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Name: Naomi
Age: 24


Personality: She is a woman of war. Her personality is head strong and she is great leader. However, she is a killer first and does not take pity on the weak. Anyone that questioned her authority has not lived to hear her answer. Naomi respects strength above all else and will recognize it when she sees it. She always gives people one chance to prove her wrong. Her signature look is the eyebrow raise as pictured above. It is unwise to test her abilities as it is rumored that she sharpened her teeth so she could rip people's throats out. No one has dared to stare hard enough to find out.

Skills: Close Quarters Combat - Nothing is more dangerous than a vicious and hostile Naomi up close. The first thing she wants is to get close to you. It is all the better for her to rip your throat out and throw a few punches. And let's not forget to mention that she includes great axes in her CQB kit.

Tracking - Naomi can smell you once she's drawn your blood and she will never forget that smell. If you are nearby, she will smell you out and kill you. She can also track the foot prints of wild animals or injured persons.

Bows and Arrows - She may prefer to be close to you, but she can shoot you from afar. Her aim is impeccable and it makes her a huge challenge to run from. Her arrows are poisoned tipped with enough bite to drop a baby elephant. Naomi never misses her target.

Back Story: Naomi was raised by a barbaric tribe that secluded themselves from society. It was there that she learned ancient customs. She was taught to hunt, how to track, how to kill. Naomi was skilled at all those things and bested her tribe's fiercest warriors in combat. She went through a ceremony and became the first female warrior worthy enough to fight for her people. Naomi sharpened her teeth like that of canine's to prove her dedication.

One day, while she was out hunting, her father, Tsu'tey was killed by raiders. She was heartbroken and torn in pieces. Her father had been the one she had spent the most time with and trained her to become the killer she is today. However, that was not the last of the raiders.
Soon after her father's death, Naomi was arranged to marry Baruk, the Chief's son. Eventually, she had come to love Baruk and the two had a son before they married.

Unfortunately, soon after the birth of their son, Naomi's tribe was attacked once more, but this time not one person had been spared. Baruk risked his life to ensure their family's survival, but their son was killed and Naomi was left heartbroken, alone, and very angry. To this day, she lives to seek revenge on the Gehenian Raiders that once slayed her people and return the favor even if it cost her life.

Name: Rorian Greymane

Why were you picked out for the group? He can perform and provides great entertainment. And he's really good at talking himself out of sticky situations. He's a quick fellow and fights incredibly well with his feet.
Personality: Rorian comes off a bit cocky and perhaps a little self-centered at first. He's a really fun person and quick witted. He's always looking for ways to line his pockets with vast riches. He dreams of one day getting a house on a hill away from everyone with his vast amount of wealth. Rorian claims that he would horde all of his wealth and never spend it on things he didn't want.

He likes to flirt with the ladies and it doesn't hurt that he's devilishly handsome, but he never let's them distract his work. He loves to perform. Because his hands are full with his fiddle, which is named, Finny, he learned to skillfully fight with his feet as though he was dancing to the music he plays. Rorian has a loose tongue and sometimes says what he thinks without realizing it, but fortunately, he's really good at talking his way out of bad situations and keeping the hair on his head in one piece.

However, once you get to know him, he's actually a sweet caring, compassionate guy who really just wants to live a life of adventure. He's as loyal as dog when you finally do gain his friendship.

Skills: Free Running - Rorian is light on his feet and fast. It's hard to chase him seeing as every building gives him leverage to climb and hide from his enemies. He can jump from building to building and always takes the quickest path to any destination. If there is anything sticking out from a building you better believe Rorian can climb it. In other words, chasing Rorian is a lost cause.

Performing/Distraction - Rorian can play any instrument as long as he hears it at least once. He prefers his fiddle, Finny overall and is quite great at distracting people with his dance and music. He has also been known to distract others with harmless things like smoke bombs, the hit and run technique, sweet-talking. Anything that will help his friends get away or complete the mission.

Close Quarters Combat - If an enemy gets too close to Rorian, they will greatly regret it. His kicks are so powerful that he's left even hardened soldiers winded and on the ground. He picked up some combat from Gehenian Outpost that he observed for days at a time. So he can be pretty good with his hands in combat.

Biography: Rorian Greymane was raised by his foster parents Sereza and Finneous Greymane. Growing up, Rorian was always a troublemaker. He was arrogant and insulted people left and right. It was often times the wrong person, but somehow he managed to talk his way out of getting into any skirmishes. To keep him out of trouble, his mother, Sereza taught him how to play the fiddle which Rorian loved to pieces.

He played at all the summer festivals for the White Tailed Fox. He earned generous tips by playing his fiddle on the streets. Eventually he learned how to play the flute, the guitar, and even the windpipe. Rorian still plays and sings of famous adventurers or of royalty. (Sometimes he sings slander just to cause trouble and make the guards chase him all through Biltmore). He one day wished to sing a song about his own adventure and decided that helping the king take over new land would be the perfect job for him. So he packed his bags and set off to find Lord Biltmore.

Several days, before Rorian was to set out on his journey, he received news that his mother had passed away from sickness. The news was heartbreaking, but he decided to turn his sadness into determination to make a name for himself in this world.
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Alright after reading all of your posts I must tell you.

1. Lord Biltmore is just a lord nothing more
2. Teran isn't a king either.
3. This is an expedition FOR the king that is being set out by Biltmore because his a trusted ally.
Alright after reading all of your posts I must tell you.

1. Lord Biltmore is just a lord nothing more
2. Teran isn't a king either.
3. This is an expedition FOR the king that is being set out by Biltmore because his a trusted ally.

yeah I read your original post 3 times to get it right because in my head i thought for some reason he was a king, too and had a royal palace in mind O.o X)
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Posts are getting done quickly! Thanks everyone for still being here even though it has been a slow start.
It was mentioned a couple posts back that applicants were still being accepted. If this is the case, I'd like to let you know I'm thinking up a bio, usually takes me 1-3 days to finish one of this genre. If you aren't still taking bios then let me know and I can toddle off ^^

Mostly interested because I see you are missing an essential role. You have an alchemist, but no medic/herbologist, which I would be taking on if I'm permitted to make said bio.
I think story wise it would not be too late for another char but the final decision lies with eternal fire.
I found the IC thread and am enjoying it. I am likely to create a character once I am caught up.
I haven't read the background yet but am currently considering a paladin...I'll see what will fit.
Didn't realize that there were so many people still interested. So to put it in broader terms.


I CANNOT STRESS IT ENOUGH! (Then all of the sudden some guy comes in and says... "You still accepting?)
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Understood ^^ Started the bio earlier, so this won't take long at all. Anyone want to pre-establish a relationship with my alcoholic, womanizing doctor?
Karren worked for three years with the merchant guild. That gives potential for a "Know him, know her" relation, if you desire.

Though I would have to ask to not go "fixed her up" o.o I feel it would be contrary to her rep as the unarmored lady ;)
HOW WERE YOU PICKED OUT FOR THE GROUP?: Despite his drinking habits and sometimes lewd behavior, Raymond Perseus, referred to as just Perseus, was undoubtedly a man with great medical skills, so he was offered the position under the condition he control his behavior. (Don't worry, I'll keep it PG-13 as requested in the first post)

AGE: 32

APPEARANCE: He stands at 5'10" (1.8 meters)

PERSONALITY: There are three things that make Perseus a happy man. A healthy body, alcohol, and women. Despite his seemingly constant consumption of alcohol, he's quite concerned about his health, knowing full well the alcohol doesn't help. He drinks 6 days of the week, as Sundays are reserved for "cleansing". He drinks so much that his tolerance is quite astonishing, requiring enough to pass a normal man out for him to get drunk. Despite his alcoholism, he knows when not to drink, such as when participating in his medical profession, or when he may be called to do so. Even though this rule of his exists, he's not incapable of examining or diagnosing while intoxicated. Some nights he has a little too much, even for him, and his drunken state is carried over, but his tolerance is so well trained that the effects are minimal.

Normally Perseus can be found drinking and flirting with women, usually meaning no harm, but occasionally getting into a tussle. It was rare that he would win, anyone who said Perseus was a front line fighter clearly never met the man.He uses his medical knowledge in a fight, but knowledge and execution are two different things. Normally he's relaxing, not really saying much other than when he invites someone to drink with him. While not necessarily a social drinker, it's nice to have someone to talk to about life, women, love, and other such things. In the presence of an attractive woman, he's likely to try to convince them to come home with him, but he's not very good at it.

Once in the medical scene, Perseus becomes a completely different person. His preference of one to one conversation turns into a talk to everyone. This is partially because he believes if someone is near death, it's best to keep their brain working, prevent them from sleeping. However, he knows when someone will die, but he won't give up no matter how futile. He'll even talk to them after they die, knowing full well they won't come back. He's a devoted man, and no matter how much his behavior can contradict it, he's a good man. He does what he does for the sake of it being right, he doesn't even seek to be thanked. Life is something that should not be wasted, and unfortunately, when someone begins to die under his care, he can take it very hard. Some say this is why he drinks, and maybe it is, he doesn't know for sure why he does.

Herbology: Certain herbs can be ground up, juiced, or mixed with others to make good salves and drinks for recovery, pain killing, or just taste well mixed with his drinks.
Medical Study: Definitely not suited for open heart surgery, Perseus is trained in giving physical examinations and executing amputations. It comes to a surprise to a great many that he is considered one of the best doctors around. He knows how and when to remove an arrow, he can handle almost any gash, and his own personal downfall, he knows when someone is going to die, even if he doesn't want to admit it to himself. His knowledge about human vitals also come in handy for fighting others, aiming for that sweet spot with one of his many surgical knives, some of which are easily compared to a butchers knife.

BACK STORY: Perseus has always been quiet, even as a child. That's not to say he didn't have many friends, that would be far too false. He had a few, but what good friends they were, always having his back, and in turn he would have theirs. His father was a doctor, and as such he chose to teach Perseus the same, both would be known as Doctor Perseus with time. The trade was taught to him very early, learning how to diagnose and treat a wide variety of illnesses. He wasn't much of a prodigy, but he would have seemed like one to anyone that didn't know his father pounded the difficult studies into his head over and over. It definitely was not born talent, but acquired knowledge. By the age of 19 he was considered his own doctor, already diagnosing many men and treating their wounds. The world they lived in was riddled with cuts, slashes, stabs, and the deadliest yet, infections. Perseus only knew what it was like to be a doctor, any other life was foreign to him, something he could never relate to. His habits of talking to his patients in an attempt to keep them awake developed when a man much older than he was mortally wounded. The man begged that Perseus talk to him, keep him listening, even if he didn't respond, to just keep talking, and to do so loudly. Afterwards, the man pulled through from his injury and personally thanked Perseus for keeping him alive and doing as he was told. As it turned out, conversation was all he needed to stay awake. This was a lesson that Perseus would never forget, he still refuses to let a medical room fall quiet.

RELATIONSHIPS: Perseus has a half brother 3 years older than him and a sister 2 years younger than him. His brother has a different father who is passed away from battles. Perseus has also befriended many people as a doctor, even managed to become well acquainted with Alexander Christoph. He's also become affiliated with a few traders for the sake of shipment and receiving various herbs and drugs he needed.
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Nice character, accepted. Post please, and then I may move on to my post depending on how your interactions are set.
Alright, just give me a bit to catch up in the reading ^^ doesn't seem to be too long, I'll see if I can have it up tonight.
Isabel the Invincible

HOW WERE YOU PICKED OUT FOR THE GROUP?: A message was sent to the Mountain Paladins the only way one can be: the messenger found a paladin and the paladin brought it to a sanctuary. There, the task was deemed worthy and Isabel was sent out.

AGE: 34
APPEARANCE: Isabel is a broad-shouldered woman with light brown hair and green eyes. She has a firm expression and obvious strength considering the weight of the armor she regularly wears.

PERSONALITY: Being on her own for so long with little time for recreation has made Isabel socially stunted. She is dutiful and polite but awkward at parties.

Endurance- Isabel is called "the Invincible" because of her ability to withstand pain and hold her ground. Each of the Mountain Paladins receives a title based on their strongest skill, and this is Isabel's.
Defense- Isabel is able to use a sword, but she fights defensively. She is not as skilled with a sword as most, but is quite good at blocking. Perhaps an iron pole would be more suited to her style.
Tracking- Isabel has been trained in following a trail. It is a useful skill in her line of work.

BACK STORY: Isabel was raised by her Aunt Matilde and her Uncle Edword, who were childless. Her uncle was and still is a leather-worker in Northern Bayon. They were called the Hydles, and she was Isabel Hydle, having been given her uncle's surname.

When Isabel was fourteen, one of the Mountain Paladins passed through town. Young Isabel was filled with curiosity and spoke to him. His name was Jerome the Quick, and he quietly revealed that when Isabel was ready, she should climb the eastern face of the mountain peaks that hid the sun in the evening. There she would find what she sought.

It was not until Isabel was seventeen that she made the difficult climb. Her uncle did not expect a girl to take over the leather-working business, and her aunt did not feel right arranging a marriage for her sister's daughter. So Isabel felt free to leave them. At the top of the mountain, she found one of the sanctuaries of the Mountain Paladins.

The Mountain Paladins are a reclusive group and usually travel alone or in pairs. Above all they worship the Father and Mother who created all, in hopes that the pair have found each other and will return soon. Some paladins also worship Findarius or Genuity, thinking the Father and Mother may be too far to hear their supplications. Isabel is a follower of Findarius, who she believes has kept life in her beyond all reasoning, and wonders whether He may be guarding her for a purpose.

New paladins are trained for three to four years by experienced paladins, both the retired and those between missions. There are four to six sanctuaries amid the mountains of Arendanna, each difficult to find by one who has not been there. The paladins act as both warriors and priests and have no designated mortal leader.
RELATIONSHIPS: Isabel was barely weened when her aunt and uncle took her in. When Isabel had asked about her parents, they replied that the village where her parents had lived had been destroyed, but that a neighbor had found young Isabel and brought her to her mother's sister.
Isabel has no way of knowing that her parents had survived that night, nor that they had had a son seven years after she had been lost.
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Christoph is getting a lot of attention I see. Also, anyone is free to say they recognize or have been a past patient of Perseus, he's a man who just loves his job and some good alcohol.
Hey so this is sort of an idea. Ultima and I thought it would be a good idea since the group is getting big to start a skype group or something of that sort. PM your information to me and I'll sort everything out.

Edit: Since you guys don't have Skype (unless you are Squee) I have made a chat page on the group! So if you want to talk it up with your local players, check there!
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I've been keeping track of those who have posted.

Player Name Age Class Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 Location
Eternalfire61 Teran 46 Scout Swordsmanship Archeology Cartography Outside
Wordsmith Wolf 26 Veteran Swordsmanship Tactics Wilderness Survival The Hall
UltimaCircuit Umbra 21 Thief Stealth Thievery Intellect Inn
Mirrei Karren 17 Fighter Swordsmanship Beauty Charisma Outside
Akuma Alexander 26 Blacksmith Swordsmanship Blacksmithing - Inn
Quiet Musician Naomi 24 Tribeswoman Close Combat Tracking-Blood Archery The Hall
Squee Perseus 32 Doctor Herbology Medical - Inn
AAB Isabel 34 Paladin Endurance Defense Tracking-Common The Hall
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