One Piece: The Black Moon Pirates

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Taken back by her change in tone she looks back at Huā. "Just give me time and I'll make you glad I wanted to join your crew!" she said while her hair lit up and a mass of wax flowed from her arms down to her hands where they took the forms of a pair of scimitars that she puts away for when she needs them.

"Alright! I am good and ready to head forward!"

As the two marched on deeper into the cave they came to a room in the cave with sudden dead end with the path that continues in this area about 5 meters above the two of them and after looking up to the entrance for a bit Huā questions Vithica.

"Well, What are you waiting for? Get up there."

"Oh! Right, OK then!"

She holds out her arms and wax flies off from them and land near the ground right below the entrance and as more and more wax built up it started to take the shape of a rather pretty stair case.

"Yeaaaah! Combat ready AND utility capable! Onward we march to treasure!" She exclaims as she does a small victory dance while charging up the new staircase.
Vivienne shook her head. "Unfortunately it would be a one way communication. My ghosts can't convey information to anyone other than myself. But, it goes without saying that they would be able to deliver a message from the other group to me. Perhaps I should go with the fishwoman, Lorelei, was it? That way I can keep a ghost with you, captain, and relay your orders."
"Alright, alright, don't get too full of yourself, now." Huā said in a slightly irritated tone as Vithica danced up to the ledge. She examined the staircase hesitantly, before tapping it a few times with her heel. "Sturdy... Pretty decent craft." She thought to herself before walking up.
Lillian walked up to Emrik after Vivienne had spoken. "Sounds like a plan to me. If Viv goes with Lorelei, I'll go with you, captain. Just to minimize the risk of us pulling something on you guys. Not that we would, but, you know..." She bit her tongue, trying to stop herself from saying anything more that would come out wrong and sound suspicious. She was just trying to get on their good sides, after all.
"Well, with Lorelei on the other side, I suppose I should join the captain, that way we have explosives on both sides in case of trouble happening. Hopefully, we won't need them, but better safe than sorry."
Lorelei nodded as everyone chose who they were going with. "Alright, that means Kyy, you're with me. I'm going to head toward the right path then. Hopefully if we don't find something down there, you will Captain." Adjusting the bombs, Lorelei smiled. "Good luck, Captain! Alright, let's go!" She headed down the right path, hoping that maybe they would find something other than a trap or trouble. She looked over at the paler twin and nodded to her before introducing herself. "I'm Lorelei, yes. You're Vivienne, right? It's nice to meet you, officially that is." Lorelei looked around the caves, curious as to what they would find and who they would possibly see.
Aden Kwake ~ The Caves, blue
Aden grimaced. True, the top had taken out the tripwires and those were not the kind of traps that could be triggered twice there could still be innumerable traps laying in wait for the first fool to dare enter the passage before them. And it seems he was being employed as that first fool. Squaring his shoulders Aden prepared himself and then took a hesitate step forward into the crevice. "Remember thous hazard fees we discussed?" he said facing forward into the sure to be trap leaden crevice, "You had better be good for them."

Externally Aden was a stalwart presence, internally he was a panicky ball of paranoid nerves. The old sea captains and other lost civilizations could get quite crafty when it came to bootstrapping their treasure troves and this wasn't the first time he had been employed to aid in the recovery of such treasures. On one such occasion there had been spikes and... no, now was not the time for distractions. Mentally preparing himself to shift back to his employers at the slightest hint of a trap triggering he turned sideways and shimmied into the crevice towards the room of pressure plates beyond.

It was somewhat slow going, crossing the mere five feet into the room beyond. Aden was making extra sure of his footing and being careful not to touch the walls. You never knew where a pressure switch or a poison barb might be hiding. There had been this one time he'd infiltrated a lord's manor and the window sills had been embedded with the poisonous barbs of a local fish species, he'd been lucky that time.

Clearing the crevice Aden turned carefully so as not to trip and fall onto the pressure plates. Crouching low he pulled out a new flare to study them by. The light from the flare he'd set into the wall outside did not filter passed the crevice well enough to see by. Now that he could get a close look at it the room really was covered in pentagonal plates about one foot across, As he passed the flair over the plates the shifting light allowed him to just faintly make out a design carved into each plate. The designs were similar to those that could be found on artifacts and runes on the surface of the island but Aden would be boldly lying if he claimed to know what they meant. If the designs held a clue as to which plates if any were safe is would still come down to guess work.

There seems to be three slightly different designs on the plates in-front of him, but Aden could not ascribe any level of safety to any of them. A one in three shot then. Out of excess caution he quickly checked for anywhere spikes could shot out of the walls, Aden hated spikes, prepared himself once more to shift out of danger at a moments notice, and set his foot gently down on one of the plates with he curviest design.

Nothing, not even a creek. Aden was astonished, had he actually chosen the right one? He had horrible luck at the dice tables it was hard to believe he had just one a one in three toss that put his life on the line.

"Huh" He muttered aloud as he took his foot off the plate. Instantly, all the other plates in the room snapped flush with the floor and the ceiling shuddered letting lose a cascade of dust and lose rock. With only a moments notice Aden activated his prepared shift and the simulations cracks of his subsequently generated implosions and explosions roared through the caves. A strong wind blowing from his appearance behind his employers knocking them aside, blowing through the crevice into the room toward the vacuum he'd created with his shift. He should of know it was too good to be true. Now they would have to clear the path of all... the... rock?

As the dust cleared the now flickering light of Aden's flairs revealed that the room was clear of any blockage. "Ha!, their trap jammed! Take that ya dumb booby-trappers!" And with that Aden marched forward and abandoned caution in his elation as he quickly slipped through the crevice and proceed to the upper levels of the caves.
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Once the teams were set up, Vivienne clasped her hands and whispered something into them. When she let go, a small white bubble with a wide smile formed. The bubble floated around, until it came close to Emrik, at which point it began orbiting his head like a satellite. "Just say you've got a message for me and it'll bring back the information." She followed Lorelei down the path to the right, but when she spoke to her, she slowed down and turned her face away. "Yes, Vivienne... Likewise..." While she seemed cold and distant, it was not her intent. It was her shyness that forced her to turn away, because being spoken directly to made her blush, which was very apparent on her white skin, but she didn't want others to see.
As the wind blew through his hair Henrik placed his feet back on land, something he hadn't been able to since his own town sent him away for being crazy. Who were they to judge him ? They were fools every single on of them, they just simply didn't understand that... that kid wouldn't have lived much longer anyways. He had to admit that the feel of not having the very thing you step on rock back and forth as he walked was pleasant and familiar. "Well.... its a town and with a shred of luck they wont know anything about you" he said to himself as he pulled his suitcase out of the tiny thing he refereed to as a boat.

The docks seemed to be anything but calm. There was people everywhere, most of them sailors or traders, however there was a couple of people that stood out. His eyes traveled up and down their white marine uniforms. "pfft... they must be after small fry" he said has he let out a deep breath. "there is no way they would be after me" he knew that this was most likely true, but saying it out made him feel safer somehow, but he still felt like getting far away from them might prove refreshing.

As he walked peoples eyes turned to him, but he wasn't bothered. He was expecting it actually, there wasn't everyday they would get to lay eyes upon on of the worlds greatest doctors. As his eyes fell upon the the building a smirk made his lips curl up "Well everyone, here I am. The doctor has arrived" and like that the doors to the local hospital flew open and Henrik slowly entered, ready to find someone that could... need his assistance
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Kiyoshi and Rooke hadn't been scouting the area more than an hour or so before one of Rooke's clones came running back to them through the foliage. The Clone skidded to a halt and saluted the higher ranking officer before speaking.

"Sir, It looks like the Pirate Requiem has agreed to join the hunt after all. At least they've entered one of the center entrances into the caves. Should I relay orders to have them followed? Or perhaps we should go join them in there and make sure they don't cause any problems? I know they're contracted by the government, but they're still pirates."

"I'd like to go see for myself, Sr." Rooke stated turning to Kiyoshi, "Unless you'd like to send me elsewhere? I'll keep my clones scouting the woods though."

Black Moon Pirates Group B

Emrik agreed readily with taking one of Vivienne's ghosts as she went with the other team, and readily agreed to let Lillian travel with him. The fact that the two sisters were trying so hard to prove the meant to further trouble was not missed by him, and if they truly were able to work with his crew and lend a hand . . . he was beginning to seriously consider their request for transportation off the island.

Julius's division of the explosives was yet another rational decision from the man and the more the worked together the more Emrik was impressed. And idea was forming in the captain's head and as soon as there were out of these caves and off the island Emrik was going to be sure to talk to the man about it.

He watched the other team head to the right before continuing straight ahead. The captain's group walked for some time until eventually they came to yet another right forking path. "I wonder if they loop," he asked no one in particular. After another moment's silence he spoke again.
"Ghost, a message for Vivienne," he ordered, "return and find out what direction the other group is currently headed. We will wait here. If it does loop, or if the others have found something interesting, lead us the direction we should go if we're needed."

Emrik waited until the ghost had disappeared before turning to Julius and Lillian. "If the ghost returns and indicates nothing special, we should have a plan ready for which direction to take."

Black Moon Pirates Group A
The other group of black moon Pirates continued down the right hand path until they reached a little circular room with a set of crumbling stone stairs. At the top of the treacherously footed steps the real problem began. They could see the corridor extended both ahead and behind northward ending in a dead end, southwest ending in what looked like another set of stairs, they could also see another small hall leading off to the left in that direction, but the floor between where they stood and the two places they might possibly want to reach seemed to be coated in some sort of tiles. The walls also had row upon row of faces carved into them with little holes where the mouths should be.

The Wandering Reporter
Lex meanwhile, had gotten board of hanging around the marine base and not being allowed to ask any questions or even just talk to anyone even remotely interesting. However he was a reporter and he did have a job to do, so the man set out in search of getting his information from other sources.

Unfortunately for him the town's people knew next to nothing of interest and he was soon wandering around the woods in search of some "unfamiliar faces" that one shopkeeper had mentioned the day before when they had come in search of supplies.

"I think they're camped up-shore," the man had stated, "But I wouldn't go wandering around the jungle looking for them. There's a murder on the loose and there are no clear trails that way!" Lex, however, had never been one to take other people's advice.

Unfortunately for him the shop keeper had been entirely correct. It wasn't long before the man had become so hopelessly turned around that he had no idea how to even get back where he came from.

The man wandered for a while, but just when he was considering climbing a tree to see if he could figure out the way back, he tripped over a vine and with a loud thunderous crash fell over a small ledge to roll across what seemed to be a small sandy beach. When he finally stopped Lex opened his eyes to find himself staring up at what seemed to be a pirate ship. A pirate ship flying a very familiar flag.


Aden and Company
"Well done!" Jacobs stated as he followed Aden up the stairs into the next corridor. This one seemed fairly uneventful, though he rolled a ball across the floor to be sure, but after crossing a space of corridor that seemed too quiet Jacobs stopped at a Y. It seemed the real trouble lay ahead. "Which way now?" he asked his companions.
"Generally speaking, when I dont any knowledge to act on, I take the left. An easy go-to if the choice is presented."
Lorelei took the room in, noting where they needed to go and the strange faces in the wall. "Alright, this just screams trouble." She picked up a pebble and threw it. "Vivienne, could you send a ghost to the other group and tell them we found something." The fishwoman hesitated to proceed for fear of the possible things that might shoot out of the holes that served as the faces' mouths. "I'm a bit curious who built this whole area, and why the hell they made it so booby trapped. Whatever they had to hide, it couldn't have been worth the trouble of building such intricate traps in a bunch of caves." Lorelei calculated their next move as she observed the subsequent reaction of throwing the pebble. Just to make sure, she threw two more. It always helped having multiple tests in her opinion.
Marine Lt. Commander: Kiyoshi Yume!

Kiyoshi Yume listened intently to Rooke's words, closing his eyes for a moment to ponder over the situation. A treasure hunt meant there were going to be pirates, and that meant they were going to go through whatever they could to get their objective. Kiyoshi could only imagine a small glimpse of the horror they could bring, let alone what they have already done here on this island. Opening his eyes, they suddenly burned with a fiery passion, one that seemed to show his determination on the decision he had made in regards to this matter. Raising up his right fist, he clenches it as he looks to one of the Rooke's. "We will go, along with whoever wishes to join us. We will make sure the pirates do what they are supposed to do, and nothing more. As for the other pirates, they'd better watch out. I will bring them in if I get the chance, and I will not hesitate to bring down any of them who try to use their skills against me."

Kiyoshi would go on, but he knew time was of the most importance right now. Despite only being a Lt. Commander, Kiyoshi knew the rank held power behind it. He knew that pirates feared high ranking Marines, and if they overestimated him, they would find out too quickly he was no joke. The amount of training he put into coming this far was too great, the inspiration behind said training was too close to his heart to throw away, he would never do it. He would continue the road his 'brother' opened up for him, he owed his life to him after all, or at least, that's what Kiyoshi believes anyway. He would keep what he promised, and he would continue to rise up in the hopes of achieving his goals. "You may lead the way, Rooke. I will follow, and we will be on our guard as we watch them." Kiyoshi's only fear, as he thought about heading into this situation, was the pirates getting too out of control. He, however, would make sure they wouldn't get the chance!
Reimu - The Striker, crimson
It's been some time since she had come back to the ship, and seeing how everyone was gone, she was the only one there plus Brito who was likely still trying to rest. Still in her improvised get-up, Reimu sighed as she crossed her arms, walking along the deck of the ship. Reaching a hand up, she pulled off her glasses and slid them away, pushing a strand of hair back behind her ear as she re-adjusted the cap. What was she going to do, she wondered.. Doing all this still agitated her in some way, but then again it also felt like she wasn't doing anything wrong personally either.

She wandered to the side of the ship that faced inland and leaned herself some on the ratlines, hand curling against one of the knots. Without much to do, one was left just to think. And ever since this entire event has happened, it's all she's been doing. What will Caim do when and if he ever finds her again? What if he finds her now? Or after? What will come of Brito, truthfully, once she's stepped off this ship? What will change? There were several things unnerving the usually calm woman, but something jumped her mind back to reality. She could hear someone nearby and considering what it sounded like, she didn't think it was the others. Instinctively, she ducked down out of sight, but it was a slim chance of whether or not she had been seen seeing she hadn't noticed someone there until now.

How would she handle it? Would the person try to come aboard? Go back to the town to warn the others? Either way, it seemed like something she'd have to deal with whether she wanted to or not, but how was the question. At this point, she had to know what she was getting into.
The traps and pitfalls of the tunnels were as varied as the people who explored them. Everything from pressure tiles, to rolling boulders, to crumbling floors, to more darts, to a collapsing hallway, to squeezing walls, lined the passageways. And then there were the areas that were devoid of anything. Completely safe, these areas left the seekers with a sense of uneasy and worry over what was next It quickly became apparent why no one had been able to map the place before, and yet never before had so many people entered the tunnels so willing to work as a team and pull each other out of danger.

There were places where the tunnels were narrow, and there were places that seemed to be filled by an entire room. There were places where everything was so dark one could barely make out their hand in front of their face, and thee were chambers where lava carved its path from the volcano's heart. Place by place, they explored, drawing ever nearer to what they sought.

Each pirate, each marine, each civilian had their own talents, their own strengths, and each complemented those of their comrades. They worked well together for having known each other only a short time, and there was something about the tunnels and the danger that helped them grow stronger. It is impossible to go through such a situation and not come out something like friends on the other side. Where there was none before, trust bloomed.

Outside the cave systems, on the shore where the striker was docked, Lex smiled to himself as he looked up at the ship. There was no sign of life aboard, or if there was he was not supposed to know anyone was home, and he would respect that. He was not a thief after all. No, it was far better to retreat and watch to see if anything of interest happened. He smelled a story and he would not be so easily dissuaded from cataloging it. Even if it meant waiting hours for the owners of the boat to return. Besides, he wasn't entirely sure how to get back to town at this point . . . though he could just use . . .

Lex slipped off down the shore until he found a shady nook where he could rest but still keep the boat in sight.

As the Black Moon pirates worked their way through the tunnels they found themselves in a series of what seemed to be looping paths. Sometimes they continued forward in two separate groups, and sometimes they walked down a path all together. It didn't help that the passages seemed to have different levels and what seemed a split path would go up one set of stairs and come down later bringing them together once again.

It was during one of these episodes that Emrik's group ran into what seemed to be a contingent of marines, one of whom seemed to have taken a liking to Kyy's staff. Emrik was a heartbeat from unsheathing his sword to get it back when Lillian stepped in and he was able to see the girl in action. True to her word she retrieved Kyy's precious object for him and Emrik was one step closer to agreeing to letting Lillian and her sister travel with him. Actually at this point he had all but decided to do so, provided they continued to work well with his crew for the rest of the search. That was what mattered to him the most, that his crew was able to work together.

The two pirate teams worked their way through, up to the second level, up to a third and down again, one hallway, one trap at a time.

The marines were strong on the scent of the gorgon woman as she hid in the caves. It was easy enough to find her when they could hear the sounds of the battle between her and one of their own echoing through the tunnels. In reasonable time they had managed to send teams around so that Cassiopeia was quickly pincered between them and the Captain who held her expertly at bay.

It didn't take long before Captain Rosa was able to subdue the woman and her subordinates took and cuffed the woman in sea-prism lined chains.
"You're a hero Ma'am!" one shouted, "I've never seen anyone fight like that!"
"Now they can lift the freeze on the port!" another called.
"Three cheers for the captain!"

In no time at all they had taken their prisoner back to the base and it looked like Captain "bird catcher" Rosa was the hero of the day.

It was the group led by the Pirate Requiem that found their way to the treasure first. Their unique abilities giving their team an edge when it came to forcing their way wherever they wanted to go. The shield fruit user able to protect them from traps, the wax fruit providing the ability to create bridges and stairs to areas that would have been much more difficult to reach, or even impossible, and their Captain's gut instinct leading them more or less in a straight line in the direction he wished. The outsider pirate traversed the levels as well, moving upwards and then down again into a new area. finally their path was straight, and very clearly marked.

Eventually they came to a hall that led to an opening on the back side of the island. Sunlight poured through the entrance that made a sort of balcony with a view of the ocean. Settled into a crevasse of rock, facing them so it could not be seen from the sea was an iron-bound chest.

It was an ingenious place to hide something really. Lifted up on a pedestal of rock and lava that found its way to the area would flow around and into the sea. It could not be burned or buried and any seeker who wished to find the chest would have to brave both possibilities. From the sea the ledge was impossible to approach as well. The waters twisted and churned around reef and rock preventing the approach of a ship, and any brave enough to swim would then have to face a twenty foot climb up the cliff on slick, wet, rock. Only a mad man would come that way.

There was only one thing left to do, remove the chest from its place and then get the hell out of there. They could open it later, once they were safely out.

From the shadows Jacobs lifted and arm motioning Aden and Millie back. "No, wait," he whispered. "Let them take it out of here and brave the dangers of doing so. We will wait for them outside and determine the best course of action then. Who knows. Perhaps they will let us buy what we want when it appears to be worthless to them." He looked a moment at the younger man with the power to blink them out of the cavern.

"Take us home, Aden."
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Millie, green
Millie followed sluggishly behind Jacobs as they continued to search for the treasure at the end of the rainbow - or rather cave in their case. In their line of work there was a plenty of times when they had to defend themselves or sneak around traps and such but the booby traps in the cave were wearing on her nerves among other things. She didn't possess any cursed fruit abilities but she imagined it would help. As they moved on she found herself thinking about whether or not it was worth her well being. No one had ever seen this trasure and most everyone who'd come searching for it didn't return. Not to mention the marines they knew that were crawling around the tunnels same as them.

Lost in thought, she almost walked into Jacob when he stopped and signaled for them to stop. She peeked past him and saw another group ahead of them. A vein popped up on her forehead, ruining her already dirtied features.
"No, wait," he whispered. "Let them take it out of here and brave the dangers of doing so. We will wait for them outside and determine the best course of action then. Who knows. Perhaps they will let us buy what we want when it appears to be worthless to them."

Are you serious?! she thought angrily. I just about died trying to get here just for someone else to come and take it right in front of us. Her eye twitched but she bit her tongue and turned away. They'd have a much easier time about retrieving it now at least. Surely the actual treasure was even more heavily guarded than the passages there, so, in a way, she was grateful to this other group for doing the hardest part for them.

"Take us home, Aden."

"Hm, lucky us," she whispered.
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Kyy followed the two girls through the caves. "I hope someone comes across those damn marines..." He sighs. Once in the new room he looks around. "I agree Lorelei. Any idea how the others are doing Vivienne?"
Kyy follows the crew. Once he had his spear back he sighs in relief. "Thanks." Now he could really fight again. Walking with everyone, he helps deal with the traps.
The caves had been a fun experience for Lorelei. Splitting up, coming back together, then splitting up again seemed to work well for the crew. Vivienne worked well with her and Kyy, taking her requests and fulfilling them with her ghosts. The crew walked through different traps, all which Lorelei found extremely annoying. What the hell was so important that it needed traps and pathways that led to God damn nowhere! The joy of being on an adventure started to where thin as the caves seemed to go on and on and on... "Okay, novelty's worn off. This cave is just getting annoying." The fishwoman growled, keeping pace with the others as they traveled through the caves to hopefully the exit or possibly even treasures galore.
The capture of the gorgon was no easy feat, but the Marines had done it, a victory for the Marines meant a sign of good fortune. At least, to Kiyoshi Yume, that meant something. It always seemed like criminals were just one step ahead, waiting to pull some devious plot in order to make the Marines look like fools. Well, nothing to really complain about at the moment, Kiyoshi thought to himself, as he headed back to the base with the others. He wondered, though, how the seas would fair once the inevitable call was made. One criminal was fine to be captured, sure, but there were others. Oh, there were -always- others out there, but Kiyoshi did expect to get some nice rest. Maybe a bit of training, maybe getting to know the other Marines here a lot more... If this wasn't the set up for a good day, Kiyoshi might of thought he was dreaming.
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