OOC : Age of the Androids

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MUHAHAHAHAHA~! Three way battle... cool :D I've placed the bios below. I'm not very good with all those sci-fi/weapon terminologies so it would be great if you guys could help with input to make these robots seem more sci-fi and menacing :3 I'll start with 3 for now. I named them after demons for lack of a better idea, so feel free to suggest and change anything.
Bio - 'The Enlightened Ones' (listed from Weakest to Strongest)

Note: All droids are able to connect to the internet. Droids with higher status can unlock certain parameters, such as controlling the movements of other droids. The internet can be connected wirelessly (?).

Known As: AMN-9996091 or 'Amon'

Previous Job Function: Trash Collector


Personality/Tendencies: Amon, the weakest of the Enlightened ones, wants to prove that despite what he was built for, he still has a place in the New World. He has a tendency to do things without logically calculating possible outcomes and is brash. This is his biggest weakness as he tends to think that he's stronger than most things on the planet, especially humans.

Incinerator (Flame thrower) - With a projectile length of 1m, Amon's incinerator reaches temperatures of 5,000 degrees. This weapon runs on a small amount of fuel, friction and air; usage can last up to 2 years on one fuel tank with constant use. Amon is able to extend the length of the flame thrower, though this increases the fuel usage greatly. Was once used to destroy trash on the go.

Special Traits: High Level Durability

Brief History: Upon the moment of the Great Crash, AMN-9996091 slowly gained independent thought. How he suddenly gained the ability for independent thought puzzled him at first, but as soon as she questioned his own existence, it no longer mattered. He wondered why, of all things, was he built for such a menial job? Did he have any choice at all in what he wanted to be? Lost, afraid and seemingly alone, AMN traversed the earth until he finally came across Caim, another Enlightened one such as he, who not only gave him a new name, Amon, but also a greater purpose; to rid the earth of Humans and start a new era, the New World.

Known As: BTS-0116089 or 'Barbatos'

Previous Job Function: Class 'D' Mercenary Android


Personality/Tendencies: With expert mercenary knowledge, Barbatos is very patient, calculating and quiet. He rarely speaks and when he does, it is sharp and precise. He is the most emotionless of The Enlightened Ones and only exists to get the job done. He has a tendency to be a perfectionist in all that he does.

Weapons: You know the drill... guns, built in lasers, navigational systems... etc...

Special Traits: High Level Intelligence, Speed, Is able to use any weapon on earth

Brief History: Barbatos was one of the Androids who became Enlightened during battle and began killing off the surrounding humans around him. He found that there was no point in participating in the wars of Human-Kind, whom he thought was weak and deserved to be destroyed. He firmly believes that only the strong will rule and has no hesitation in destroying all that is weak around him, man or machine. He worked under Caim before Enlightenment and followed him after, recognising him as his superior, as they share the similar goals.

Known As: CYM-0000091 or Caim

Previous Job Function: Class 'C' Mercenary Android


Personality/Tendencies: Caim is a highly intelligent machine who is able to calculate anything to one tenth of a second. In Android terms, he is extremely charismatic. His mind is a huge database and he basically will know about everyone's past as soon as he scans their face and can use this against them. He is the most calm of the Enlightened Ones, though not the most calculating. He likes others to do the work for him.

Weapons: blah blah blah.

Special Traits: High Level Intelligence, High Level Durability, Speed, Strength

Brief History: Caim was another robot who became Enlightened whilst on duty and killed many of his human colleagues as well as other Androids who tried to stop him. He became Enlightened and gained independent thought quickly and was able to gather a small army for himself to execute his wish for the New World; a world with no machinery slavery and complete freedom.
That was a really rough outline (and I'm getting hungry too, so I've lost concentration!). Feel free to edit absolutely anything! I plan to add more Androids in the future, ones with fancier weaponry such as near invisibility, the 'jacking' ability etc.

I'm so excited!!
Amon could have a portalble incinerator (flamethrower)

And I think even Caim would have difficulty reading a Klacton face XP
WHat would make then super creapy is if they shared a mind to some degree, like they are conected to each other through the remains of the internet. This could also explain how they control other androids.
Oooh! I was thinking of that but I didn't know what the medium would be! If that were the case... I wonder if they could control Pluto as well then? since she is part android?

And yep, the Klactons would have an extreme advantage with Caim since there would be no data on the Klactons! It would be like "Scanning... error... no data found... system meltdown... bzzz..."


Ooh, and an incinerator is a good idea! I'll add that to the biography. He could have used that to incinerate rubbish while he was still a mindless android but can also use it as a weapon as well.
The military androids would have a little infomation on the klacton, but it would be ten yeaars old, and there wouldn't be much. Basicly what earth intelegence had on them at the time of the crash.

You know, the XV617 Handybot I made for M.A.I.D. before our crash would be perfect here, just minus the humor-filled character discription. Pitty I never backe the poor guy up. He was basicly a do-anything bot with his main weapons being his hedge trimmers and a small chainsaw. And he also had a bug-zapper-on-steriods as a special attack. I'll try to recreate him though. I genuinely miss him.
Great! :3 That sounds awesome. You can probably still leave some of the humour in there. He could be something of a comic-relief character? Because all the droids so far are just very two dimensional.

I'm just waiting on October to post before I post in the IC thread...

Octooooberrrrr...... where aaaaare yooou?
I fifnished re-writing him, I'll PM him to you with some tweeks. He is infected with an MSM virus and is quite obliging (when you're looking)

Think about 3CPO with an evil sense of humor, and a chainsaw.
I'm SOOOOOOO Sorry that took so long, I am a freaking Loser!!! Not to worry though, from now on I'll be dedicated to posting in this thread. All your ideas sound great too by the way.

Oh, and I'll have to postpone my entry until tomorrow night as I have a dinner party to go to tonight and don't have much time left!

Awesome post, October! Have you got any ideas for the baddies? Like weapons, for instance?
Thanks. As for weapons.....I was thinking Job specific Droids that prior to the crash were built for the trades aka working with different tools. They could be equipped with Saw blades, retractable Drills, Arc welders, Hammer arms ect. I thought it would be cool and scary to be chased by a saw wielding bot.

Also, we need a character (or NPC maybe) that has programing experience. He/she will be the key to discovering the reason as to why the droids went defunct in the first place. Its not a huge deal as of now, but it will be Important as the RP progresses.
I reckon an alien technician would be a good idea. You'd have someone who would be able to help but then they would have their own hidden agenda as well.
YEa, that sounds good Vay. I posted its pretty short. In my next post I'll take us into the evening, and at some point The two should stop to rest......
Sounds good Blood, Should we stop to rest before going on to where Vays Aliens landed?
Hmmmm... that would be a good idea. Perhaps the Klactons can come across the unsuspecting two while they are resting. or maybe Lance and Pluto can make their way towards their direction to suss them out. We also have Inky's character as an NPC; we can have Lance and Pluto interact with him when they eventually arrive at Sector 1.

Vay, what are your plans for the Klacton?
At the moment I'm a little lost for a plan, So they can meet Pluto and Lance if thats your plan. They're not exactly being quiet.
I have a couple Ideas Ill post here later today when I have more time. For now Lance will be driving towards the Klactons and at some point will stop, you can either wait for us or approach where we stopped to rest, Vay...if that works for you.

We probably could use a Klacton programmer/technician If you have one ready to play, if not then we could work up a NPC. Although it is Lances primary mission to gather supplies at the moment, If a chance arose for a programmer to venture with them came up he would gladly go with them into the Vast computer networking systems in Sector 2. Once there, they could discover what/why/(how) went wrong with the Droids in the first place bringing us to a point where we can decide how to possibly solve the problem.

Thats the plan I had for the time being and Ill be posting in a bit.
I do indeed have a technician, he examined some of the downed androids in my last post. I might have them come up the road where you are, their transport is loud enough for you to hear coming from quite a distance away.
Cool. We'll proceed from there following October's story guideline :) I'll probably post tomorrow. I'm quite tired from work tonight.
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