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[fieldbox="Silverwolf, blue, solid"] silver leaned towards amaya and whispered what are you doing? Don't apologize to him I mean he the guy has s cane for Christ sake. He's no better than us arguing up there."

He laughed again despite himself . " please slayer yao this woman just ahh saved my life. If not for her this strange needle that came from nowhere might have hit me in the head. " he gestured towards the broken needle with a grin.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox= Reila Solari, red, Solid] Reila placed her hands on both sides of her hip while wearing a questioning look on her face. "Now where should I search first?" The girl pondered. There were so many places that the mystery person could've ran off to and she intended to check everyone if need be. She didn't know why the individual chose to run or how he/she managed to elude her but she wouldn't stop until the man/woman was baked gingerbread men. Besides, it wasn't like Reila had much else to do that she could consume her time with. "I'll start off by checking the freakishly large mall!!" The girl yelled, running in the direction of a nearby mall soon afterwards.

However, as she was about to reach the mall, a voice began traveling through her ears. The girl spun around slowly in order to find the source of the speaker's voice but unfortunately, it was to no avail. No one around her was moving their lips so where was this mysterious man's voice coming from? Seconds later, the voiced revealed himself to be the grandmaster which caused her to pay close attention to the man's words. "I have one question for you all this is to the graduates, Why didn't you leave when I asked you to? When I give an order you follow. I don't give orders to brick walls. They are either too protect your lives or something more important. I do, however, want to give you praise for protecting what you believe in. Now would the remaining graduates, please prepare to be taken to your designated league. If you would please, take out your color coded message and raise it above your head." Reila pulled out her color coded message from in between her right breast and the dress before raising it about her head.

Seconds later, the headmaster snapped his fingers, causing the coded message to change color. Oooo, magic!!! But if he could do that this whole time, then why didn't all powerful Headmaster finish off the girl's captor? Is it because this is the limitation of his magic maybe? Hehe, it better not be or else I'll use his carcass to create my first batch of....what was it? Tch, well me and Mr. Snuggie Wuggles will have to sit down and have an important discussion about what we'll make out of Mr. Headmaster's remains because this extremely despicable!! If he dies soon and I don't have any special recipes to make out of him, then everyone will be disappointed. Reila mumbled with a worried look on her face. She quickly tuned back into the headmaster's voice once he had began invading her mind again. "Listen carefully....The following 3rd tier slayer ranked assassins will lead you to your perspective leagues. Slayers Tai and Balleze will take the Sango members to the west, home of the swamp. Slayers Doubles and Versai will take the Komenco members to the North, home of the frosty range. Slayers Yao and Judith will take the Humoj members to the south, the breezy horizon. Don't think a punishment will not come, because whoever stands here tonight will have to face it. Oh, and one last thing my chambers are off limits. If you need me call me on my phone. We will be in touch." The girl pulled out her cellphone right afterwards with a confused expression plastered onto her face. "Mr. Headmastie!!! Where are these slayers I'm supposed to follow because I have no clue on how to find them!! ...why aren't you re-ooops!! I forgot to click the call button so no wonder." Reila giggled before scrolling down the contact list and proceeding to call the headmaster with haste.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=Amaya Mikasuki, blue, solid]
Amaya put on the most fake grin she could muster and elbowed Silverwolf harshly in his ribs. She didnt need his help against the slayers, but her heart warmed up by the fact he was trying to help her.

Her bowstring pulled against her chest as she straighed her back and looked up at Slayer Yao, scanning his face for any sign of emotion. His face was passive, and any sign of emotion on that or his eyes was undetectable. Well, thats a Slayer for you.

She exhaled as the Slayer turned her back to them. She swiveled on her heel to face Silverwolf, unable to hide the grin on her face that was slowly growing.

"Strange needle, huh?"

[Fieldbox=Moving on, green, solid] "Well young man you ready for the next chapter?" The man remarked to his grandson. His grandson nodded with excitement and ran to the bed to prepare himself. He chuckled and followed him to the bed, grabbing a chair. "Ok then," He crossed his legs. "Are you ready?" He asked with a smile. His Grandson brought his cover closer and nodded, "Yes sir." in response. His Grandfather agreed and commenced to telling the story.

The players checked their lists to see if everyone was accounted for. As soon as they did, they each then separated going in opposite directions.

*Press Play*

And so weeks passed on in Delia since that fateful day, the disaster just became a simple folklore. Things changed and people grew. Delia of course went through its own course of changes. One being the new royal family that came into power. The Thyme family, royal all the way to their sock drawers. This was indeed a happy time for Delia and the L.O.A. They were at their best one would say. They had the strongest graduating class since the 2nd generation assassins, successfully completed the reconnaissance mission Jupiter for the previous family, and their academy was named 'Combat school of the year.'

After the destruction, the Grand Master decreed that the day would go down in history as one of the vilest acts toward the League as a whole. A whole bunch of things took place in such a short amount of time. Leagues were working hard, the new graduates were being trained well, and the L.O.A were at a moment of serenity. They still kept their eye out for anyone dealing with the group that came and kidnaped CaSandra. Not a whole lot change in Phyrra, I mean it was just a month. The assassins learned new methods becoming more experienced and skilled at handling their abilities, some even being promoted.

When the assassins returned home, the league had them prepared to embark on their first missions on their own. These missions were simple but enough to keep you on your toes. The L.O.A. gave them these missions to see how well they worked together, how they executed, and if they could stand alone. There motto to the L.O.A. was "We here at the League of Assassin challenge ourselves to become better than the person from yesterday." New beginnings are in store for our assassins, seeing is believing. I believe this group we have here will, in fact, change the world.
'Prepare yourselves assassins we're counting on you.'

|Location: Delia|
|Time: One Month later|

[Fieldbox= Kimirou Asura, purple, solid]

|Location|: Komenco Dorm
|Mood|: Tired
|Inventory|: Suitcase

Kimirou, tired and drained from the month long intro trial of missions that the graduates had to endure, hurried to his squad's dorm to unpack. He didn't utter a word to anyone, just raced to the room in hopes of being the first so he could take a nice hot shower before anyone. One he got to the room he opened the door. This revealed and small apartment. As soon as you walk in you are grated by the living room complete with a sofa, a recliner to the sofa's left, and a love seat to the sofa's right. In front of the arrangement was a rather large flat screen television. Kimirou's eyes widened at the sight of such a spectacular living room for his squad.

After entering the room he noticed a door to his left. Opening the door thinking it was a coat closet, he was surprised to see it was actually a rather large bathroom complete with a hot tub bath, a separate spring shower, and his and her sinks. He slammed the door in a rush and walked to the next archway on the left side of the living room. This appeared to be a small kitchen, complete with a side to side fridge, a sink, plenty of counter space, an island in the middle with the stove in it, a dish washer under the sink, and to top it all of a dinner table with four chairs and four stools sitting on the opposite side of the island like a bar. Kimirou turned around noticing another door, the only one on the right side of the living room. He walked towards it mumbling, "this must be the bedroom and please no bunk beds." He walked into the room and was correct. It was a rather large room with a bed in each corner. In the middle of the room was a television smaller than that of the one in the living room, but one that would suffice. In front of it was a sofa capable of seating four. Next to each bed was a dresser. He quickly ran to the one in the rear right corner, so he could lay in the bed and see the television. On the purple and gold pillows was neatly placed an envelope with Kimirou's name on it. He quickly unpacked his things into the dresser, grabbed the letter, and ran to the bathroom. Kimirou didn't even notice if anyone else was in the room yet. Once there he opened the door located right next to the entrance and grabbed a towel and a washcloth. He then began the shower and sat on the stool next to the door. He opened the letter and began reading it. It explained that he had been promoted to bandit due to his excellent teamwork during the trail of missions. It also stated that soon he will be given more information on the ceremony and training to go with the promotion. Kimirou seemed happy until he saw the training party, "ugh more trials probably." He then prepared and entered the shower. Half way through his shower his leg began to throb. It had been a month since that root penetrated his thigh. Why in the world was it still hurting. Maybe because he hasn't rested in the last month. With non stop missions back to back who could. Then it dawned on him, "Did I lock the door? Oh well." He continued with his shower. It felt so lovely like bathing in a waterfall.[/Fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=Azami Ito, red, solid][/fieldbox]​
[fieldbox=Azami Ito, red, solid]
Location: Socio Sango Headquarters
League: Socio Sango
Mood: Multiple, mostly relieved
Inventory: Weapon, some money, candy.​
The training for the Socio Sango had taken place in an old military complex. Despite being fake missions the targets were real: prisoners who had "mysteriously disappeared" while being transferred. The tasks were simple enough, one was released into the secured part of the complex and fed the lie that if he survived he would be free. After giving him some time to prepare a team of one to four members would be let into the sealed off section to hunt him down and kill him. The convict obviously never survived.​
During this time the graduates stayed in a separate part of the complex and weren't allowed any contact with the outside world. There was enough food to last them through the training period and all their personal possessions (aside from weapons) were locked away before leaving the Sango base and were given grey jumpsuits that were the only thing they could wear. During this time they all grew closer, well mostly. Azami found Elijah insufferable (in her words he was, "An annoying poopyhead") and wanted as little to do with him as she could.
Azami was relieved that she was finally able to get away from Elijah when the training period ended and they returned to the home base. She was even more relieved when she was able to shower. She could feel two months worth of filth coming off of her as if they were memories she wanted to forget. She finally felt like herself again as she put on one of her dresses and brushed all the tangles out of her hair. She smiled to herself and slung her bat over her shoulder heading off to apply for a mission.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Azami was angry and yelling at the man in charge of dolling out missions.
The man, a fairly serious looking type in a suit, calmly replied, "No, the only missions that are currently available to new members are for a full squad of four."
Azami groaned, "Fine, whatever, just give me the one with the lost purse."
"Here," The man handed her a piece of paper, "fill out this application and return it when you're done."[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=Amaya Mikazuki, blue, solid]
Amaya could see from where she stood the Humoj League base. Finally. It had been weeks since she last saw it, and never would have thought to be so happy to see it again.

Not long after she had met Silverwolf and Braam, two other of her League members, she was told she had been promoted. Christ, she still didnt believe that. She had just graduated for God's sake, there were plenty of more experienced Assassins out there to be promoted. Amaya, however, didnt question it. She dare not think about the last time somebody questioned the Headmaster.

She was walking along the shore, the seabreeze tugging at the black strands of her hair, the salt sticking to her skin. She was glad she was in the Humoj, in the coastal areas. She didnt know where the other bases were, but she woud choose here over any other base.

Amaya's post mission was more complex than she expected. Her targets were to go missing without a trace, and their home was to be left untouched. Making sure she stayed hidden was more of a challange than she expected. She completed it without any complications, but she was exhausted. She had to travel all the way back without any expected transportation.

She unstrung her bow from her back and held the handle at her side, string down, and walked up the steps to the Base. There were few people around as she came into the courtyard. Damn, she was still so turned around in this place. She turned and looked around for the dorm rooms. All Amaya wanted to do was peel off her missionary clothes and sleep.

She walked around the corridoor and mounted the steps, sighing in releif as she was faced with a row of rooms. She practically jogged torward her assigned room. She had been here once, before she was told she was promoted, and sent away again. Amaya was more than excited to find out she was going up in rank, but dissapointed to find out she had to leave the beautiful Humoj base.

Upon entering her room, she shook out of her grimy clothes and hung her quiver and bow upon their respective mounts. Her room was simple, a desk, a bed, a small closet, a bathroom big enough for one, and a large window facing the ocean. As Amaya watched the waves pat the soft sand of the shore, she suddenly felt the exhaustion of the past few weeks, as if the water itself were in her bones, her lungs, filling her and making her as useless as a bag of sand.

Laying on her back on the bed, she realized she didnt see Braam or Silverwolf. Maybe they were both on their post missions still, though she had no way of being sure.

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[fieldbox= Jexxai Koustem, blue]

The room was dark, the only light that could be seen was that of the morning sun. A few rays came creeping through the high barred windows of the interior. Jexxai sat complexly still. The only movement was her chest as she breathed heavily. She stared angrily, her arms crossed, at the rather large beat up looking punching back. For how long she sat there, contemplating her next actions. She had been at all day now with honning practicing how to hone her spirit and this was the first to survive. Eventually she stood up, grunting in effort, her entire body bruised and sore. She let go of anger as she stepped up toward the punching bag, reading herself in her normal stance.

Closing her eyes, she focused her strength in her fist, a low bus filling the room as it always does when she focuses her spirit. It only took a moment to do it, yet she stood for another minute holding that pose before finally striking the bag as hard as she could. What happened was nearly instantaneous. Her fist hit the back in a blink of an eye, the blast of sound that followed a second however did the most damage. Her fist moved the huge back back a foot, her focused sound wave, shooting out of her tight fist, blew a hole right through it. Sand and metal exploding out n a perfect circle the center wear her fist had landed. She left the room a few minutes later, after depositing the ruined bag with the others in the corner and almost running to her room to take a quick shower and dress before she had to leave the complex.

She had been living here with the other assassin graduates for about a month now. Eating and training together as a unit, today was the day they were going back to get their first mission. She was excited, thinking about what had happened before she past out that horrid day. She got beaten up alot more then she liked. They were able to do nothing while Casandra was taken. Now they had a good chance to get her back. Well her and her league mates.

Finally ready, she made her way to their dinner hall to wait for the others. Dressed in dark skinny jeans, with tall black leather boots. Her long hair pulled into a pony tail with her mask, cracked from all the fighting that had occurred a month ago, still tied around her neck. She wore the same coat she did that night as well. Her favorite gray coat.
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[fieldbox="Silverwolf, Blue, Solid"] It seemed to Silverwolf that a month had passed within the blink of an eye, A month they had been settled at their League accomodations, a quaint beach front area nestled in a cove at the base of the jagged cliifs. The rooms for comfortable, and he had been lucky enough to get assigned a room wiht a view of the ocean in the male wing of the living quarters. With the money he had left over from their graduation as well as the first bounty he recieved after the post mission he had added a few bits and pieces to the room. There was a weapons rack for his staff, a few polished wodoen figurinees here and there and he had even found himself a room safe that was discreetly tucked off in a corner of the room.

The promotion had been great if a little unexpected but he was still at the bottom of the foodchain despite it and not much had changed since then less enough pull to ask for a larger room on the top floor of the wing. He was well within his rights to bark orders at the lower ranks, but Silver was too care free when it came to the ranks, much preferring to treat everyone the same. Besides it was easier to get peopel to pay for drinks if you were good to them.

He had fallen into the training regiimes eaily eough, training most of the day with exception to a few rest days, doing post missions here and there.

Today just happened to be one of those rest days. He had returned from a mission the previous day and was enjoying some well earned down time. Silver had visited the gym for a little while in the morning and was comfortably lounging on the beach with a cold drink. The others were around, Braam, and Jexxai and he had glimpsed Amaya returning from one her missions a little while earlier but figured more or less she had returned to her room to wind down.

He still had not had any success talking her into an accupuncture session and a nice massage. It was an ongoing task of his.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=Jonathan "Braam" Redaman, blue, solid]

Location: Humoj Dorm
Mood: Satisfied and Tired
Inventory: Suitcase
+ ??? Knives

Braam slept through most of the return trip to their headquarters, taking any opportunity he could to get sleep. He was a light sleeper by nature and learned to make use of it to catch sleep where he could while staying relatively aware of his surroundings. Sometimes missions called for long periods of waiting, so he'd set a time to wake in his head and doze off for a bit in a secure hiding spot. He emerged from the garage built into the cliff face, behind the majority of the facility, hefting a tote bag over one shoulder. He traveled light, so he barely used up half it's space.

First things first, he went to his quarters to toss his bag on his bed and went to the bathhouse to make use of one of the enclosed bathes. Where he came from, bathing was a private affair and he had no inclination to use the open-air area as of yet. He wasn't comfortable with it. Seeing a couple of his fellow league mates walking around in little more than towels had him keeping his eyes straight ahead, with less of the rubbernecking he usually did to stay on top of his surroundings.

The month-long stint of mock missions had been strict and unforgiving, as Braam expected. And his latest one left him sweaty and tired, though content that he did a good job. When he heard he'd been promoted, he didn't know what to think of it at first. As far as he could tell, little changed for him, besides the new title (Bandit? Really? That hardly sounded like a title to be proud of).

Once he washed and put on fresh clothes, he emerged from the bathhouse feeling refreshed and renewed, though for anyone walking by it was hard to tell. His expression maintained its usual placid air, besides a barely perceptible upturn to the shape of his lips. Braam spotted Silverwolf on the beach, relaxing, and wondered what the older male bad been assigned for his tests, but his stomach declared its desire for food and overwrote his curiosity. He headed to the main building, and entered the dining hall to see Jexxai seated with a few of the other lower ranking members. He hadn't seen her on the list of promotions, and considered it a gentle enough repercussion for what she did before. Madness influence or not.

He took a seat across from her, wearing nothing worth noting: a simple button-up shirt and some wellworn, but whole jeans. He did have the sleeves rolled up though, in concession to the humidity. "Jexxai," He said in simple greeting along with a nod.
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[fieldbox=Amaya Mikazuki, blue, solid]
Amaya groaned as she stepped in the shower. The hot water seemed to loosen her tensed muscles, and wash away the filth and confusion of the last month. Lately, for Amaya, it seemed everything was moving too quickly, too fast with too little answers. She didnt even know the entire situation on who was kidnapped. Though she figured that one was probably for the best.

She stepped out and into the steam, breathing in the hot air, her lungs pulling the cleanliness of a new start. She figured her post mission would be difficult in the least, but she did have a long way to go to the top. It was good enough, for now.

She pulled out her bag and looked at the casual attire she brought with her. It seemed mediocre, simple for the life she had just walked into, but as she put it on, she sighed. It felt nice, to be apart of the real world again, even if it was just for evening.

Stashing her missionary clothes away and slipping into the boots of her more casual wear, she set off for the dining all. Well shit, she was lost again. The ocean was to her left and the dorms to her right, but where was the damned dining hall? There wasnt even anybody around so she could ask for directions.

After wandering around and finding the dining hall at last, she knew she was late. Her mouth watered as the scents filled her nose. God, she was starving. She had been walking nearly all day with little to fuel her. She pushed open the doors and was met with tons of unfamiliar faces. It was the Academy all over again.

Amaya made her way through the hall, muttering small 'excuse me' and 'pardon me's while she did. She saw the girl that was passed out when the Headmaster assigned Leagues. She was also the one who didnt get promoted with the rest of the team. She shrugged it off, she didnt want to get to know that girl anymore than the rest of the people here. Maybe Silverwolf. Oddly enough, she couldnt remove the snarky man from her mind no matter how hard she tried.

She made it to a far wall where there werent so many people around. Leaning her back against it and crossing her arms over her chest, Amaya stayed tense. She couldnt trust these people. She didnt know any of them, and wouldnt turn her back on them and trust them with her life. She studied the room with half narrowed eyes, trying to analyze the different people scattered around the hall.

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[fieldbox=Elijah Randolph, red, solid]After getting into the whole training and discipline thing, Elijah had been becoming a more formative assassin. He had grown some more muscle, maybe 20 extra pounds of muscle on his body. If his family saw him now, he wouldn't look the same. That extra muscle and power, just made Elijah even more conceited. The missions were fun, to say the least.

Sure sometimes he blew things up...not on purpose, well sometimes he did it on purpose. Other then those mishaps, he has been working hard and getting even better at everything. Elijah could picture himself being the Number One Assassin there ever was. The other Socio Sangos bunch, may have came back and stopped training, but Elijah never stopped.

He believed that to be the best, you have to act the best. Sure maybe people didn't come to like Elijah right off the bat, especially Azami, but Elijah's charm always overcomes his arrogance and pride. They would all come around and worship Elijah soon.

Elijah was outside, practicing his Konsido. Out of everything, that was the main thing Elijah had a problem with. He wasn't gifted with that skill, if only it was connected to energy. Elijah put his balled up fist on his chest and started to recite the incantation. "Desert spirits here my cry, inflict thy will and plea. Come to me I call you now, strike down thine enemy."

He let his fist go and the Earth's body shot out of his hand. He was trying to make a mini sandstorm. The dirt and sand started to circle around each other, this Konsido needed all concentration, thanks to his mediation he was great at concentrating.

At first the sandstorm was going well, then Elijah was so impressed with himself that he started to smile and loose concentration. He was now just thinking about how everyone would clap and bow to him, he had the Earth in the palm of his hand. Not paying attention anymore, the sandstorm started to go haywire.

Elijah tried to stop it, but nothing worked. The sand came rushing at him in a cyclone effect. After being attacked by the dirt, Elijah ended up with dirt and sand all over his white dress shirt. "Shit...this was my favorite white shirt." Elijah looked down at his now dirty white shirt. He tried to wipe the dirt and sand off, only making it worst.

Elijah was secretly wishing in his head that he could have one of his maids clean it. To bad he wasn't at home. Elijah walked back into the Socio Sango Headquarters, with an annoyance on his face. He would learn his Konsido, even if all his favorite shirts got dirty...hopefully it won't have to come to that.
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[fieldbox=Kehinde Akachi, purple, solid] One month came and gone just like that. Time didn't seem to stop for anyone even if you wanted to. It almost seemed like it was yesterday that he just graduated now were a month into this? Kehinde, one could say, had a pretty rough month during training. Not only was he tired, achy, beat up, and sore, but he also gained a person who wasn't to fond of him. He gave Kehinde so much crap during the missions and during training. He would continuously take shots at him and say things just to get under his skin. Kehinde grew tired of the crap and so on the last day he snapped.

The Speaker ranked trainer stormed over to Akachi and violently grabbed his arm. Tightly gripping his arm he spoke, "Now you get your shit together Akachi. I've about had it with your bull crap." Kehinde looked him in the eye, "I apologize sir, I just have grown so ti...." The Speaker assassin cut him off, "Damn that! If you can't keep yourself going then you're not fit to be an assassin." Kehinde tried to free his arm, but it seemed his grip got tighter. "Alright, I'll do better. Just turn me loose ok?" Kehinde asked nicely. All the other ranking officials and other assassins watched as the scene unfolded, not offering an ounce of help. He gripped even tighter, "Turn you a loose eh?" He chuckled looking around at the crowd, "He wants to be let go...should I let him go?" He added.

Everyone began to ridicule him, laughing, and taunting, egging Speaker Rafir on. Kehinde started to grow angry, he never felt so embarrassed. He felt like he was the lowest person standing. A violet-colored ring began to form within Kehinde's eyes, his soul essence started to increase. Within a moments notice, Rafir drew his weapon and aimed it at Kehinde's throat. He grinned and winked, "Don't even think about it boy. I slice your throat in slow motion if you so much as lift a finger." He declaimed. This almost gave Kehinde a heart attack. He was no match for someone who is the rank of a speaker. Kehinde anger began to make his blood boil. Not only was this guy messing with him but he couldn't do anything about it. One of the officials finally chimed in chuckling, "Come on Rafir turn the bastard loose so he can show us his magic trick." Rafir smiled and looked at Kehinde, spitting just past his shoe, "You're right let's see what you got." He suggested relinquishing his grip. He laughed and joked all the way back to the company of the officials. This burned Kehinde almost to the brink of a meltdown. "I can't believe they have people like this training al......" His thoughts were interrupted by one of the officials, "Are ya gonna start today or what?" Kehinde cracked, he had it, he was done. So he turned to them and nodded with a grim look. He looked to the poor soul in front of him.

Before he began he coldly commented,

*Press Play*

"Watch closely."

The officials continued to crack jokes until Kehinde faded away. He appeared to the left of the guy that the L.O.A had as a prisoner. The ring in his eyes began to form and his soul essence spiked. He leaned down to the individual and turned his head toward his ear. Silence fell on the grounds as the scene unfolded. No sooner did it get quiet Kehinde muttered the words, "Whisper...." Kehinde slowly returned to his stance, grimly smiling as the individual eyes became fixated. He then slowly walked back to face the individual to watch his deed take place. Kehinde's eyes were so violent you would have thought that was his actual eye color. The individual had a look of complete terror. He then started to cry out as if he were in pain and agony. His nose started to bleed his eyes beginning to protrude out. Kehinde slowly cocked his head over to Rafir and began to grimly stare. One of the officials looked at Kehinde as if he'd seen a ghost. "You cut that crap out right now Akachi!" One of them yelled out to him. Rafir locked eyes with Kehinde's violet glowing eyes. "You wanted to see my magic trick right? I've just about had it with your bs..." Kehinde heartlessly muttered. Rafir knees buckled under him and he went down like a ton of falling bricks. The officials looked at Kehinde and yelled, "Stop it! Right now Akachi!" Kehinde chuckled, "Not so funny now huh?" The Individual started beating his head with his fist yelling insanities. "Make it stop!" He yelled. One of the officials spoke, "You end this charade right now or we will resort to other methods." He then pulled out his weapon to show Kehinde he was not bluffing. Kehinde grinned, shrugged, and looked at the individual and calmly yelled, "Diminish.." After the words left his lips, the individual fell over with his eyes wide open. Kehinde returned his attention back to the officials. He then began to approach them, "Don't ever call my craft a magic trick. You never know it might haunt you for the rest of your years." He stepped over Rafir and left out. Leaving them confused and unsettled. *Press Stop*

Location: Komenco Dorm
League: Komenco
Mood: Worn out and a bit hungry but satisfied
Inventory: Phone, wallet, and brush​

Kehinde remembered that day almost too well. He tries not to think about it much because he almost got himself thrown out of the League completely. He kept thinking about what Kimirou did with his darkness combat back in training, but nobody said anything to him. Kehinde struck it up as a lesson learned and decided to enjoy his first day of rest. He was so caught up in his mind he didn't realize he was just outside the League base. He smiled and shooked his head and took his battered and sweaty body on to his room. He turned the corner and saw stairs then looked over and saw the elevator. "No question the elevator." He walked over and entered the elevator pushing for the second floor. When he reached the second floor, he exited the elevator and made his way down the hallway. "Ohh fancy..." He rushed to his assigned room and as he went to open it he noticed it was unlocked. "What the..." He pushed the door in and it revealed the beautiful room.

Kehinde was in awe with how it was set up. As he dove in deeper he noticed someone's belongings sitting on the bed, so he started to walk around yelling, "Hello!....Hellooooooo! Anyone here?" When he received no answer, he went over to look through the belongings. "Hmph...who knew." Once he was finished walked over to the bed on the opposite end and sat on it. "Yeah, I'm going to hate this." He rolled his eyes and immediately got off the bed as if he sat in something. "Come on Kehinde don't sit on a clean bed with your sweaty but." He mumbled to himself. When he examined the bed, he saw a letter addressed to him. "Ohhhh fan mail!" He opened it and realized it was a promotional letter. He brought the letter closer to make sure he was reading the right thing, "Huh? they promoted me? But why? After the stunt I pulled I thought sure I was a goner. Oh well no takesies backsies." He opened the drawer next to him, took the letter and neatly tucked in there. He looked at his closet and smiled, "Now for a nice hot shower." He walked over and opened his closet grabbing his outfit for the day. Nothing special. Once he finished that, he grabbed his shower bag, peeked inside, and head for the shower. Hopefully, he'd get some kind of rest before heading out. [/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=Orion Lotus, Purple]

Location: Komenco
Mood: Finally Warm
Inventory: stuff and things (Suitcase)​

Frosty Range was an understatement, that place was cold enough to freeze hell as far as Orion was concerned. It fricken sucked, especially since he left before he was able to gather any of his things so he was weaponless and more importantly he didn't have his bracelets. After a week his hair was back to its natural green color which had most of his team question his natural hair color. It was so bad that he considered darkening it again, but he didn't have the nuts required. In fact he didn't have anything related to his gift. Because of that he was forced to train outside of his power, since the frosty range was no lush green forest. Sure it was a great idea to be able to handle himself without the aid of his power but he hoped to all things holy he never had to see that place again. Between the missions, trainings, questionable food and drills he was more than prepared to kill someone but not quite for the reason the League may have foreseen. He still preferred flora to people. The spear he had borrowed for the duration was a shotty substitute for his own spear but at the very least he was able to hone something applicable to his preferences.

Now that he had returned to warm dry land he was elated. He was able to make arrangements early in his training to insure that several of his belongings be transferred to the new place he was supposed to be living when he returned. As soon as he walked in his new living quarter he looked around for his stuff. When he found the bedroom he was relieved to see his belongings on a bed. His Bracelets sat on top of his medicine book on the bed and his spear lying across the bed as well. At the foot of his bed was his little lemon tree. So much relief washed over him at the sight of these few things. It was there that he actually realized that someone else's stuff was already in the room It was most likely some of his team mates. He didn't even examine the room until he slid the bracelets on to his wrists and sat on the floor. He reached for his lemon tree, it was not dead so someone had been taking care of it. Orion ran his fingers over one of the lemons, making it grow until he plucked it from the stem and bit into it, through the skin. He missed this flavor, he missed it so. He savored the flavor as he finally toured his new digs. A pretty sweet suite. When he looked back at his book he noticed a letter sticking out of the cover. He slipped it out quietly and opened. It read that he had been promoted to the rank of bandit. This came as a genuine shock to him. Sure he was awesome but he was training in an environment that didn't suit his skill set well at all. Because of that he worked his ass off to keep up so maybe they recognized that dedication or something, it didn't matter. First rank was an achievement sure but didn't mean much in the larger scheme of things. To him it just meant that the higher up figured he was less likely to die than half the surviving recruits. He wondered for a moment where his room/teammates were since their stuff was in the room. He didn't put much thought into it though. He had been with them for a month, he knew they could handle themselves so he pulled a few things out of his suitcase and attempted to locate the shower. He stopped when he heard it already running. "damn. Is there only one? I really need to wash my hair"
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[fieldbox=Amaya Mikazuki, blue, solid]
Location: Humoj dining hall-training grounds
Mood: Tense
Inventory: Bow, arrows, dagger.​
Amaya could see from her position in the dining hall that the sun was going down, casting the world in darkness. Even from indoors her energy seemed to thrum in her viens, pulsing like it had its own heartbeat. Her bones felt stronger. Her eyes seemed to focus and pick out colors, she coud hear every clink of silverwear or the definite S's and T's as people clicked their tongue during their speech. Her heart seemed to beat faster in her chest, pounding against her ribcage. The room was smaller now, more confined. Amaya lifted her back off the wall and out of the dining hall, breathing in the clean scent of their air as day turned to night.

Good time for training? For sure. The night was hers. The moon seemed to wrap her in ribbons of light, fueling her energy, making her feel stronger. She was strong. The dark was hers to control.

Amaya ran to her dorm and changed quickly into her missionary clothes and strung her quiver and bow across her shoulders. They bumped across her back as she made her way to the designated training grounds. She snickered. During the day, this area was filled with people focusing their energy on their abilities and sparring. At night? Deserted. Hers to control.

However, she had no intent on using the ground. She reached the center of the training ground, her head bowed, shoulders tense. She could feel the air enter her lungs, exit, enter. Calm. Her heart beat slowed. Her blood seemed to move slower in her viens, isolating.

Amaya's image flickered, and she was gone. Her boots clung to the side of the building, faster, higher. Almost there. Shit, she was losing her grip. No, faster, higher. There. The edge. FUCK! Her boot slipped on the surface, and she lost her balance. Amaya used the tip of her boot as she fell vertically backwards, kicking off and landing on her feet. Damnit, vertically manuevering up buildings was something she needed to work on.

Damn, her pulse was too fast, and she was already tiring. She needed to be stronger. Drawing three arrows in the spaces in her fingers, she knocked her bow and aimed. Looking down the shaft of the middle arrow, she fired and watched the spears land in random areas across the wall, sticking to its side. Perfect.

Her figure flashed, and again she was gone. A blur. No, calm, heart beating too fast. Slow down. There. Go. Up the arrows. Her boots hit the shafts as she mounted them, using the thin sticks to guide herself up. Higher. There. Amaya's boot touched the edge, and she propelled herself upward. No. Dont stop.

Drawing another arrow she turned fast, knocking it in a heartbeat and firing. No! The arrow hit the stuffed dummy on the ground, landing home of the white just outside the painted bullseye. Damn. She wasnt fast enough, or calm.

Amaya relied on the moons energy, but couldnt use just that. She was using too much too fast. On a real mission, she'd be dead. No. Not good enough.

With a sigh she jumped, landing in a crouched position on the ground. Her spine alligned as she stood, collecting her arrows from the ground. Damnit, she was weak. Not good enough. She was glad nobody else was here. Nobody else could see her fail.

Ripping the arrow from the stomach of the dummy, she growled to herself, "I'm great with arrows but swords and daggers? Count me out."

She was stupid. Thinking she could go with just arrows and the shadows. She needed to learn to fight in close range combat, or she wouldnt last a second on a real mission. Sometimes it wasnt always dark, and she couldnt always wait until nightfall to make her move. Amaya slipped the dagger from its holster located on her hip, and hefted it in her hand. It was heavy, and more than likely she would look silly trying to move around with it in an attack. In the Academy, when she enrolled for the long range training, they seldom went over daggers or swords. The lessons were about breathing, focusing, firing, and hiding. The shadows were your sheild.

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[fieldbox="Arria Calvus, red, solid"]
|Location: Socio Sango Headquarters|
|League: Socio Sango|
|Mood: Frustrated|
|Inventory: Daggers, taser, 2,000 urd|

After a month of grey jumpsuits and convict hunting Arria was glad to be able to wear her own clothes again. The training was terrible and even though she liked -as long as she ignored their psychopathic tendencies- her group as much as she could deal with, that didn't mean that she didn't wish she was in another league. Any other league would do honestly, she was just sick of dealing with being labeled a villain and acting like one for seemingly nothing. She felt... dirty she guessed from killing the convicts. Those weren't really clean kills like she liked, they were messy and brutal and... her head hurt and she couldn't drink away the memories of before.

Of that scared little girl in the cage waiting for the next fight or maybe an assassin to save her. She didn't care which league just one would do. That never happened so she fixed the problem on her own. The way she'd killed that last convict... it was a grim reminder of what she had to deal with now. Stop being a wuss and realize that this is your life now, weapon. You go where they tell you to and kill who they want you to kill. Be an adult and stop dreaming about what could have been.

"Heh, maybe I should go out and kill someone at the bar again... that would... probably be as fufilling as the last time. Which is to say not at all." Arria mumbled to herself as she walked to the office where they dolled out missions. They'd probably be all missions where they had to kill someone with her luck, Arria figured, but she still went. As she walked up to the desk she noted the purse mission and looked at the man at the desk.

"Yeah, I'd like to sign up for the purse mission."

"Just sign the paperwork and give it back when you're done," the man said, hunched over his computer which seemed to have been in use since before Arria was born.

"Right, I'll get on that," Arria said, taking the paper from him and moving to sit down and fill it out in the outdated waiting area. Maybe the old tech was all a part of Sango's idea of aesthetic? Maybe the king didn't care about this branch as much and hoped to stomp them all out as quick as possible. Perhaps just staying in Sango could be a huge 'screw you' to him. Now there's a silver lining, Arria thought, long as I stay here I can show that old fart the middle finger and maybe see if I can do some 'good' here.

But then again, who expected someone like her to care about life when she was in the bloodthirsty Sango league?
[Fieldbox= Kimirou Asura, purple, solid]
Location: Dorm
League: Komenco
Inventory: Clothes, bath towel, wash rag, soap, shampoo, and conditioner.
Mood: Joyful then pissed.
In the middle of his shower, Kimirou began cracking himself up. He remembered the hilarious situation Kehinde was in. It played out perfectly, without out the two assassins even talking first. Kimirou had become protective over Kehinde claiming him as a friend already. Kimirou watched as Rafir picked on Kehinde as if he was a toddler picking on his crush. Kimirou became tired of it. On one particular night when all the higher ups were snuggled away in their personal tents and the new graduates slept outside on the cold hard ground. After everyone was snoring and tucked in, Kimirou snuck in to Rafir's tent. Slowly and stealthy, Kimirou made his way under the man's covers and up to be face to face with the fool. Kimirou formed his lips like a sucks fish and blew into the man's face. Rafir's eyes shot open and he began to scream. Before a sound could utter out of the poor soul's mouth, Kimirou's hand was already over it. Kimirou smiled a devilish smile and with the help of his ability of Umbrakinetic combat manipulated the darkness around his vocal chords to alter his voice. When he spoke it sounded like three people talking at once, the way a demon sounded. "You think I came here to train? I didn't. I came to find poor souls like you to feed upon." Kimirou's smile returned after his statement. He the lifted his shades revealing his eyes to Rafir. The man's own eyes grew even larger than before, from the size of the bottom of a 20 once bottle to the bottom of a 3 liter bottle. Kimirou laughed and then put his finger in front of his lips Shushing the man. He finished by setting his shades down in their correct position and demanding, "I have grown fond of Kehinde and if you keep bothering him your soul wil be the next I consume." Then in the blink of an eye Kimirou was gone. Rafir ran outside fear dripping from his body like sweat. Kimirou tried to keep from laughing add he pretended to sleep.

The next day Rafir was at it again and this time Kehinde snapped. When Rafir's knees buckled beneath him Kimirou couldn't contain himself from laughing. He could only guess that he saw what happened a few hours ago again. After a few hours Kimirou told Kehinde What he had done and the both began to chuckle about it. Then Kimirou told Kehinde,"watch this" He caught a leaf that was free falling and used his darkness infusion on it. He blew the lead towards Rafir. The leaf did as commanded and cut the man's arm. Rafir turned around in anger. Kimirou adjusted his shades, Rafir wicked faced forward in fear. Kimirou began laughing once again. He then commanded the leaf to do it a couple of more times. However Rafir did not turn around again. All he did was exhale hard and grab his arm with his other hand and pull out in front of his body. Kimirou died laughing until a higher up told him " Shut the hell up." For the rest of the month Kimirou bothered Rafir like this, giving him a taste of his own annoying medicine.

Kimirou was now laughing so hard he had fallen in the shower. He quickly gathered himself together and finished his shower. Once done he put on some fresh clothes and began to exit the bathroom. He was greeted by both Kehinde and a green haired male he had noticed at the seminar And during the last month of training. His eyes bucked noticing her had nothing covering them. He quickly dropped his dirty clothes on the threshold of the doorway and ran into the bedroom slamming the door behind him. He quickly ran to his dresser to grab his shades, but became distracted at the fact that all the drawers were open. "What the hell?" Still forgetting that his eyes weren't covered he stormed back into the living room and screamed, "Who the hell went through my shit?"[/Fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=Prowler Selvir Onyx, Red, solid]

Location: Sango Headquarter, missions department
League: Socio Sango
Mood: Meh
Inventory: 36124 urd, goggles
"Onyx! Here here, you've come to get a mission?" The man from the computer stood up greeting the prowler ranked assassin. He hit the door standing about a solid 6 feet. Wearing a pear of jeans and shirt with his sleeves rolled up, and work shoes to complete it. Around his neck, he wore his league symbol. He approached the window, "Now you know it's about that time Vic. My last mission ended too quickly." He leaned in on his elbow, "So what you got for me?" He asked. The man instantly looked through his computer, "Well I got an escort mission for ya think you up for it?" Selvir rubbed his chin contemplating, "How much is it paying? I got a few loose ends I got to handle." The man lowered his glasses and looked down through them at him, "You're not still gambling are you?" Selvir cracked a smile, "Psssh...I cut that out awhile ago look how much is the mission paying Vic I know you look out for me." He responded. The man tilted his head over to the screen, "700000 urd." Selvir eyes nodded in approval, "Yeaaaah buddy I'll take it, Stipulations?" He asked in excitement. "You can take 2 people Selvir. Just two and don't go about taking Philippe." Vic replied seriously looking at him. Selvir took the preprinted app, waving his hand, "Yeah...Yeah..Yeah...Blah..Blah..Blah...I just better get paid or I'll be paying you a visit Mr. Vic." He coldly remarked.

As he was heading for the door he noticed a girl was talking to herself. "Oh man, they always send us the crazy ones." He mumbled to himself. He looked at his watch and then walked over to put his two cents in. "Hey, you're the girl from training. You did a pretty good job back there eh? Considering you're nocturnal, well your abilities are." He commented to her. He watched as she filled out the application. To him, it sparked the many memories of when he was first starting out in such. Feeling out of place, not really wanting to be here. All that stuff that molded him into what he was today. "Heh, maybe I should go out and kill someone at the bar again... that would... probably be as fulfilling as the last time. Which is to say not at all." She mumbled as she continued her application. Selvir looked at her and cracked a smile. He looked over to Vic and Vic shrugged his shoulders. He returned his attention back to her, "You probably already know, but I'm Prowler Selvir Onyx. You can call me Onyx. If you do decide to go to that bar you let me know and we will get together a little party and make a thing out of it. You know give you the proper welcome." He mentioned, looking back at his watch. "You're first mission is always the easiest. If you're a well enough assassin you'd be finished in no time. Meanwhile I must be leaving, I have much to take care of. Later." He continued picking up his bag. He walked out the door heading toward the Second tier apartments.​
[fieldbox= Jexxai, blue]
Jexxai had sat among a group of other Graduates for almost an hour before anyone she really knew arrived into the main room. She had sat, just of to the side, listening to their conversations with a bored look on her face. Most of the people here she found, were really boring. The only people she even remotely like were Braam and Silverwolf. Both had been promoted before her, the fact only pushing her to train harder the past month.

The moment Braam had entered the room, Jexxai noticed him. She was not the only one as well. Several of the lower ranking graduates around her lowered their voices, talking in hushed whispers as he passed them. Many had seen Silverwolf and Braam fight enemies during the Stratus Hall kidnapping and though they did not know it, they were living legends among the lower rank. Another thing Jexxai was pissed about....

So when Bramm gave her a greeting before wandering away to get some food, Jexxai jumped up and followed. Throwing on her brightest smile, she walked next to him in line and began to talk. "Braam! How have you been? I haven't seen you or Silver at all since Stratus hall. You guys were out doing your post missions while I got stuck here to train. However! I managed to snag us a squad mission if you would want to join up with me and silver. We would just need to find one other person! Interested? " She finished up she leaned in closer and whispered, using her powers to make sure he was the only one who could hear, "and we can finally start tracking down those kidnappers while we do it!" She whispered in hushed excitement.
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[Fieldbox=Kehinde Akachi, purple, solid]

Location: Dorm room
League: Komenco
Mood: Relaxed
Inventory: Shampoo, brush, phone, toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, deodorant, etc.
"A shower will be just what I need to relax me out." He mumbled to himself. Kehinde walked throughout the dorm not even paying attention. He was so buried in his phone, that he almost bumped into a wall. He was looking at a few things going on in North Delia that he could check out when he got the chance. "Hmm...I guess I could go see that, I heard it was a great movie." He talked under his breath. He leaned on the wall only to look up for a quick second, noticing a green haired individual. He looked back down at his phone only to look back up quickly. Kehinde oddly looked at the guy standing by the door to the shower, "Ummmm.....hi?" He murmured, quizzically looking. "You're hair is quite a unique color....I'm Kehinde Akachi. And....." He was interrupted by Kimirou darting out of the bathroom with seemingly strange looking eyes. He tried to hide them still, but it was a bit too late. "I wonder why his eyes look like that. Gotta love it, we have a guy with green hair and a guy with black eyes. Ha! only at the Komenco." He thought. Kehinde looked back over to the guy with green hair and shrugged.

So Kehinde decided to follow him but he heard the door slam. The slam was then followed by him yelling, "Who the hell went through my shit?" Kehinde giggled a bit and slowly walked back toward the shower. "Ha! that was his stuff. Should do better than leaving things out like that." He thought to himself. As he was heading back toward the shower, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He reached into his pocket and without even looking at it he picked it up giggling, "Hello?....." He answered, throwing his hair back. "This is he...." He backed up on the kitchen counter, "Ohhh yes...size 10, please." A smile rolled across his face, "Great! I'll have someone pick them up from you thanks." He nodded his head in agreement. "Alright, thanks again bye." As soon as he hung up, Kehinde got excited, "It's here!" He immediately went to text Leon, but Leon beat him to the punch,

Your purchase is ready, dude called me so I'm headed to get it.
Say whaat? He called you?
Uhh yes Kachi he called me, as in picked up the phone, dialed my number, and spoke to me. Come on dude I'm really starting to worry about you.
Well how did he get your number?
Really? with all these questions I'm going through a tunnel can't really get a reliable enough reception.
But your textin though.
Yeah, don't know who this is....
I'll be there with your crap later on Kachi, your gonna have to hurry up Mom and I are going to the market outside of Delia.
Alright, fine.
Umhmm....Oh thanks Leon for picking up my crap...Ohh your welcome Kehinde it would mean a whole lot more if you weren't such an past.
Ass...I meant ass stupid auto correct.
Oh boy here we go....btw you like triple texted lol
Yeah, here I go....asshole, oh and my phone now knows your an ass

Kehinde rolled his eyes and put his phone back into his shower bag. Since no one was going for the shower he decided to go on ahead. He needed one. Kehinde couldn't stand being sweaty for long periods of time. Plus his hair was gross so it needed a good wash. He saw the green haired guy standing there, "I hope you don't mind if I go on ahead in." Kehinde walked on into the shower closing the door behind him, locking it. The steam was still evident in the bathroom. He placed his shower bag on the counter, turned on the shower and looked in the mirror. "Yep, I still look good." He winked at himself and prepared to take a shower.​

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