Of Monsters and Men

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"What are you doing?"

Matt jumped, the scissors closing earlier than he'd liked them to. A chunk of bright red hair fell in front of his face. He cringed, knowing he now had a spot that was shorter than the rest.

"Awh, Zeta, look what you did. I screwed up."

Half his head- the front half, was trimmed to a length that was more suitable for him. The red was now completely gone because he'd cut it off, a natural dark brown in its place. It was uneven, because he'd been trying to do it himself, but now that one spot above his right eye was even worse.

"Are you cutting your hair? Why are you cutting your hair? Is it because I think it looks stupid? Oh! Are you trying to impress me, Matty?"

Matt rolled his eyes and tried turning awkwardly so he could try and get the back. "No, it's too long. It's getting in my face. And it's too hard to hunt with hair in my face."

"It's not red anymore. Don't you want it to be red? I can make it red for you."
Why don't you go back to sleep. Matt thought, gritting his teeth and focusing on his reflection. He closed the scissors and another clump of hair fell to the floor. She'd kept him on her ship now for an entire day. Most of it was spent with him following her around begrudgingly, giving mandatory 'oohs' and 'ahs' of her plants and other things she showed him. He did legitimately enjoy the short trip to another galaxy- space always fascinated him. But then she'd gone to bed and he didn't trust her or anyone else on the ship so he'd stayed awake and done his own exploring. He'd happened upon a pair of scissors and decided to fix his hair. He also discovered that aliens required little sleep, so she was back before he'd expected.

"Are you getting irritated with me, Matty? I can still hear your thoughts, even if we're talking face to face, you know." She laughed as he cut another piece of hair unevenly. "Your hair looks even more stupid than it did before. It's all bumpy. You can't even see what you're doing in the back. You have bald patches."

He didn't, of course, that was just the sort of thing she liked to tell him. She never liked him to have terribly high self esteem, for reasons no one could fully understand.

Matt sighed in exasperation. If it were anyone else, he'd ask them to fix it themselves, but she would fashion his hair into some sort of zeta Mohawk or something equally as hideous.

"I won't give you a Mohawk," she insisted, listening in on his thoughts again.

"You still have to touch me to cut my hair..." He said twisting awkwardly again to try and snip a bit at the nape of his neck. Before he could even realize what was happening she had wrestled the scissors out of his hands and pushed his forehead against the mirror. He give a little pleasured moan as she started running her long alien fingers through his uneven locks. Humming cheerfully she began trimming his hair more evenly, though in no way expertly. Little squeaks and groans escaped from Matt's lips as she clipped away, him sinking closer and closer to the floor as his legs gradually gave out. It worked out in her favor because as she finished with the back of his head she could work more easily at the top of his head.

"Okay turn your head this way- no- turn-" with one finger she could control exactly where she needed him to move. When she finished she clapped with a satisfied "I'll be right back," and left him in a useless heap on the floor. She returned with her laser and fiddled with the settings a bit before aiming the gun at his head. He looked up just in time to duck as she fired.

"What are you doing??" He screeched, scrambling to his shaking legs.

"I'm turning your hair red again!"

"Seriously, it's fine you don't need to turn my hair red I don't want you shooting things at my head thanks-"

"Too late," she giggled. "It fired a cloud not a beam. Your hair is red again."

He looked in the mirror and groaned. "Can you turn it back? It's not useful being red when I'm trying to blend in..."

"Hmmm," she hummed. "Nope!"

He threw up his hands. Then, stalking past her he tugged his shirt off, shaking the clipped hair out of it and brushing it off his shoulders.

"Where are you going, Matty? Do you need new clothes? I've got some of your clothes here if you want.."

"Why the fuck do you have my clothes??"

"I like to smell them.."

"You're creepy! Get away from me! Where's the kitchen I'm hungry."

He couldn't wait for her to go back to sleep. Then maybe he could figure out her laser thing and fix his hair. Besides, he needed to find out about Dom and Graham, if they were okay. If she'd been lying or not about Dom being dead. He needed to know. He wasn't sure how he could find out. But she had all those gadgets to spy on him, surely he could somehow check on Dom and Graham... And he hoped Arianna was okay. But he trusted Duncan to be able to take care of her temporarily. He might be a moody prepubescent adolescent. But he was too much like himself and he cared about Arianna even if he didn't always want to show it. He only hoped Arianna would still be able to trust him after this. Aliens knew nothing about trust.

Duncan took Arianna by the hand and led her towards the small wash area of their small home. It was simple but well suited for the task of cleaning her up. She was still sniffling and now was shivering a good deal.

"Ok take off your dress and we can wash you up alright. I'm pretty sure you need a bath anyway. Say can you change your form and clean up outside? No that won't really help never mind. Getting you back inside and everything and its dark and I don't know where you Sir Matt went." Letting out a heavy sigh he watched the bedroom door and helped Arianna lift her dress up and over her head.

Doing a double take Duncan was shocked to see that Arianna's skin wasn't 100% skin. She had patches of scales on her chest and arms. Leaning closer to get a better look Arianna blinked and watched him.

"Oh my you're spotted a bit aren't you? Well best keep you covered up. Must be that you haven't mastered changing yet have you. I better not yell at you either since your tail popped out." Rubbing her eyes Arianna was exhausted and swayed as Duncan took a warm cloth and ran it over her body with warm soapy water.

Shivering more he tried to hurry. "I feel like I'm washing a small calf you know only inside the house and well you're not a lot smaller really. Maybe like a dog but you're not on all fours. Oh I don't know but you're at least standing still." He lifted her arms and was done moments later. Wrapping her in a towel he patted her dry and rubbed her hair.

"I never thought I would be doing all of this. I mean I helped mum but this is new. Luck for you we had Zack before. We lost him you know but we don't talk about it. You won't say anything right?" She gave him a soft nod and yawned. "Good girl." Kissing her cheek he slipped one of his shirts over her and then started to wash her clothes. Her small long sleeve dress and things were easy to rinse off and hang near the fire.

"Come on now time for bed." Scooping her up into his arms he held her close and carried her to his bed. After laying her down and tucking her in he sat on the edge and looked at the door again. "I hope mum is alright. It's been so quite over there." Duncan turned back to Arianna but she was out like a light. Feeling most alone and bored Duncan got up and went to the window.

Looking out he felt the need to go outside. Grabbing his cloak and heading outside for just a moment Duncan opened the door and looked up. The stars were huge. Each of them seemed brighter than the next. He felt like he was dreaming but knew he was awake when the breeze woke his sense with a chill. It was time to go back inside.
She was asleep again. At least he was pretty sure she was. The doors to her chambers were closed. He'd spent most of the day avoiding her, so he'd never actually witnessed her going to bed. But things were pretty quiet. There were only a few other aliens wandering around and most of them gave him death glares. Humans were not well liked among the Zetan race. His well being was preserved only by the demands of their leader, who happened to be the one he was currently avoiding.

First things first. He had a mission: Find her weird communicator and see if he could contact Dom or Graham. He would be damned if he was going to let her kidnapping him prevent him from doing anything useful with his time. He figured he may as well take advantage of the tools she had while he was here, however long that might be. If he could judge at all from the past he would guess two to three days before he managed to piss her off enough that he got booted off the ship. More often than not it was painful. He couldn't rely on being rescued. That was the other percentage of the times he got off the ship without being hurt. The remaining tiny percentage were the times he left on good terms with her and she let him off the ship on her own free will. As far as he could remember that had only happened once ever. He had a pretty good idea how this would turn out. But he crossed his fingers he was wrong.

He cleared his throat and tried to make himself as tall as possible next to the very tall alien that was in front of him. "Scuse me, could you show me where she keeps her communicator contraption thingy? You know.... the one she's always using on me?"

He was standing one moment and on the floor the next, not entirely certain what had just happened except there was a numbness spreading across his left cheek and black spots had crept in at the corners of his vision. He lay stunned before he realized the alien had hit him. "Hey," he said, getting up, "If she found out that you just did that to me your arse would be obliterated."

"You're not allowed to touch our technology," the alien replied. Matt waved his hand dismissively and wandered to the control room on his own. He sat down at what seemed to be the captain's chair, or where he imagined Gaga to spend most of her time when she wasn't bothering him. The chair was far too large for him and he ended up needing to kneel on it in order to get a good view of the control panel. As it turned out most everything was very well labeled. Probably because she wasn't the brainiest of the zetas. He immediately found the telescreen. And the line of buttons next to it seemed to be her speed dials. His name was at the top, which didn't surprise him at all. Next Dom and then Graham. Then Maibrit, Maxime, all his friends. At the very end was a name he could only presume was the zeta's mother.

That should be at the top... if she were normal...

His finger hovered over Dom and Graham's names. A little smile crept up on his face as he pressed the button for Graham and a fuzzy image pulled up on the screen. The man was sleeping.

"Hey," he whispered. "Graham. Wake up. Hey. It's me Matt. Matt. It's Matt. Wake up." He said again, pressing his hand against the glass of the screen.

The image flickered a few times and the man stirred in his sleep. Matt wasn't sure if he could wake him through speaking. Maybe he was only speaking to him in a dream. He tried a louder voice. "Graham, wake up. You're sleeping. Please wake up it's Matt.""Matt?" Graham muttered. Matt smiled. "Are you awake or are you talking in your sleep?"

"'M awake," he replied, sitting up. "Where are you? Where have you been? Why are you talking to me in my head? Have I gone mental?"

Matt giggled. "You just miss me so much that you're pretending I'm talking to you in your head-"

"That's not funny. I miss the fuck out of you!"

"...sorry. I miss you too. Yeah, it really is me..." Matt said, his voice taking on an edge of tenderness. "I'm checking on you. Cos I need to know you're okay." He glanced behind him to make sure that he was still alone in the room. All was clear. He turned back to the screen. "I can't get home. I don't know how to get home and even if I did know, I can't. I can't right now cos there's a little girl who needs me really bad. She's really sweet. You would like her. You would like her a lot. Her name is Arianna. I have to help her get home to her family. And I can't even do that either cos I'm stuck
here," he said, emphasizing his frustration with a wave of his hands, even though Graham couldn't see.

"Whoa slow down. Where's 'here' Matt?"

Matt rubbed at his forehead. He hated that he could see Graham but Graham couldn't see him. He looked sleepy and scruffy but beautiful. "You never believed me when I tried to tell you before. The alien's ship, yeah? She kind of kidnapped me. See how I'm talking to you in your head? This is how she talks to me too. She uses this little machine thing...I found it."

"You've been kidnapped by an alien?"

"More or less."

"Are you coming back?"

"I think that's up to the alien......" Matt felt his throat constricting. "The alien and my
wonderful negotiating skills," he added sarcastically. "Hey do you know, do you know if Dom is okay? Is he alive?" he asked quickly, making another glance behind him. He had to make this quick, as much as he didn't want to.

"Dom is fine, Matt..."

Oh shit he's crying. Don't cry, no, don't cry over me...

"Please don't cry...He is okay, right? " Matt choked out, pressing his hand even harder against the glass of the telescreen.

"Yes, he is... I just...I miss you so much..."

"I miss you too."

"I love you, so much. Please come home..."

"I will. I'll make that happen. Somehow. I love you-"

He felt her presence before he saw her, which was generally the way things worked when she was angry. It was announced with intense physical pain. He yelled out, then quickly palmed the button next to Graham's name to turn off the telecom. Graham didn't need to be a part of this. He should have just checked on them. He should have pushed the button, saw they were alive and well and been done. But he'd had to talk to Graham.

He turned to face her, where he took another painful shot from her laser to his chest. She'd turned it to her pain setting again.
She was a mess, tears streaming down her cheeks, dripping from the end of her chin, her nose was red and her lips were swollen and there was a look of ultimate betrayal in her eyes and it was all very human. She opened her mouth and he waited for the stream of screams that he knew were coming and braced himself for the pain he knew he would be enduring at the mercy of her laser.
The moment Duncan stepped back into the house Arianna ran right into his legs almost knocking him back. "Hey now, I thought you were sleeping. What's all this about." Arianna was shaking and sniffling as Eric stepped toward them.

"You have a little sister Duncan. Looks like your will have yet another woman in this house." Eric laughed and held the tiny bundle showing Duncan the tiny baby. "She looks like your mother. That one there is terrified of me. I came out to tell you the good news but I believe your mother and well the process… frightened the child."

Duncan nodded and rubbed Arianna's back. "Is mother alright?"

"Yes she is fine. She is with the nurse maid. I should return the baby. We've yet to name her actually. Your mother is waiting for clarity to get the right name sent to her. At any rate I will allow her to have her wishes." The baby was so tiny that in the arms of the huge man it nearly vanished. Duncan watched him go back into the only bedroom.

"Ari…?" Duncan tried to pull her off him but she was stuck like glue. "Come on now it's all over alright. You won't hear that ever again and it's alright we have a baby now. It was a good thing." Petting her head and rubbing her back he tried to comfort her. Slowly he made his way back towards the fireplace. Once he was able to get his footing Duncan scooped up Arianna and held her close. She cried openly now and clung to him.

"What's wrong? Its more than what happened isn't it? You miss Matt or Sir Matt I never knew what to call him. He will come back. I mean he has too. He couldn't have gone far. In the morning I'll go look for him alright? He might have gone to the village and just stayed at the pub. Has he any human women that he likes?" Duncan asked softly.

"You understand that right? He is a man Arianna, they have needs. I mean well. I don't know all about that but well babies don't just appear." He sighed and rubbed her back then carried her to his bed once more. "Ok let's go to sleep alright. You better not wet the bed or you'll find yourself sleeping in the barn." He pushed her over softly and she moved. Sharing his bed was new but Arianna was small enough that it wasn't a big deal. Blowing out the candle near the bed they let the warm glow of the fire in the fireplace keep them company and watch over the home that night.
"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME, NOT HIM!" the alien screamed, firing the laser at Matt again. He grimaced in pain but remained upright, doing nothing more than meeting her gaze. "I LOVE YOU! HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU. I DO! NO ONE LOVES YOU MORE THAN ME! NO ONE!" she fired the laser again, and Matt folded his arms protectively over his chest as the pain brought tears to his eyes. Still he said nothing.

The alien stepped closer, angrily fiddling with the settings on the laser while tears continued to stream down her face. "WHY ISN'T THIS HURTING YOU??" She fired again and this time Matt tried to dodge the laser. It hit the circuit board and a puff of smoke rose up. "YOU ARE RUINING MY SHIP! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HAVE SACRIFICED FOR YOU, YOU STUPID HUMAN?" She spun, chasing him with the laser and firing again. It hit him in the arm this time and he cried out. "IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU YOUR ENTIRE PLANET WOULD BE DESTROYED. I WOULD HAVE KILLED EVERYTHING YOU LOVE! I'M DOING THAT! I'M GOING TO KILL EVERYTHING YOU LOVE!" she declared, firing the laser at him one more time, hitting him in the stomach and causing him to double over again.

"Please don't- if you really loved me you wouldn't-" he begged. This conversation had happened over and over. She ignored him and strode over to the control panel, punching buttons. The Earth outside appeared to start spinning backwards.

"What are you doing-?" Matt asked, standing up slowly, his eyes on the window as the Earth started to spin faster and faster until it was a blue blur. It was flickering too, and he couldn't quite figure that out. Light. Dark. Light. Dark. Then he realized it wasn't the Earth that was spinning so fast. It was them, travelling around it. It was day and night. He gasped as he realized they were travelling through time.

"No- nonononono- Arianna was back there- no- where are we going?? What are you doing?!" he screeched, racing toward her and trying to rip her hands off the controls. She silenced him by aiming her laser at his mouth, causing immense pain in his teeth and jaw. He pressed a hand against his mouth, moaning. Outside, the Earth began to slow in its spinning ad flickering and the zeta cackled, stepping away from her controls and over to the large laser that was aimed through the window.

Matt's eyes raced over the controls, trying to figure out what she was aiming at, but there was nothing he could pick out except a set of coordinates, which made no sense to him and a date of 2012. He looked out the window to see they were hovering over Ireland and immediately jumped in front of the huge laser.

"MOVE, IDIOT!" the alien screeched. Matt shook his head.

"You'll have to kill me if you want to kill him. That's the way this works."

"I can't kill you. If I kill you then you'll be dead and I love you! So move!"

Matt folded his arms and glared at her. "You love me, yet you insult me, you hurt me with your stupid laser, and you care nothing about hurting the people I love. Why don't you get that's not going to make me love you? I won't move."

He hated that the only real weapon that could make her rethink the things she was doing was his own life. And she was still an emotional time bomb. He had no idea if anything he was saying was making any kind of reasonable sense to her.

"Look I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I can't give you what you want. I really am. You wouldn't be happy if I tried to give you what you want either. Please- I need to help Arianna. She is so young, she's just a kid. I think she really needs me! And she's too young to experience losing trust!"

Matt's face screwed up. His ability to trust anyone had been almost completely destroyed. He needed Arianna almost as much as she needed him, because she was the only person, except maybe Graham that he knew he could trust 100%. And now he had left her, and he was unsure now, with this turn of events if he could even get back to her. He had made a promise that he would be there for her and it hadn't been a promise he'd been able to keep. And Matt never broke promises. Losing Arianna's trust was terrifying to him.

"You can't cry! That's not fair! Stop crying!" The alien demanded. Matt hadn't even realized that he had been. He wiped at his eyes quickly.

"'m not crying," he mumbled, embarrassed.

There was a whirring sound and a click and Matt realized that she'd powered down the laser. He hadn't realized how much tension he'd been holding in his shoulders until he released it. He rubbed at the back of his neck and sighed, letting his shoulders drop. She would never actually try to kill Graham, or Dom or Arianna or Duncan… would she?

"I hate you, you stupid human," The alien muttered, moving back over to the control panel and punching buttons. "Go be with your stupid boyfriend and be happy and don't care about me and my misery."

"No wait- but- Arianna-" it was too late though. Matt was spiralling toward Earth, and the next thing he knew, he could feel the soft mattress underneath him, as he landed in bed next to Graham, the familiar scent invaded his senses and he'd missed Graham so much. And then there really were tears as he pulled a sleeping Graham into his arms.

He'd figure out how to get back to Arianna. In the morning.
In the morning Duncan rolled over and found Arianna still sleeping. Giving her small nudge to wake her he waited and yawned. "Come on now we have to get up and eat." He hoped that would be enough but she didn't move. Looking a bit cross he pushed her harder. "Get up already." He snapped. "We have things to do. I have to find that Matt and get him to take you home." He snapped at her already getting mad. Duncan thought that might get her to roll over and wake up.

"Duncan mind your tone. She is just a little girl you know." Eric was already awake and standing near the fire. Spinning his head around with a small gasp Duncan nodded and got up. "Yes Sir." He dropped it and left Arianna to wake up on her own.

"Sleep well son?" The man asked him. Duncan nodded as he washed up and then dressed before he slipped outside for a moment and then returned with a bundle of firewood. Heading over to the table he looked it over for something to eat. A few things had been set out already. Simple but hearty bowls awaited them. Freshly set and already steaming with bran and oat mash with fresh bread and berry preserves. "I was lucky and found some of your mothers favorite preserves at the Teignmouth market. It was worth the journey I'd say.

Duncan looked up from his bowl. "The what?" Some of his food missed his mouth and dribbled back into the bowl. "Mind your food boy." Eric looked at him with disgust.

"I'm sorry, but what did you say? Where was it at?" Eric looked at Duncan. "The market near Teignmouth son. Its massive. Has wares from all over. You and your mother will join me someday. That one there I suppose if her father won't return. I don't think anyone in the village will want a female child this time of the year. They only take in males. The ones that take in females are to be questioned and no trusted. Young brides or salves they make out of them and I won't allow that. I don't know where she comes from but the female form is nothing to be sold nor stole you understand Duncan. Not at any age."

The man's tone was heavy as he looked at the boy and then over at the child. "Her father has been gone too long. Skinny and odd though he was, I'll give him just a short while longer to return by his own means. If you cannot find him, do not hear of him in the village than we will keep her as our own is that clear. If he ever comes to claim her, he will have to prove to me that he can father her proper or die. No man should ever leave their child or wife behind. Never." With a sore expression coming and going across his face he went to Arianna and picked her up.

She woke and started to cry upon seeing who was holding her. "Shhhh there now… it's alright." Eric's voice was softer and he smiled at her tenderly to win her over. "I won't hurt you now love… easy now. Come have some bread with sweet preserves alright." He pet her hair as she sniffled. Slowly she stopped crying and just listened to his heart beating. He gave her a slice and she held it. Slowly licking off all the preserve and not eating the bread. Her nose was still all runny but he paid no mind.

"There now was that so bad?" he asked her soft as he kissed the top of her head. Arianna shook her head no. He set her down. "Duncan take her and clean her up. Have her go outside. She has to learn how to hold it. Once your both back inside. Feed her if she'll eat. I've got to check on your mother." Duncan nodded and gave Arianna a kiss on the head. "Come on." He took her hand and lead her outside. "See fathers not scary."
Matt didn't believe in things like heaven, but if there was anything that could come close, it was this moment right here. Here he was snuggled close to the one he loved and the bed was warm and soft. He wanted nothing more than to drift in and out of sleep, right here, and not move. Granted, moving was a bit on the painful side, due to the after effects of the zeta's stupid laser, but that aside, he wouldn't be moving anyway, if he had a choice. He didn't have much choice, however, as Graham was scooping him out of bed.

"What are you doing?" Matt murmured, wrapping his arms around the larger man's neck. "I kin walk…"

Graham's breath was warm as he giggled against Matt's temple. "You need a bath, love. Where have you been? You smell like you've been living with the wolves. And I tossed your clothes out, or what's left of them."

"What? When'd you do that?" Matt gasped suddenly. "Did you throw the bag out? There was a little bag, you can't have thrown that out! I need that!"

"You were sleeping pretty heavily for a while there, Matt," Graham said, setting the smaller man down on the toilet as he flipped the faucet to the tub on. "How much have you slept in the last few days?"

Not at all. Matt blinked at Graham.

"I thought so." Graham sprinkled kisses over Matt's face. "Now what bag are you talking about, love?"

"It's a little magic bag, about this big," he gestured with his hands. "It fits everything and it has everything in it and my bow and arrows."

Matt glanced up and saw an amused smile spreading across Graham's face. "Bow and arrows, Matt? Are you a hunter now? What sort of hunting are you doing on an alien ship?"

"No, no, no! Not on her ship! No that's only where I was the last few days!" Matt shook his head. "See she sent me back in time. Did you know there are dragons in England's distant history? I met a dragon. And me and her, we've been sort of living together and surviving and I'm trying to help her find her family. And she can change forms, yeah?" he babbled, his arms waving frantically as he spoke, a trademark of his energy and inability to be still. "If her human form is an equivalent to her age, she's only about five human years old. She's not at all dangerous- I mean she could be, I've seen her get dangerous, in her dragon form, to protect me, but I know, I know she would never hurt me and she trusts me, or at least she did, I don't know if she still does… I wouldn't trust me anymore, if I were her…"

Graham frowned. "That's just because you have a history of people leaving you. Here- into the tub you go," he said, his soft Irish accent flicking in and out of his words, making Matt smile a bit as Graham helped him into the warm water- one of the most glorious feelings he'd felt in months. "A little girl doesn't have that, she doesn't have enough years to have trust problems, I think she would still trust you."

"Yeah but- her family left her. So I think she does. That alone fucks up your ability to trust people," he muttered, flattening his palm and hitting it against the surface of the water, sending up a spray of bubbles and droplets. Graham dodged it and went about soaping up Matt's hair, something Matt would typically insist on doing himself, however in lieu of recent events, wasn't about to object anything that would keep him as close to Graham as possible.

"Well I think you're a very trustworthy person," Graham said with a hum, running his fingers through Matt's still choppy locks. "Can I ask something completely off topic here?"


"What the hell happened to your hair?"

Matt let out a keening whine through his nose. "Can we please make it brown again?"

"Yes, we can. But it's kind of uneven. I mean, it's not terrible. But it looks like a child cut it."

"Well I tried to cut it… but then the alien decided to fix it… and well… frankly I don't remember much about that whole ordeal…"

Graham chuckled. "Dom could probably fix you up decently. He's a bit better with those sorts of things. But luckily I've got a box of colour here. For my grey hairs."

"You don't have grey hair," Matt scoffed, eliciting a raised eyebrow from Graham. "Oh. I never noticed…I wanna see Dom," he said, switching subjects with a slight whine.

"You will, love, one thing at a time alright? Now what was this bag you were speaking of earlier?"

"Oh!" Matt cried, nearly bolting out of the tub. "I have to get that before they take the trash away!"

Graham gently pushed Matt back into the water. "They don't come to pick it up until Wednesday. We'll be fine. Here. Why don't you finish up here and I'll go get it."

Almost instantly Matt's hand clamped down over Graham's, a death grip that cut off his circulation and drew pricks of blood where Matt's nails dug in. "Matt- ow- babe- I'll be right back-" he said, trying to gently pry his hand out of Matt's grip. "I'm not leaving you. I'll be right in the other room. And then I'll be right back." Matt flushed, slowly loosening his grip on Graham's hand, reminding himself ashamedly that the only one who'd done any kind of leaving and would be doing any kind of leaving right now was himself. He quickly let himself slip completely under the water as Graham left the room and stayed there until he couldn't hold his breath any more, surfacing with a gasp. He scrubbed himself down quickly and was already out of the tub and drying off when Graham returned, holding up the pouch.

"You're planning on going back, aren't you?" Graham asked softly. "That's why you need this."

Matt toed at the floor with his long toes, pulling the towel tighter around himself. "I have to," he said.

Graham had set his expression to something somewhat neutral and was already pulling at the strings of the pouch. "You said your bow and arrows were in here. How?" The man peered inside. "There's no bow and arrow in here, Matt. Just some popcorn and a feather. Otherwise it's empty."

"What?" Matt asked, puzzled, taking the bag out of Graham's hands and peering inside it. It was empty except for some of Arianna's popcorn and a feather that had most certainly come from one of the arrows of his bow. But it was also no longer a magical bag. It was exactly the size it appeared on the outside. "It's cos I'm not in the right time. There's no magic here. Here it's just a regular bag. But there, it's endless and it holds everything I ever could need."

Graham only nodded and pulled Matt close into an embrace. And even after Matt tried to leave the embrace, this time it was Graham that held on tightly and wouldn't let go. Matt was puzzled only for a minute before he understood and relaxed into the embrace, letting Graham hold him. They stood like that for nearly ten minutes before Graham finally whispered, "Let's go fix your hair."
A few hours later Duncan was busy with his chores and life around the small cottage fell into its new routine. Orei was able to be up and about with the small child now and her husband Eric took to his duties of working the land to the side of the cottage. Arianna however didn't seem to have a job. She was too small to work and only seemed to get in the way as Duncan tried to show her how to help him with the goats but that failed and his snapping at her only resulted in more tears and scared animals.

Orei found some bits of wax from a small letter set and allowed Arianna to play with that and small smooth pebbles near the fire while she breast feed her new daughter. The fire was warm and the interior of their home was clean and quite. Humming softly Orei watched the little girl and smiled.

"What are you making over there Arianna?" Orei had taken to speaking to her verbally and no longer spoke to her inside her mind. She thought it best to try and get Arianna to be verbal as most humans were and it was a necessity of life.

Looking over at Orei Arianna held up a picture, but she did not reply. Her picture was crude but one could make out some sort of can or tube like object and a sac or bag.

Orei held the picture in one hand and studied it. "Arianna please tell me what this is." There was a moment between them and Orei repeated her request into Arianna's mind. But again she did not reply.

"I see. Well it's a very nice picture." Orei kept the picture and that made Arianna whimper.

"Oh you want it back? Tell me why you need it back and I will give it to you." Orei studied the child.

Arianna started to breathe heavily and tear up. She turned away from Orei and grabbed the pebbles she was given and gave them back then held her hand out for the paper.

"Alright that was wise Arianna but I'm not offering a trade. I asked you a question. Why do you need this back?" Orei waited for reply.

Arianna blinked and held the hem of her dress. Opening her mouth to speak she tried but no sound came out. Her tail started to form and peeked out from under her dress. It came around to her side and she held it. Orei could see it and sighed. "If you change on me little one you will no longer be welcome in my home. Now go find Duncan or my husband Eric maybe you can help them. I don't feel safe with you this way right now." Orei was weak after having her child and unable to deflect an attack from Arianna if she changed into her true form.

As luck would have it Eric came through the door with an arm load of wood. "Though it was time for more of this?" He blinked and stopped short when he caught sight of the two in their exchange. Dropping the wood he went to Arianna and scooped her up and hauled her outside without a word.

She started to kick and cry her tail got a bit longer but her grabbed it and shook her by her tiny shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "We will not be having any of that now will we?' He glared her down and she whimpered backing down immediately. He didn't let her or her tail go matter a fact her held her and hugged her.

"You're in pain I know lass I know. It's ok. It's alright now. Your father has you now. No one will hurt you. No one. And you won't be snapping at any of us now will you, no. I think not." He tapped her nose and kissed her cheek to make her laugh then tickled her. She giggled for the first time in days.
"I don't want you to go, Matt," Graham said quietly over dinner.

Matt jabbed his fork into his salad, saying nothing. It had been an eventful day. They were back from visiting his best friend Dom, who had fixed Matt's now naturally coloured hair. His hair was cropped shorter now than he usually wore it, but it would grow soon. Matt was already thinking ahead about being back in the woods, trekking to Teignmouth through nature, and hunting for food. His hair would stay out of his face longer. So this was probably better anyway.

But Dom hadn't been thinking about Matt going hunting either. Dom, who was a bit more accustomed to the alien's nuisances than Graham was, actually cried when he saw Matt, muttering something about thinking he'd never see him again, that she'd never taken him for so long and everyone'd thought he was dead.

For the first time since coming back, Matt realized how that had affected the people who cared for him, as few as they were. Of course Gaga wouldn't have actually bothered communicating with Graham or Dom. Dom could only guess where Matt might be, based only on past experiences. But even without the alien's frequent abductions of Matt, Matt was inclined to disappear on his own, without the help of an extra-terrestrial being. Emotional trauma, heartbreak, betrayal, all things that could shut Matt down and cause him to disappear for days or even weeks without a word and often returning without much memory as to how he'd gotten to wherever he was or how long he'd been gone. These were all things that worried Dom. But Matt had returned with a purpose: to get back to Arianna. Dom was relieved to find that Matt seemed mentally healthy and had a determination he hadn't seen in his friend in quite some time.

However it still stood that the band had been dismantled at Matt's disappearance. His friends missed him. And his boyfriend missed him. And what was to be done about that? The band had all fallen on Dom's shoulders. That problem had been solved. But it no longer seemed to be a concern of Matt's, or at least not currently. That was a shame, because Matt was incredibly talented.

"How are you even going to get back?" Graham prodded. He wouldn't let Matt not talk about the massive elephant in the room.

"I've got a plan. I'll talk to him. He's got to help me. He will. If there's a little girl involved, he'll help. I know he will."



"Do you know how long you've been gone?"

"It's been a week! She probably thinks I've abandoned her! I've got to get back!"

Graham sighed and ran a hand through his curls. "No Matt. From here. Gone from here. You've been gone for four months. And based on what you've told me, you only ended up back here on accident. If you go back there, how do I know you're going to come back ever again?"

"I'll find a way back…. I'll get back."

"But after how long? Matt this is too hard. I- I'd like to come with you."

Almost instantly, water was spilling into Matt's lap from where he'd knocked his glass over. Paying no heed to the glass, it rolled and crashed to the floor in shards. He ignored all of this and jumped up from his chair. "Really??" he cried, excitedly. "You'd come with me?"

"Matt, the water-" Graham said, pointing, but Matt was already scrambling around the table and hugging Graham tightly.

"You can meet Arianna!" Matt babbled excitedly. "Oh you'll love her she's so sweet. And there's this boy, Duncan, I swear he's a distant relative; he's really like me, what I was like when I was younger, y'know? Oh. I wish I could look that up but no time. And there's Orei and she's got magical powers. She's been pretty helpful. She's pregnant though. Oh. I wonder if she had her baby?" Matt tugged at Graham's hand. "Let's go! Let's go!"

Graham seemed startled, but chuckled softly. "Slow down there, mate. You're going to finish eating first. And change your clothes because now you're all wet. And I've got to make some phone calls-"

"We'll catch the red-eye to London!" Matt interrupted. "And go find him!"

"Are you sure you're ready for that?" Graham asked, gently guiding Matt back to his seat and forcing him to sit down. He handed the smaller man his fork and then went to the sink to grab a towel. Carefully he mopped up the spilled water and picked up the shards of glass.

"Well I've got to be, haven't I? I don't have a choice," Matt said with determination as he watched Graham. "Arianna's too important to let personal grudges keep me from getting back to her."

"Alright, if you're sure."
That night Arianna found herself in Eric's lap having her hair brushed. She was calm and clean after a long day of being with Duncan on the farm. Her little outburst with Orei was over but not forgotten. Once Arianna was put to bed Orei took the picture she drew to her husband and asked him about it. It wasn't something that she thought should be ignored. She couldn't let the feeling go that Matt just didn't leave Arianna with them by choice. Something was different about her all together and inside her heart she felt the need to know more.

"Darling." Her voice carried over to him as he covered Arianna and Duncan up. Turning to face her he smiled and kissed her lips tenderly.

"Yes my love? Are you feeling well?" Nodding to him and touched that he was concerned she handed him the picture.

"Arianna drew this. What do you think it is? I wasn't able to make out what she was doing. She refused to answer me when I asked her about it. It feel she is hiding something from me and I don't like that she hasn't spoken to either of us. Has she spoken to you?"

Her husband only looked at her and took the paper. "Orei dear you worry far too much. She is only a child. A very small one that has lost her family not once but twice. She lost her mother and her father. Would you be one to speak there after?" Eric kissed her temple as she sighed and nodded in agreement. He always knew the right things to say.

Eric held the sheet and looked it over. "Orei dear there is nothing here but bits of red and gray. Something red or is that brown. I can't tell in this light." He turned it around and then back making her giggle. She held it for him again.

"Like this."

"Oh, yes I see now." He smiled as she turned and went towards their room to check on the baby. "Eric, I have to feed the baby now just look it over alright."

He nodded and held the paper. "It's just drawings a child makes Orei." He called to her just as the door closed. With a sigh he looked it again and then to Arianna. "You will speak when you have something to say. You will. I hope."
The clock on the bank tower down the block read 4:04 when Matt knocked on the door. He and Graham stood on the stoop of a modern but classically built flat on the north side of London. A street lamp flickered, and there was a soft pattering of rain on the street, but other than that, all was silent. Matt pounded the door again with a demanding force, while on the stoop he hopped from foot to foot, nervous. Graham looped an arm around his waist, pulling him close.

Another few seconds passed and Matt and Graham could hear footsteps on the other side of the door. Finally the heavy door opened and Matt was face to face with an older version of himself. The older Matt blinked sleepily, his hair standing on end before he realized who was at his door. He straightened immediately and glared down at the small man with obvious distaste.

Matt could never quite get used to seeing the older version of himself. He was the same, but not. This Matt had a cockier attitude and was more possessive. Nor was he nearly as hyperactive as Matt could be. Physically he looked nearly the same. A bit more weight filled him in so he wasn't nearly the unhealthy scrawniness that Matt was, and around his eyes the eyelids drooped a bit, where Matt's were still wide and young. Regardless of all of this, the distaste that the older Matt glared down with was mirrored on the younger versions face as they stared at each other.

And then the door slammed in Matt's face.

Graham chewed nervously at his lip as Matt pounded on the door again. "Open up you fucking wanker! I need your help!" He pounded again. "Please…" his voice took on an almost begging tone. There was silence. No response. He pounded again. "Please..." he repeated. "Matt!" The door opened again and there stood the other Matt, still with a mask of disfavour on his face.

"Believe me when I say that being woken up at four in the morning is incredibly unpleasant. But being woken up at four in the morning by you of all people is about as pleasant as being hit by a car. Wanna tell me where the fuck you've disappeared off to for the last four months? Leaving your best friend behind when he needed you?"

Matt grabbed Graham's hand and tried to push his way into the apartment. The door started to close again, but Graham put his strong arm against it. The older Matt noticed him for the first time.

"Who's this guy? Your body guard?"

"This is my boyfriend, Graham."

The other Matt simply nodded at Graham in greeting. There was nothing threatening about Graham, though physically he was a good thirteen centimetres taller than both men and much more muscular. Graham was gentle natured, though his beard and curly hair could give him a bit of a lumberjack appearance. He nodded back at the other Matt but didn't say anything.

"Can we come in, please?" Matt asked. The other Matt let the door swing open and Matt and Graham entered. The apartment was modestly decorated. Dark wood and dimly lit, it was homey but masculine. Matt didn't bother taking his shoes off or sitting down. He stood in the hallway and stared at the other Matt, his arms folded across his chest.

"Well? Are you going to explain?" The other Matt asked.

"Let's make this brief. I need to use your phone."

"Yeah we're not going to be making anything brief if that's your request," the other Matt said, leading the way into the sitting room. Graham followed but Matt dug his heels into the ground.

"Come on, Matt, you can do this," Graham whispered into Matt's ear as he stepped closer and helped push Matt into the living room. Matt entered the living room and picked the spot on the leather couch that was farthest away from Matt. He pulled his knees up to his chest, making himself as small as possible. Graham sat next to him, and offered his hand, but Matt shook his head. Across the room, the other Matt gave an exasperated sigh.

"I have to get back to a little girl…" Matt began. Never mind that the little girl was also a dragon. Matt had seen the way he'd reacted to the alien. He didn't need any more of Matt's shit for unbelievable stories. "She needs me. I'm like… I'm like her dad. That's all I'm asking. That you help me get back to her. And that Graham come with." He began to babble again. "I'd be out of your hair. You don't have to worry about how embarrassing I am to you or how stupid or whatever. She's really important. More important than… than anything I've known here… maybe. I don't know. Please."

The other Matt cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair. Then stood up. He paced a bit. "I'd really like to speak with him alone, if you don't mind," he addressed Graham. Matt made a keening whining noise in his throat and Graham glanced over at him.

"I'll just be in the other room, babe. You'll be fine."

"For Christ sake," the other Matt muttered. Both Matt and Graham glanced over at him. Graham stood up and left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

Once he was sure Graham was out of earshot, the older Matt launched. "You act as if I'm some scary monster. I'm you for fucks sake!"

Matt could feel himself sinking into the couch cushions, pushing himself further into the corner of the arm and the back. He was barely peeping over his knees. Words had already escaped him. He didn't know how to respond. So he didn't.

"Really? You're going to pull this shit again? You're a waste of my time. Forget it. Get out of my flat."

"No- Please- I'm asking for help here. There is a little girl and she needs me," Matt said, sitting up a bit.

"I can't imagine anyone needing you," the other Matt muttered under his breath, though Matt heard it and a pained expression crossed his face. "Your best friend needs you too, you know."

"I- I know but. But I talked to him. He thinks I should go. He sees this is important. And… and it's not like I'd be there forever. I don't think…So I'll see him again…"

"You're a dick for leaving Dom without any word, you know that? Do you have any idea how ripped up he is about you leaving? You're such a stupid little shit. I don't know why I should help you. I really don't think I should help you at all."

"It's not for me!" Matt said, rising to his feet. "It's for a little girl! A little girl and the only chance I'll probably ever get to be a father. I care about that little girl and right now she's probably losing her ability to trust anyone every single day that I'm gone. Please don't let that happen! Not to a child! I love her!" Matt's hands had gone cold and shaking, and he clenches his fists.

The other man gave Matt a strange expression. "Never thought of you as the father type. Cunting hell it's like a child raising a child."

Matt couldn't respond at first. Finally he said quietly, "Can you please spare the insults?"

The older man sighed. "So you want to be a father? So there is a bit in it for you."

"Fine! Maybe it is! But why is that so wrong?? Please! Please… you've taken everything else I've loved away from me… please let me just have this. It doesn't affect you…"

A frustrated growl. "I didn't take-! They chose! Agh. Fine. Fine. But you can't have my phone! I'll take you there and drop you off. And I can only take one. I can't take both of you. And you are on your own for getting back, got it? I am not going to go play hide and seek baby Matty for you to get back."

Matt froze, the blood draining from his face. "You can only take one?" he asked in a small voice. His eyes darted wildly around the room as he thought fast. Then suddenly he brightened with a renewed energy. "No! You can take both of us! Just take me, then come back and get him. You can do that, right??"

"Alright, geez, calm down. Where is it you need to go?"

Matt toed at the carpet. "Uhm… Fifteen thirty four," he muttered.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Fifteen thirty four," Matt repeated, a bit clearer.

"As in the year, fifteen thirty four?"

Matt nodded.

"Are you fucking crazy??" the older Matt screeched, slamming his hand down on the table. "You are fucking mental. You are mental. You are- No. No. I am not doing that. No. Not even I have gone that far back. Do you have any idea the repercussions of traveling that far back? That is so fucking illegal- I thought you were against the time traveling anyway. How in the fuck did you get to fifteen fucking thirty four?"

Matt was already shrinking back again. "The alien..." he whispered.

"For fucks sake," the other man muttered again.

"So you won' t do it then?" Matt asked his voice still a whisper and his eyes wide.

"No! And don't you fucking cry!"

But Matt was crying and the older Matt was leaving the room. Immediately Graham rushed in, saw Matt in tears and scooped him up in a hug. "We'll find another way, love. We'll get you to her."

"How??" Matt wailed full of hopelessness. "I don't even have a way to tell her I'm not giving up on her!"

Graham pulled Matt closer and stroked his hair. "She's really important to you isn't she?" This brought on new wave of tears. "No, love, come on, tears don't get us anywhere." Graham glanced up. "We should probably get out of his flat.. c'mon let's go." Gently he pushed on Matt's shoulder, turning him around and guiding him out of the room. They were making their way down the stoop when Matt called out to them from behind.

"I'll help you."

Matt spun around so fast he nearly twisted his ankle. "You will?"

"Yes. Now get your arses in here before I change my mind."

Matt hadn't stopped crying, but his tears turned from upset to grateful. He didn't even bother with masking it at all with his long held grudge.

"Stop being an emotional twat, it's irritating."

"Thank you," Matt sobbed. "I promise I'll never daydream about kicking your head off ever again."

"Please. Save the sentiments. Let's just do this and get it over with. Come here, grab my arm."

Matt did as asked and waited, wiping his running nose on his sleeve while he watched Matt key something into his phone. He smiled a watery smile at Graham. "I'll see you really soon, yeah?"

Graham returned the smile. "See you soon, love."

There was a dizzying moment where everything in the room spun. Matt had given no warning about the thing starting but the next thing both Matt's landed in the same exact place but 478 years earlier. The older Matt landed with the grace of experience while the younger fell ungracefully to his bum. He was dizzy from the distance traveled.

"You right there?" the older Matt asked, looking down at him. "That one even made me a bit nauseous. I've never traveled this far. I wasn't sure what to expect. I'll go get your boyfriend now. Wouldn't have pegged him as your type. He's an awful lot different from Dom, isn't he?"

Matt felt the heat in his cheeks instantly as the burning hatred flared up again. "Fuck you," he muttered, standing up.

The other Matt chuckled and Matt lunged toward him, ready to hit the older man but he vanished before Matt could reach him. Instead Matt kicked the nearby building. So he had been dropped off in North London. Which was not where he needed to be at all. It was still a fairly bustling city for this time period. At least Matt could presume. The sun was just coming up and the people in the village he was in were beginning to start their day by taking care of the animals. Matt found a spot behind a small shop and sat down to wait for Graham. While he waited he pulled the map out of his pouch (which was now back to normal and he was pleasantly surprised) and studied it while daydreaming about kicking the other Matt's head off.
Arianna woke up before everyone else and climbed down out of bed. She looked around the small home. Duncan was sleeping sound and felt nothing of her leaving his side. The fire had burned down real low and the room had gotten colder. Shivering a bit she got closer to it and tugged a blanket around her that she found on a chair. It made a little noise as it dragged across the floor and snagged on the table legs and then pulled chairs around causing them to make even more noise. This woke Eric. He came from the bedroom with his large knife worried someone had gotten into their cottage.

"Who's there?" gripping the knife he looked around the room and spied the lump near the fireplace.

"Arianna?" she spun around to see him coming towards her. The embers of the fire made it nice and warm so she didn't move.

"I was worried someone got in here. Are you alright?" He stood over her and looked around just to be sure no one else was there. Then his gaze returned to her.

"Now than why are you the only one awake?" he reached down to pick her up but she inched away from him. This was a shock. Caught off guard he simply sat nearby and watched the flames and added a log.

"Alright than I'll sit here all alone and cold, ok." He worked that angle and it started to work. Arianna got up and went towards him with the blanket dragging behind her. He sat still and let her try to cover him up. As Eric sat there he noticed her tail was out and her nightdress was torn at her back. Tiny wings were poking out. She looked tired and her hair was really messed up.

Rubbing her eyes she started towards the fire but he tugged her back. "Oi, your wings are showing love. What's wrong and I need words. Real ones. Orei tells me that you can speak. Now speak. Either into here or here I don't care but I need them now." He pointed to his head and then his ears. Arianna sighed and turned her head back to the fire. Eric wasn't backing down.

"Now love." He told her again and turned her head back to face him.

"What's going on?" Her tail was peeking out from under her nightdress as well. Now he was getting worried. "Arianna you must tell me what's bothering you? You cannot change your form now. You cannot you hear." He looked at her and nearly growled the last words.
Covering her face she started to cry. The sound off fabric ripping filled the air and Eric jumped up with the child in his arms. "Stop I said." He felt more weight in his arms and made for the door.

He had just made it to the center of the yard when he lost his grip on her and nearly dropped her. Arianna slipped down and landed on all four legs. She was in her full feral form. Cowering before him with her tail wrapped around legs. He let out a heavy sigh and shook his head.

"Now why did you change? Why? You were perfectly fine as a human child. No one will bother you that way. Like this… like this they will try and kill you now stop that mess and come on back inside. And I mean now I'm cold." He looked at her and pointed to the house.

"Well!" he snapped.

"Fly." She said softly into his mind. It was the only word she had spoken since Matt left. This took Eric by surprise and he just stood there and looked at her.

"You mean to tell me you can fly?" Arianna nodded but only a little and Eric approached her. He pet her head and she lowered more.

"Lass you can't fly now. I don't know about these sorts of things. I do know that if you are seen they will hunt you and kill your kind. Now please come inside."

Arianna jerked away from him and cried out "FLY!" beating her wings hard she tried to take off but within the small yard and near the house her wings couldn't expand enough she didn't have a running start and it had been too long since she had last flown. Too many things lead up to the inevitable and that was her crashing into the small thicket across the yard.

A mighty crash it was and Eric ran to her aid. Duncan woke to the noise and came running out too. Orei was up now and the baby was crying.

"What happened?" Duncan came running over as Eric pulled the twigs and branches off Arianna. In the fall she had turned back into a little girl.

"Fetch the doctor Duncan, Arianna is hurt." Eric Scooped up the child and carried her inside. Orei went to him and could see that Arianna was hurt.

"What happened?" Eric was in a rage. He was mad for so many reasons but most of all because he understood her passion to be who she was and also feared for her life.

"She wanted to fly. She wants to be who she really is. I tried to stop her. This is my fault but it's also that man's fault. That man that called himself her father. He did this. Orei he best not ever come back here you hear me. Never. She has suffered far too much. Too much. She is safe with us. Safe as one of us. None of this flying. None of it. They hunt and kill dragons. I've seen it. I won't let her be killed. I won't."
Too much time had passed. Judging by the position of the sun it was now nearly nine am, at least from what Matt could tell. He'd gone over the map once, twice, three times now. He knew exactly where they needed to go. He just needed Graham to get here. But Graham wasn't here and Matt was starting to pace. By the time two hours had passed, Matt was starting to wonder if Graham had had second thoughts about joining him. After three hours, he wondered if Graham had gotten seduced by the other Matt just as everyone else Matt ever loved did. After four hours Matt had become an unrecognizable mess. He'd been wrong to trust Graham. Graham didn't actually love him. He was unlovable and that's why everyone left him. The only one who ever cared for him was Arianna. He knew he needed to get back to her. But he was scared to move in case Graham actually showed up. As darkness fell, he knew he had to move on. He succombed to spending the night where he was, and leaving in the morning. Deeply depressed, he shuffled into the stable attached to the shop and burrowed himself in the straw, barely caring if he was spotted or if a horse stomped him to death.

He was woken by someone softly calling his name. At first he'd thought he'd dreamed it. But after laying awake and listening for a while, he was very sure that he had heard right. He scrambled out of the straw, startling a horse who whinnied loudly. He made a mad dash out of the stable and there in the moonlight Graham was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Matt collided with the man, knocking him down into the dirt and clung on for dear life, crying and sniffling.

Graham held him for a few moments and stroked his hair, shushing him. "You went and got yourself stuck in your head again, didn't you?" he murmured.

"What happened? Why did it take so long?" Matt asked desperately.

"It wasn't much really," Graham said with a chuckle. "He hadn't even expected it. I guess travelling that far killed the phone's battery. We had to wait for it to recharge. He's got a really powerful battery in there too. So it took some time."

Matt sniffed. "Oh. Is that all?"

"Yes. That's all. I suppose you thought I didn't love you anymore...?" Matt nodded and Graham sighed. "I'll get you to trust me yet. And I couldn't fall for that guy. He's too shady and he treats you like shit."

Matt was making happy noises now and snuggling into Graham's side. Graham laughed. "Hey. Let's get off the ground,yeah? We're right out in the open... and I doubt we're in a time period where this is acceptable," he pointed out.

"This?" Matt asked.

"Us, Matt. I think we'll have to be careful. We don't want to have come all this way just to get lynched for being who we are."

"Oh," Matt said, pulling away from Graham. "Alright. Let's get going then. The dark will be easier to travel in. No one is out and we can use the stars guide us," He glanced up at the sky, then pulled out his map again. "We're right here," he said pointing at the map in the moonlight. "We have to go here. This is where Arianna is," he said, pointing to a spot that was near the modern day town of Petworth, an unnotable town that neither had ever been to. On the map it wasn't even marked but there were roads that converged at it, so it wouldn't be hard to find. Only a lot of walking. Matt estimated about sixty miles.

"That's a long walk," Graham said. Let's get moving. Maybe we can get there by nightfall tomorrow if we're lucky."

Matt was grateful for Graham's good spirit and for not complaining. He was only too eager to get to Arianna. They were out of the much smaller London area within about 20 minutes, though they were held up by a guard who questioned them. Matt told them they were heading to Southhampton and he crossed his fingers that it was called that even now. It didn't seem to be a problem though the guard asked him where he was from because he 'talked funny and dressed strangly'. This was always a sensitive subject for Matt because he had a speech impediment as it was. "I'm fwom Devon originally," he told the guard coldly.

Graham chuckled once they were out of earshot of the guard. "He wasn't making fun of you, love, he was just genuinely curious." But Matt remained in a silent huff for another five miles. Graham broke the silence by telling Matt how proud he was of him for his map reading skills. This put Matt in a much better mood.t

After fifteen miles of trekking they were starting to get hungry. Matt pulled some food out of his pouch- some of Arianna's popcorn and some dried meat. It wasn't much but it held then over until they reached a pub another two miles down the road. They stopped and ate. Matt paid with money from his pouch though he got strange looks when he didn't know how much he needed to pay. He fumbled with the coins awkwardly, unfamiliar with the old currency. The bartender seemed impressed with the amount he eventually put down so Matt realized he'd probably put down too much but he shrugged it off.

The temperature began to drop as they continued southward. Matt was shivering uncontrollably after about an hour. Graham began shivering soon afterwards. Matt was determined to keep moving and they walked another mile before Graham insisted they stop and warm up with a fire. Finally Matt relented and impressed Graham yet again for being able to gather wood and build a fire with only flint and steel, despite his shaking hands. The pair huddled close around the fire as night fell and Matt complained because they hadn't gone far enough before nightfall. After Matt fell asleep he dug in Matt's pouch looking for a blanket to keep the shivering man warm. Matt didn't have nearly enough body fat to fight the cold as Graham did. He found a woolen blanket in the pouch (it's magical size baffling him) and covered Matt with it, then slipped under next to him. Their two bodies together under the blanket warmed then both up so in the morning they were ready to travel again.

Matt took some time to hunt down a rabbit for them to share over the fire for breakfast. Graham was fascinated with his capability in the area of hunting. "You do very well here," he praised and Matt beamed proudly.

After eating they continued on their way. Matt shot another rabbit just for Arianna and carried it on his belt. He started to get cold again and Graham insisted they stop but they only had 10 miles left and Matt refused. By the time they reached the familiar Amber Stone village Matt had lost feeling in his hands and feet. Graham was shivering considerably, but he was using his own hands to try and warm Matt's icy ones. It was nightfall again when they knocked on the door of Orei's, Eric's and Duncan's residence and they were both very cold and very hungry.
The lights in the small windows flickered with movement as heavy footsteps came towards the door. With a heavy tug the door moved just enough for Eric to look out. "Yes? Who are you and why are you calling upon my home this late?" His voice sounded gruff and tired.

He had yet to open the door enough to get a full view of the men but with his family inside Eric took no chances. He had many to protect. "Who is it father?" Duncan called.

"Mind your meal Duncan. Help you mother to the baby is crying." He called back over his shoulder.

"What I ask again of you. Why are you here? You're not of this village of this I know." In his massive fist rest his ax that he kept near the door. It was large and sharp. It was at the ready for far more than just chopping wood.

The warm air floated out the slim crack and laced within it were creamy scents of a thick stew made for dinner along with hearty bread fresh baked. All hearty and warm for the time of year. "Duncan would you please feed her!" Eric called over his shoulder once more.

"I'm trying she won't eat father and mum has the baby. Please stop shouting at me. I'm doing the best I can. Arianna please." Duncan's voice was but a whimper as the man started to close the door.

"We have no room for guest and the barn is too small. Try down the road." The door started to close as the noise in the small cottage started again with crying of a child.
Though his limbs ached and he was weak from hunger, Matthew wrapped his long fingers around the edge of the doorframe to prevent the other man from closing it, his fingernails blue from the cold. He met the larger man's eyes with a determined intensity.

"I'm Matt," he explained. "This is Graham. Look, I know you don't know who I am. And I'm not here to ask for food or a place to sleep. I only ask to please see Arianna. I know she's here. She's my friend. A very important friend. Duncan and Orei, they know me, they know who I am. Please. Please."

Though he and Graham desperately needed to warm up and the smell of the stew caused both of their stomachs to growl, Matt knew it was too much to ask to stay. Their small cottage was full, it seemed. He and Graham would need to take care of themselves, this he was sure. But in this moment, Arianna was more important than anything else. She had to know that he was here for her again. She had to know he wasn't giving up on her, hadn't abandoned her.

Matt tugged at the door again, trying to open it wider, trying to catch a glimpse of the little girl he was here for. He was well aware of the axe in the other man's hands but even the danger of being hurt by it was clouded by his need to see Arianna. His eyes met the other man's again. "Please," he repeated. "You don't even need to let me in. Let me see the little girl. She is like a daughter to me."
"So you're the one!" Eric bellowed and pushed Matt back and out of the way. He shoved both men back and slammed the door behind him as he stepped out into the night with them. His arms folded across his chest. "You have come back have you? Brought a stronger man to come and fight for in your place as well?" Eric's temper was being tested and he was trying to control it.

Duncan opened the door and looked out. "Father, Arianna won't stop crying she…" Duncan was about to say more when his eyes fell upon Matt and he gasped.

"What? Where have you been? I thought you left us. You left Arianna, why?" Duncan's voice was going up as well. The night air was rippling with a fresh chill as Eric pushed his son back inside and shut the door.

He turned back to the men and glared at them. "Are you her father than? Where is her mother? Did you leave her in Teignmouth?" Eric looked at the two men and shifted his weight. He held onto his ax with his arms crossed and waited for them to say something but the door opened again and he turned around to yell at Duncan but it was Arianna's tiny face that peeked out.

"Duncan I… Oh Arianna why are you." He turned to opened the door a little more of her since she was having trouble with it on her own. Her little face was tear stained and she was still sniffling. He wasn't sure what to say as she stood there and looked at the three of them. The cold air hit her and she started to shiver.

"Come back inside!" Duncan shouted at her from within but Eric put his hand up to him and he was instantly silent.

"Arianna is this man your father." Eric asked her softly. He looked from the child to the men and then only at Matt. He didn't care that it was cold and they both looked like they were nearly turned to ice. He was angry and worried. He had his family to protect and this young child that was now like his own.

Arianna looked up at Matt and blinked. Tears rolled down her face as she tried to think clearly. Her right arm was wrapped up in a bandage and it was blood stained. Moving her arm to wipe her nose with her sleeve made her wince and Eric scooped her up.

"Don't be doing that now." She clung to him and looked at her arm. "It will heal in time. Don't move it to much alright." He rubbed her back as she sniffled and cried softly. Arianna looked at Matt and tried to keep her eyes open but she was so tired. Behind them Orei walked up with her infant and blushed. "Matt! Oh your back. Oh darling let them in, please please let them inside it's so very very cold. Duncan fetch some blankets hurry."

Eric looked at his wife. "Orei, he left his daughter and…." He wanted to be mad and to possibly beat someone over the head but his wife was taking that from him. Deflated he stepped to one side with Arianna in his arms.

"My wife wishes you to come in. I however will not hand over this child until I know you are truly who you claim to be and will act as a man should."
The man was big, bigger than Graham even, and he had a temper that burned hot. He waved an axe around while Matt stood empty handed. He stepped back from the man, his blue eyes looking up at the man with respect, but also fear. Instinctively, Matt move closer to Graham, but Graham pushed him away. Hurt by this, Matt looked to Graham, searching his face. He was confused but returned his attention to the other man.

"I'm not her father," he said quietly through chattering teeth. "And I've never claimed to be… but she is very important to me, like a daughter-" It was then that Duncan came out. And he looked at Matt and spoke to Matt with so much betrayal. Matt suddenly felt very alone. Graham had pushed him away, and this man who was Duncan's father was clearly incredibly angry with him, and now even Duncan was feeling betrayed by him. He felt surrounded by hatred and he desired deeply to shrink into himself, to turn now and run to the only other place he could really know as home here, Arianna's cave. However, he knew that he had to stand tall and strong, for Arianna. He had to prove that he was an able caregiver to a young girl. Running away would prove the opposite, especially in this place where such traditional values held strong. But when Arianna emerged from the cottage, Matt's resolve broke. Her tears caused a tightening in his chest, a pain and a longing to comfort her and tears sprang to his own eyes, despite his efforts to quell them. "Arianna!" he cried

Oh how badly I've hurt you, little girl. My little girl. My little Arianna.

Matt could feel his throat tighten against the tears that threatened to fall, and the cords in his neck stood prominent with the strain of the action. He swallowed once, twice, three times as he watched Arianna go to the other man. Her arm was bandaged and he could see the blood had soaked through the cloth. "She's hurt!" he said, his voice weak with the effort to hold back his tears and the cold. "How did she get hurt?" His eyes became frantic and he rushed towards her, towards the man. Graham grabbed him from behind, holding him back and again Matt was confused and didn't understand.

When Orei emerged from the house, her face was kind and Matt felt he had an ally for the first time since he'd arrived. He saw that she carried and infant and was glad to know she had survived the labour process. He knew how deadly it could be in these old days. And Orei was far too gentle of a soul for death by birth of new life. Matt could not keep his eyes off of Arianna for very long though. He longed to approach her, to hold her hand or caress her face, but the large man would never let him get close, of this he was certain.

She has been in protective, safe hands, be grateful for that, Matthew he told himself. Then the sad realization, they can probably offer a better home and family for her than I could.

Suddenly the weight of it, his physical exertions and the cold exhausted him. He offered a warm smile at Orei, or at least he attempted to through chattering teeth. His eyes were sad and his eyelids drooped with fatigue. Quietly, with a hushed "Thank you" he and Graham edged their way around the large man and into the cottage, making their way immediately to the fire.
Orei gave her infant to Duncan and he took his little sister with great care. His eyes never left Matt and Graham. He was mad and hurt. "So where have you been. She was crying all the time and…" Eric raised his hand and Duncan hushed instantly. Huffing and turning his back Duncan went to his bed and sat down with the sleeping baby in his arms. Orei was the only one that was smiling. Eric held Arianna. Rubbing her back and whispering to her softly he carried her to the table setting her upon it and in better light.

"Now than have you been playing with it? I told you not too. It needs to heal. This will be your wing once more but not if you won't let it heal you understand." She nodded to him and he kissed her cheek and stood up to address Matt and Graham.

"She hurt herself when she tried to fly." Going to the fire Eric set to the task of making it a larger and turning the kettle to warm water for everyone to have tea and to clean Arianna's bandage.

Orei came around with blankets for Matt and Graham. "Here you are Matt, now who is this? Please have a seat both of you. You must have come from very far. You have been dearly missed by everyone." When she spoke she looked at her husband and he remained silent. Duncan was mad but he watched the adults and listened carefully.

Arianna looked at Matt and then Graham. She sniffled and went to use her sleeve as a tissue again. Since Eric was busy he wasn't there to tell her no and she did it anyway. It hurt and she whimpered. It made her cry all over again. She was closer to Graham. Fresh dots of blood started to spot her bandage from her movements.
Matt was very quiet. He accepted the blanket from Orei gratefully and wrapped it around his shivering shoulders, moving closer to the fire and staring into it for a long time. He took his time answering anyone's questions- long enough to make people wonder if he was going to answer at all, or if he had fallen asleep with his eyes open.

For one, he did not know how to answer the big question, where he had been. How does one explain that an alien kidnapped you and threw you into the future? It was hardly believable and it sounded like he was making a farfetched excuse, like the dog ate my homework. On top of that, Matt's warnings about stronger future repercussions the further one went back in time rang loudly in his mind. A story about alien kidnappings and time travel would not bode well in this situation. And really there was no excuse for anyone to leave a child. He had misjudged the alien's intentions, he had let his guard down around her and he should know better by now to never do that. He let her get away with far too much, even when she was just mindlessly harassing him.

On the other note, he knew that he would not have to worry about the alien now for a very long time. She had probably gone off to her home planet to sob her heart out to her mother- again. And upon returning, she would think that he was still in the present. It would take her ages to stop looking for him and finally ask Dom where he might be, if she even did that. Which he was sure she would, eventually. But the good news was, she would be out of their hair for a very long time, if that could be the only light of the situation he could make, so be it.

Graham had watched Matt carefully through this, however he was a quiet man and he spoke only when spoken to or if he had something important to say. Graham was an observer. Noticing that Matt had clocked out for the time being, he quietly introduced himself to Orei, holding out a strong hand to shake. "I'm Graham. I'm a friend of Matt's," he explained and settled back down by the fire. Matt began to instinctively scoot closer to him, probably for warmth and he put a firm hand against his bony shoulder to stop him. Physical closeness was not something seen as normal between two men in these days. He knew he was going to have to continuously stop Matt from this because he didn't understand. Matt shot him another hurt look and Graham knew that as soon as they had a moment alone, he would have to explain what he was doing, as it was, Graham gave him a warning glance and a slight shake of the head.

Graham had quickly figured out who Arianna was, and watched her. She kept sniffling and every time she moved to wipe her nose, she opened up the wounds on her arm. Graham reached into his pocket and extracted a handkerchief, and approached the little girl carefully. He held the cloth in front of her nose and said quietly, "Blow." When he turned to look back at Matt, he saw that Matt was watching them.

Matt remained silent though, and Graham began to worry that there was more than just an emotional clock out. He worried if Matt was ill from the cold. Just when he was about to check however, Matt asked Orei about her infant.

"What's her name?"
Blushing from the question Orei turned to Matt and looked at him then away and towards Duncan. She went to him and took her baby. "Duncan love go on to bed. You've done enough for tonight. Get some sleep." He kissed her cheek and went to wash up. Orei returned with the baby and went to sit next to Matt.

"Well she doesn't have a name yet. I've waited for your return before I could name her. Something told me to wait. So we have waited. Eric, my husband has been worried that if too much time pasted evil would be fall this home or upon anyone of us but we are well. I've made sure of it. I have however had no control over poor Arianna. I cannot protect her. I'm sorry." Her gaze went over to Graham and Arianna.

"Would you like to name her?" Orei looked at Matt and smiled. "She needs a name. I'd be honored if you were the one that named her. You have been so kind to us and came back. That means the world to Arianna, I know it does. She is little and has no understanding right now. She can't grasp the big things in life you understand what I'm trying to say don't you? You know she hasn't spoken since you left. Not to me or Duncan. She did draw something. I have it here."

Orei picked up the piece of paper that was on the mantel and gave it to Matt. It was Arianna's little drawing made with old bits of wax. A gray object and a reddish brown one that looked like a small bag or sac. "I haven't been able to make out what it was or is. I asked her to tell me and she refused. I'm not sure if she spoke to Eric. I can ask him."

While Orei spoke with Matt, Arianna did as Graham told her and her sniffling stopped. Eric started to unwrap some clean bandages and line them up to clean and rewrap Arianna's arm. She watched him and looked scared. She started to play with the hem of her dress.
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