Ω Omega Squad Ω

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@Kaykay It looks a lot better than before. For her Sai, you don't need to say that they draw energy as much as they draw heat. A few minor details I want to hammer out: how good is she at English? For instance, you say she isn't that good, but she is proficient. I'm not for sure what you mean.

Anyway, you have the right outline as it is now. She is basically acceptable. What I would like to see is a better transition from Japanese immigrant to thief to mobster. I feel like you just wrote it through some, which is fine since it was a rewrite and you were testing the water, and I would like to see more detail and more development. Maybe an extra paragraph or so would be good, a little rewrite here and there. Make it a bit darker, grittier, really take advantage of the Mafia of the 1920's. Drug trade, bootlegging, human trafficking, murder, black mail, racketeering, major theft, black market goods, and probably extortion for the most part. Anything to make it feel less general. Lastly, if you could up her age by 2-5 years, it would be immensely more believable.
Okay, I'll change the wording on the Sai. After the age upping, she'd have been in America for 8 years, though almost all of it would be spent in a gang or on the streets. I'm not sure how to exactly pinpoint how good one is at a language, but I'd say she can speak and understand it at a basic level. She'd get, like, a 550 on the SAT. Or something. By this point she has no problem with comprehension, but if you made a complex sentence or used too many words that sound similar she'd get confused. Can't think of an example of the top of my head but I hope that's clearer.

Alright. Since it's more or less right now I'll try to fill it in better.
I'm still working through all the materials in the OP and skimming the other characters and I wouldn't be able to get anything up seriously until tonight, but is there still room open in the squad? This sounds like a remarkably well thought-out and interesting idea.
@Zabby The roleplay is still open. You could alter the colors if you like; for example, you could use purple, orange, teal, etc. Just don't be using white, silver, black, gold, etc.; but yes, there are two spots open, and they would be traditionally blue and pink.

@Kaykay Just give me the heads up as to when you want another review.
@Kaykay Just give me the heads up as to when you want another review.
Dunno how gritty mine is or how gritty you want it but I think it might be okay now.
@Prince I'm currently working on a character concept. Hopefully I'll get it done in the next couple of hours, but I can never tell with these things. Do you want me to post it here or PM it to you?
Posting my character here it is then. If I need to change anything, feel free to tell me. I had a hard time with the summary, so I hope it's okay. Also if anything is too powerful or too nerfed, please tell me. I was working on this late at night, so some of the logic/reasoning for things might not work out.


[ Male | 20 | Purple | Brawler and hand to hand combat]

Growing up, Lev Madgidovich had four things: a talent in boxing, a worthless factory job, an interest in causing pain, and an undeniable sense that he was meant for greatness. His skills and interests got him quickly recognized by a major gang. Lev excelled at getting information from people and taking care of problems. The whole deal played towards his strengths, but Lev got too big for his britches. Young, arrogant, and drunk, he made a mistake. One that essentially ended his life. Knowing the gang was going to kill him, Lev signed his life over to the Agency, not seeing another option.

Lev is still trying to adapt to his life on Omega Squad.On the typical day, Lev is a laid back and kind of a jerk. He talks big about how one day he's gonna get out of the Agency, but Lev's never in open rebellion against the agency and always does what he's told. Lev never thinks about how he's going to leave the squad (not having past a 3rd grade education makes critical thinking skills and escape plans a little hard), but talks about what he's gonna accomplish when he gets out. Every couple of days it's a new get rich and famous scheme. It's really more of daydreaming that helps him cope with his life.

Even with all his talk, nothing gets Lev more excited than going on a mission. It's the days he gets to feel someone's face give away to his fist that make Lev the most happy. He has been known to take a mission a little too far to get this feeling, but he's usually a team player. While he acts aloof and sometimes tries to draw the others into a fight when he's restless, he doesn't want anything to happen to any of them.

Born a Russian Jew in Paradise Valley in Detroit, Lev grew up fast and tough. A son of a factory worker and a housewife, Lev lived a... how did his mom put it? Oh, a cozy life. From an early age, he would regularly pick fights with other boys in class. It started as a way to vent his frustration at his dead end life, but it's where he learned his love of the sound bone breaking. After getting sent home with a black eye, scrapes, cuts, and bruises everywhere for the millionth time, Lev's father decided enough was enough. If his son wanted to fight, he was going to do it in the boxing ring like a man.

When Lev was nine, he quit school and began working. It was boxing that kept Lev sane during the work day. Even though it started as something his father forced him to do, Lev had a talent for the sport and really enjoyed taking his anger out on either the bag or another person. While the sport kept him out of fights during the work day, it didn't stop him from getting into neighborhood scraps. The feel of a nose breaking under his punch was a pleasant way to end the day, and it was easier to do in the streets than in an official match.

As the young boxer grew up, hitting puberty and growing into a muscular man, he became a vicious opponent. It was actually getting hard for Lev to find sparing partners because, not only was he fast and had a hard punch, he also wouldn't exactly play the rules. Putting weights in his gloves and taking extra or cheep shots when he knew the refs weren't watching, Lev was more interested in scaring people into respecting than he was the sport of boxing. The look of pain, shock, and anger he'd get from his opponent when he landed an extra hit was just a small added bonus.

It was around this time that Lev was getting attention from The Purple aka Sugar House Gang. First they approached him to throw fights for them, which he gladly agreed to, but after getting a taste of easy money, he wanted more. More fights, more fun, more respect, more money. Lev, at the ripe age of eighteen, entered the Purple Gang.

Leaving the world of boxing behind, Lev happily slipped into the role of an enforcer for the gang. The best part of the Purple Gang was that they were as savage as himself. He didn't have to worry about ever going too far, as long as the job was done. Finally, he had the clothes, respect, and status he'd always deserved, so what if his parents had disowned him. Life was sweet, but it couldn't be perfect forever.

One night, after consuming more than the recommend about of hard liquor, Lev got into a confrontation with a police officer that ended up decking the officer. His mob connections didn't save Lev from spent a few nights in jail. Eventually, a "friend" bailed Lev out and told him, when they got back to Lev's house, that it would be better if he was no longer a member of the Purple Gang. Assuming that meant the end of his life, Lev knocked the man out cold with a heavy hit to the head and kept punching until he was sure the man would never get back up.

Lev knew that with the gang's connections it was unlikely that he would be able to outrun whatever justice the Purple gang decided on. He decided the justice of the state was better, walked himself to the nearest station, and confessed to the killing. He claimed it was self defense, but the scene looked different. The trial happened swiftly, and it was concluded that Lev was a murder. Because he had a record and the murder happened in a particularly gruesome manner, Lev got life in prison. Although none of that really bothered Lev. Life in prison was better than death at the hands of his old gang. The only thing that stung a little was that his parents didn't come to the trial or to visit him.

After barely a week in the prison, Lev realized that his life in prison was going to be dramatically shorter than he had assumed. On the lot during recreation time, Lev was stabbed with a shiv. Luckily for him, Lev's reflects were good enough to cause the blade to glancing his neck. The weapon embedded itself into his shoulder, but the man's hands went for Lev's through. The guards reacted quickly, pulling the man off of Lev before he was strangled to death. The man was yelling something about the Purple Gang. Lev was rushed to what equated to hospital wing of the prison and incompetently patched up.

A few days later, Lev was lying in that same bed, still fighting off an infection in his wound when he received his first visitor. Lev was tired and not in the mood for the double talk the visitor was giving him. He demanded rather brashly for a simplified explanation. The visitor told him simply if he signed a piece of paper, the government would make it seem like Lev died from his infection and give him a new life. If it would get the Purple Gang off his back, Lev was willing to do anything. He signed the papers not really knowing or caring what he got himself into.

The newly dead man was transported under cover of night out of the prison and taken to the research facility where he spent hellish days undergoing the transformation. The pain of the changes and frustration at himself for agreeing to this almost overtook him, but Lev had something deep down that kept him going. A belief that he was meant for something more. There was an amazing life ahead of him that he deserved, so he fought to get to it.

After surviving the trials, Lev found himself stuck on this team. Omega Squad they call them. It's alright as far as things go. The powers are amazing, but Lev could do without the whole... having his life held hostage by the government and being bossed around by an over grown boy scout... thing. Also, the whole making his uniform purple was a low blow on their part, but... you know.... at least the missions are fun.

With the white portions being purple instead, and the helmet having a full black tinted faceplate where the gap it.

A'vi Crystal
The one thing that Lev had on him when he was brought to the prison was a patch. It was a circle with a radius of about one and a half inches. Hand sewn onto it was the Star of David. His mother made it for him back in his early boxing days. He had always promised himself that he was going to have it stitched into his shorts if he could beat Benny Leonard. Wearing it would have proven that he was the best jewish boxer in the world. While Lev abandoned that dream for more immediate money and status, he could never let that piece of cloth go. Somehow it was became his crystal, not that he really understands any of that stuff anyway.

Lev gained increased processing of his brain in regards to his vision. Normally, this means that Lev has an eidetic (photographic) memory. If he's seen something, he remembers it. If he's been somewhere, he remembers how to get back. Although, just because he's seen something doesn't mean that he can recreate it or understands it. For example, if Lev saw the face of someone, he'd be able to recall the image, but that doesn't mean he'd be able to draw it. His art skills never quite got past stick figures.

There is a secondary advantage of his increased processing that Lev can use in a fight. By diverting his long term memory to short term, Lev can study the motions of his opponents and 95% accurately guess what he/she is about to do next based on the muscles that are being use. Lev's accuracy does go down if his opponent is obscuring the muscle movement with a cap or very billowy clothes. Also his prediction is limited to only a few seconds of forewarning. It's enough to counter a move in a hand to hand combat situation, but not enough to stop a bullet from hitting someone unless they were literally right next to him and he could push/pull them fast enough to get out of the way. When he's using this power, what Lev sees does not go into long term memory, so when he thinks about that time later, he remembers it as if he was blind.

Suit- By nature of being in hand to hand combat, Lev's suit needs to be built of a little tougher stuff than the average suit. There is significantly more padding in this suit to help it absorb bludgeoning damages. Over the core of the suit, the fibers it is made from is resistant to piercing damage, especially from projectiles.

Gauntlets- Made using the Av'i technology, the gauntlets are more than just a buffer to keep bones from breaking, a shield from slicing weapons, and something that can insulate his hands from intense heat. They have the following modifications:
  • A quick 180 degree rotation of the forearm will cause small chambers near the edge of the gauntlets to close. The chambers, full of air, will use thermal power from the Avi'i Crystal to heat the air. The air can be quickly vented to the atmosphere by clenching one's fist. When throwing a punch, releasing the air near the end of the punch increases the velocity of the punch right before impact. With a quick jump in velocity, the momentum of the punch is increased. The increased momentum allows the user to make a fist sized hole in an intact brick wall. It takes about two minutes from when the forearm is rotated for the pressure in the chambers to be at a usable level. After two minutes have passed, the user has thirty minutes to vent the pressure before the gauntlet's chambers are at risk of exploding and the system backfiring. It is not a technique that can be used very often or without thinking.
  • The gauntlets come with, on the inside of the palm, four small (an inch by a fourth of an inch) plates of a high resistance metal (similar to Nichrome). Preforming a motion similar to cracking one's knuckles inside the palm of the opposite hand, one plate can be installed on the proximal phalanx of each finger. Once installed, the material completes a small circuit. The metal begins to heat up from the electricity being circulated. The heat energy accumulates slowly and caps out at about 200 C. To turn off this setting, the metal plates need to be clicked out of the circuit into the palm of the hand that they originated.
  • The modification turns punches into an electrical stun attack. Enough to incapacitate whoever he is fighting and that is it. This last setting can be turned on with a vocal command either by Lev or a pre-programmed member of the Agency* (I'm assuming Elric Palmer at this point, but not sure if that would make 100% sense). If it is triggered by an externally, there is one punch with the stun effect left until the gloves revert to setting one and stay in that setting for the next 30 minutes.

* I'm putting this stipulation into the design because I've developed Lev to be a slight sadist, and while I understand they have the frequency that can be sent by the agency, this is a much easier way to reign him in if he's about to kill a target they need alive or if he's trying to fight with another member of the squad. It full stop whatever dumb thing he was about to do and still leaves him up for action.

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@Zabby I like the concept you have here, honestly. Although, I would greatly like you to come up with a better name than "The Purple Gang" - not only is that just a half-random, arbitrary reference to his color, it doesn't seem very realistic. You actually might just be better off linking him to the mafia, whom at first had him rig fights, then made him an enforcer. In regards to your suit, we actually lack a "tank" or "buff" suit, and being that you're sort've the assault-and-battery character, you could likely justify having a more heavily armored suit. In regards to the third setting on your gauntlets, I'd like a little more explanation on that. Why must they be used in tangent? Where would the energy go if he didn't punch the target a second time? If the right hand is getting to be -110 C, that means it has to be literally giving energy to the left hand, but if it does that each time, how? The transfer of power makes very little sense in that regard.

Lastly, is English your second language? Or was there just some faulty auto-correct? Throughout your post, there are minor errors in word usage that seem like you just allowed a word to be finished. I'm just wondering on this one.
@Prince - My bad. I must not have made it clear. The blue text in my post is a link. The purple gang was a real thing. Here's the wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Purple_Gang . They were linked to a lot of brutal murders, investigated for the Lindbergh case, and even potentially involved in the St. Valentine's day Massacre. You've got my motivation backwards. I picked the color for the suit after creating the entire character because I thought it would be funny. I can change the color and make it more generic if you'd like though.

I'd be more than willing to pick a different suit. I just kinda trolled the internet until I found one.

As for the third setting on the gauntlets, it was just kind of a cool idea I had. I'm not super invested in it now that it's not 2 AM, and I'm not adding things to make sure my guy isn't under powered.

And no, English is my first language. I've been speaking it my whole life. Any errors are likely a combination of a few things. 1) My lack of spelling ability due to hearing issues growing up causing me to be in speech therapy for the first 9 years of my life, 2) the fact that I was working on this well after 2 AM my time because I just had to get what was in my brain down and not wanting to leave off my thought process, and 3) a lack of desire to edit because the whole thing was so long and I need at least a day from writing to really edit something.
I actually knew them as the Sugar House Gang - never knew they were called the Purple Gang. My bad, honestly. No need for edition here. I rarely make such oversights. I even went back to check my sources, and it lists "The Purple Gang (Sugar House Gang)", so that's just a fault on my part. lol

As to picking a different suit, I'd encourage you to. Something a little more armored, more heavy duty.

In regards to your gauntlets, an idea I had that was very similar was that each punch would release energy in what it hit, then if it was hit again, it would reabsorb that energy like a circuit. This would make landing consecutive hits more potent, and would be like completing a circuit each time you hit consecutively. I really like the idea because I imagine you punching through a steel wall or something and seeing these incredible lines of melted metal from where the energy passed through it. It's not a major change, either. It basically just makes it more like a circuit passing energy than it is one gauntlet getting really cold.

Lastly, in regard to my question, I didn't mean to offend. I actually found the specific pattern of errors to be interesting because they held a pattern. With your explanation, it makes perfect sense. The reason I asked if language was your first language was because the errors I saw often came in the form of how words sounded, but were often spelled correctly, leading me to think you just let autocorrect fill it in. Like I said, I don't require an edit for minor errors. A lot of this curiosity came from the fact that I often work with multi-lingual writers, and they tend to be very creative. In addition to that, I do suffer from brain damage myself. It only affected things like motor control, ie playing guitar, handwriting, but initially it affected my speech heavily. Anything I can relate to, on some level, intrigues me.
@Prince Not sure if you already read through it yesterday but I changed the history.
@Prince Researching suits now. I'll try to make the edits to that and the gauntlets by tomorrow.

Also, I wasn't offended by your question. Sorry if it came off that way. It's something I'm used to people calling me on. It's not as bad as handwriting things in front of an audience and having to stop for a good minute trying to figure out what letters go next.
@Kaykay I've approved Kana and she is now part of the roster.

@Zabby While I'm waiting on your editions, I reserved the place of "purple" for you.

@Nameless While I'm waiting on your editions, I reserved the place of "yellow" for you.

Right now, I'm just waiting on one more CS. I'd like to start with three. However, since Zabby and Nameless are both almost done, I will likely start when they both finish. This is of course unless someone swoops in to take the final fifth spot. In such case, we may wait. Traditionally, power rangers start off in a smaller group anyway, so no big deal.

Anyway, so this second, I want everyone involved, including you @Damien Kriez (even though I know you're busy with Search for the Six), to chip me in a few ideas for the team's first mission together. This is of course a highly social roleplay, so any ideas will do. Do try to keep in mind that we're not that far into the roleplay yet, so I'd urge you to keep this set for a first mission for a potential suicide squad.
@Kaykay I've approved Kana and she is now part of the roster.

@Zabby While I'm waiting on your editions, I reserved the place of "purple" for you.

@Nameless While I'm waiting on your editions, I reserved the place of "yellow" for you.

Right now, I'm just waiting on one more CS. I'd like to start with three. However, since Zabby and Nameless are both almost done, I will likely start when they both finish. This is of course unless someone swoops in to take the final fifth spot. In such case, we may wait. Traditionally, power rangers start off in a smaller group anyway, so no big deal.

Anyway, so this second, I want everyone involved, including you @Damien Kriez (even though I know you're busy with Search for the Six), to chip me in a few ideas for the team's first mission together. This is of course a highly social roleplay, so any ideas will do. Do try to keep in mind that we're not that far into the roleplay yet, so I'd urge you to keep this set for a first mission for a potential suicide squad.

I don't have anything specific in mind, but maybe a search and destroy mission or something. Destroy something that's kind of important, but isn't too big a deal.
Is there one more spot available?
Updated the suit style. If you want me to find a beefier one than that, I can look for it. I just didn't want to give up too much on speed or a sleeker design.

Updated the armament section. I talked to a physics friend of mine and we couldn't come up with a way to explain your idea that I was happy with, so I tried to fit in a middle ground. I can always edit if you don't like it or it doesn't make sense.

And I updated the history a little bit to have Lev doing some dirty boxing for the Sugar House before getting into their ranks. Made it so he was only in the gang for a year less, but in the long run, that doesn't matter.

As for missions, my only idea is that we could be sent into a climate similar to what it was before the Battle of Blair Mountain. We might be told to take out the leaders of the labor union to prevent further bloodshed. Alternatively, if you want it to be that early in the 20s, we could be at the battle itself.

Besides that, I'm short on ideas. Maybe something will come to me later.
I'll reserve the last spot now that I've read through everything. Now, on to character making!

One thing you'll learn about Anya is that she doesn't like to wait. She's impatient about her work, and she doesn't like to waste time thinking about things. She's driven and almost a little bit materialistic, fully believing that money is the one-way ticket to power. Or having the weapons to take it. She's snarky, bitchy, and downright rude half the time, and the other half of the time she's probably so pissed off she refuses to speak to you. Yes, she'll give you the silent treatment. While she won't ever admit it, she's also the kind of person that will come in at the last second to save your ass. She'll probably cuss you out for getting yourself into trouble in the first place, but she'll still do it. She secretly cares about people, especially those that she trusts. Everyone else can jump off a damn cliff. She doesn't show fear when faced with danger. Someone could point a gun at her head, and she probably wouldn't seem to care.
When it comes to talking about herself, that's just something Anya doesn't do. She prefers to leave her past in the past, and no one is going to make her say anything different. When it comes to romantics, Anya doesn't really understand it. She considers herself aromantic pansexual. She'll have sex with just about anybody, but she'll probably never feel romantic about anyone. In other news, she tends to call people "love" or "darling" for some reason.

Anya grew up in a simple American family located in Detroit, Michigan. Her parents loved her, and she was an only child. Life was alright. It was better than some others. However, at age six, her mother passed away. Her father, who had only ever truly loved her mother, completely neglected her. When he wasn't working long hours in a factory, he was drinking. It was when she was just six years old that she was forced to work herself. She posed as a boy, figuring that maybe people wouldn't bother her as much. After all, no one seemed to bother daddy as much as they had mommy. She was put to work in a factory, and she worked long hours until her muscles gave out--then she worked some more. She took up smoking from a young age and has been addicted to it ever since. As she got older, it became more and more difficult to conceal her true identity as a female. She ditched her home, living on the streets and easily making her way by stealing and pickpocketing.

Around age 13, she started getting mixed up in the wrong crowds. Well, there weren't many "right" crowds on the streets, were there? But this particular crowd was a gang in its earlier years that would soon become one of the most powerful gangs in Detroit. She worked as their informant at first, but they quickly began to abuse her in order to make her into a prostitute (so they could have some extra cash to spend). She tried to run away, but she failed every time. As she progressed further into her teens, Anya tried to think of ways to escape, and she soon decided just to burn the gang's warehouse down if she could. She succeeded, killing several people and escaping back onto the streets. She resorted back to stealing and pickpocketing, of course, but she wanted something more. She wanted revenge, just as the remaining members of the gang wanted revenge on her. Of course, it was one girl in the 1920s against a gang that had risen to power. How was she to do it?

Burn them to the ground, of course. She started small, burning some of their other warehouses full of drugs and contraband. When she was 19, she finally managed to make herself a pipe bomb. She blew up their main facility full of weapons, and she managed to kill their "leader" of sorts. With the gang now broken down, she felt rather satisfied and went back to her daily life of pickpocketing and stealing. The news of her accomplishment spread like wildfire, and one man in particular thought he could use her skill in demolitions for a plan of his.

At around age 20, this man approached her offering money. All she had to do was blow a hole into a bank; his people would take care of the rest. She accepted. The job was successful, and they paid her handsomely. Well, it seemed handsome to her. In reality, they only paid her small percentage of the cut, but it was more than she had ever seen in her life. It soon became a regular ordeal, and she picked up tricks that caused her to be very skilled in the use of pyrotechnics. When she was 25, the gang slipped up, and she was their scapegoat. They tricked her, giving her a false rendezvous point where the police were just waiting for her. She was arrested immediately for arson, second-degree murder, theft, and other charges. She was put away with no chance of ever seeing the outside world again...until the Agency approached her. They gave her the chance for freedom, and she seized it--even with the high chance of dying through the process. She succeeded in surviving the entire ordeal and was assigned as the newest member of the Omega Squad.


A blue ring that she wears on her left ring finger (they made it an inside joke since she would never in a million years marry someone). If she could take the damn thing off, she would.


(If I need to change the suit, just let me know. I'll be happy to oblige.)

You guessed it: pyrokinesis. She can create and manipulate fire with ease, but that is her only ability related to the DNA. Aside from her love of all things explosive, she has what some might call a "fiery temper." Her personality itself is rather predictable for someone who can control fire.
General Pyrotechnics: Anya knows everything there is to know about bombs, missiles, and combustive substances. She knows how to create a bomb with pretty much anything you can find on the streets.


The suit itself is made for a pyrotechnics master like herself. It is outfitted with grenades (pictured above), delayed timer bombs, and similar weapons. Her favorite one she calls the Firecracker. It explodes like a firework, dealing substantial damage while showing off wonderful colors.
On her left hand, she can shoot out oil or a similar combustive substance and subsequently use her ability to light the substance on fire. In addition, she also has a compartment filled with gunpowder. Just in case she needs to do a little improvising.
She's also been trusted with a small laser pistol and plama blade, although she much prefers just blowing stuff up from the background.

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Where does this RP take place again? For some reason, my mind says it's New York but I'm not entirely sure. Are the members of the Omega Squad known as enigmatic superheroes, or are they just like, urban legend and no one's seen them in action?
The Omega Squad actually has no "home" or "origin"; they're sent out from a government facility and tracked. They might, however, eventually become frequents of Chicago or Detroit. As of now, no one in the public knows the Omega Squad exists.
If that's the case, then I suggest our OP should be the Omega Squad being featured as mysterious heroes stopping a disaster? Or at least helping people.

September 17, 1923 – A major fire erupts in Berkeley, California, consuming some 640 structures, including 584 homes in the densely built neighbourhoods north of the campus of the University of California.

Perhaps save people from the fire?
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