Of Monsters and Men

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Elder sat up and watched Matt with Arianna. "You both have much to learn in this world. I can see that. I have been around for many of the ages of man and never have I seen one like you." He smiled softly and then rested his head.

"Others would have killed her or sold her off. You really much be her rider. In time you will fly. You both will. It is day but in the day we sleep. At night we will fly and she will learn our ways." Elder curled up all the way and closed his eyes.

Arianna looked up at Matt and touched his chin. "You're itchy." She giggled and pet him a little more. "Mmm... oh what's that?" She had caught sight of the books and reached for them.
Matt touched his chin where Arianna was playing with the stubble that grew there. He was more or less incapable of growing hair anywhere other than on his chin, but it had gotten much longer than it ever had and was dark enough to maybe be considered a goatee now. He hated it and wanted to shave it off. His longer hair was also starting to really bother him. Without any real proper access to showers, he only felt dirty. And he still had to go to the bathroom.

He would wait until Arianna fell asleep, as she seemed to be getting sleepy as Elder did too. He let the book fall open to it's bright pictures. The one he had chosen was about a baby dragon, whose parents slept during the day. "Huh..." he mumbled. He seemed to remember this story as a child, and if Teignmouth was their destination, then he had to wonder how much of this story was legend, and how much had been written as just that, a story. A coincidence? He somehow doubted it.

He began reading the simple sentences to Arianna, letting her piece the story together through the pictures and the sound of his voice.
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Arianna followed along as best as she could a while and then her eyes slowly closed. Her head dropped into his chest and she was out. Feeling so safe and loved she had not a care in the world. Breathing softly her tiny form stayed there in his lap until he would move her.

Outside it was warming up towards noon and very pretty. One could see for miles and miles. The cave was so high up that it gave a great over all view of the valley and beyond.
Matt carefully removed Arianna from his lap and set her on some soft furs near the fire, tucking the furs around her so that she was more comfortable. Then he stood up from the hard ground, his joints aching, he realized he needed to drink more water. His bathroom needs were beginning to become rather urgent and he moved over to the entrance of the cave, peering around trying to spot if there was any feasible way to get out of the cave. There wasn't, but for a very narrow ledge that he wasn't even sure lead anywhere for he couldn't see around the corner.

"Erm," he said, turning to Elder and hoping he wasn't waking the older dragon. He danced a bit in his place. "Uhhm, I need to go to the bathroom..." he finally muttered, feeling a bit embarrassed that he had to ask for permission to do so.
"The what?" Elder looked at Matt and studied him a moment and then it clicked with him. "Ah, yes the human needs. I dug out further back in the cave for when I had such needs. Have a look. I can only reach that area when I'm in my smaller form." He yawned revealing his massive teeth. Some were missing and he sighed.

"It's just behind us and around in the back. "It's rather dark do be careful. This cave is much larger than it looks one only has to be smaller to reach its inner most places. We must keep an eye on her. If she were go wondering it could take days to find her."

As Elder settled back into his spot and got cozy the wind kicked up across the front of the cave. It was a massive drop to the valley below so Matt would have little choice I the matter. The back of the cave was creepy and dark. The sound of dripping water could be heard and the walls were slick from the ice that capped the top of the mountain that slowly worked its way through earth and rock. The temperature dropped as well the further one went back.
Matthew peered toward the back of the cave where Elder indicated to use the bathroom. He didn't much like the idea of going back there, mainly because of the coldness and dampness more than anything. He was a very small person, and he was sure that he could get into spaces even Elder could not get into even in human form. Arianna was the only one who could probably get further than him. Still, he had to go and so grabbed a stick from the fire as a torch and made his way back there.

It truly was a maze of tunnels and Matt was very unsure of where to go. He sniffed, but couldn't smell anything that would indicate an area that was used for waste. Water dripped in the distance and as he went into the cave further he could hear running water. Well that was certainly a good thing, as they must have access to fresh water. But as he continued walking he could find any source of running water, until he got to a crevice and he realized that it was running underneath his feet. The crevice seemed as good a place as any to take care of his business, assuming the water flowing below would just remove the waste. He hoped it didn't flow into anyone's source of drinking water, but figured that could be taken upstream, if he ever could find a way down into the lower level. In the mean time, Matt had to go so he straddled the crack. He wasn't paying particular attention to the water that dripped from the ceilings, however, and suddenly the space around him went completely pitch black. Water had dripped onto his poorly created torch and it was truly black in the depths of these caves.

He had twisted and turned, taking various branches, unaware of what lay down the other path. Trying to find his way in the dark maze could potentially result in him taking a wrong turn, or worse, falling into a crevice like the one he was straddling. He swallowed nervously, trying to keep his head about him. He squinted back in the direction that he had come from, hoping he could see some hint of the fire he'd left far behind him. There was no such luck. He had taken too many turns and light could not bend around corners.

Very carefully, finding a hand hold on the cold damp wall, he brought his feet together on one side of the crevice, so as not to risk falling in and he slowly moved his way away from it, back the way he had come from. His hand never left the wall and he stepped very carefully over the uneven ground. He hadn't the faintest idea where the first branch was though and he froze in place, afraid to move forward for risk of taking a wrong turn. He knew he should call out. If Elder could hear him, Matt could follow the sound of his voice. But his voice seemed to be frozen in his throat.

This shouldn't be scary. He generally took comfort in small, dark places. But the coldness seemed to change everything. And it was a fear of the unknown. He knew it was dangerous to keep moving, that he should stay in his spot, but something propelled him forward to take the risk. He moved slowly and carefully but soon felt the ceiling begin to brush against the top of his head. That was not something he had experienced on the way in, and he backed up, now very concerned. It was time to call for help so he called out Elder's name and listened carefully.
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Elder was curled up and sat up hearing Matt call out. He grumbled a bit and replied but only into his mind.

"You're lucky that she hasn't heard you. Do not move, human." He told him. His tone was flat and not filled with anger but it carried a hint of harassment to it.

"I should have told you better I will take the blame for this one." He said as he got closer to Matt.

He had changed forms to slip into the space and unlike Matt he did not need like to see. His eyes could see perfectly will I the light as well as the dark.

"Nearly there now, as I said before. Do not move." His tone this time carried warning and it was serious. As he got closer he stopped. But the crunching of the grave under his feet didn't sound as close as it should have. Elder was close but not that close.

"No listen to me Matt and listen carefully. I want you to turn around and jump away from my voice. You have crossed over onto the wrong side of the cave and need to come back around the other way. The only way to do that is to jump."

Elder shifted where he was and paused. "Now, turn around and when I say run, you run as fast as you can to get speed and when I say NOW you jump as hard and as high as you can to reach the other side."

"You can do this. She is on the other side waiting for you." Elder's tone was set. "You can do this. I can't reach you fully you have to do this Matt. There is a wide landing area and when your feet hit it just tuck and roll. Honestly you can't miss it."
"Wait, what?" Matt said with panic. "How do you know? It's dark-" He was frozen in place, carefully turning around and scared of loosing his balance. "I didn't have to jump over anything getting here... can't I just go back-?" He asked, shuffling more in the direction he felt he had come from before, with his hands blindly out in front of him. He bumped his head again on a low part of the ceiling and made him feel a bit dizzy. His breath quickened, sounding extremely loud in the dark and total silence of the cave, and echoing off the damp walls. "The ceiling is low- i can't jump-" He kept his hands pressed against the low ceiling, feeling uncomfortable with the idea of tons of rock pressing down on him.
"Hang on Matt. I'll get you." Elder said and a moment later Elder was next to him and touched his shoulder.

"Don't panic it's just me." He chuckled. Then Elder paused and listened.

"Oh, so you're over here, I thought you were over there that's odd. Your voice carried. Ok I must be getting old. Anyway never mind what I said about having to jump. You would only have to do all that IF you have been on the other side. See there is a large crack that divides the cave. It is very dangerous.

"Come back with me this way. It's much easier than the way you came." He bumped his head and groaned.

"Oh!! Watch out for that." He sighed and then touched Matt's shoulder. Matt would feel the same odd pressure as he did once before and seconds later they would be back by the fire. Panting Elder shook off the event and looked around.

"Perhaps I will have to show you how to get down from here soon yes?" He smiled and returned to his natural form and curled up. Arianna had slept through it all and hadn't moved at all.
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The pair returned back to the main cave. It was sleep time for the two dragons, but not for Matt, who functioned during the day. While they slept, he made his way back to the mouth of the cave, and sat, with his legs dangling over the side. He'd woken this morning with a heaviness pressing on his chest. He'd tried alone time to help waver it, and though it hadn't really worked, he'd joined the other two again for a breakfast. Now that they were asleep again, though, the feeling flowed again to the surface. He'd already determined that his depression was spiking again, for no real good reason. It came as no real surprise to him, as it always did come and go. Graham leaving could have triggered it, and probably did have something to do with it. However, he had no intention of telling anyone just how severe it tended to get. He knew, in the end, it had been the depression that had caused Graham to leave, he knew. It was a heavy responsibility that got exhausting, even for happy people. And precisely for this reason, Matt found it absolutely impertinent that he not talk about it. Ever. Especially around Arianna, whom he wanted to be happy very very much.

That didn't stop the feelings from rising to the surface though. He had been quite good about keeping himself busy while here. And he'd done well. Graham had thought he was doing well, when he'd first come. Graham must have sensed the depression returning though. Before even Matt had. He knew others cared about him. They had said so. But at the moment, his brain was making it incredibly difficult for him to believe it. He had had enough experience with depression to know that this was the depression warping his thoughts. But depression was also a very very convincing demon.

He hated the selfishness of his thoughts. And he wondered briefly why he had worried about falling in the crack in the cave. If it had been a tragic accident then no one could be to blame, and he wouldn't be so selfish. He felt fairly certain that Elder would figure it out soon enough. At times it seemed he could read his mind. Dragons had some strange magic that way, as he had learned as time went on. But he didn't want anyone to know. And he wished very much that he could hold his thoughts as private as they were in his future human world, where dragons (apparently) did not exist.

He'd used to be open about these feelings. But in the end, eventually, when they started to arise and he'd been open, it made everyone uncomfortable. It crossed his mind briefly that if he let himself go off the edge of the cliff, at least he wasn't leaving Arianna without care, then hated himself even more for having such a thought. He'd done well here. And Arianna had given his life meaning. He'd literally gone more than a year in her company without a suicidal thought which was some kind of record. But it was bound to catch up and catch up it did.

He sighed, afraid to look back at the two sleeping dragons. Afraid they would know the terrible things that had crossed his mind just now. He was afraid Arianna would wake, sensing some sort of disruption in his mood and come to him, making his heart melt and pull him back to the world he should be in, where his responsibilities should lie. Where his life was required.

He glanced over the side of the cliff again and pinched hard at the skin at his forearm to bring him back to this world. It was terrifying how badly he wanted to do it in this moment. He pinched his arm again, causing a bruise to form almost instantly. It eased the temptation, somehow and he found the strength to get up and move himself to the back of the cave, where the edge wasn't so near that he could be easily swayed. There he pulled his knees to his chest, and cried quietly, absent-mindedly pinching at his arms to keep himself grounded as best as he could and willed the darkness in his mind to please please go away.
A soft gust of wind would wrap its arms around Matt and the voice of Orei came to him next. "Matt, please don't." Her hand touched his and as she tried to stop him from pinching himself. "I'm here for you. I always have been." Her form came into view next to him and she smiled at him. "I hope I didn't scare you." Orei hugged him and didn't let him go as she became just as solid as he was. Her body pressed into his offering him the comfort that he seemed to be desperately calling for.

Orei held him and touched the back of his head. Her hand played with his hair and she smiled. "I know you suffer and wonder. I know you wonder and have questions that may never be answered. I know this." Letting out a tender sigh she hoped to lift some of his burdens and let them float away with her breath.

Slowly she pulled back. "Come with me now." She offered him as she stood up and offered her hand. "Come take the step and see what it's like to fall freely into that gap of fear and know that it's only a drop and not a chasm." She stood there and offered her hand waiting for him to take it.

"You will be alright. You will return and you will not be harmed. I only wish to show you, to free you of this weight if not forever perhaps for a little while?" Orei gave him a head tilt and smiled.
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Matt liked Orei and he cared about her. She was a gentle soul and certainly didn't deserve any cruelty, but Matt brushed her off and pulled away. He struggled standing up and moved away from her, back towards the darkness of the cave. "Let me alone, please just let me alone." He didn't want comfort. Truthfully, he was scared of it. His strong character was shaky at best and he feared the weakness that comfort could bring on, shedding away the walls that he had built so carefully, with so much struggle. He didn't want to jump or fall and he doubted very much that the metaphorical act would help.

"Please just let me be alone..." he murmured, wiping his nose on his sleeve. "I'm not gonna do anything stupid. I just want to be left alone" Now that he knew the cave went much deeper than he'd previously thought, he took advantage of it and felt his way down the wall. It was rough but finally he found a suitable spot for himself. A place where the wall curved shallowly inward, creating a human sized pocket for him to squeeze into.

Finding spots like this one was no new thing for him. Whenever he'd struggled with these strong emotions, he'd find a small, dark space and squeeze himself into it. Hiding. He knew technically he couldn't ever really hide from Orei, or Arianna for that matter either. He could never hide because of his scent. But he badly wished that he could hide, for a few hours, or a few days. He would come out when he was ready. He knew he had responsibilities for Arianna. But that was currently being overridden by the demands of his own mind.
"As you wish." Her voice was nothing more than a whisper as the wind blew it and her image away from where she stood. Orei was gone. As night fell Elder woke to find Matt missing and went to look for him. He dove off the lip of the cave in flight and enjoyed the long drop to the valley below. It had been a while since he went out and it felt nice to be out at night. His wings hurt from injuries long ago but he worked through it and pressed on. His eyes never finding what he was looking for.

When Elder got back to the cave he looked for Matt thinking that maybe he had been hiding in the cave and since come forward but that wasn't the case. He was still missing and Arianna was not just roaming around the cave looking bored.

She had taken to drawing with a stick in the dirt. Humming softly she traced shapes and small images. He watched her and smiled. It was odd that she took to well to both forms. It had to be from his teachings Elder thought. That was very interesting. A fine skill indeed. "Hungry?" He asked her.

"No…" Arianna hummed and looked for Matt. "Where is my flyer? I can smell him but he is … no here… here." She looked towards were the cave got real dark and backed away.

"I… I don't like that place."

"You can stay here. Its fine. He will return when he is ready. Until then you may draw or sleep. If you do not need food then I too shall rest." Elder curled up to block the caves entrance and she stayed by the fire drawing.
Matt knew he had waited too long to take the medication. It took time to build up in his system and now he had to wait out the intensely painful in between time. Distractions didn't help much as it only pushed back the time in which he had to face his internal darkness. He had to ride it out. But he was ashamed and didn't want anyone to see or know his pain. He could at least have comfort that he wasn't breaking down in front of others.

He cried, trying very hard to be quiet about it because sound travelled and echoed in the damp walls of the cave. He stayed like this for nearly two days, though he had no way of being able to measure the time. Finally he emerged, his needs outweighing the time he needed to spend alone. Stiff and sore from ridgedly cramming himself in the small space, his muscles ached from shivering in the cold dampness of the cave. His eyes were swollen and red from crying and his hair was a messy nest on his head, so badly in need of a trim.

He approached the warmer more open and light part of the cave with caution and shyness. He returned to sit next to the warm fire with no greeting and dug into his pouch for more pills and a bit of food. He didn't want to talk about it and he hoped no one would ask. He would get through it. He always did. But he preferred to internalize it now and would likely remain withdrawn until it passed.
Arianna watched him and then looked over at Elder. She was confused and a little upset that Matt had been gone for so long. With a bit of caution she went towards him and took the bag away from him. Holding it with both her small hands she looked at Matt.

"This… this is mine now." Elder sat up and watched her.

He had been dozing off and on not doing much at besides making sure she didn't run off.

"You… you… you're my flyer and I want to fly." Arianna stomped her foot and put her tiny hand into the bag and pulled out a fully pillow she had seen at Duncan's and threw it at Matt.

"Sleep and… and…" she dug around again and this time pulled out a blanket. Arianna had watched Matt with the bag before and knew it had power. A wonderful power. She got it to give her apples before and small little white things that crunched when she ate them.

"Sleep." She looked at him with a huff. "I want to fly." Dropping the bag she turned away from him after having her hissy fit and slipped into her dragon form and curled up on the floor crying. Covering up with her wings she felt bad for what she had done and didn't know why she had done it. It just came out of her.

Elder watched and sighed. Speaking only to Matt his tone was gentle but straight forward. "She craves flight Matt. To keep her here without reason is most difficult. If you ask it if me I will teach her, but without your desire she will not get far. Heal yourself and perhaps your bond with her will be stronger. If not you both will be earth bound forever." He curled up and flexed his wings. Elder had to stop her from leaving three times already and he felt a fourth attempt pending.
Guilt washed over Matt with Arianna's fit. He stayed silent through all of it though, and also while Elder spoke to him. It was for the better as the immediate responses in his mind were hurtful, selfish, careless, and most certainly not how he felt usually. He couldn't stop the thoughts from happening, but could only bite his tongue from letting them out. He had to repeatedly convince himself the thoughts and feelings were the result of a disease and not really him. It was a struggle for him, though. It was always hard to use one's brain to logically fix the thing that was broken: itself.

Matt picked up the bag that Arianna had taken from him and mumbled to Elder, "If she wants the bag she can have it, but I need my medicine and I can only get it from here. Unless I go home. My home." An odd feeling of homesickness washed over him in that moment. He frowned and made himself comfortable with the pillow and blanket, knowing nothing more than to do what Arianna asked. He had slept a bit in the cave but it had not been restful sleep. He tried to get comfortable but as thoughts of inadequacy bombarded his mind, he did still return to the protective curled up position he'd adapted in the cave. But at least he was warmer and had more physical comfort.
After Arianna had her little crying spell she turned to see Matt asleep and went over to him. She curled up around him in her dragon form. Her long tail wrapping around him and her wing covering him completely adding another layer over him and more darkness. She let out a sigh and yawned. It was nice being close to him even if he wasn't talking. With most humans talking was done too much anyway.

Flexing her claws she settled in and dozed with him. His body pressed next to hers gave her the comfort she had been missing but was unable to verbalize. Elder watched them and then lowered his head. He made sure that once again the cave was warm and that no one came into his home. They were high up and safe. That was all that mattered.
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Matt's sleep was more restful by the fire with Arianna. He woke before her and was at first confused by the cocoon she had formed around him. It was nice though and he tried to go back to sleep again but the ground was too hard and his brain was too awake to let him sleep anymore so he eased himself out of the warm cocoon.

Quietly he went over to the bucket of water in the corner and washed himself, going through the motions with a bit of numbness. His hair was driving him nuts though and so he found a knife and began sawing away at the length in the back. As usual, it was choppy at best but he had a small mirror from the pouch that helped him a bit. He could feel air moving across the back of his neck again though and it felt nice.

Once he was finished, despite his sad end product, he still remained distant from the others. He stayed back by the wash bucket, picking at his nails, struggling again with wanting to disappear into the back of the cave. He felt like a bad person for feeling these things. Like he would be abandoning Arianna. He already felt bad about being so selfish before. Instead he attempted to meditate, though he didn't know much about it.
Arianna woke up feeling a cold spot and that started her. She quickly shifted into her other form and looked for him. "Matt!" She panted and then found him. Giggling she ran over to him. "Are we going flying today? I want to fly. I want to fly really high and then go really real fast. I can I know it." She tugged on his arm and giggled.

"Can we? I'll show you. I had dreams about it and clouds. The white things in the sky. Elder told me they were or are.. um called clouds yes and not to fly into black or gray ones no. But I want to fly." She smiled at him and gave him a head tilt.

"Um..y ou ok? You want to eat? I can go get you a rabbit? Would you like a rabbit? Um a brown one? They aren't as fast as the white ones." Arianna was chattering away as to which animals were faster than others and started towards the mouth of the cave. Elder had moved off and was either hunting or just off doing his own thing at the moment.
Matt stood up and took a deep breath. One foot forward, one moment at a time. He smiled for Arianna and followed her toward the mouth of the cave where she was moving.

"Careful," he chided gently, not wanting her to get too close to the edge. He was hungry. And he wanted Arianna to feel a sense of accomplishment. And she wanted to fly so so badly.

"Do you think you could fly to the food? And catch a brown rabbit?" He doubted very much there really was a difference between the speed of a white rabbit or a brown rabbit. It could certainly be that the brown rabbits were simply just easier to spot in the snow. But her chatter was happy, and he listened, nodding along.

He peered over the edge, nervous to give Arianna permission to fly out there, knowing her track record with flying. He took another deep breath. Set goals for yourself each day. Follow through with them. What are your goals for the day? Eat a good meal. Teach Arianna something new. Try not to be a depressing dickwad.

"Why don't we practice flying in here a bit first, before going out there to get food?" Matt suggested. The space wasn't that large, but it had a bit of room for Arianna to spread her wings. He would at least feel a bit more confident that they wouldn't fall if he could sense that Arianna truly did feel more comfortable with flying.
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