Overlords and Guardians; Age of Antagonism

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Oh okay, that makes more sense.
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err... the CS will take a bit to write, so please be patient with me. ^^;
you are. The 10-1, 9-2 split only applies to the top ends. 8-8 is a very possible mix of stats. The risk/reward being you spend over half your points in one area.
This is correct.

You can have 8 Physical and 8Magic for example. But if you decide you'd really like to have 9 Physical after all, then magic can only be max 2.

Magic 10 & Physical 2 = ok
Magic 10 & Physical 3 = no-go, knock a physical trait off
Sarzu said:
This is correct.

You can have 8 Physical and 8Magic for example. But if you decide you'd really like to have 9 Physical after all, then magic can only be max 2.

Magic 10 & Physical 2 = ok
Magic 10 & Physical 3 = no-go, knock a physical trait off
With Magic 10 wouldn't it be a cap of 1 Physical?
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Kad, how does your Goblin Overlord have 6 Command and 8 Wealth? I thought they were opposites and you could only apply 11 points between the two of them.

I suppose I might just be misreading the rules, but only other ways I see that working is via GM fiat or some special trait.
Limey is correct. Only the 10-1, 9-2 split applies.

It is entirely possible to have 8 Physical and 8 Magic.

With Magic 10 wouldn't it be a cap of 1 Physical?
That is correct. Bad Sarz!

Oh, something me and Jorick were wondering about:

Lair and Land Improvement points if notspend on Lair or Land cannot be spent on the army. (Each point = about 1'000 Gold)

If the extras can't be spent on Armies, then why is there a value attached to them? A very big value as well. Ditch a single extraneous farm and you get an extra 20,000 gold, compared to the 16,000 being the highest you can get via Wealth + Base.
Oh, something me and Jorick were wondering about:
If the extras can't be spent on Armies, then why is there a value attached to them? A very big value as well. Ditch a single extraneous farm and you get an extra 20,000 gold, compared to the 16,000 being the highest you can get via Wealth + Base.
Slush fund for future upgrades of the Lair/Lands.
Slush fund for future upgrades of the Lair/Lands.
Wouldn't upgrades of Lair/Lands just directly use Lair/Land points, rather than convert to gold and then convert back.
Wouldn't upgrades of Lair/Lands just directly use Lair/Land points, rather than convert to gold and then convert back.
It's probably easier to track increase of gold (and how) rather than Lair/Land Points? Technically, if 1 Land points is 1k gold, then vice versa, every 1k can be considered 1 Land points. So an upgrade that cost 15k gold mean it cost 15 Land Points.


Hey @Kadaeux , need your word here.
Oh, something me and Jorick were wondering about:

If the extras can't be spent on Armies, then why is there a value attached to them? A very big value as well. Ditch a single extraneous farm and you get an extra 20,000 gold, compared to the 16,000 being the highest you can get via Wealth + Base.
Alphakoka is actually ... I hate to use this pun but...

"On the money."

Once the IC begins you don't earn anymore Lair Points or Land Points. You earn gold (or in the case of land, sometimes simply take it by force).

The Land and Lair upgrades become worth gold instead of points.
Ok, who's ready to have their sheet checked?
Need to do some slight edits to my bio, and mark down that I have 20 extra gold after spending for my army, I guess. Believe Gat and I are going to as each others' nemesis.
Settling on mind rape info broker.... but can't decude the details. :(
HERZINTH: Accepted
Command Minions:
A vicious warrior who isn't at home unless she's wading through a sea of blood; friend or foe. When Eren wishes for an enemy to be wiped out, and has no need for prisoners, Shireen is who she sends. As far as Eren can tell, Shireen is loyal to her, though it may just be that she provides ample opportunities for violence.
Though talented, Edward does not take pleasure in fighting. Then again, he does not seem to take pleasure in anything. He serves as the personal bodyguard and sometimes advisor to Eren, and it was at his request that she had a library built in her lair. From what she understands, he has family in the village of Redstock, and in fact it was after his family's signature red hair that the village gained it's name.
Faalryd is silent, Faalryd is deadly, and Faalryd is unknown. In essence, the perfect being to lead Eren's nightmare troops. He is cruel, but not out of a perverse lust. It is a casual cruelty, a simple state of being. The very idea that he understands such things as mercy and kindness is laughable.
Ok. It all looks good. Nothing seems out of place, i'll have Sarz do a second run-through it.

Specials accepted.

Shireen Addler:
Weapon Mastery 2
Unchecked Violence; Shireen's dedication means that she'll stop and nothing, at all, to see her objective is done. Dead. Finished. Pushing up the daisies. She will not stand back or retreat short of a direct order. And even then she may not.

Edward Tryst:
Weapon Mastery 1
Scholar 2; When seeking information, from your own library or others, Tryst provides a significant advantage in finding it in a reasonable timeframe.

Leader 1
Assassin 1
Fire Magic 1


  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Name: Sothriar Emikas[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Gender: Male[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Preferred Equipment:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]-Large black cloak, cloth, hooded.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]-Mesh Armor consisting of Adamantium plates, scale and supple leather. Also Includes boots, gauntlets, shoulder guards, arm guards, neck guard and helm.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]-Zweihander forged from Adamantim. Basic design but deadly in combat.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]-Two longswords forged from Adamantium.[/BCOLOR]






    Weapons Master 3 Water Magic Moredhel Bigger Lands Master Spy Bloody Brotherhood
    Night Vision Air Magic Dragon Ogres Meteoric Iron Dark Loremasters Dark Harvest
    Exoskeleton Curse Magic Nightmares     Shield of Hate
    Thermal Manifestation(Cold) Raise Corpse Telepathic Command     Can't Kill the Messiah
    Great Wings         Tireless Fellowship
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Special Traits:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Dark Perseverance:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Be it that you are so terrible that death itself refuses to deal with you or that you simply have a nack for being a hardass and refusing to die, you are able to take nastier hits and recuperate faster.(Increased recuperation/regeneration. Increased pain threshold and resilience.)[/BCOLOR]

    Feral Instincts:
    Tapping into your primordial nature you are able to further capitalize on the use of your instincts.(Increased perception and intuition.)

    • kklkkuugg_zps9b58f6ec.jpg

      [BCOLOR=transparent]Name: Ragnar 'the Brain'[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 43(Young)[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Race: Dragon Ogre[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Sex: Male[/BCOLOR]

      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Thunderous Charge[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Monstrous Strength[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Weapon Mastery 2[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Tactician 2[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Telepathic Command[/BCOLOR]

      [BCOLOR=transparent]Ragnar is a Dragon ogre of formidable prowess and countless battles under his belt and the scars to prove it. But his true strength lies within his tactical genius and his ability to match the cunning and ruthlessness of even the cruelest goblin mastermind. In combat he is known for leading the vanguard and using a spike and blade covered Bulwark Shield and a suit of armor similarly designed.[/BCOLOR]

    • [BCOLOR=transparent]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Name: Alissias Ondronias[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 122(Young)[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Race: Moredhel[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Sex: Female[/BCOLOR]

      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Rune magic[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Compelling Scent[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Air magic[/BCOLOR]

      [BCOLOR=transparent]A Moredhel sorceress who rose through the ranks of Sothriar through open challenges and murders, using her alluring charm and deadly grace to mercilessly kill those who stood in her way. Ironically she is Sothriar's most trusted Captain and if the rumors are true, they share a more intimate relationship at times.[/BCOLOR]

    • [BCOLOR=transparent]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Name: 'The Nameless'[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Age: Unknown[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Race: Myrdaal[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Sex: Male[/BCOLOR]

      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Assassin 3[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Weapon Mastery 1[/BCOLOR]

      [BCOLOR=transparent]A Myrdaal Weapons Master and Assassin who swore his loyalty to Sothriar after being sent to kill him, only to be bested by the wary Overlord, but in the end, spared, and offered a position among his army. 'The Nameless' speaks rarely, and is prone to being mistaken for a shadow.[/BCOLOR]

    • [BCOLOR=transparent]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Name: Zae'Musa[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 242(Mature)[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Race:[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Moredhel[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]Sex: Female[/BCOLOR]

      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Assassin 1[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Weapon Mastery 1[/BCOLOR]
      [BCOLOR=transparent]-Defender 1[/BCOLOR]

      [BCOLOR=transparent]The leader of Sothriar's personal guard as well as the oldest. Like all of his personal guard she also works as an assassin, both in-house and out.[/BCOLOR]

    • drow1_zps38ad692b.jpg

      Age: 140(Young)
      Race: Moredhel
      Sex: Male

      -Scholar 1
      -Weapon Mastery 2

      One of Sothriar's personal guard. Little is known about him save that he is definitely the most sadistic of his Captains and his deadly ability when wielding a bow.

    • images8_zpsb1c4e8d8.jpg

      Name: Zae'Sha
      Age: 67
      Race: Moredhel
      Sex: Female

      Weapon Mastery 1
      Compelling Scent

      The youngest of Sothriar's personal guard. She is also the most bloodlusting, and always itching for a fight. Due to this, Sothriar will typically send her to the frontlines under the watch of her more tactful brother, Zae'Baer in times of war.

    • KBBLR_zps065fb388.jpg

      Name: Zae'Baer
      Age: 212(Mature)
      Race: Moredhel
      Sex: Male

      Advisor: Zae'Baer is a strong advisor and intelligent man. He may even end up being used as a conduit by the GM to pass along intuition that can help... or hinder if you have no luck.
      Weapon Mastery 1
      Magic; Gateway.

      The second oldest of Sothriar's personal guard and by far the smartest. Usually seen conversing with Ragnar when not protecting either Sothriar of his sister, Zae'Sha. He is known throughout the ranks for his legendary tactics in combat and when he conspires with Ragnar before a battle there is little left to chance.
  • [tabs]

    [tab=The Vanguard]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]The Vanguard[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Commander of the Vanguard:[/BCOLOR] Ragnar 'The Brain'

    400 Dragon Ogres
    200 Moredhel Warriors
    200 Moredhel Repeater Crossbowmen

    The spear-head of Sothriars Forces. Led by the fearless Dragon Ogre, Ragnar 'The Brain' the Vanguard is the first into the fray and opens the way for the rest of Sothriar's armies. This force might be small in numbers but that makes them no less deadly.
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WIP: Problem with picture sizes.

Actually it looked perfectly find so far. Trait counts and spending was all correct. Both specials were acceptable and will be accepted when you repost, I haven't done exact counts of land and lair points yet.
Sorry. I somehow lost my most recent version during the process of me attempting to edit it. Luckily I had four others tabs open with the post on it. Only a few words are missing. All vital data should be present.

Oh hell my post takes up half the page.
Sorry. I somehow lost my most recent version during the process of me attempting to edit it. Luckily I had four others tabs open with the post on it. Only a few words are missing. All vital data should be present.
Oh hell my post takes up half the page.
Don't worry about that mate ;) I'm used to profiles for my RPs taking up more than a few pages :p

Now by my counts.

Your army points are all good.

However, your land and lair.... both are underspent :p

By my 1st count I register you've spent 1180 out of a possible 2000 Land points. And 1300 out of a possible 2000 Lair points.

I will do a recount though to be sure.
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