Outbreak Nation: The Untold Story

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Michael still stood there his arms crossed, all this love not processing through his emotional scanner. The only one here that he recognized was liam, as for everyone else....they remained a threat level 1 he had trust issues and it really hit him hard at times. " liam can we get out if here now? Something is watching us my radar is picking it up "
Lucy continued to run from the zombies coming after her but now there as another problem. She could see a whole bunch of people up ahead. Zombies...people....zombies...people. Lucy was afraid to be around either of them, though it seemed people were better than the zombies. Zombies wouldn't listen when she asked them to please stop chasing her. She got closer to this strange group of people around what seemed to be some scattered pieces of fallen building. She closed her eyes and began to get closer.
"yay!" I gleefully ate my candy, while my friend pounced my head once again. I sat there, shifting my head left to right and listening patiently to the conversation.

Their voice sounded so nice, maybe they were not so bad after all? I wonder what they looked like. The leader of this strange pack, Liam, had such a respectful voice. Another women sounded very taken back by him but flattered. Maybe petite with red hair? The big person sounded like a big bear! Maybe he is one!

I giggled a little to myself, when suddenly another pair of footsteps joined us.

"Hello! Are you a homo sapien like us?" Reaching out my arm to try to reach the newcomer.
Her hand was shaking slightly as it came up to meet his outstretched one, giving it a tight squeeze of reassurance to show she was alright, as much as it was to prove to herself that he was real. She shook her head in the negative to his claiming her to be dead, lacing her fingers with his. "I wasn't...I wasn't in the cells when it...when everything happened... I had a guard get me out because I thought it would be more fun that way." She laughed lightly. Humorlessly. "Everyone started screaming and the halls became floored with them, ripping through the bars like they were ribbons and taking shots without falling. They weren't human anymore." Her pale grey eyes met his for but a moment before closing them and slowly counting to five before opening them again. "We had to run in the day... every day... and I just didn't wake up eventually. Some weeks went by before I came to and by then the reports were saying that you had fallen in battle. You!" Hetah's breaths were becoming more uneven from both her suppressed emotions as well as the growing heat that was beginning to make her feel ill. "I wouldn't believe it until I saw your... your body... but I never found it and no one was left to tell me if... if you had already been... been... buried..." Her eyes suddenly flashed a golden yellow and the tightness on his hand increased, her elongated nails threatening to rip into his flesh. "Where were you?!?" she hissed darkly, baring her small sharp Siren fangs in a snarl.
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Liam closed his eyes "I was still here. They had be go to the front and fight the horde and then..I woke up in the Med Bay. I'm sorry..I know you hate me right now and I'm sorry." he said. Liam was about to turn and glare at Micheal but he was right. But, as soon as he turned, he saw a woman running up to them and a horde following "Shit, Micheal! You remember where my house is? Get everyone rounded up and tell them to follow you, now! Go!" he said as he looked at Hetah, but couldn't say anything, he couldn't. He needed to get that girl safe "Please..follow Micheal..we'll talk more.." he said as he began running toward the girl. 'Promise'. He promised her that he'd come back for her. He promised her a lot. He almost said that. He got to the girl "Run! And don't stop, I'll buy you sometime. Go!" he said as he began firing "Micheal, we have to go, now!" he yelled. The came at him quick, "Fuck." he exclaimed as he fought them off. The war clicked in his head again. He nearly froze. He stopped firing for some reason. He turned and looked at them. He looked at Hetah, and she new what he was about to do..he gave her the same look when he was sent off to war "Go..." he said as he dropped his gun and pulled out the sword and stabbed it in the ground. His body went to Rage mode. He screamed as he began CQC. He smashed and tore the limbs off the undead. They began to swarm him. You couldn't see Liam but only a scream as he fought, he picked up his blade and began slashing.
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He really didn't want to be in a house full of vampires as one of the few humans in the group especially when they got hungry. "Hey, there's a blood bank near here. We should go and grab some medical supplies before we go running off." He knew it sounded fake especially since they had a someone adept with healing magic in the group, but hopefully this Micheal would understand what he was trying to say and agree with his plan to go to the blood bank.
" bloodbank? Why would we need a blood bank? They are not savages i know liam is not " he moved the group with his body almost forcing them to go " liam will be fine " he began to get into a jog He grabbed the girl who seemed to be young and put her on his shoulders and chuckled " hang on " he continued forward shouting " Lets go! '
He led them to the blood bank, well it wasn't really an actual blood bank as far as anyone who wasn't looking for it knew. It looked like a normal apartment building and hidden behind some trash cans was a stair way down to a hidden door, the passage only held one person at a time "You guys wait here I'll be back with the supplies in a minute, if you don't hear from me in a minute head off to the safe house." He quickly jumped down and searched for the door with his hands. He found it and opened up the underground doctor's lab.

It looked like it had somehow ignored the destruction that ruled the world above it, it was still the solid dreary white that it had always been. He remembered the first time he had come here. The job had been going perfectly, the bodies were in the building, no one knew he was there, the explosion looked like a complete accident, but he had stood to close to the explosion and a piece of shrapnel had cut deep into his shoulder. The doctor here fixed him up with no questions asked, he worked faster and more efficiently then most professionals too.

He stopped reminiscing about the past and remembered he had a job to do, he quickly ran to the nearby freezer opened it up and pulled out a couple of the blood bags, hoping they were still in prime condition. He then put them into a cooler, grabbed a medkit, and ran for the door and quickly climbed up the ladder back to the surface, looked at Micheal and said "Let's go."
Hetah stared after him, eyes narrowed and glowing yellow in fury. She was beyond the point of disbelief at the things that Liam had done and continued to do, accepting them as just being part of who he was and his defending whichever causes he deemed worthy enough for him to stand up for. That didn't mean she liked it. At his words of promise and telling her to go, she merely stared at him, drawing her weapons from their casing as she watched him head towards what would either be suicide or a fierce battle. He seemed to be nearly overtaken by sheer numbers for some moments, then looked to her again, a look of sadness and worry briefly taking away her anger as their eyes locked. His mouthed moved in a single word that was muted by the inhuman cries of the dead, but she didn't need to hear was he was saying to understand the message. Anger again her ally, she took a single step back before turning away from him, features cold as she flitted towards the rest of the group as his battle cry rose up. "Bastard..." For his sake, he had better not die again, or she would have to kill him herself the next time she saw him.
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He fought and fought like the Spartans, 300 against an entire army. Liam was like that. Liam was a protector. He fought where they began to back away. He stopped as his hand gripped the blades handle tightly. He looked around as they backed away. "Pussies!" he cried out. But soon something huge popped out from the crowed and slammed right into him. It sent him flying and landing a few feet in front of Hetah. "Whoa...didn't see him coming.." he said as he stood up. The thing.snarled at him "Aren't you a ugly motherfucker." he said. The beast growled and snarled, he looked at Hetah. "What? I can't ha....oomph!!!" he grunted as the thing threw a big rock at him. It shattered at impact but sent him flying. He got up and stumbled a bit. "Ow.." he said as he stumbled a little more. He shook his head and began to walk. The beast looked at Hetah and grabbed something sharp and through it at her "Hetah!!! Nooo!" he screamed as he dashed and pushed her out of the way and it stabbed into his side. It was a long pole that was snapped out of the ground. He fell to his knees as it struck him. He grabbed it and began to pull it out as he screamed. The thing liked to charge a lot so lets call it A Charger. Liam looked at it as it began charging at it and yanked the thing out of his body and through it at it's face as it did a perfect cut straight in the middle of its face. The Charger began to stumble to the ground and fell. Liam tried to get up but fell to his knees but finally got up. He got up and slowly walked to Hetah "Hey...are you...mmm..ok?" he asked.
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The woman pulled back from her run as a body flew from the air and crash landed in front of her, yelling profanities at the culprit behind its airborne projection. Her eyes widened at him questioningly, not sure if she should be amused or annoyed by his awkward landing and attempted conversation afterwards. Before she could decide, a boulder zipped in front of her face, hair only mildly disturbed by the force of movement, while Liam was dealt the actual blow and sent shooting through the air again. Hunks of rock littered the ground and a good deal of dust swirled energetically in the breeze. She was about to offer her assistance, though he seemed alright, when he screamed and in a blur Hetah was rushed with her back soon to the ground, a small grunt being released at the impact. Her eyes opened in time to see the jagged metal rod that had been intended for her being stabbed mercilessly through his side. "Liam!" she cried in alarm, his own screams of pain like the music of death on her ears. With the makeshift weapon out of his body, he threw it like a javelin through the creatures skull with a crunch. The danger having passed, Hetah was upon the man within seconds, arms thrown around his neck while her lips nibbled at his jaw, body pressed against him in a suggestive manner. It was her way of hugging. "Of course I'm alright, you idiot!" she said fiercely, just as quickly releasing him front the embrace, one hand on her hip, eyes still aglow but less so than before. "I would have been anyway, even if you hadn't interfered." She huffed and crouched down to waist level, eyeing the wound speculatively. "It doesn't look good, even on you. Will it heal on its own or would you rather I bind it for now?"
Jack headed their way, but the building that he was on collapsed on top of him. Moving through the rubble he managed to get out of he noticed a girl near the rubble he emerged from, the moment he did that he saw Liam flown across the sky. Jack saw Liam get hit multiple times and he ran towards him; he noticed a girl next to him and he slowed down. He crossed his arms as he saw them together shaking his head at the same time. He looked at Liam, "You get shot down and you still got time to flirt with girls, typical Liam" he removed his helmet "Hello Liam, I see your still causing trouble?"

Rayna had told herself that she needed to be on guard in case the flesh eaters came their way, she even suggested they move, but within moments it seemed everyone was being rushed off. "Guess I was right?" She asked herself as she took off into a run, hoping the rest would follow foon. "This whole flesh eater thing requires way to much running." She said to herself rolling her eyes. She heard the plan on going to a blood bank, and realizing she still craved the fluid she guessed it would be too much for her. So Rayna looked back, checking for Liam and the girl, but they weren't running. Rayna could protect herself, but she was nothing like the rest. She shook her head, as she paused her running. She could see the crowd, coming like a flood. Rayna closed her eyes for a moment.

The next moment she saw Liam being impaled as he pushed the female out of the way, she couldn't see from what though. "What the.." She wanted to move forward, but she was too far away, there was nothing she could do to help. Before Rayna could take a step forward she was intercepted by flesh eaters. She took a step back. "No.. Let's not play right now.." She said nervously. It made her turn around and run towards the others again, glancing back her split second assumption that there would be more was right. "What happened to Liam.." She asked quietly as she looked for projectiles to attack her followers with.

Keeping her hood down as a shield from the sun, her steps were hesitant. " How can I just leave them so? I need to go back help Liam. To see if he is.. alive." Rayna felt her heart sink at the words. What if he wasn't? She couldn't think about it. He was the only person she had actually even gotten a name from. Who had realized she even existed, to everyone else it seemed she was just a number. Shaking her head she put her arms out, taking a rock from either side of her and forcing it through the flesh eater's skulls. Rayna stopped running away, and paced back and forth a little. She couldn't stand it, she was too far from the others to know where they had gone. Rayna's steps were slow, reluctant, she didn't want to go see if he had been killed, but she wanted to see if he was still alive. She felt her breathing slow, exhaling quietly. Rubbing her face, and walking slowly she hoped to be greeted by Liam and the girl running for their lives, she doubted they'd be walking with the flesh eaters so close at hand. She could see a crowd from a distance, and she assumed it was headed for them. "I don't know.." she said to herself as her steps remained lethargic and disinclined.
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Stopping in his tracks he set the girl down and turned around looking back from were they came, he sighed as his radars rambled an beeped he knew something was wrong. He looked at the group that was with him " I need to go back..Liam needs my help " He looked at them knowing it would be a bad idea to abandon them, he pulled out a piece of paper which held the information to liams house " go there wait for us to return it wont be long " He turned around rolling his shoulders, he took a leap forward and then a hissing noise could be heard as he bolted off down the road running at over 10 mph, and speeds increasing as the pressure built up in his legs bounding him forward quicker leaving cracks in the earth as he did so. He came closer and closer to them and bound through the air at this point, over the small group of people the sunlight glimmering off his armor. He came down in front of the horde opening fire upon it, holding them back he looked back at the group " What did liam do this time? " he said firing off more sprays of bullets from the machine gun " Get him up and lets go " He said continuing to spray and mow down the horde.
Lucy wasn't quite sure what had happened when she opened her eyes. One moment someones telling her to run away, the next some scary large suit guy had picked her up. At least he was taking her away from the zombies, this meant the people choice was the better one. She stay quiet, afraid to do or say anything until the man put her down. He said something about a house and a piece of paper that had the directions. She took the paper and stared at it as he left. "Huh? Am I suppose to go here?" She said, turning to the other people that happen to be with her. She held out the paper to show the others.
(Woah, i'm a little confused. I thought I was the girl that was picked up? Doesn't matter that much though)

I ran as fast as I could with the others, listening to their footsteps until we were at the place the big guy mentioned. By the time we got to the blood bank, I was exhausted and couldn't stand at all. I collapsed onto the pavement. I couldn't continue running this way without food.

I sat on the floor and looked towards what seemed to be a young girl. I coughed up some type of liquid before speaking to her.
"Is it far away? If so, I don't think i'll make it. I don't feel that good at all..."
I coughed up some more before falling into silence.
(I'm still kind of confused as to what is going on, but oh well)
"Alright let's get to this house we keep hearing about" He said to the others, one girl seemed to have collapsed and it looked like he was going to have to carry her there. He picked her up fireman style and faced the newest girl "Hey, can you use a gun" he asked her politely. He couldn't carry somebody and fight zombies at the same time.
A bulk of metal in human form crashed down lightly on the ground between them and the regathering swarm of undead who must have realized the threat was injured and therefor turned into prey. Dozens of mini projectiles where shot from him, too fast to follow, but each bullet well aimed and their results evident as the undead were temporarily kept at bay, while those in front fell. Another man was beside them as well, one who had greeted Liam much more casually and held an air of calm. Hetah stood from her crouched position, addressing both of them at once in regards to what had happened. "One of the dead charged him and tried to stab me with a pole when he was down. He took the hit instead." Her eyes briefly flicked over to the mentioned male at the suggestion of her carrying him. She could... There was nothing stopping her but... she wasn't sure how sexist he was when it came to being helped by a woman. A wicked, bitter part of her whispered how he hadn't cared about how she felt. How he claimed to have been searching for her but in the same breath told of how he had been here the whole time. Her eyes glowed, from emotions of betrayal or hate it was hard to tell, but within some moments Liam was in her arms and flitting away from the undead beings, soon to be upon the small, lost looking group of survivors.
(ooc: Sorry, I'm not really sure who anyone is ever taking about. I kind of skim because I can't keep up.)

Lucy looked at the paper about to answer the girls question went she watched her fall to the ground. Lucy made a gasp, worried that the girl had gotten hurt. She would have sat down to see what was happening but another man mentioned about carrying her and giving Lucy a gun. She stared at the gun for a moment. "Never used one in my life." She replied with a sweet innocent voice. "But...but I guess I can try."
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"well then we should probably run to the house and try to avoid conflict" he said as he took back the gun "We don't need to waste ammo, well then lets go guys." He began to jog towards the house that had been pointed out on the map, he needed to hurry up and get his girl to a bed where she could rest and get some food. The house really wasn't far and it wasn't until he got there that he realized they didn't have a key into the place, and he'd rather not have to bust open the door. So he decided to wait for Liam or for there to be too many zombies, that would force him to run the people away from the place.
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