almost killed, and only saved because....[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Yang would have done the same. There really wasn't a question in Ruby's mind, but still the question of what was going to happen beacuse of it gnawed at her. and even then, what was happening with her team now? Were they ok without her? were they worried? Did they even realize she was gone, or had whatever had ripped her from them took the memory of her as well? Was there anything to even go back to if they could solve this impossible probl-[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]"...I really need to start watching where I'm going." Ruby whined only half sarcastically from where she was lying flat on the floor. So lost in her ruminations had she been that she hadn't even [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]began[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] to have noticed the glass door she had led everyone else towards and walked right into. She pushed herself up to seated as she rubbed at her now sore nose, glowering slightly at the stupid glass door that had been so cruel as to punch her in the face-[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]They had reached the foyer of the building they'd been wandering in. It was a huge, vaulted affair, six stories up to the ceiling with massive glass panes for the entire outer wall. The black and white motif remained, with six or seven different secretary desks spaced before the elevators. a few padded benches surrounded potted plants that were, bizarrely, also black and white save for the red leaves. and the center wall behind the desks had a far bigger version of the RKDC logo they had seen earlier. Elevators were situated into the walls, and the now inactive security checkpoints they had wandered past to get to this point looked high tech even for modern standards.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]That was all far less important than what was [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]outside[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] the window though.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Frankly, everyone else probably stopped way before Ruby because you'd have to be blind not to notice[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]for one, the sky was purple.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was a dark, ominous color, similar to the beam that had been in the room they'd first started in. It colored the light of the sun, bathing the whole city beneath it in bizarre shades that seemed to subtly shift even as they looked at it. Stranger still, the architecture, the white skyscraper that seemed bigger than the other buildings far off in the distance… it all seemed so… [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]familiar[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] to them. [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Save for all the bodies.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Cars laid abandoned on the streets in front of the building they were in, and scattered about were some of the occupants. They were greyed out and staticy, just like all the others they'd found on the way. most were human, but some were not quite, and others were almost completely alien looking. Their wounds varied greatly as well. Some had been torn by claw or blades, others perforated with obvious bullet wounds, others still with wounds only a few or none of the party would even understand the origin of. There were far more cars than corpses though, and down the streets the occasional moving grey blur could be seen. occasionally a scream or laugh pierced the silence, even a single explosion off in some distant corner of the city.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Wha… what the… what is this?" Ruby asked quietly. She hesitantly put her hand on the door she'd ran into, as if the simple glass was all that was keeping the chaos outside out there and away from them… but eventually she pulled it open, and took a few steps out onto the steps that led up to the building they were in.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"...Where are we? And… what… [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]happened[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] to it?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And why did she recognize the street name?[/BCOLOR]

'You don't. She did.'


'Ruby Rose.'

"Well that makes no sense" Ruby said with a flummoxed frown as she turned towards... uhhhhhh...


It was a cat. Staring calmly up at the huntress from where its tail was flicking side to side in lazy fashion.

'It makes complete sense. You simply do not understand.' the cat 'said' its light but obviously masculine voice echoing in their minds, almost like the eldrazi's screams from before.

"....Guuuuuuuys?" Ruby squeaked, taking a step back from the... cat.

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin
Chell (Canon)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer @C.T. @El Tigre! @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin

Chell looked around at the place they had ended up at; it looked a little... Too familiar for comfort; but, the strange thing was, after her escape from the Aperture Science center underground, the only place that resembled anything like this was those ruins she had found. She couldn't remember how long it was since she had visited the surface, but, she had a distinct feeling something happened; perhaps a war? Or, some crazy revolution? Her thoughts would have gone on and on if it wasn't for the... Talking cat that had suddenly made it'se presense known, but, instead of freaking out or anything, she looked at the cat with some interest, wondering if there was anything it might know that she was being kept in the dark about... It seemed very likely indeed...​
"Lucifer are we sure that's saf-KITTY NO!" Ruby squeaked in shock with both hands shooting over her mouth as Raime thunderpunted the mighty beast that had accosted them.

The cat was no ordinary cat. It had seen more years than any of them, had crossed the worlds and seen wonders and terrors that would shatter a mortal man (or cat).

It was a being of such great power, all the terror that had occured here could had been undone with a wave of his hand were he not affected by it as well.

A being that could wipe all four of them from existence with a mere thought in its normal form.

...none of which made it any more suited to react than any other cat when a fourteen foot man in heavy armor booted in the side like a foot ball. That cat landed about six feet away, bounced off the bottom step, then hit the sidewalk to roll a few times. There was the distinct sound of at least one or two bones breaking from the impact.

...haWKe... SOme.... AsSSisstaNce...

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin @OrlandoBloomers
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Slowly, he turned to stare up at Raime. Incredulity warring with other emotions as he struggled not to laugh, because the situation was just that absurd at this point. Once he was sure he had a tight leash on his emotions, he spoke.

"Can we please not attack the people who seem to be non-violent in our respect? Or try not to make more enemies if we can help it? Thank you."

He got up and strode over to the cat, wincing as he looked it over and finally spoke.

"....I apologize for my comrades actions. We've all been a little stressed out by events as a whole. Er...Are you alright?"

It was a banal thing to say, but there was little else Lucifer could do as one hand moved close as his finger gently stroked over its head, trying to offer what little comfort he could in light of his lack of practical aide.

He REALLY hoped he was still amiable to answer his prior questions in turn, after all this.

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin @Schnee Corp Lawyer
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A quick slash along the bottom of Vash's coat and just. One. Second. Done. Reed Cena was tied and bound like a trussed turkey. He wouldn't be coming after them again, well, not unless being an escape artist was part of his bag of tricks.

Tossing the coat back to Vash with a nod of appreciation Shaun started down the hallway and unknowingly, into a dead world. Stepping over the consistently self harming Ruby Rose he looked into said dead world, and stared as nothing looked back.

"What in hell happened here? It looks like we never even stopped the flare," He said as he took off his glasses and cleaned them to make sure they weren't showing a very false image. Slipping them back on he was treated to the sight of Raime punting the cat like it was a game of rugby. Definitely something wrong with the glasses.


Stepping beside Raime and nonchalantly placing his hands in his pockets he spoke. "Mate. I think you need to find a girl."

He really hoped he wasn't about to have to duck to keep Raime from taking his head off.

@BarrenThin @All​

Vash stared straight ahead, trying to keep as much of a serious demeanor as he could muster in this situation. But it was hard to keep your composure after you just saw the huge knight with anger issues that you spent so much time talking to and maybe even considered a friend punt a telepathic cat across the room.

It didn't last long needless to say.

Calmly striding over, he'd grab Raime by the sides of his arms. Or as much as he could anyway, the guy was gigantic compared to the plant's measly 6'2.


"Don't! Kick! Creepy! But! Polite! Cats! It's! Rude!" Vash said after a round of banging his head on the chest-plate of Raime's armor. All of which left what would eventually turn into quite the nasty bruise. But Vash just wanted to make his point clear and it worked well enough when he did it with snotnosed but well meaning kids. That meant it had to have the same kind of effect on menacing knights in suits of armor right?

Making his way over to where Lucifer was consoling the cat, Vash knelt down and began rubbing along the cat's back if he was allowed. Though he didn't imagine the cat would have put up much fuss after being punted like the furriest football. Seeing as how this kitty seemed smarter than the average feline, Vash began to speak to it telepathically.

"Yeah, sorry about my friend back there. He's trying to work on being more approachable! Honest! He just needs to work on not punting animals across great stretches of a room! But that's something everyone needs to work on at some point in their life right? Oh, and I'm Vash by the way! But I wonder if you might have already known that. You seem pretty smart just to be a cat.."

He heard Shaun's comment towards Raime and sighed. He really hope Raime didn't punch Shaun through the nearest wall or something. He could rub Shaun's back and make it all better if that were to happen.

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin @OrlandoBloomers
This might be one of the first times Raime had actually felt genuinely guilty. "By Faraam, I'm sorry!" The Knight sounded very upset. The idea of talking cats wasn't even foreign to him. They existed in his own world. They were perhaps even more strange as they actually talked with their mouths. He'd just been startled and was already on edge. He bounded forward to the cat. "Sorry! Sorry! I assure you that I have nothing against your kind and-"

Vash's headbutts drew a sharp hiss of pain from the Knight, quickly putting an end to his apologetic tirade. He hadn't been prepared for that. He felt his broken ribs cry out in protest. Aside from that, though, all it illicited from the knight was abrupt silence. The pain and embarrassment were enough to silence the Fume Knight.

As for Shaun's comment... if ever there was a time he blushed, it was then. Raime felt the blood rush to his face. Still, he didn't say anything right off the bat and just went to thump Shaun. "... S-shut up," He said almost meekly.

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @Thuro The Assassin Potato @TheSpringwoodSlasher @OrlandoBloomers
"Can we please not attack the people who seem to be non-violent in our respect? Or try not to make more enemies if we can help it? Thank you."
"What a ridiculous thing to say."


She just snorted. "Don't be absurd. Cats aren't people." She retorted, as if addressing a child even younger than herself. For Agni's sake, these amateurs and dumb-dumbs. "...Nevertheless, it is a sound decision." She continued. "You ask first, see if they will comply. If they do not, that is when you administer the physical torture. Or mental, if that suits the target better. Or both even. Torture does not come with a preference, in my experience." The others may have objected for silly moral reasons, but she was far more clever than to waste time on politeness. This whole place was so far gone past polite manners, it wasn't even funny.
This might be one of the first times Raime had actually felt genuinely guilty. "By Faraam, I'm sorry!" The Knight sounded very upset. The idea of talking cats wasn't even foreign to him. They existed in his own world. They were perhaps even more strange as they actually talked with their mouths. He'd just been startled and was already on edge. He bounded forward to the cat. "Sorry! Sorry! I assure you that I have nothing against your kind and-"

"A mighty knight, groveling before a mere cat. You really are amusing, aren't you?" She smirked, a smile that only grew at Vash's actions towards him. If nothing else, they could offer up amusement as she awaited any possible answers to Lucifer's questions.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @york @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @OrlandoBloomers
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"What a ridiculous thing to say."


She just snorted. "Don't be absurd. Cats aren't people." She retorted, as if addressing a child even younger than herself. For Agni's sake, these amateurs and dumb-dumbs. "...Nevertheless, it is a sound decision." She continued. "You ask first, see if they will comply. If they do not, that is when you administer the physical torture. Or mental, if that suits the target better. Or both even. Torture does not come with a preference, in my experience." The others may have objected for silly moral reasons, but she was far more clever than to waste time on politeness. This whole place was so far gone past polite manners, it wasn't even funny.

"A mighty knight, groveling before a mere cat. You really are amusing, aren't you?" She smirked, a smile that only grew at Vash's actions towards him. If nothing else, they could offer up amusement as she waited any possible answers to Lucifer's questions.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @york @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @OrlandoBloomers

"Cats are wise, intelligent creatures."
"They're more intelligent than you, at any rate." Well... exchanging words was better than exchanging blows.

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @Thuro The Assassin Potato @TheSpringwoodSlasher @OrlandoBloomers
"Cats are wise, intelligent creatures."
"They're more intelligent than you, at any rate." Well... exchanging words was better than exchanging blows.

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @Thuro The Assassin Potato @TheSpringwoodSlasher @OrlandoBloomers
"Hmph." She leaned her head a bit to the side, suddenly seemingly more interested with her nails. "Then perhaps you should pray for one to give you their wisdom, brute. You sorely lack it. Now, if you are quite done, there are more important matters I would like to see accomplished."
"Hmph." She leaned her head a bit to the side, suddenly seemingly more interested with her nails. "Then perhaps you should pray for one to give you their wisdom, brute. You sorely lack it. Now, if you are quite done, there are more important matters I would like to see accomplished."

Raime snorted. She was being sarcastic, but there really was a deity in his world that was a cat. "Perhaps. And perhaps you might pray she blesses you with beauty, for I find you wanting. I think you looking like a wretched old hag might actually be a step up."

@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @Thuro The Assassin Potato @TheSpringwoodSlasher @OrlandoBloomers

Overhearing Raime and Azula's diss-off, Vash paused in his rubbing of the cat. He'd slowly look over his shoulder and looked sternly at the knight. Almost like a teacher would a naughty student.


The tension was so thick Vash could almost taste it's honey-scented texture. Mmm, donuts sounded good right about now-No! He was getting distracted from what it was he really wanted to say to the knight!

"...Good job! That last one was gold!"


@york @C.T. @El Tigre! @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin @OrlandoBloomers
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