P.R.C.U.: An Institute For The Extraordinarily Gifted [CLOSED SIGNUPS]

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Been having difficulties getting my post up for a little more than an hour now. Keeps giving me errors.
o.o as in you try posting and it tells you you aren't able to or so?
Mmhm. Tells me to refresh the page because there's been an error. Did the same thing to me yesterday when I was trying to post my CS. Had a scare where I thought I lost my entire CS before I found the draft.

According to Wraith, it's done this to him before, so it must just be some bug in the server. I'm going to try and log out then back in and try again.
Indeed, never found a surefire fix for it yet though.
o.o That doesn't sound great...

Anyway, working on a post XD but so much has happened in such a short time, it's hard to keep up XD
Alright. Finally got it to work. Still don't understand why it was screwing up, but whatever. Post is up. If one of you want to notice Hunter, feel free. It's not necessary for him to join you all, though. Wasn't even originally planning for him to go to the beach.
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Hey Shroud, for your future posts, would you be able to use a lighter color for your text? It blends in a bit with the dark background of the site on my computer and makes it a bit difficult to read
Is my red okay on your screen?
What kind of backdrop are you using, Stein? It appears fine on both of mine and Wraith's screens. I'm just using the default, black layout.
I'm using the default black, but it was still fairly hard to read on my pc.
Well sometimes a computer screen could be set quite dark for various reasons (health reasons included) so it'll be different for everyone to a certain degree even though I think most of us use the black background (Otherwise someone probably would have complained about my light purple :P)
(ps: Amethyst here)
Hmm. Alright, well, I'll find a different color since Pasta agrees that it's somewhat difficult to read. One sec.

Now just gotta wait for someone to invite Hunter over, if anyone, so he can sit next to Emma and make David jealous.
haha, and Em'll just be all oblivious like 'yay fun' but not aware of the undertext XD
@Shroud Much better. Also considering that David thinks that Hunter is gay he prolly won't be too jealous. :P
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@Shroud Much better. Also considering that David thinks that Hunter is gay he prolly won't be too jealous. :P

I was actually just telling Wraith that the new, lighter purple would probably only make you call Hunter more gay haha.

Wouldn't be jealous of the fact that, even though Hunter is unsociable and quiet, he talks normally to Emma and isn't shy? That he's able to have normal conversations with her?

Plus, as Wraith pointed out, he could just make Emma experience one long, continuous, never-ending "happy feeling" we'll call it. ;p
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Is my red okay on your screen?

Yeah, you're fine. And I have my laptop display going through a monitor because it's dimmer on the monitor. Haha, it's actually kind of like Olissa said, it's easier on my eyes
.....Could Hunter give someone an orgasm just by persuading them to feel it?
.....Could Hunter give someone an orgasm just by persuading them to feel it?

Haha, that's what I was alluding to, yes. Hunter could be the new Santa, handing out intense orgasms to all the good (of legal age) boys and girls.
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