Open Signup/OOC: Ten Years After The World Ended

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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Absolutely, please do.
And hey Kitty, be patient for just a bit; things are being thought out ATM. I see a lot of awesome stuff going down tonight, but give it an hour or so.
-Comes into the forum with a horde of sheep with fluffy coats and battle helmets on stampeding. I stand with a bow and arrow ready to be fired in my hand, a single foot on each of two sheep that are unlike the others because they have full armor.- I SHALL FIGHT TO THE DEATH WITH IMPATIENCE~

Oh alright, that's exciting. I'll go post some Character sheets to sign up for other RP's in the time being and NOT take the time to do my homework because... Fuck the po-po.
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Just so you know, you might want to fix your post. Mickayla isn't in the little cellar, she is near it under a tarp that is caught on a tree in a bath tub.
Also the door to the bunker is very hard to see, it's covered in rubble and what not.
Oh okay, sorry. I thought I carefully looked over it.
It's fine, it might have been confusing because I wrote that before I took a nap so I was pretty drowsy at the time. Sorry.
Okay, I'm back. Had some actual work the past couple of days. A minor case of writer's block didn't help much either.
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Sorry guys my power went out last night D;
I hope you don't mind that Mickayla got pissed, but she's no Kitty and realisticly if I were her I would've done the same...
Also wheres that big awesome planned thing you guys promised?
Princess Sheep Sheep is a youngin of 16 years old and has no patience.
How much longer must royalty wait?
it's fine, i have something planned for later :D
Sorry bout the short post not much I could think of to say while bartering
I do the same thing when I don't know what to say, quality over quanity, if you can get your point through without having to read a page I think personally it's better
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