Of Monsters and Men

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Arianna held onto Duncan and looked around. He had her facing out and hugged her close. "Hold on ok?" she nodded and rubbed her face. Arianna wasn't really in the mood to be riding anything and she was almost instantly fusing and wiggling.

"Stop it, you're going to fall." He told her and pulled her into place.

"No…" She swatted at his hand and he gripped her tighter.

"Stop it. I mean it you fall, it's a long way down and you will get hurt." His tone was sharp and loud making Eric turn around. Arianna started to cry and she covered her face. Eric came up next to them and took her from him.

"Come on." He was much stronger and she went with him. "You need to sleep for this ride." She clung to him and he wrapped his cloak around her hiding her instantly. He winked at Matt and Duncan shrugged.

"You ok Matt?" Duncan asked looking back. He knew the mule was slow but loyal and would follow him anywhere. It plugged along with Matt and shook its head now and then.
Matt sat stiffly on the mule, his posture rigid and his jaw clenched tightly. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said, still terrified. Sometimes the mule drifted off the path to munch on grass or passed under a low branch or too close to a thistle. For all intents and purposes, the mule didn't think much in the way of it's rider at all, and Matt was getting scratched up from branches because the mule was far more interested in munching than keeping up, as many horses and mules are. Matt just didn't know how to be firm with the animal. He would much prefer walking on foot if it was at all up to him, however he did appreciate how much less tiring the journey was when he didn't have to walk, though he was making up for it in the tenseness of his other muscles. Matt would be sore when he slept tonight, and probably stiff in the morning when he woke because of his struggle to relax. In his own time, he'd been exactly the same way with cars. He'd hated cars. He hated to drive them. He preferred to ride his bike, take a cab, or take the train. Some things never changed, it seemed, since horses and mules were the equivalent to cars in this time period.

The quiet ride and the sounds of nature, however, did have his mind wandering much more than usual. The peace also brought deep thought. And since his mule was slower, he took up the rear end of their little train. He thought about Graham a lot, and if Graham were here and if Graham came back, how would he know where to find him? Or even if he wanted Graham to come back. He still had the ring in his pocket, but he didn't want to wear it anymore. A promise was a promise. And a broken promise was still a broken promise, no matter how big the promise. He cried a little bit, but not much and in the end, he wasn't thinking much about the mule at all, and his posture started to relax, even if his thoughts had wandered down a darker path.
"We are coming to a fork, stay to the right Matt." Eric called back to him and he could tell that the mule was being difficult. He wanted to help but could tell that Matt was uneasy with horses back at his house. He trotted back towards him and spoke to his son directly.

"Duncan take the leads of Flower, she might follow you better if you're closer. We are getting closer to Tangle Forest and I don't want to take any chances." He shifted with Arianna and looked at Matt. With care he took the lead from Matt and gave them to Duncan.

"Ride closer but not to close. More to the side or Flower will get kicked. Duncan you know what to do. And Matt stay awake back here and your eyes sharp, you too Duncan." Eric looked around them then trotted back up in-front to lead them once more.
"No pressure," Matt mumbled as his posture stiffened again. As if he had any control over what the animal wanted to do. But he certainly did not want to get kicked. At least Duncan seemed to have some idea what he was doing.

A few times the mule bumped up pretty close to Duncan and Matt yelped a few times when his leg got squished between the two animals.

"Jesus H. Christ," he mumbled when nothing had really happened, but his heart was still pounding anyway. "You're a dumb animal," Matt would mutter quietly to the mule when he thought no one else could hear. "Why can't you just follow along and not get too close. I'm up here too and my legs are wider than you are." He'd swat gently at the mules shoulder, which didn't do much. In reality, Flower wasn't really doing anything wrong, it was just the way that Matt perceived the mule's walking pace, and it's comfort level with the other mule. He was an utter foreigner when it came to communicating with horses or mules or understanding their behavior and as they approached the forest, Matt was less nervous about the forest itself and more nervous about the higher probability of being scratched by more branches.
Arianna shifted in Eric's arms and woke up. She poked her head out of his cloak and looked for Matt. "Papa…" She moaned and he pet her head.

"He is right back there just take it easy ok." He tried to comfort her but it wasn't going over very well.

"I want down. I want down." She wiggled and kicked at him nearly doing some damage. "Arianna, don't." His tone shifted and she froze. Pouting and whimpering she curled up. She knew better than to challenge him. Fighting with Duncan was one thing but to try things with Eric was another matter altogether.

"Once we get pass this area you can be with him." He told her. She wiggled and popped her head over his shoulder and looked at Matt.

"Papa?" She hopped he would see her.

Duncan tugged the lead and sighed. "Come on, you no stop eating." He yanked and the mule pulled back snapping the lead and stopping all together. His horse kept going and now they were separating.

"No!" Arianna cried. Seeing the gap increase.
Matt grumbled as his mule stopped all together and so equally as stubbornly jumped off it's back. "Fine. I don't need you either you little beast," he said. He grabbed the mule's bridal and tried to yank the animal forward. "I'd leave you behind if you weren't carrying our fucking stuff. And look, they're way ahead of us." He heard Arianna's cries and he glared at the animal. "Look and now she's upset. And when she gets upset she turns dragon. Do you want that? I don't. I can be just as stubborn as you, you know."

He stomped behind the animal and snaked it's rear end. The animal mule leapt forward, leaving him behind and catching up with the others. He sighed heavily and started on foot, following them. He was more than happy to have his feet on the ground though.
Arianna wiggled and shifted trying to get down and hit at Eric's chest he hugged her close and tried his best to keep her calm. "Easy now, alright your Papa is right back there. He is coming along just fine. You hungry?" he asked her sweetly and she looked up at him with huge tears in her eyes and nodded.

"Ok well we will stop soon, but you have to be good so we can make it there or we won't have a chance to make the next village before nightfall." Arianna sighed and settled down. Looking over his shoulder at Matt she blinked away a tear and then something inside her clicked. Her head snapped up and she looked around sniffing the air. The horses started to get jittery and Duncan lost all control of his.

"Whoa… hey… easy easy." He tried to control her but the mare jumped and shook. Eric's horse did the same and a moment later Arianna jumped off out of his arm and hit the ground with a heavy thud and bolted off the trail.

"Ari NO!" Duncan cried a half second later three men rushed him and his father pulling them off their horses. None went after Arianna they tussled with Duncan and Eric. Knives were pulled and growling could be heard. The men looked around and tried to grab the horses.

Duncan tried to defend himself but the men were rather large and bungling their moves with the horses being so scared.

"Get the horses." The man shouted.

Duncan was pushed back and hit is head on a large stone and stopped moving a large growl came from the bushes and the men looked over to see large eyes upon them. Gasping and dropping all efforts to rob them further they took off running. "Matt run!" Eric called to him as he grabbed his son and the reins of the mule and pulled them off the road.

Something was out there watching them. The mule protested but he smacked it and yanked it into order. "Are you alright?" He panted and checked on Duncan. "Son?" he touched his head and could see blood. "Oh no." He touched his cheek and hugged him.

"Oh no oh gods no." he hugged him and Duncan mumbled. "Where is Ari?"

"Shhh... its ok I don't know son… I've got you now just rest. Hang in there." He panted and looked at Matt.

"Do you see anything? How about the horses? Are they there?" One was on the trail looking lost but the other had been stolen. The silence was sickening. Something was moving not to faraway. Some hissing and grappling but it was hard to know what it was exactly.
Matt didn't run. He worried more about Arianna and Duncan than about his own self. Besides if someone wanted to take the dumb mule he wouldn't have complained a bit. Instead of running away, then, he ran toward the action, first he dropped his magic bag off with Eric, so he could find something in there to give to Duncan, who seemed like he might be concussed which pissed him off. Not at Duncan, but at the men who thought it was okay to hurt a kid and he was murmuring a long string of choice words about people like that.

He was looking for Arianna though. He was far enough away at the time that everything had happened that at first he hadn't really understood what was happening at all. But he'd seen Arianna run away and so he ran in that direction, calling for her. He could hear the sounds of something moving and he wasn't sure if it was Arianna or not, if she had transformed. After all, he had seen her completely transform in personality and in form on a few occasions, and wasn't ever sure exactly what to expect.

He stood on the trail for a moment, listening, trying to filter the nervous whinnying of the solitary horse that was left, and the creature hidden in the thick underbrush and finally decided to go toward the sound. He didn't carry a weapon anymore, the scare of almost accidentally shooting Arianna still seared into his mind. Protecting his own life wasn't even worth the possibility of harming hers.
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The growling only increased as did the thrashing about in the woods just ahead of Matt. Heavy footfalls followed along with grunts and hissing. The snapping of twigs and branches could be heard as something moved around. A deep snarling filled the air and then Arianna's voice could be heard.

"Go away."

"No, you're too small and not supposed to be here. Why you here where is your clan?"

"Go away, you won't eat my flyer."

"What?" He snapped at her and growled.

Only part of the conversation could be made out as she panted and grunted. More snapping of tree limbs could be heard.

"I don't want to hurt you but I might have no choice. Why are you in my forest? Who sent you?" The other voice was male and sounded much older.

"No…" a loud thud could be heard as Arianna was smacked onto her side and pushed into the ground. Held there by a much large dragon. His wings badly damaged but out stretched. His colors were once brilliant blue with some black but now they looked faded and muted.

"Tell me" He pushed her down and looked at her like he might snap her tiny neck. She had changed forms to defend Matt and the others but she was in way over her head.

"No! I don't know… I don't know." She whined clearly out matched. Panting and on her side she sniffed and looked up to see Matt coming closer.


The larger dragon growled.

"Don't eat him, no… please. No… he is my flyer." He then looked back at her and blinked his golden eyes.

"You have a rider… if this is your rider make him prove it or you're both die right now." He looked at Matt and spoke to him in his mind.

"Papa is it? Unless you're a wizard and cast some spell prove to me that you're her rider or you both shall die."
Matt couldn't help but roll his eyes a little bit. "Typical display of territorial behavior," he mumbled to himself under his breath. Old geezer dragon trying to prove something by making empty death threats. He sighed and stepped forward. "I don't know why you need proof to justify sparing a life of your deteriorating species," he said, this time loud enough for the other dragon to hear. "Get off of her, she is a child of your own kind."

Matt stepped closer to the pair of dragons. Despite being pretty sure that the elder dragon was only trying to be intimidating, he still didn't like seeing Arianna pinned under him. Matt, who was smaller than Arianna in her true form and much much smaller than this dragon, stood as tall as he could make himself, which wasn't very and glared at the dragon. "We aren't supposed to fly in this area. It's dangerous to her. I know you know it's dangerous for you too. So get off her."

He put his hands on his hips and narrowed his eyes further. He shook his head a bit, to shake off the bit of hair that fell over his eye since it was getting longer. He didn't want anything distracting him from pushing his own territorial behavior right back.
The larger dragon huffed and removed his claw from Arianna and she scrambled up to her feet then bolted over towards Matt and ducked down behind him. As she hid her form changed and she clung to his leg. The older dragon sighed and started to pad off. Lowering his wings and tucking then at his back.

He sighed and lowered his head. "A wormling…" he sighed harder yet and as he moved he form changed and he pulled his cloak around his shoulders with his one good arm.

"Papa?" Arianna looked up at him and blinked she was totally drained and looked like she might fall over.

"Take her to where she will be safe." He told Matt from where he stood. The male kept his distance and only watched them. He too was tired and spent. "That road is unsafe for man or beast. You have been warned."
Matt wrapped his arm protectively around Arianna as she came back to him and watched the elder dragon at his distance. "You dragon's seem to tire so easily," he murmured to Arianna. He was confused by the elder dragon's words though. Where could they go that was safe? Off the road seemed more dangerous than being on it. Besides, they had Duncan to worry about now and his wellbeing. Matt turned and guided Arianna along in front of him, going back to where they had left Duncan and Eric.

As they approached the road again he noticed that the remaining horse had moved farther away from Duncan and Eric, surely shying from the sounds that the older dragon had made. Matt had no real interest in going near the horse, but he had just stood up to a dragon, and he hardly doubted there could be any creature more dangerous than a dragon. So he went over to the horse and lead it back to Eric and Duncan. He hated the animals, but he also recognized it's importance, especially now, with Duncan hurt.

"How is he?" Matt asked, noticing that darkness was beginning to approach quickly now. "If he has a concussion, don't let him sleep." Matt sat down on the edge of the road. "There was another like her. Older. He said that the road is too dangerous for all of us."
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Eric looked at Matt and couldn't believe his ears. "Are you sure? I haven't heard of any in this region for many, many years. Most say it was all legend. Perhaps he knows where we can go that would be safe. I know this area isn't the safest. I should have come more armed. Forgive me." He looked at his son and Duncan looked weak. In the distance the sound of someone coming filled the air.

Arianna looked up and her tail started to form. "I will get him this time." She told Matt.

"I will not fight you wormling. If you ask it of me I can assist you." The male had returned in human form. He looked at the men from a distance and Arianna looked at Matt. Her tail growing smaller as she looked up at him and took his hand.

"He said he wants to help Papa what do I say?" She looked up at Matt a bit confused. Her role was different now as Duncan's life hung in the balance it seemed.
Matt couldn't tell if the man/dragon was talking to him or to Arianna. But Arianna seemed to know that he was talking to her, so he would let her talk. "I think we should ask for his help. Finger's crossed we're not accepting the help of someone who will lead us into further danger."

He glanced nervously at Duncan, concerned for him. He needed to rest and be well. Matt wished they could take him home so he could be in his mother's care and wondered about the possibility of turning around. They were only a day out of the village and luckily not further.
Arianna looked at the male and nodded. A moment later he was over Matt and touched his shoulder. He moved with such speed and perfected movements that it was creepy. Arianna gasped and he looked at her. "With time you can to that too."

"Now if you follow me I can get you all to my home but you not be able to come back here. No other beast can make it there." He looked at Eric.

Eric could only blink. "Take care of my son. I will keep the horses and go back to the Inn. I cannot leave them. Matt take care of him." He got up and went over to them. The male looked at Arianna and then Matt.

"This will be quick and odd perhaps but you will be fine. You little one follow me. I'll go slow focus hard and you will make it." As he spoke he touched both Matt and Duncan and they both vanished from her sight.

"PAPA!" She screamed but spoke to her.

"Focus and follow your heart." Arianna panted and was mad that they were gone from her sight. Closing her eyes she tried but was scared.

"Look for him with your heart, we are right here." He told her. Arianna panted and blinked over and over then slowly she saw Matt's hair and then his face. Giggling she smiled. "Papa!"

"Good, now let's go." A moment later he moved through the woods with great speed and somehow Arianna was able to keep up. The arrived at a massive cave and he set Matt and Duncan down favoring on arm as he panted and Arianna ran over to Matt hugging him.
Matt huddled close to Duncan, trying to brace his head with his hands. "He needs ice- something cold.." The elder dragon man touched them both and for a brief moment Matt felt as though they were in a place of blankness and white. It very nearly gave him a panic attack. Luckily the feeling was very brief and soon they found themselves in a large cave, much bigger than Arianna's cave had been.

The man left them as quickly as he had brought them there and Matt was on his feet in a flash, shouting for Arianna. He hadn't understood what had happened, and at first thought that the elder dragon had purposefully separated him from Arianna and Matt was suddenly doubting his judgement that this dragon had meant to help them.

However, it wasn't long before Arianna was there and with him. He hugged her as tightly as she hugged him.
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"Tend to the child. I will keep watch." He told Matt before heading towards the mouth of the cave. As he walked off his form changed once more to that of a very large dragon. With old scars and missing scales he made his way to the mouth of the cave and there he sat with his back to the small group.

Arianna looked at Matt and then to Duncan. "Is he ok?" Now in her human form she rubbed her eyes and felt very sleepy but she fought it and wanted to help.

Softly she touched his face and looked at him. "I love you." Arianna leaned forward and kissed him on this forehead and a moment later his eyes opened. Gasping for air he blinked and tried to sit up.

"Ari?" He looked at her and she blushed.

"You ok?" He tried to move but felt so heavy. "I don't feel good." He groaned and closed his eyes.

"Don't move… Matt is here."
Matt sat on the ground and pulled Duncan's head into his lap. "I think you have a concussion and you need to rest. He needs ice..." He tried calling out to the dragon but then thought of the magic bag.

He felt along his belt, looking for it but realized he had tied it to the saddle of the mule he had been riding, which was still with Eric, so at least was in good hands. Still, it wasn't in his hands anymore.

"Fuck-" he swore, having gotten used to all the conveniences it had offered. This would be more challenging then. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and soaked it in some water from his canteen. At least it was cool, and he laid it over Duncan's forehead.

He knew if he could find an aspen tree he could crush the leaves and use it as a natural aspirin. After all, that was exactly how Aspirin had gotten it's name.

"Arianna, hold his head okay? I will be back. He needs some medicine."

Matt headed for the entrance of the cave, hoping the dragon would let him leave.
The male turned to see Matt coming towards him and he used his massive tail to block his way. "You can't not leave. I will not allow it." He shifted and flexed his wings. "It's far too dangerous out there. A storm is coming as well. I can smell the rain." He lifted his head and inhaled.

"You will drown in that valley. Many will die. If that river floods again." He sighed and looked back Matt. "What is it that they call you human or is Papa your name?" He panted and shifted.

Speaking seemed to even make him tired and he flexed his wings once more. "I was given a name once but after I lost my rider its faded from my memory." Closing his eyes he sighed and flexed his wings once more. They were beaten and damaged.

"Where is it that you need to go?"
Matt huffed a bit in frustration. "I only need to get some Aspen leaves for the boy. He hit his head hard, and he needs medicine."

Despite the dragon shifting in front of him he tried to peer out of the entrance. He knew better than to try to battle Mother Nature. But he doubted he would have to go into the valley to find a few leaves.

He folded his arms, regarding the dragon warily, and despite his small stature, tried to straighten himself and portray as much confidence as he could. "I'm Matt. And I'm going to call you Elder, because referring to you as 'him' is getting a bit old."
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