Our Retribution OOC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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:o Are you subscribed to it?
Yeah but recently I haven't gotten any alerts to the threads I was watching. Maybe because I hadn't looked at them in awhile or something
Yeah but recently I haven't gotten any alerts to the threads I was watching. Maybe because I hadn't looked at them in awhile or something
Yeah, if they're unread you don't get alerts for them.
Constant tests and upcoming finals combined with work is making me pretty much dead creatively. It may be a bit before I write something.
Constant tests and upcoming finals combined with work is making me pretty much dead creatively. It may be a bit before I write something.
Life is always more important, take your time I surely don't mind.
Alright hopefully that isn't terrible. I still have three finals remaining but two don't matter for crap. For the most part school is wrapped up for me, at least for a month or so.
Hey, sorry about this, but not really feeling the RP anymore. Been hard to drum up a post, so I'll be bowing out.
Alright, I had a feeling things had died down.
I'm still here if Mui and Camel are. Just kinda busy and backlogged on posts XD
Ugh, I hate to do this after having already said I'm still here the other day, but I'm in a boat similar to Zombehs. Also, my RP load this summer is going to pick up because my friends have more time than they had before - they're all off for the summer from college. I, on the other hand, still work full time and need to prepare myself for boot camp. :( I really hate to drop this as it's approaching the real meat & potatoes of plot but I simply can't keep track of where it's my turn and where it isn't. I'm cutting almost all of my non-1x1s. ;-;
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