OOC:The Real World is Just a Crappy Game(Sign-Ups are Closed!Sorry /^\ )

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hehe, naturally :D
So....I'm not sure how to reply....I want to, but I'm coming up blank....ugh. >3<

I guess I'll think of something later? Anyway, how are y'all?
IM FINE except that I got about a third of the sleep I intended to get and I now have a 10 hour long flight. Yay!
Ok so a question for all you who live in 'Murica. How hard is it? I've been here 2 days and I have not met a single person who isn't over-friendly. It must be incredibly difficult to live here permanently. They also talk a lot. After a 15 minute taxi ride, I now know: The driver's name. Which football team the driver supports. Which he supported in the past. Where he's from. Like exact town name, not just general area. In Iraq. When he immigrated to America. When he moved from Phoenix to Salt Lake City, and why. How many children he has. How old those children are. How much danger he thinks the part of his family still in Iraq is in. What he plans to do next holiday.
That's a taxi driver's job, talking a lot. If you're too shy to ask them to stop, they'll keep entertaining you.

I can't really answer your question, though. How do you define over-friendly?
Oh come on you're telling me NOBODY posted in 6 days? I was really looking forward to having something to do when I got internet back. Apart from watch GGO anyway.
LAUGHING COFFIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... I already knew that. I thought it was in the first episode.
Right, I wasn't exactly coherent earlier. There are several layers of thought put into that question.

1. Kirito and Death Gun may have a previous history.
2. Even if they don't, Death Gun knows Kirito was the person who ended SAO.
3. Since Death Gun is still killing people, it's likely he didn't want SAO to end.

The "I didn't think of it" is referring to everything that might already exist between Death and Kirito. He's not simply a new villain.
Oh right, that makes more sense. Especially given the likelihood is you've watched each episode at least 4 times by now AND I just remembered I've got good enough internet to watch it now. Back in 25 minutes...
To be honest, Nai isn't coming across as much of anything right now. Start using her as more of a central character than an accessory.

Well, I guess that would have to be a group vote. There are only four or five of us still checking in, so I think a second character is acceptable. All in favor? Those opposed?
Yeah I guess I was still trying to be cautious of Haruka not wanting people to have 2 main characters.
Hmm... This returns to the discussion of how levels will work. Are we going with a straight leveling system, then? It would certainly be simpler, but I was growing fond of the idea I could power-level Magic and have a low combat level.
I, thought we were using that, but I thought it was going to work with an overall rating system to compare people, like skyrim.
"a small amount of XP off level 27" threw me. =P Meh; I shouldn't sweat the small stuff like that. Bad RayChel.
So. It turns out that the Princess Zelda from Hyrule Warriors is based off of Asuna. On that note, one hell of a game there.
Now, im probably overanalysing, but if what I think your motives behind your last post @Rachel are, then you're a much better planner than I thought you were. Also this I think is the first time I've ever come across a decent explanation for the presence of a dungeon. Most of the time they're just kinda there.
I'm a lore lover, especially when I can write the lore myself. As for my advanced planning... How far ahead are you picturing? A secret dungeon beneath the dungeon with level 100 monsters and the woman Bossu loved and trapped in the game (like Asuna in her cage) who possesses the only way to defeat Bossu? Or a hidden route inside the dungeon that would lead to a different challenge and ultimately a confrontation with copies of ourselves, followed by a meeting with Remula and a chance to accept a secret quest to free her from her imprisonment?
I don't actually know. But I get the idea that you already know what exactly is in the dungeon. I'd just be making it up as I went along :D
@DjGameK1ng The situation is a bit complicated; Haruka couldn't continue, but we didn't want to stop. Assuming nobody else has any objections, I would love to have you join us. But first, some notes on your CS:

Images - I can't see the attachments. Do you have URLs for the images, or are they all uploaded from your computer?

Teleport - the battle teleport is a good skill. However, travel between towns is done by warp gates in each; when a player reaches a new town, he or she will activate that gate, then everyone can access it.

Dark Genesis - I'm not quite sure what you said, but I think it's like Sunshine's Arcane Missiles? (If you're familiar with 1/2 Prince) Can you explain it, or give an example of it in use?

Weapons - the special weapons are a no-go. Rai's character is a special case, and that will have an impact on the story as we go along. The rest of us will be upgrading our gear as we go.

Writing - Please write your posts third person, past tense. Self-insert characters have a way of slipping into first person, so be wary.
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