Open Pandora's Box

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Rune shook his head looking around "Uhm are we in the statue of liberty? And is on fire?" Rune stood up as he fell to one knee "And why I'm I so drained?"
Kurureenu frowned, watching as he tried to stand up only to find out that he was drained of energy. The woman stood up, still able to move around, and offered Rune her good hand to pull up on. "Yeah... A lot of shit happened in the last couple of hours... I'm also pretty sure we have a lot to answer for right now, too, with the government," she admitted. She remembered the soldiers saw their faces and saw what they did. It was a definite possibility that they were going to be brought in for a lot of questioning.

"Let's just... Let's just get out of here first. They usually tell us to evacuate a building on fire and I don't think the Statue of Liberty is an exception."
"Government? what did we do?" Rune took Ku's hand as he pulls himself up feeling the statue starting to shake. "We better hurry out of here Ku" Rune looks at the stairs as roof above collapses destroying the stairs as the fire surrounds them. "Ku I think where fucked"
Kurureenu watched, mouth agape, as the ceiling fell down and took out the stairs. The woman stepped closer to Rune, fear rushing through her veins. "I... I... I..." she stuttered out, looking around her and trying to figure out what they could do to get out. She was trying to remain calm, maybe concentrate. After all, she finally learned to fly. Maybe she'll be able to do it again.

"Concentrate..." she thought, biting her lip as she tried to suppress the urge to panic.
Suddenly two arms wrapped around Ku and Rune as black wings surround them. "Sorry I can't afford you two to die yet" Spoke the hooded homeless looking figure as he flaps his wings and lifts off the ground flying out of the hole in the ceiling. Rune was freaking out. "To high dammit" The man sighs. "Will you claim down or I'll drop your ass" Rune stopped as the man said that as he looked at the city as the sun was starting to set the city was lit up by the flames. "Wow what the fuck happen?" Rune asked
The woman gasped as the arm suddenly wrapped around her, large black wings flapping down and lifting them off the ground. She sucked back a breath, closing her eyes. "Please, don't make him drop us, Rune," she whimpered, the fear of heights kicking in. Kurureenu glanced up momentarily at Rune's comment about what happened, seeing the destruction of the city. Her original fear began to melt away, bringing panic for Liev's safety.

"I hope Liev is alright," she whispered, her eyes searching for the stadium that they made into a safe zone. "Who are you, by the way? Also, can we please have the ground back. I'm afraid of heights..."
The man smiles warmly as he goes to the ground setting them both down as his wings go back into his back and his feet turn back to normal he bows. "My name is Merari Ziz at your service" he takes off his hood having messy black hair his green eyes glowed ever so light. "And you two are Ku and Rune who been causing me to much paper work every fucking time you two meet no matter what fucking universe it's in" Rune looks at the man. "Wait universe? you mean Multiverse Theory its real?" Rune was shocked.

"Forget about that your is the only one to lose one of the three beasts and you dam bull opened that box and caused all this" Merari composer broke as he pointed at Rune. "Now I got paper work to write" Rune eyes widen. "I did this to New York...?"
Kurureenu was very pleased to finally be in contact with the ground again, quickly backing away from the creature and bumping into Rune as she stumbled away. "Multiverse...? I only heard of that in comic books," she muttered, turning her attention to Merari. When he slipped about Rune causing the destruction of New York, she sucked in air between her teeth, scuffing her shoe against the ground.

"I was gonna try to break that to him lightly... Kinda," she admitted, looking up into the sky. "There goes that piece of gold."
Rune falls to the ground as he gets angry and starts punching the ground. "I fucked up dammit how can I live with my self knowing this" Rune looked up at Merari as stop punching the ground he gets up and walks over to Merari. "Is there a way I could fix this?". Merari looks at Rune and sighed. "Sorry there isn't a way guess your going to have to live with this one more sin to toss on the pile should be getting easy for you Rune" Merari then turned to Ku. "And what about you Kurureenu what will you do now hmm?".

Rune looks at Merari. "You said one of the three great beasts are dead what did you mean?" Rune asked.
Kurureenu listened to Rune's words as he mentioned the three great beasts before gasping, her hands going up to her mouth. "No... It can't be," she whispered, her gaze connecting with Merari's. "Arron... But..." The woman separated her hands and brought them up to her hair, looking all around her except for at the two men. Then Merari's question brought her attention back to him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she questioned, her gaze turning into a glare. She pulled her hands out of her hair, flinching from her burned hand catching wrong. "Clarify, Merari?"
Merari chuckles. "I exactly as it sounds after all this happened after seeing memories of a past life what are you going to do go back to Liev and plan that wedding, go to Arron's funeral, or will you find a way to destroy the box?" Merari smiles warmly his eyes closed as a sense of blood lust radiates of his body. "And if you need proof of Arron here look for your self" Merari lefts up his left hand showing her the shark tattoo. "If that's not enough here" Merari chants as Arron corpse appears next to Merari Arron still smiling.

Rune saw the corpse. "That's the man that got me to open the box"
Kurureenu raised a hand to quiet Rune. "Yeah... I know, Rune," she muttered, turning her attention back to Merari. "I'm not going to destroy the box. The only reason why it was opened was because of one person who wasn't aware of what he already had and thirsted for power more. I will give my dearest condolences, but I will not attend the funeral of a wealthy businessman that, before today, I never even knew. Not only that, but it will rise questions about his true identity and he wanted peace for his daughter. I'm not going to do that to him.

"Also, I am going to still plan my wedding. I am still going to be with Liev," she stated. "Just because my memories of my past life are back, doesn't mean I'm going to forget about this life. It was a completely different man that Kurureenu ended up with then. He was softer and kinder toward her but they were also stricken by fate with being the last of their kind." Kurureenu turned her gaze on Rune. "I gave you a chance and that destroyed me. I gave you another chance and I destroyed myself. I tittered on the edge of life and death because I just didn't want to deal with the pain anymore. I'm tired of being hurt. I'm tired of being used. I'm tired of being abused. I wanted us to be friends at some point, but clearly you're not even ready for that."

The woman shook her head, turning away. "I don't need some bird thing trying to force my hand. I just need... To fix everything that got fucked up on my end."
Merari smiles. "Alright Ku your free of your chains of fate consider them broken from Rune" Merari bows as he his wings come out his back as he straights up he smiles. "I can see why a bull like him fell for you though I'm sure he knows what he lost" Merari takes off leaving Arron's corpse there with them. Rune sits down as he let's out a sigh. "I think it's time for me to finally move on Ku" Rune looks up at the darken sky seeing the stars as he reaches in his pocket pulling out a pocket watch. "This still at least works"
Kurureenu watched as Merari flew away before turning her back on Rune again. "I thought you already moved on. After all, you were the one who was pushing me away first," she muttered, glancing over at the watch. "Huh... That thing..." The woman scoffed, crossing her arms. "You loved it, but you still put me down for getting it. Bills do come first, but there was someone more important to me then. That notebook is filling up... slowly but assuredly. It helped me out a bit, actually."

The dishwater blonde plopped on the ground, looking up at the sky. "It reminds me of how hopeless I was before and reminds me of someone I never want to be again." She clenched a fist. "The frail thing that couldn't even properly reprimand someone because of how much she loved him and how afraid she was to lose him... She's gone. The destroyed self-confidence had been rebuilt slowly by people trying to save me from the downward spiral I ended up in."

The woman turned toward Rune. "I don't want to remember there ever being a 'we'. I shouldn't hate you, but you instigated it. You told me first, so now it's time for me to tell you. Move on, Rune." Her gaze turned into a glare all of a sudden. "So help me, though, if I ever hear that another woman had fallen from grace because of your stupidity and selfishness, I am hunting you down. I never want you to do to them like you do to me."
Rune smiled weakly as he laughed slightly. "Your still a scary women Ku, but you where the one that was right all along and I was stupid and childish running from my troubles I never want to be that man again that's why I keep this watch it reminds what I was and what I lost the Happiness I was to scared to chase again I'm sorry Ku and I'm happy you found someone better and braver then me" Rune lies back on the grass. "speaking of witch shouldn't you be worried about him?"
Kurureenu sighed, looking up at the sky. "I am worried about him. Your stupid past self caught the ferry on fire, so we don't really have a ride home. And fucking Merari only dropped us off by the Statue of Liberty," she complained, gesturing wildly. She fell back, giving herself a perfect view of the sky. "He helped me out of a dark place... A really dark place. I'm sure he'll be the one to break my heart in a different way, though... When we become one and become married, I'm sure fate will take him away from me. I'm scared..."

Her voice hitched and she fell silent, quiet tears falling down her cheeks. "I wish we didn't have fate taking people away from us... That moment... When... Liev... I broke. I broke so much harder than what you did to me. While you can one day find someone you would want to change for, there was no way I would have gotten Liev back from the depths of death... I have to give Arron my thanks for that."
"It's normal to be scared, but be strong and keep going forward Ku, don't be like me running away when shit gets rough" Rune looks over at Arron as his head started to pulse as he raises a hand up to it. "And don't be like Arron wishing for the past that made you the most happy cause there no going back no matter how much you want it" Rune lies back next to Ku looking up at the stars. "For now I'm sure Liev fine we might as well wait for the cost guard to come by for now let me live in the past a moment longer" Rune looked over to Ku smiling
"You know I'm not one to run away," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "After all, when this chaos broke out, I chased your stupid ass down to fix this." She didn't turn her gaze toward him, keeping it on the stars. "I was going to run away, though... You always boasted about how strong I was, but that was physically. Not emotionally... or mentally. I told you what I was coming from and you wanted to put me right back into that environment. I'm not one to run away, but that's going to end up getting me killed one day. After all, I already had a gun to my face... But you probably don't remember me telling you that."

"Ooh! A shooting star!" the woman cried, quickly sitting up and clasping her hands together as she kept her eyes on the sky. She prayed to the flicker of light streaking across the sky quietly. There were a lot of hopes and dreams to pour out... Things were growing, lives were changing... She was finally being released from the proverbial leash that she knew Rune had on her. The one that she managed to tear out of his hands with the help of Liev coming into her life. And he was finally going to move on. Maybe one day, they could be friends again... Maybe not.
Rune stands up as he saw the lights of a boat. "If I remember correctly it was your father right? Forgive me if I'm wrong your right it has been a long time since you told me" he sighed
Kurureenu saw the lights, too, and couldn't help but wish they would take a bit longer. There was a lot she wanted to say. A lot that she had held back. It took so long to figure things out and rebuild herself and her confidence. She wanted her chance to ream him verbally like she missed out on so many years ago.

She just missed having him as a friend. They got along so well in high school and screwed everything up afterward. Mostly him. The sheer idea of being just that, though, complicated things.

"I was going to run away..." she murmured, watching the lights come closer. The woman was finally able to see the boat a little clearer and remembered something. "Oh fuck," the dishwater blonde started. "I forgot, our government sucks! They're going to send us to area 51 and freaking to tests on us, I bet! Especially since there were a lot of witnesses to what we did. Also, terrorism... The Statue of Liberty is on fire and we're standing by it."
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