No "Yes" or "No"

  • Thread starter IntrusivePenDesperateSword
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A million times that word that rhymes with Po.

Are you a yes or a no?
The world may never learn the answer to that question, particularly if it is only ever asked on a platform such as this, and posed only to those who are unsure of the answer, or the exact intent of the question itself. I myself am unable to define myself in the given terms, as I am completely unaware of their potential connotations. Even to say that 'I think' in one respect or another would be an inadequate response, as my thoughts may well change from one moment to the very next, and therefore lose all validity once held at the time of their presentation to the consciousness of mankind. Furthermore, I lack the ability to so much as define the boundaries of the question itself, and thus, I must at last conclude that further speculation would be idiotic due to my unreasonably low qualification in relevance to the matter at hand.

Did you like my answer to the previous ambiguous question?
I can't gauge my like or dislike due to the inability to express certain words.

What is the shortned form of Your Extreme Stuff and/ or Not Ours?"
I believe there are several possibilities. If you would like both phrases abbreviated as acronyms, I would only be able to satisfy your request by reversing the order of the words - in which case the former would (arguably) become an initialism, thereby making it impossible to comply.

Would you please remind me again of the forbidden words in this game?
Ah, so I can do. In the first post in this thread, the words are given explicitly, so I suggest you check out that one first, but in another post, I also explained them as "most short words used for either acceptance, agreement, or the opposite" or something along those lines.

Is there a meaning to life?
The meaning to Life (According to Girl Meets World) is People change people.

Has a musical song ever made you cry?
Not ones from musicals, but songs otherwise have on several occasions.

Do you have a favorite meme?
Memes are bad, but I do like the realization guy. Specfically this one.


Do you agree or believe this meme to be true?
As I do believe you are calling for an opinion, I must say that I disagree.

Do you believe?
Believe in what? This question is too vague to answer.

Do you like irony?
Eye mousse Sawyer dart eye eight leash fondue irony two bee funds bee four. Net shore a boat currents.

Is Iwaku great?
The greatest in the world.

Do you like chocolate?
There are a number health benefits with having dark chocolate. Getting dark chocolate from the health food store is always a nice little treat.

Do you like oatmeal?
The food is too hot and messy for me.

Does 2+2=5?
Well according to the theories of maths and understanding how numbers work they would use a formula like so as an example of how inaccurate that statement would be.

Do you drink more water than juice or soda?
As a matter of fact, I do. Water is delicious.

Absolutely understandable, I see where you're coming from. But not in hot cocoa.

Do you like Zelda?
Nintendo has never really been my cup of tea, which I think speaks volumes about who I am as a person, I just never got into Zelda, let alone Mario, or Metroid. And most people will bring up their pitchforks and torches to rally against me for not liking Nintendo.

Do you know how to bake?
I am learning how to bake. Grandmother is teaching me.

Would you read a psychological transformation parody fiction?
Parody is often the greatest form of truth, one of my favorite quotes is "Fiction reveals truth that which reality obscures" Ralph Waldo Emerson. And I think that speaks solely truthfully to humor the most. Because satire and forms of parody often can point out truths about the world that otherwise more serious fiction cannot.

Do you think that people are inherently ignorant?
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