Order (Mocking_Jayy and Desu Juice)

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[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Koshi's lips quirked upwards in an amused smile as May pulled him down, keeping him from leaving. And then her lips, tasting like sunshine, were on his again, and he was so busy returning the kiss that he couldn't care less about cleaning up the hair. And he cared even less about utterly everything as May began to trail kisses down his neck and collar bone - he panted against her, face going red as her hand slid down to his hip. "No, absolutely not. Don't stop." He'd lose his mind if May stopped, he was so needy. Koshi bit his lip, a little bit ashamed, oddly enough, as he arched his back and pressed his hips forward against her touch. Ah, if her hand moved just a bit to the left, it would be right on top of... His eyes settled on her features, and it was easier to see given the bright, bathroom light - the look she was giving him, eyes peeking up through her lashes, sent a wave of heat through his body.

"Tell me what you're going to do," he leaned down and whispered into her ear, hot breath against earlobe, with eyelids half-closing as his hands returned to crawl up May's sides again, warm fingers running over her ribs as they found the back clasp of her bra, and playfully tugged at it. He gave the shell of her ear a kiss.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
May gnawed on her bottom lip when his hands traveled up her sides, before his hand teasingly pulled against the clasp of her bra. "How about I show you." It was then that her hand moved from his hip to the front of his pants, resting on his member. A small smirk settled on her lips before she tilted her head and sucked on his jaw. Her palm pressed down against him before she slowly began to move her hand up and down.

Her other free hand moved to wrap around the back of his neck. Well, this surely was a turn for events but she didn't mind.

[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]He practically squirmed under her touch, already remarkably hot and bothered. And then her hand began to move, and Koshi practically lost his mind when the sensation combined with May's lips on his jaw. He turned and tilted his head to press their lips together again, and his hand moved up and down May's back in a soothing motion. "Go ahead," he uttered, transfixed by the sudden rise of heat in his belly, and May's provocative words. Her fingers moved over the outline of him, playing down the seam at the front of his pants, and Koshi pulled away for the kiss to breath - he was winded, panting, and it was all May's doing. Feeling for the back of her bra, he quickly realized that May had gone bra-less that day, so his hands shifted over to the front of her body and gently skimmed over her chest, warm hands exploring the soft mountains and valleys of her body.

He stopped when he smelled smoke. Koshi turned, glancing around and noticing that the room had become somewhat brighter, despite the underground days always bearing the same light intensity. "May, wait..." He reached down to hold onto her wrist, and sniffed the air again. "Is that smoke?"[/fieldbox]

[fieldbox="Kaito, darkred, dashed, 10"]It was useless, he was foolish. Were they really married? May hadn't protested Koshi's words, so he was sure... And that broken heart weighed heavy in his chest. He was happy before they found his greenhouse. He was fine with just being alone... Except he wasn't, and the bitter fact that all his years waiting for May to find him again had been wasted, because she loved Koshi. And Koshi had made him more alone than he already was by taking May away. What a greedy lab rat, what a pathetic waste of space...

He was the same. Kaito had always been so confident, and yet now, he knew he was worth nothing. He had given nothing, he had received nothing. The month he had spent with May was hollow and comfortless, because her heart belonged to Koshi. And no matter what he did, how violent he got, that fact could never change. They had taken his greenhouse - his gift to May, and turned it into their temple of love - their garden of Eden.

So he poured kerosene all over it, lit a lighter, threw it in... And watched it all burn down. The trees crackled like bones as they caught fire, and he cried, and cried, and cried - it felt like he was killing himself too.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
The brunette continued her movements with her hand while applying a bit more pressure against him. She was trying to bring him pleasure and it seemed to be working, because he pulled her into a kiss before pulling away from it, all hot and bothered. A light moan left her lips when he suddenly began to run his hands against her breasts. Well, today had been a good idea to go braless, May thought with a light smirk.

Soon her hand began to travel to the waistband of his jeans and she was just about to slip her hand inside when he stopped her. However, he was catching on to something began it was beginning to smell like smoke. "I think something is burning...Here, put this on, My Love." She murmured as she picked up his hoodie from the sink counter and lifted it up to his head. What could possibly be burning? How could a fire even start?

[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]May gave him his hoodie, and that... That made him panic. Could she see something that he couldn't? Koshi felt especially vulnerable with his sight being so limited, and it scared him that he might not even be able to tell if there was a fire in the house if the smoke was thick enough. "May, do you see anything?" He asked, and figured that he should go look out the window.

If they had still been in Enden, Koshi would have probably laughed and said it was Red pranking them again - the red Andera was immensely fascinated with the fact that humans can smell things, and the smoke would make them instinctively panic. After a few false alarms, Koshi got mad, and Red finally stopped. But now... Here... Surely, if there was smoke, it was from a real fire. A bright wave of light caught his attention, and he realized that it was coming from within the greenhouse. Due to the brightness of whatever the massive blobs of light were, he could also see the shadow of a figure standing before the brightness, as if watching it - just as confused as Koshi was.

He stumbled away form the window, terrified. "Is that fire?"[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
"No, I don't." May answered while she adjusted his hoodie, before he turned around to go look out the window. While he did that, she slipped out of the bathroom and glanced over the railing to check downstairs. Everything seemed to be fine,just the smell of smoke persisted. May returned to the bathroom and went over to the window when Koshi mentioned that there was a fire.

The location of the fire was easy to spot giving the bright blaze as well as the dark smoke going into the air. A gasp couldn't help but to leave her lips when she realized what was burning up. "Oh my god! It's the greenhouse!" May's heart beat quickened and she felt complete panic as she turned on her heel and took a hold of Koshi's hand, leading him to the stairs. That's where she slowed down so her husband wouldn't trip.

[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]"The... The greenhouse?" Koshi uttered, and the first thing to pop into his mind was their make-shift wedding. It was their chapel, their sacred place of love. Kaito. "Oh no..." He followed May down the stairs easily enough, panicked at the thought of fire, but also upset at the fact that they didn't get to finish what they had been doing in the bathroom, and the persistent echoes of the sensation of May's hand were making his pants all too tight. It was silly to even be thinking about such a thing while half-blindly making his way downstairs, but it was hard to control. Koshi nearly fall when he hit the last step and thought there was one more - the sudden feeling of the floor being there startled him and threw him off-balance, but he kept up with May until they were outside - and he could see it. He could really see it... He could see them.

Flames. Licking up to the sky in great, white-hot tongues. He was sure that to May, they were bright, angry red. And in front of it stood that shadow. He was sure that it was Kaito, with his back turned to them, facing the blaze. [/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
Once they made it outside, May halted her steps and starred at the flames before her. How had this happened? Why? "No..." She murmured as tears sprung into her eyes. This could not be happening. Kaito had work so hard...

"Kaito! He's right there." May tightened her grip on Koshi's hand and pulled him forward once more, leading him towards the male.

Sorry for the crappy post.
[fieldbox="Kaito, darkred, dashed, 10"]Kaito had heard them, but he didn't move. He gave them no sign of acknowledgement, he could only stand. Standing was all he had left - he was all he had left.

Koshi also stood still, resisting May's tug, either too afraid, or too uncertain to take a step towards the clone. Both were identical statues, standing, swathed in flame from the heat of Eden burning before their eyes. Finally, Kaito shuddered, thinking - this was their punishment. They all had eaten the apples. He was full of hubris, thinking he could judge and punish the two behind him at will, on a whim. With the garden gone, they would all starve. But, it was their fault, he thought. He wasn't the one to inspire the spark - they were.

Neither male could move towards the other. [/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May tugged on Koshi's hand, but the male didn't move. In fact, he was resisting her. For a moment, she just starred at him before looking back over to Kaio. Had he done it? Had he set the greenhouse ablaze? It didn't make sense, though. He had spent years nurturing it. Surely he wouldn't have made all his hard work in vain.

May released her grip on Koshi's arm and ran over to the clone. "Kaito!" She called out and once she reached him, she placed her hands on his shoulders. "What happened?"
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Kaito turned when he felt May's hands on his shoulders, and the look he had on his face should have told her everything that she wanted to know.

A strange silence rang out from his lips when he opened his mouth, and he shut it again at the sound, and shut his heart up as well. He shrugged her hands off and backed away, shaking his head. Sirens rang out nearby, odd, long and droning like the anger in Kaito's gaze, and he fled. Ran past Koshi, who flinched in fear as he saw the shadow approach him suddenly, thinking Kaito meant to attack him again. But no, he was running away.

Koshi looked after him for a moment, then turned back to stare at the greenhouse. In moments, massive trucks appeared, and heavily-armored Andera, clad with various odd gadgets surrounded and contained the blaze. Koshi stepped towards May, and wordlessly held onto her hand. [/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
May watched the male with a hint of confusion, yet knew better than to try and talk to him, much less attempt to stop him as he ran. All she could was stand there and watch as the plants burned and the Andera coming to put out the fire. She understood that he was angry at them but he should have never gone this far.

Suddenly she felt someone grab her hand and May glanced down before looking up at Koshi. "He...I can't believe he did this." She murmured before moving to wrap her arms around him.

[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Koshi held onto May tightly as she wrapped her arms around him, and his chest expanded with a long, deep breath. He couldn't believe it either. "I didn't think he would do something like this... Not this bad.."

He watched the Andera put out the flames, but the glass on all sides of the greenhouse had shattered, and all the beams holding the roof up had melted - there was nothing left. It made Koshi feel... Incredibly upset. He bit his lip. "It was my one chance to see what Earth might look like in real life... And because I was stupid, I was completely blind to it." His arms tightened around May's middle, and Koshi lowered his head to press a kiss against her forehead. He didn't want to feel sad, and he didn't want this to hinder their happiness. Screw it, he just wanted to be alone with May... Life always had other plans, just when he thought that things would be ok, and their three days would somehow be the best three days of their life. But, the fact that he had married May certainly made them the most important.

Koshi pulled away from the embrace after a while, noticing that the Andera weren't approaching them to ask questions. It was likely that they had surveillance of Kaito starting the blaze... His hands settled on her hips, and he glanced only once more at the dying fire before turning to look at her. "May, let's go inside, okay?"[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May watched the flames get extinguished and all that remained was ash. A pang of saddness hit her chest and she couldn't help but to burry her face in Koshi's chest. A whole month she had helped Kaito care for the garden and she realized just how much time and dedication was required. It was unbelievable that Kaito would just set it on fire, just like that. To create something as beautiful as that, well, it just upsetting to know that there was nothing left of it. "Hopefully you'll get to see it someday." She murmured when she felt his lips come in contact with her forehead.

"Okay." The brunette nodded and briefly glanced at what was once considered the green house, before taking hold of his hand and leading him back towards the house.

[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]"I doubt that." He couldn't help but wonder as they walked away - what kind of plants were in that place? What did they really look like? At least he had touched and smelled them... At least he had experienced that. The only part of Earth on their planet was dead, save for the humans. Koshi wondered if he would really ever see a real Earth tree, or a real flower. That rose - he had never been able to see just how red it really was.

They re-entered the house, and Koshi pulled his shoes off, and managed to align them perfectly against the wall. "Now it's Kaito's turn to get arrested..." He said, but felt pity for the other male. What kind of state of mind did he have to be in to set something on fire? What was he angry at? Was he jealous about May? There were so many thoughts in his head... It almost hurt. "Now... What are we going to eat with the greenhouse gone?" Koshi wondered out loud, and strolled over to the couch, feeling his way along the armrest to find the cushion, where he could put his butt and not fear falling off the edge, as all he could she was the silhouette of the table and a small part of the couch. The thought of food made his head spin, and his stomach growled again. The male failed to downplay it, as he blushed, and huged his arms around his midsection.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May remained silent as she shut the door behind them and removed her shoes, placing them right besides Koshi's. This was all so tiring and she was honestly growing more exhausted each day that something as drastic, like what Kaito had done, happened. "I'm honestly not sure. They'll have to come up with something though, because without food we won't last." May stated as she approached her husband who's stomach let out a loud growl. Her brows furrowed, but she brushed it off. "You're hungry? Here, let me go get you some fruit." May changed her course and made her way towards the kitchen, where she opened the fridge and pulled out some strawberries. She washed them and removed the green leaves before placing them on plates.

Ten minutes had passed by when she found herself collapsing onto the couch besides Koshi. "I brought you some strawberries."
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Before he could protest, May was already in the kitchen making him something. Koshi quietly groaned to himself, and leaned back to rest his head on the backrest of the couch. He was too tall for it, and it could only support his neck, thus his head was left tilted up at the ceiling.

After a moment, he felt the couch give a bounce as May flopped down beside him, and he lifted his head to glance down at the dark bowl in her hands. Strawberries... May's favorite fruit. It would feel like blasphemy to bring them up and throw them out, as they were May's favorite, and now that the greenhouse was gone... His gaze settled onto May' face, and Koshi though for a second before taking the bowl out of her hands, putting it down on the coffee table, and leaning towards her. Koshi took May in his arms and pressed his body against her's, pushing her down onto the couch with a hand on the small of her back, and another on the back of her head to ensure that she wouldn't simply fall and hurt herself. Maybe she would forget about feeding him if he... Koshi fidgeted to adjust his position, and lowered himself onto May, burying his face into her shoulder before giving her neck a playful bite.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
May raised a brow when Koshi suddenly took the bowl from her hands and set it down on the table before him, then turned to her. She wasn't expecting him to lower her down onto the couch, so all she could do was comply with much confusion. Her husband was over and resting his head on her shoulder, though the second she felt him give a bite on her shoulder, well it reminded her of earlier. "Koshi?" Despite not knowing why he was all of a sudden so touchy, May moved her hands up so they rested on his shoulders before traveling down to his chest, then down to his stomach, down until she reached the waistband of his pants. There, she paused before teasingly slipping in her fingers then abruptly moved her hands back up to his stomach.
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]His attention was diverted from May by the tempting bowl of strawberries on the table, just at the edge of his vision. It caught his eye as he kissed the spot on her neck that his teeth grazed, and he watched it longingly until May's hand diverted his attention from the food - it teased down his body and slid into the waistband of his pants. Excitedly, he pressed another kiss against the side of her neck, but her hand slid back out and strayed to rest over his stomach. "Maaaay..." He whined into her ear, pouting. He sat up a bit, keeping his balance, and ran his hands over her body... And his stomach growled yet again, interrupting him.

Koshi sighed, and ran his palms over the tops of her thighs.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May couldn't help but smirk at his whine, however her eyes narrowed the second she heard his stomach growl. Was he trying to distract her? Frowning, she captured his wrists and starred up at him for a moment. "We'll continue once you eat." She stated firmly. As much as she wanted to continue, his health was much more important. So, she shimmied out from under him and sat up. "Getting you back to a healthy weight is important." She murmured as she reached for a strawberry and lifted it up to his lips.
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