[OOC] Seasonal Island Kingdoms Open-World RPG

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Creator of Worlds
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Sc-fi, Horror, Steampunk, anything really
Seasonal Island Kingdoms IC


[bg=#9AFFA3]A Realm of Seasons[/bg]

Amidst the vast green waters of an ocean so large, there lay an archipelago of five islands. However, it is quite difficult to find this strand because a mysterious magical energy surrounds the islands and makes them appear and disappear every five hours. But, when someone does wind up on one of the islands, they are bound to the inside of the energy forever. The magical energy causes four of the five islands to have only one season all year. This makes each island vastly different then the next.

#9AFFA3 The first island in the archipelago is called Sprinfata and the season is Spring all year long. The flora is always just beginning to bloom and the temperatures are between 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. There is at least one light rain shower a week. The most notable aspect of the Fauna is that they seem to be perpetually in a state of adolescence, never truly grown to full adulthood. For this island, there is a council that oversees matters of the people and a king and queen (if chosen) to make decisions final.

The major trade industry on Sprinfata is producing Clothing and Accessories. Sprinfata is allies with all other islands.

#AAA805 The second Island is called Sumenoto and the season is Summer all year long. The flora is fully in bloom and the temperatures are between 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 120 degrees Fahrenheit. There can be brief heavy rainstorms every month, but it is mainly sunny all day. The most notable aspect of the Fauna is that they are extremely large and abundant. Like Sprinfata, this island's people are overseen by a council and a king and/or queen.

The major trade industry in Sumenoto is animal and crop agriculture. Sumenoto is allies with Sprinfata, Winturof, and Nuetolam. They are under tense negotiations with Autunmei and the future for the alliance between these islands is dim.

#9E2900 The third island is called Autunmei and the season is Autumn (or Fall) all year long. The flora is always consistently falling, growing back, and falling again in a never ending cycle. The Temperature is between 36 degrees Fahrenheit and 58 degrees Fahrenheit. There is light snow fall every three months. The most notable aspect of the Fauna here is that they all are colored to blend in with the fall background.

This island is overseen by a council and a king and/or queen. The major trade industry in Autunmei is magical potions & talismans. Autunmei is allies with Sprinfata and Winturof. They find Nuetolam to be more of a territory to claim then a government powerful enough to be an ally. Sumenoto is under pressure from Autunmei and their negotiations are turning south.

#040034 The fourth island is called Winturof and is the last island that has only one season all year long , which is Winter. The flora is all dead and no plant life grows here. However, the minerals found underneath the ground are very precious and can be used for magic and other things. It snows every week and the temperatures range from -50 degrees Fahrenheit to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The Fauna is few but powerful, they are wise and toughened by the harsh year long winter.

This island is overseen by the smallest council and a king and a queen. Not many can survive in the cold snowy tundra of Winturof, but there are those that try and they are governed appropriately. The major trade industry is mining for magical gems and minerals. They are the biggest allies with Sumenoto because they cannot grow their own food and they don't mind Sprinfata or even Autunmei. However Nuetolam is a place they want to stake their claim.

#BFA366 The fifth and final island is called Nuetolam. The seasons change in a cycle each year starting with spring and ending with winter. The Flora changes as the seasons do and Nuetolam reflects the other islands in one year. The most notable thing about the Fauna here is that they drop precious loot when hunted. This island is governed by a coven of elders who prefer to stay out of conflict as much as possible.

The Major trade industry here is weapons and armor. Nuetolam is allies with Sprinfata, and Sumenoto. They are weary of attack from Autunmei and Winturof.

This Realm of Seasons is eager to be explored, which island will you swear your allegiance to?
This group roleplay is an open world which means, characters are accepted even after the IC is started!

[bg=#9AFFA3]Roleplay Perks[/bg]

  • - Doing certain tasks on the islands will award your character with experience points. Each task falls under three main categories: Occupational Tasks, Class Tasks, and Quest Tasks. For each island there is a list of Occupations that your character can take up. You gain various amounts of experience points for each post made doing that occupation. For Class Tasks, you will have to make a post that consists of your character acting out the main role of their class. While Quest tasks give you experience if you make a post that shows your character completing one of the many quest objectives that is listed.

    - To level up you need to gain 10x the level you want to reach. So, if you want to level up to Level 2 you would need 20 points of experience. The Level cap is set at 50 for now. Each level up will receive three rewards that all characters get and one reward that is specialized to each character. To save space in this post, I'll be compiling the list of Level requirements and rewards later on. Now onto the next perk: The Hidden Object Game System!

  • The Hidden Object Game System or the H.O.G.S. for short, is a new perk that I would like to try out. With this system, in each of my GM posts I will describe many, many interesting and obtainable items that can be found in the scene. If you happened to see an item your character wants, all you have to do is roleplay them trying to collect the item. However, you can not automatically receive the item.

    I will use this Random Number Generator to decide whether or not your character will encounter an obstacle while trying to collect the item. IF it lands on an even number, you won't have to face anything and your character will have the item in one of their inventory slots. IF it is an odd number, then the character will face a challenge to getting the item, and if they can't conquer it, they don't receive the item in their inventory.

  • Within the magical energy of the archipelago, there are 5 classes that characters can align with. These classes are essentially the main role your character has in the plot of the roleplay, and these classes help further the story.
    - Protectors:
    This class is for those who protect and fight for others. Protectors make sure other members of the islands are safe from outside threats and beasts upon the islands. They are the strongest characters and can lift things 10x their size, and break down rocks with their fists. They are strength.

    - Soothers
    This class soothes others and heals them if they are hurt. There are many ways a character can get hurt inside the magical energy and the Soothers make sure that they are well tended to and taken care of. These characters are the most compassionate, they are able to use herbs and stones to aid their processes. They are endurance.
    - Enchanters
    This class are the mages of the islands. They are skilled in the magical gems, plants, and talismans that are abundant throughout the Archipelago. They are hear to interpret the magical energies of the islands. These characters are the most wise and intuitive, they are able to sense different energies around them. They are Wisdom.

    - Planters
    This class is essentially the Farmers of the islands. They are skilled with flora and they know how to make them grow and flourish. Planters are almost non-existent on Winturof due to the harsh conditions, but the guild of Planters is trying to figure out a way to grow crops on the island. These characters are hard working and honest. They are Truth.

    - Hunters
    The last class is the trappers of the islands. They know all there is to know about beasts and critters and they are skilled in hunting these beasts. They are also the independent traders of the archipelago and they know the best places to find items. These characters are agile and perceptive. They are Cunning.

    Strength, Endurance, Wisdom, Truth, and Cunning are all Class abilities that you can strengthen with ability points.

  • [fieldbox="Sprinfata Occupations, #9AFFA3, dashed, 5, Times New Roman"]
    + Silk Gatherer - A Character who holds this occupation is required to go to the silk worm caverns and gather the silk there for use in clothing design. If they have required the amount needed by the employer, they will receive 45 Seasol.

    + Color Resource Gatherer - A character who holds this occupation is required to find the various materials needed to make the colors to dye the clothing and accessories. IF they gather the required amount of each item for each color, they will receive 49 Seasol.

    + Clothing Creator - A Character who holds this job is required to fashion clothes out of the given materials for others to wear. They will receive 50 Seasol for each completed piece.

    + Accessory Creator - A Character who holds this job is required to fashion accessories out of the given materials for others (and themselves) to wear. They will receive 53 Seasol for each completed piece.

    + Model - A Character who holds this job is required to model the clothing that is made in Sprinfata. They are there to market the clothing to potential buyers and wow them with how good the clothes look on the character(s). For successfully modeling an outfit and selling it to the public they will receive 55 Seasol .


    [fieldbox="Sumenoto Occupations, #AAA805, dashed, 5, Times New Roman"]
    + Animal Farmer - A character who holds this job tends to the animals kept for agriculture. For successfully selling an animal product you will receive 45 Seasol.

    + Crop Farmer - A character who holds this job tends to the crops kept for agriculture in the magical energy. For successfully selling a crop product you will receive 49 Seasol.

    + Chef - A Character who holds this job cooks meals for others. If you successfully cook a meal for someone else the character will receive 50 Seasol.

    + Bovica Gatherer - A Character who holds this job collects the prized plant Bovica for use in cooking establishments. Bovica not only enhances flavor to many dishes but it has magical properties that allow the user to gain good luck. IF your character succesfully gathers the specified amount they will receive 53 Seasol.

    + Host/ess - A Character who holds this job is required to wait upon customers at cooking establishments around Sumenoto. If they successfully host an excellent meal for the customers they will receive 55 Seasol.

    [fieldbox="Autunmei Occupations, #9E2900, dashed, 5, Times New Roman"]
    + Potion Maker - A character who holds this job creates magical potions from the ingredients around Autunmei for others to use. If your character succesfully creates a potion from the Council's Potion Tome they will receive 45 Seasol.

    + Talisman Maker - A character who holds this job creates magical talismans from ingredients around Autunmei for others to use. If your character succesfully creates a potion from the Council's Talisman Tome they will receive 49 Seasol.

    + Magic Ambassador - A Character who holds this job holds business with other island's to introduce newly discovered magic to them. If the new magic is accepted they will receive 50 Seasol.

    + Magic Researcher - A Character who holds this job researches all there is to know about magic. If your character presents their findings to the Council | King/Queen they will receive 53 Seasol.

    + Enchantment Creator - A Character who holds this job is tasked to create enchantments for various things. IF they successfully create an enchantment that does what it should, they will receive 55 Seasol.


    [fieldbox="Winturof Occupations, #040034, dashed, 5, Times New Roman"]
    + Gem Miner - A Character who holds this job is required to mine a set amount of gems from the mines on Winturof. IF they successfully complete the employer's requirements, they will receive 45 Seasol.

    + Metal Miner - A Character who holds this job is required to mine a set amount of metals from the mines on Winturof. IF they successfully complete the employer's requirements, they will receive 49 Seasol.

    + Mineral Miner - A Character who holds this job is required to mine a set amount of minerals from the mines on Winturof. If they successfully complete the employer's requirements, they will receive 50 Seasol.

    + Beast Peace Keeper - A Character who holds this job keeps the few and powerful beasts on Winturof in a peaceful state. If they successfully calm down a beast they will receive 53 Seasol.

    + Fire Keeper - A Character who holds this job is required to light up the settlements of Winturof when the harsh winds blow them out. If your character successfully lights a fire to keep the Winturof citizens warm, they will receive 55 Seasol.


    [fieldbox="Nuetolam Occupations, #BFA366, dashed, 5, Times New Roman"]
    + Fur Trader - A Character who holds this job is required to collect furs and trade them to others. For every successful sale your character makes you will receive 50 Seasol.

    +Field Guide - A Character who holds this job knows the Nuetolam wilds well and they lead others to find good loot. If they successfully lead their group to a big loot hall they will receive 60 Seasol.

  • The main currency inside of the magical energy that holds the archipelago is called Seasol. You can gain Seasol by posting your character doing their occupation, through quests, and even as Loot. You can use Seasol to buy items for your character and in some situations bribe someone into doing something.

    This tab is where Seasonal Island Kingdoms keeps it's transactions IC. If a Character purchases something, the spent Seasol will be totaled here. Make sure that when you are buying an item you have the available inventory slots to hold it. If there comes an event that needs to be paid for, the collected total here can be used for those things. (jail bond, wedding, death, etc)

    -None Yet-

  • [fieldbox="Strength, #3200AB, dashed, 10, Times New Roman"]
    Lifting Weight - Leveling up this trait will allow you to lift heavy objects
    Weighted Strike - Leveling up this trait will give you more damage when striking an enemy.
    Reckless Swing - Leveling up this trait will give you a 20x increase to your damage at the risk of crippling a limb.

    [fieldbox="Endurance, #54A35B, dashed, 10, Times New Roman"]
    Healing Stance - Leveling up this trait will allow your character to emit a healing aura when standing.
    Hit-Taker - Leveling up this trait will allow your character to be hit by more attacks without taking much damage.
    Soul Giver - Leveling up this trait will allow your character to revive others from the dead by using fragments of their own soul.

    [fieldbox="Wisdom, #972F2F, dashed, 10, Times New Roman"]
    Flora Knowledge - Leveling up this trait will grant your character access to knowledge about the Flora on the archipelago.
    Fauna Knowledge - Leveling up this trait will grant your character access to knowledge about the Fauna on the islands.
    Magic Affinity - Leveling up this trait will allow your character to find more magical items and energies.

    [fieldbox="Truth, #F1D702, dashed, 10, Times New Roman"]
    Deceptive Seeker - Leveling up this trait will allow your character to tell whether someone is lying or not.
    Honest Worker - Leveling up this trait will allow your character to work harder and longer on things without having to rest.
    Nature's Ally - Leveling up this trait will cause selected Flora to grow faster and fuller.

    [fieldbox="Cunning, #E0D8B8, dashed, 10, Times New Roman"]
    Bestial Senses - Leveling up this trait will allow your character to heightened their senses and be more perceptive.
    Steady Aim - Leveling up this trait will give you more accurate shots when hunting.
    Loot King - Leveling up this trait will cause more special items to drop from beasts and bosses.
  • In the beginning of the IC there will be 5 available inventory slots for all characters. As your character levels up you will be awarded more inventory slots to hold all the items you could ever want. In your character profile I will be listing your character's items and the inventory. If you want little images of each item you have for your Character profile, let me know and I will make them for you.
  • To save space in this post, I will be making a new post of a comprehensive list of ALL available quests within the magical energy of the Seasonal Island Kingdoms. Each quest will have a list of objectives your character will have to complete in order to gain a reward. Some quests are there to push the plot forward, while some quests are there for personal enjoyment and special items.

[bg=#9AFFA3]Rules & Guidelines[/bg]

[fieldbox="General Rules, #9AFFA3, dashed, 5, Times New Roman"]
1. No OOC Drama - If you have a problem with another player, take it to inbox.
2. What the GM says, goes. (@WhisperingWillows)
3. Don't be afraid to ask questions!
4. You may use anime/CG/Real life pictures.
5. Please fill out the character sheet by copying and pasting the code that is in the Character Creation Tab.
6. If you have an idea that could change the plot, let me know so we can discuss it before implementing it in the IC.
7. You may have as many characters as you can handle. If I see you can't post equal amounts with all of your characters, I will ask you to withdraw them.
8. If you'd like to hold a Leader position on the Seasonal Island Kingdoms than message me and we can discuss.
9. HAVE FUN!!!
[fieldbox="Posting Expectations, #AAA805, dashed, 5, Times New Roman"]
When creating your IC post, I'd like for 6-8 sentences. More is always better, but at least 6-8 sentences is my minimum for posting. After I post my GM post I'd like for all players to post once before I post another GM Post. You don't have to get a post to me quickly as long as it doesn't make the IC dead for a month.
[fieldbox="Character Creation Guidelines, #9E2900, dashed, 5, Times New Roman"]
Your character can be anyone, within reason, that you can come up with. There is a variety of species upon the islands that were born there and also new comers come to the island (and stay forever) all the time. Plenty of options for you to choose from for your character.
If you'd like to add more to the Character sheet, feel free to. However, I need you to keep the entire sheet in tact. I would like at least 7 sentences for the personality. I want to know who your characters are in depth. Other than that, let your brain come up with amazing characters, and if I see a problem with your sheet, I'll let you know.

[bg=#9AFFA3]Character Creation[/bg]

  • Full name:
    How did they get to Seasonal Island Kingdoms?:
    Extra Information:

  • This information is for WhisperingWillows to fill out once the IC is up.
    Experience Points:
    Ability| Traits:
    Quest Log:
    Inventory Slots:

Below is the code for the character sheet & Roleplay Information, I'd like it if you'd please copy this and fill it out!
[tab=Character Sheet Template]
Full name:
How did they get to Seasonal Island Kingdoms?:
Extra Information:
[tab=In-Character Roleplay Information]
This information is for WhisperingWillows to fill out once the IC is up.
Experience Points:
Ability| Traits:
Quest Log:
Inventory Slots:

[bg=#9AFFA3]Cast List[/bg]

Felix Fallow - Sprinfata - @Binks
Jacquelyn Ripper - Sprinfata - @Roxx Lalonde
Evangeline Hecate - Sprinfata - @Roxx Lalonde


Iolani Kaleikaumaka - Sumenoto - @Chaosheart13
Kovu Kisaragi - Sumenoto - @Shinku
Rufioh Flamenco - Sumenoto - @Roxx Lalonde
Searcy Behold - Sumenoto - @Binks


Sir Jozilioman Archonfall - Autunmei - @Radio Jelly
Syra Elviar - Autunmei -@Silver


Benita Seele - Winturof - @Rauzi
Enyel Lucidclock - Winturof - @Pray4me
Aston Tamesis - Winturof - @DustBunny
Mira Boggs - Winturof - @Roxx Lalonde


Samuel Reinford - Unaligned - @xLarius
Dixie Higgins - Unaligned - @UnsafeSpaces
Marzipan Loaf - Nuetolam -@Chaosheart13


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Do we have to continue posting with the character boxes? (or however you call them) I'm in love with everything already haha xD Once I reply, I'll work on my new characteroh god I hope I`m not going too Undertale . .''
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  • Love
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
I just read your GM post and couldn't understand quite well something. Do I need to take the gemstone that the little beast dropped? Also, does that dragonfly is some kind of Hunter emblem? What about the yellow talisman?
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Just wanted to make sure my character saw all of the little Trinkets before I picked them up ^_^ that seems to be the case tho, so I'll have a post up hopefully tonight~
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Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Do we have to continue posting with the character boxes? (or however you call them) I'm in love with everything already haha xD Once I reply, I'll work on my new characteroh god I hope I`m not going too Undertale . .''
(if you haven't noticed, I got my character Rufioh from underfell!undertale and just changed the backstory :/ )
  • Thank You
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Well, I assume I just need to collect those stuff.
NO you don't NEED to collect it, it is only if your character wants to. AND THEY CAN ONLY TRY TO GET IT. You must roleplay them TRYING to get the item and I will roll a random number generator to decide if your character faces an obstacle or not while trying to collect the item. If the random number generator lands on an even number, you can collect the item in your next post., and it will be added to your inventory slots in your character profile. If it is an odd number, my GM post will have an obstacle in the way of collecting the item. You can't immediately collect the items your character sees in the scene, but you can roleplay them trying to collect it. If your roll lands on an even number I will reveal the stats of the item you have collected. :)
You don't have to use the character div boxes if you don't want to. :)

Did you post class quests somewhere? You mentioned Brass could take on bulletin board missions now, and I was wondering if those were specific to some list of quests you've made previously or were the sort of protector quests I'd make up myself? I can't seem to find them in the OOC if you did, which is why I ask.

Alternatively, you could've been referring to general quest listings which I'm only realizing now in retrospect. Sorry for being a bother if that's the case.
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Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Shinku, I will be reading your IC in a minute~
RadioJelly, No the bulletin board missions in the Capitol are general quests. Class quests are found by participating in Class Tasks around the island. (Protector examples: Trying to guard an island, patrolling the coast, responding to threats for a city or village.) He can now do any quests that he finds, gain seasol and experience, and hold down an occupation because he is registered. :)
PLEASE DO, ROXX!!! That would be great, and different classes too. :)
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Reactions: Stray Shinku
Just wanting to clarify and make sure I properly understand: I write my post about my character attempting to get said items? And you'll go more on whether or not I get them without obstacle on your next GM post??
Definitely, you hit it on the money!~
  • Thank You
Reactions: DustBunny
Since it looks like people are starting to post a bit faster and I don't want to get too far behind (I feel like I'm already am XD), I just want to let it be known that it's the last week of summer classes for me and I have two tests to prepare for.

Will try to post tomorrow, but most likely I won't be able to post until Wednesday.
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Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Take your time, post whenever you can!
Did you post class quests somewhere? You mentioned Brass could take on bulletin board missions now, and I was wondering if those were specific to some list of quests you've made previously or were the sort of protector quests I'd make up myself? I can't seem to find them in the OOC if you did, which is why I ask.
Quest are on page 7 of this thread.
You can attempt to get as many of the objects as your character sees. But you must wait until my GM post to actually pick up and keep the object.
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