Opposites Attract, Right?

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Ivy turned to see Bryony running behind her after hesitation for a second. "I'm crazy but you're having fun aren't you" she splashed her back giggling to herself. Being called cute or beautiful was really making her feel a bit awkward. She wasn't like most girls who loved to be complimented...in fact she hated it. It was fun though to have a bit of relief from the park though it was probably still her favorite place. Ivory looked up at her smiling her light green apple eyes reflecting off the sun a bit her cheeks still a dusty pink color.

"When did you get the tattoo...it looks nice I've always wanted one but I have an intense fear of needles" she chuckled at her own self and rubbed the back of her neck completely embarrassed from mentioning that out loud. Her fears were pretty trivial but thunderstorms and clowns could be deadly...especially if there was a needle involved. Ivy shuddered a bit at the idea but pushed herself out of her mind to get another glimpse at the tattoo.

Seemed as if this girl was just living the life that she wanted badly. The freedom of being able to be your own person and not fear what people would think.
"A year ago, at most," she replied, peering down at the eagle on her chest, its wings spread and giving the tattoo its depth and length, smiling to herself at the detailed piece of art she wore with pride. "It does hurt like hell, but once it's done, it looks nice and it means something, I guess. My Dad has the same one, a smaller sort of version, and I love my Dad, so it made sense to have the same sort of symbolism engraved on me-- he's not a well man. Regardless of me leaving and living on my own, your parents are your parents. I love 'em, so."

She quietly trailed off. She wasn't someone who was seen to be vulnerable and emotional, so quickly blocked that up and brightly smiled again, easing in the water to admire the orange sunset. "You'll be able to do what you want once you're eighteen, you know. You'll be an adult, and your parents ought to stop forcing their views on 'ya."​
Of course it sounded way easier than what it was. Her parents were like vultures around her not even letting her live out her dreams cause they were scared that the same thing that happened to her brother would happen to her. "You make it sound so easy...my parents are everything and they mean well...whatever, once I go off to college they can't say anything" and that was the day she was waiting for, the day she was anticipating for.

"If I were to get one would you come with me...I'd trust you enough to keep me calm" she looked over at her with a soft but bright smile. She hadn't smiled so much in the past three years, between school and her overbearing parents life just became hard all of a sudden. And it's as if every year of high school that goes by the worse they get. "I'm happy that I came you, you aren't as bad as people make you seem, well you are a bit of a flirt but I think it's sweet..."
"You trust me already, even though all you really know of me is that I'm a bit of a flirt and one who upsets every girlfriend I have?" She chuckled - she thought for definite now that Ivy was a little odd. She trusted a girl most people wouldn't when her credibility was somewhat countered by the amount of affairs she had when in relationships, and the inability to really stay faithful, even if she always held hope for change.

Struggling at the moment to keep her eyes locked on the other's, given the growing urge to simply eye the other up in mounting appreciation for her clear beauty, she did manage a smile at the 'sweet' comment - she usually got called flirty things when she was with a girl, but she had learnt by now how different Ivy was, and whilst it was a challenge, it was one she was willing to take. Even if Ivy didn't want to enter a relationship with her, or have a fling (Bryony knew the overwhelming presence of her parents hindered things), then she at least wanted her as a friend now. Bryony didn't want to lose such a sweet person like this.

"Oh, of course I'll come," she replied with a smile, chastely pecking her cheek like friends would, making an effort to not make it flirtatious. "Can't let you go on your own and not experience how to rebel properly, can I? The most rebellious thing you'd do would be talking in the college library. I wanna show you how to have fun-- it doesn't have to be going drinking or whatever. It can just be something simple~"​
Ivory had blushed even more when she felt the small peck on her cheek. Of course it was friendly but her cheeks were so red she didn't even know how to react. "Well that's good, but you have to start me off small I don't want to jump in and rob a bank" she chuckled and dunked her head under the water so that all of her hair could get wet then came back up giggling a bit. "Your girlfriend is lucky to have you, I don't know why all those nasty rumors are even real...you're pretty nice in my view" she smiled and pushed her now wet hair behind her ear and stood up from the water walking back into the shore.

Her body had gotten to cold and now she wished she had a towel. Ivy wasn't ashamed standing here cause she was okay with her body, her curves were in the right place and she had a nice size in everything. "Come on let's get out of here...I know another romantic setting for us to get to know each other" she said bringing up what Bryony had said at first before they had left the school. The time was five o'clock so she still had a good time to spend with the flirty friend she had just made. "You can even show me one of those subtle but fun places"

Ivy went over to her clothes and squeezed the water out of her hair so that she wasn't riding in the bike with wet hair, and even put it in a side braid so that when it was dry it would be curly. She dried to air dry by running around the beach and once she was dry she slipped on her over the shoulder shirt and her high waisted skinny jeans. "Come on slow poke we'll come back when I have swim suit and towel"
Rather happy just observing the other from the water and silently admiring every noticeable piece of her body, she did let out a small groan of discontent, though did stroll out of the water, albeit with clear reluctance in her stride and expression. Only, she was unsubtle in her looks of the other now, smiling to herself at the rosy cheeks the other possessed after the chaste kiss.

"My girlfriend will probably dump me soon. Rumours spread like fire in this town," she chuckled, knowing most people tended to gossip about her, and given her girlfriend only went to college in the next town over, and knowing of Bryony's reputation, she would probably let the relationship go. And Bryony was hardly sad about that prospect - she wasn't that fussed on her girlfriend besides her looks, yet in a girlfriend, for her to even contemplate being faithful, a girl needed far more than just looks. She needed personality too - like Ivy had. Ivy would make the perfect girlfriend, though that didn't seem to be possible really. Not with her parents as they were, unless Ivy took a massive risk.

"Right, you just tell me where we're going next. Somewhere romantic, hm? You sure you want to take a serial player somewhere romantic? I don't think I'd be able to keep my hands off you," she murmured playfully, flashing a grin at her as she took a seat on the motorbike again, once pulling her clothes on tiredly. "Joking, relax. I'd never touch you up like that, honestly. I may kiss you down the line because you are pretty cute, and I do tend to be drunk sometimes-- you need to know that if we're gonna be best of friends, doll."​
"Awe I was really hoping that you weren't joking, it would be nice to know my sexuality since I'm almost a consenting adult..." She played a fake depressed and pretended to wipe a tear from her eye. Well if they were going to be close and she was going to practice in her rebellious ways a little teasing couldn't hurt. Plus she was only being a little bit serious so that couldn't be oh so horrible. Though she still was blushing even with that slight statement that she had made. Pushing some hair that wasn't out into the braid behind her ear Ivy threw her leg over one side and sat in the bike this time wrapping her arms around Bryony's waist.

They were going to be friends so it didn't make her feel that awkward anymore. But she was still getting used to having her front pressed against Bryony's back. "Why don't we go to...a burger place, that water made me a bit hungry" her stomach made a small rumble as if to prove her point and she laid her chin on Bryony's shoulder like she had done the first time. "Why are you calling me doll though, are you giving me a pet name so soon into the friendship" she chuckled softly actually liking it, Vincent had called her shrimp so it sounded way better than that.
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If she was completely honest, even Bryony, who was rarely surprised, had to pause at the other's statement and her sudden pressure against her back, the proximity something Bryony herself blushed increasingly at.

But she managed to laugh if off quickly, turning around a little to be able to peer back at the pretty girl. She was teasing, Bry knew that, but it didn't mean she wasn't going to pretend to take her seriously. It may be the romantic setting, or simply Ivy herself, but it was all enough to have Bryony lean in and press her soft lips upon the other's. It was only short and sweet, a little peck, but it was something at least; something more intimate and less of a friendly thing.

They were friends, sure. Bryony knew she wanted Ivy as a friend regardless, but that didn't necessarily mean she was going to stop flirting and giving kisses unless Ivy opposed it greatly - but right knew, it did seem like she wanted to rebel and experience something she was curious about. And obligingly, Bryony was ready to help that.

Pulling away with a quiet grin, she moved her own wet hair from her face, dimples on show the more she smiled. "I like pet names, doll. Unless you want me to just now call you anything, I'd like to continue. I can't help it when you're just so darn cute, can I?"​
Her face had turned completely red as she felt the small kiss on her lips. Did she take her seriously, she was only joking a little. But that small kiss had made her heart beat just a bit faster and her face stay completely red. But he had to stop because she was in a relationship and Ivy refused to be known as a homewrecker. Even though the kiss may have been something she wasn't going to allow anything to come from it, but she was a sucker for dimples and hers were adorable.

"Oh no I mean I like it, it's better than what my friend Vincent calls me, he calls me shrimp because I'm so short, and stop saying that..." She playfully hit her back as she poked her red cheeks out. "I'm not cute...I'm normal" she hated being complimented and she didn't even know why, it's just wverytime some guy called her cute or pretty she ignored them and kept ignoring them until they were out of her sights. That was proaby the second reason why she wasn't on a relationship...cause she wasn't like most girls who needed conformation from some guy that she was pretty, cause she didn't think so at all.

"Plus you can help it...just find another cute girl and call her doll, not that I mind being called doll...it's just weird since you're in a relationship..." She looked down twiddling with her fingers then looked back up her face in flames. "N-not that there's anything going on cause there isn't...we're just friends...so it's not like you're cheating cause we're just friends..." Ivy was rushing through her words which clearly had shown that she was nervous and embarrassed, but she was way more embarrassed than nervous
"Darling, relax. You're going to have a panic attack if you keep on worrying like that. It's not cheating if I dump my girlfriend later, is it? I don't want to be with her, it's not working, so just calm down. I won't call you cute -even if you are- if it makes you uneasy-- I forget that you're not like most girls. You're not a flirty little thing," she sighed, slightly angry at herself for even causing the other this sort of inward panic - even if Bryony wanted nothing more than to ravish the girl there and then and tug her into a kiss. What could be better than kissing her on the motorbike, on the beach just as the sun was setting? It was romantic, and frankly, Bryony did find herself liking Ivy more than she would most girls.

But she didn't kiss her. She wasn't going to just give up, that wasn't Bryony's style. If she gave up, she wouldn't be this notorious player. No, she was just going to take it at Ivy's pace. She would still flirt a little, still try and make her realise her sexuality... but she wouldn't try to do anything beyond little kisses on the cheek until the day Ivy made a move of her own. Of course, that could be a long time, but Bryony would still flirt with other girls in the meantime, but the moment Ivy did cooperate, Bryony would be ready to devote to her

Well, Bryony hoped she would. She had never really done well at being faithful, but Ivy was different, wasn't she? She was sweet, kind and not just some slut looking for a fling like most the girls Bryony went for.

With that new plan in mind to try and get to actually date the girl sat behind her, she playfully pressed back to kiss her cheek, another platonic and friendly motion. "Just hold on tight, mate. I'll have to go fast if we want to eat and get you home before it goes dark. I don't want your folks going mad at you-- and I'd quite like t' meet your mate Vincent. Calls you shrimp, does he? Psh. How lovely..."​
It was okay, they were just friends and she's stop calling her cute. But it was as if as soon as she called her mate that she felt a little bad. It was just her being her and she didn't want to stop that, even if being complimented annoyed her. "Okay..." She said softly smiling as she wrapped her arms around the girls waist once more and laid her head on her shoulder. Cuddling with her had to feel amazing...she was soft and warm like a teddy bear. Then as soon as she thought it Ivy scolded herself and bit her lower lip thinking.

They were just friends, nothing more nothing more nothing less. It was annoying her how conflicted she felt it was. One small little kiss how could she get worked up about that. But then it was there again, that friendly kiss on her cheek that she may or may not have wanted to be more that what she made it. "Yeah I am pretty hungry...I didn't really eat lunch cause I got to nervous about I test I had to take" she chuckled softly at herself and wondered how she could be such a screw up.
"There's more to life than tests. I mean, what I'm saying is, in the grand scheme of things, that nervousness is silly. They're just pieces of paper you have to try and do to the best of your abilities. You can only ever do your best," she shrugged. She was clever, sure, but she rarely spent time studying nowadays, believing more important things deserved her attention. While she believed that, she was always the first one to tell others to study and do their best, just not to fret so much over it when they could only do what they could, and nervousness wasn't really something tests should cause.

"Anyway, mate," she said again, having to physically stop herself using pet names when she knew the other didn't like them - even if she was unaware that the other girl was struggling and was conflicted over her feelings. If she was aware of it, it would be something Bryony would grin about. Her aim was to make Ivy feel like that about her, anyway. "I'll buy you something to eat. You should never have skipped lunch, idiot."​
"I-Idiot, I just hadn't eaten...I've skipped meals before like other people have...meanie" Ivy looked up and puffed her cheeks once more like a little kid. Drawing small circles on her back she laid her head back on her shoulder with a small sigh. Why was she even thinking to much about this, the girl was a player and there was probably the off chance that she would actually want to be with her romantically. Honestly Ivy was afraid that if she even thought about being romantically involved with her that she would get hurt in the process.

"I don't want to go home...I wanna have fun like a normal teen, get drunk, and sleep with someone I don't even know...I wanna have fun..." Ivy said her thoughts out loud and sighed louder this time. She had grown up well yes but there was always the moments where she hated how babied she was or how her parents were still holding her hand at this point in her life, the point where she should be exploring things on her own. "Do you live alone?"
She wanted to be rebellious? She wanted to get drunk and sleep with someone?

If Bryony was someone to show surprise, she was bound to display that with speechlessness, eyed widened and an open mouth, but given her ability to hide her emotions behind a mask, she smiled coyly and turned in her seat to face her, glad to at least feel the arms around her - it helped a great deal, to have this closeness; this intimate proximity when hearing that the girl she thought was painfully innocent and someone who never wanted to rebel against her parents suddenly turning her back on that and wanting to live a little.

"If you wanna sleep with someone, I'm totally free," she purred, leaning in easily, though kept a few centimetres between their faces. Of course, she was a player. She was bound to flirt with other girls, regardless of how things went with Ivy, and that inevitability was bound to disguise just how much she was growing to adore Ivy. "I can teach you fun, and we can still do all that friend stuff. I don't have many nice friends who are as genuine as you-- that said, I wanna teach you how to have fun. I have vodka at home-- and nope, I don't live alone. I have a roommate, babe," she smiled, those pet names making a return, though she didn't really realise it in all honesty - it was natural to her. "He's a sweetheart, though. He'll just ignore us if we do anything romantic~ I ignore him when he's with his boyfriend, so..."​
They were so close, she was breathing her air right now as she just looked into her eyes. It was just sweet nothings, she didn't want to be used, who did? But it was her first moment of freedom so why should she care all she had to do was lean forward they were already close enough. But she couldn't do it, she just found herself staring trying to come up with the next words. Why didn't she just sleep with her it wouldn't have mattered, and then they could stay friends after...that's all that matters in the end, if their still friends. So now all she had to do was just lean forward and close the space...her first kiss wouldn't have been horrible since it was a beautiful scene.

"W-well that's good, that you aren't alone..." That was all she could say, really she was only mere centimeters away from a girl that actually found her beautiful and that was all she could say. She had never had a sip of alcohol but apparently was the night for everything. Ivy just found herself smiling softly as she bit her lower lip contemplating, all she had to do was lean forward and close the space how hard could that have been. Ivy let her teeth release the hold they had on her bottom lip and just nodded her head before she leaned in closing the space between them letting her lips connect to Bryony's not really knowing what to do next since she had never kissed anyone, but she pulled away quickly blushing as she looked away from her. "I-I'm sorry..."
The kiss surprisingly made Bryony, who had had countless numbers of kisses over the years obviously, fill up with warmth and a sudden flutter of butterflies in her stomach. She seldom felt that way, so it was indicative to how she truly liked Ivy, both in a romantic way and as a friend. She would date her if that opportunity arose out of what would be a fling tonight due to Ivy's rebellious nature, but a relationship was risky - no matter how much she did adore Ivy, what were the chances that Bryony would stay faithful?

Though a relationship was not necessarily on the cards. At the moment, it just looked like they would be getting drunk, kissing and maybe going further. A relationship wasn't even talked about - it appeared that after tonight of fun, they'd just go to being friends, but that was fine too. Bryony found the girl adorable, and being around her in whatever way was fine.

"Don't apologise," she purred, having leant in to peck her lips immediately after, purring to herself again. "Honestly, you're a natural. Did it feel good?"​
"Natural....I-I've never kissed anyone in my life..." She mumbled her cheeks still burning red as she tried not to look at the girl who was sitting directly in front of her. But when she had felt the second peck Ivy did wonder to herself, had it felt good? Had she enjoyed kissing her, feeling to conflicted Ivy couldn't even make up the words to answer that question so she nodded softly and opened her mouth whispering softly, "Maybe..." Deep down she loved that it felt good but in the surface she was hoping that it hadn't just because of the person that Bryony was. This was probably going to be a one night thing and had she really wanted to be deflowered to a one night stand.

But they were going to be friends after, so it wasn't so horrible but what happens if, she finds someone better or her girlfriend is too beautiful to break up with or...Ivy didn't want to think about anymore worst case scenarios so we stopped thinking. She couldn't get out of her own head and that's probably why she was hesitating, all she had to do was stop thinking...just get out of her head and jump in the one opportunity of freedom she had. Even though she was probably going to be dead when she got home.

"Are you sure....that you want to do this with me, I mean you can take me home is you want I don't want to be a bother since I've never done any of this before" Ivy couldn't even look up at her as she was saying what she needed to buy instead found herself playing with her fingers and chewing on her lower lip.
"I do wish you'd stop worrying. Ivy, I want to take you to mine and have some fun, as friends. Maybe we'll do more if you want, but if not, it's cool to hang out and have a drink as mates, right? I'm not forcing you," she sighed, even if it went against everything she had suddenly decided she craved. She wanted the girl, that was obvious, just to kiss her and go further, but if Ivy had these worries, forcing her into something would just ruin their friendship, because they had bonded in a platonic way. Whether that developed into romanticism was yet to be discovered.

"Look, you're adorable, and if you want to experiment and have some fun, I'm up for it. If not, we'll order pizza, watch movies and I'll lend you my bed and I'll share with my housemate," she smiled, surprisingly kind and caring for a player, but honestly, she like Ivy and she didn't want to scare her off. In all honesty, she could see herself dating her... though she had never been faithful in her life, so Ivy probably wouldn't be any different.​
Bryony was right, she needed to stop worrying. Ivy rolled her eyes at herself and looked back up at with her with a small smile. "Pizza and a movie sounds nice...sorry I'm just really not used to stuff like this, I've never been friends with someone...like friends that actually saw each other out of school, you just have to give me some time I'm not scared just nervous" she. In truth she may or may not have been scared and nervous. Who wouldn't have been, well no one would have been this nervous because everyone was probably in love with her. I can see why, she was pretty, funny, amazing personality. Well she was probably the only person that thought of her personality.

"You know what, from here on out I won't be nervous, we'll have fun...and I would love to meet your roommate, meeting new people is always...nice" even though for her it was always a nerve wrecking time because she could barely form words to actually talk to people. From this point in she just had to get out of her own head because there was no definite on them actually doing anything, they may just watch a movie and fall asleep.
"You want to meet my roommate?" She grimaced, immediately finding that she didn't really want her to do so. She took in her words, she listened to the fact that the other had now decided to go with her and have some fun, innocent or otherwise, but Bryony didn't have it in her to respond when hearing that naive statement that she wanted to meet her roommate Flynn.

She really genuinely liked Ivy, and Flynn was one of Bryony's closest friends, but honestly, she knew of his jealous streaks, and didn't want him taking that out on her new friend in any way. "...Are you sure?" She sighed, knowing that she'd inevitably meet him if she went over the apartment, considering Flynn lived there too... but if she could put her off, the better. "He's not the calmest of guys."​
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