Oh My Goodness

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Louis rubbed his eyes before sipping on the bottle of water he had. "She asleep?" He asked before smirking as she pulled him towards her by his tie and kissed her back, his hands resting on her bum. "You sound so sexy when you growl" he said and let her go, going to his bed and taking his suit off, letting her look around his room that hadn't changed. "You just like being nosy babe" he said and chuckled. "What? I was a horny teenager, of course I had porn, came in good use anyway and if you are putting it on, then turn the volume down" he said with a chuckle and laid on his bed nude.

Malia stopped laughing as he got off her. "They are always having sex Niall, you said it was boring a minute ago, that's why I got annoyed and stopped, Niall if you want sex, then get your Irish tush over here or you can do it yourself, your choice" she said and took her clothes off and laid on their bed with nothing on.
Jade looked at him laying there naked and she laughed as she turned the volume down "Babe this is so corny" She said with a giggle, she wasn't one of those people where it would bother her, she didn't really care about it or would just laugh. She got undressed and curled up next to him "Baby I take it that you want to watch this" She said with a giggle "Or we can make our own?" She suggested with a small smirk, trying to distract him from the screen because she could see how turned on he was getting by watching it.

Niall laughed at what she said a little "Do you remember when we were on your with them and they would just leave right in the middle of something to go and have sex" He said laughing but then pouted and walked back to her "But hey atleast he gets some, we rarely ever do it" He said crawling ontop of her.
"I was a teenager and they were here in my time of need when I needed to pleasure myself" Louis said to her and watched her getting undressed while watching the screen as well before wrapping his arms around her body. "Forgot how good they were" he said before looking at her and smirked. "You want to film us having sex?" He asked her and placed loving kisses on her skin.

"Yes I do remember them just going off to have sex, they were at it all the time, most likely still are" Malia said to him and looked at him, taking the rest of his clothes off. "Then let's start having more sex together" she growled and tugged on his lower lip.
Jade nodded and moved her neck as he gave her skin kisses "I do" She growled to him softly and the only sounds that could be heard where those of the movie in the background.

Niall laughed "Every second f everyday they would if they could" He said laughing but stopped as she took his clothes off and he purred as he ran his lips across her skin.
Louis carried on kissing her skin as he waited for her to answer and he smirked as she growled to him. "I have a camera stand and video recorder if you want to record it, I'll take the recorder home with us, no one will see it and it will be our little secret that we made a sex tape" he said smirking cheekily.

Malia nodded her head. "Addicted to sex" she said and moaned as his lips ran across her skin. "So going to have to have sex more often"
Jade smirked and nodded "Go ahead baby" She said and sat up, turning the video off, noticing how turned on he was and giggled. She sorted her hair and make up out and freshened up before she came back to see him looking extremely happy and excited by the prospect of what was just about to happen "Aw baby look how excited you are" She said with a giggle and tapped his chest.

"Mmmmh everyday baby?" He asked cheekily.
Louis smiled and gave her lips a peck before getting up and finding his old recorder stand and recorder and turned it on, grinning that it worked and waiting for her to come beck. "What can I say, I'm excited to this, plus get to make love with you and before i start this recording, condom or no condom?"

Malia grinned with what he said. "Everyday if we can babe" she said with a grin.
Jade smirked "None" She said and switched the on button on, took him over to the bed and started on him at first with a smirk playing on her lips.

Niall cheered happily "Yay!" He chimed and kissed along her skin more.
Louis raised his eyebrow and shrugged. "Fine by me if you don't want to use a condom" he said and let her press record and he went to the bed with her.

Malia laughed as he cheered and she ran her hands down his bare back. "Make us both happy, getting more sex"

(^^ can skip them both)
Jade cuddled into his chest and yawned "Turn it off baby" She whispered softly and kissed lovingly and left loving marks on his neck.

Niall relaxed back and grinned cheekily "Woo!" He shouted at the top of his voice with a chuckle.
Louis wrapped his arms around her as she cuddled into his chest. "I'll turn it off babe" he said and kissed her lips lovingly. "Leaving lovebirds on my neck" he said and got out the bed and walking to the recorder and winked at it before turning it off and taking it off the stand and putting it on the side before getting back into the bed.

Malia smiled a wide grin as she relaxed on the bed. "That was so good, for sure having sex more often" she said and cuddled up to Niall. "Kids actually stayed away"
Jade cuddled into him happily but then giggled a little when she heard his sisters music playing loudly "Maybe we should of been quiter" She said with a giggle "Aw bless her I feel bad now, It can't be nice hearing your brother do that" She said and kissed his lips happily.

Literally as soon as she said that Summer came running in "MUMMY IM BLEEDING!" She wailed upset and showed her the hand she had gotten glass in as she screamed and cried.
Louis smiled as she cuddled into him again and he put the covers over their naked bodies and chuckled. "Ehh it's just for one night and she won't have to hear that again, her fault for having the room next to mine" he said smiling and kissed her lips back with a smile. "Don't feel bad about it, she stayed and must of heard us, we'll get teased about it tomorrow, but don't worry about her"

Malia looked when Summer came in running and crying and she sat up on the bed, not caring she was naked, her daughter got in the bath with her and things anyway. "Shhh, shh princess, what happened" she asked her and looked at her daughter's hand, taking it in hers and saw it had glass in. "Babe can you get me the first aid kit please" she said to him and would try to get the glass out herself, the cut didn't look that deep.
Jade relaxed into his grip "But aw baby thats just cruel, how would you feel if you could hear your sister having sex?" She asked and instantly regretted that as he was very VERY protective over his little sisters, and his brother of course.

Niall slipped his clothes on and ran downstairs, got her the ikr and ran back to give it to her.
Louis ran his finger's up and down her sides. "No it's not cruel, if they don't want to hear me having sex, then don't have the room near me, plus we don't live here, so it's not like they have to hear it all the time and also, they've heard us having sex before, they must have" he said before scoffing. "The guy would be straight off the sister who was having sex, I would personally go into my room and stop it, so honestly, a great thing I don't live here anymore"

Malia put one of Niall's t-shirts on quickly and a pair of her underwear, waiting for Niall. She took the box from him and opened it up. "Baby how did you do this, did a glass smash on the floor and you tried to clean it up?" she asked her softly and got the sterilised tweezers and got the end of the glass and pulled it out of the cut carefully, trying to not cause her daughter much pain.
Jade sighed "Baby she obviously has before, you know she has" She said and raised an eyebrow as the music was still playing and she got up and rested her ear on the wall and her eyes widened and she giggled "Clever girl" She mumbled as she wasn't playing music so she didn't have to listen to him it was so he couldn't hear her. Jade wasn't going to tell him anyway.

Summer wailed and wailed "I fell over the case Mummy I did!" She screamed to her sadly.
"Well there you go then, I don't know why he is so bothered by it, she would of heard me having sex before" Louis said with a shrug and he closed his eyes, not seeing Jade put her ear to the wall and he yawned. "I'm going to sleep, so she better turn that music off soon anyway" he said and of course knew both his two younger sisters who were the oldest two girls had boyfriends each but he never wanted to think of them having sex.

Malia made sure no more glass was in the cut. "What case did you fall over baby?" she asked and used the wipes to clean the cut before getting a gauze and putting that on it and then a plaster. "There all better, Mummy will give it magic kisses" she said and gave the plaster a few gentle kisses before sitting her daughter on her lap and rested her against her chest and kissed her head. "Shh all better now"
Jade raised an eyebrow, she knew the music wasn't going to stop any time soon. She crawled under the covers with him and laid there for about ten minutes but couldn't sleep as the music still wouldn't stop and Yasmine came in rubbing her eyes "Mummy I can't sleep, Aunty Lot Lots music is to loud" She grumbled groggily and climbed into bed with her.

"I can't remember" She wailed and cuddled into er closely.
Louis wrapped his arms back around Jade and nuzzled his face into her neck where he had left a love bite and closed his eyes, trying to get to sleep himself but sighed as all he could hear was his sister's music and it annoyed him more that it woke their daughter up. "Sleep with me and Mummy tonight then princess" he said and got up from the bed and ran his finger's through his hair and got boxer's on.

Malia rocked her and ran her finger's through her daughter's hair. "Shhh it's okay, you are all better now, Mummy gave it magic kisses, Daddy can give it magic kisses too to stop it hurting, calm down for me baby"
Jade sighed and cuddled into her daughter "Your not going in there are you, baby thats not a good idea, look let me go" She said getting up and standing in his way of the door "Believe me you don't want to walk in there right now" She said and if he caught on then she knew that he would freak out.

Niall picked Summer up and showered her in kisses and grinned when she finally started to giggle excitedly.
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