"No Friends" Club.

Penelope tore her eyes away from the beautiful scenery outside to look in on the club room. There was a feeling of serenity amongst the club members. She had done a pretty good job of keeping things in order while the club leader was away. There were so many new faces she couldn't help but feel proud. They had even gotten a violinist to play for them, whenever he felt like it that is. It was still magical to see people from so many different walks of life getting along so well. "This is my club," she said to herself. "I don't have to worry about those people anymore because I have these people." She smiled then returned her attention to the window.
Damien smiled when Shou opened his eyes. "You're welcome, I thought you'd like it..." The warmth of the tea, the serenity of the clubroom, the late afternoon sun streaming through the windows. It all added up to a very beautiful moment. He glanced back toward Shou. The sparkle in his eye was enchanting... "Shou..." Almost unconsciously, Damien leaned in towards him. At any other time, he would have been too scared. At that moment, he was about to expose his true self to Shou, and everyone else in the room... At that moment, he was about to do the unthinkable... At that moment...

He blinked, quickly jolted back to his senses. He was only a couple inches away from Shou now. Am I really going to go through with it? "Shou, I... I..." He could feel his face growing hotter as he sat there, unable to speak.
Ava giggled at Miu a little, still sort of looking at the floor. "It's alright. I'm not m- much good at holding a c- conversation, either." She looked up at Miu. The way the light contrasted on her body just made her look... beautiful. She also noticed her stuttering wasn't as bad as usual. Something about her sparkling green eyes calmed her. Those eyes. "Your eyes r- remind me o- of emeralds. So p- pretty, so shiny, like precious gems..." She couldn't help but stare into the girls eyes, completely fascinated. They were deep, and Ava realized she could always read Miu's emotions in her eyes, if she was having trouble. She looked away sharply, thinking that staring might seem rude, and she didn't want to be rude. It just wasn't in her nature.
Miu was caught off guard by the comment. Her face deepened in hue but the the Korean girl was smiling. She looked down to Ava, a little bashfulness playing in her eyes. Taking a few moments to reflect she was certain no one had ever likened her eyes to gems. Using gem's to describe someone's eyes was common in reading but that was the author speaking about a character they felt the reader needed to see in a certain light. She wondered how common it was outside of description. But something far more note worthy than how Avacyyn's speech smoothed out near the end. "so shiny, like precious gems..."

Miu knew that without a doubt the Ava believed whole heartily in what she was saying, and something about that only made the comment far more complimenting. Though her body seemed a little awkward, trying to figure out how it should place itself. Miu's eyes flashed with happiness. "T-thank you Ava." She wouldn't have admitted it out loud but she let the girl's words echo in her head once more. The thought of it made her want to attempt to stand more beautifully but her shyness got the better of her. She placed her hands behind her back against the wall and did her best to look more plain. Her blush had faded by now but she still wore that genuine smile. "How have classes been going?"
Ava could tell Miu was trying to hide how she felt. She thought about it for a moment, and replied, "They have b- been alright. M- my science teacher can b- be sarcastic at t-times, but other than th- that..." She trailed off and stared out the window for a few seconds, seemingly deep in thought. "H- How have they b- been for y- you?"
Shou stared deep into Damien's eyes, they were so close. He leaned in closer. "What is it?" He whispered into his ear.
When Miu looked at him, he returned her gaze for a moment; it was like there was this silent connection between them. After she looked away and started talking to a newcomer, a girl with white eyes, he just rested his chin against his knees and sat and observed her. He felt calmer around Miu than he had in a long while, and it was nice to have someone who could just be there, without having to start a conversation. He watched as she drank the tea, and couldn't help himself but smile slightly at her reaction to the comment Ava made about her eyes. From below his bangs he took a quick glance at Ava as well; he was fascinated by the color of her eyes. Not that he was one to speak about that, though. After a moment of observing them, he leaned back against the window and turned his head to look outside again. He didn't really want to talk to anyone and still felt slightly scared. Maybe he should go make a cup of tea as well, maybe that would calm him down. Maybe later though, right now it felt okay just sitting in the window.
((Sorry my late ass reply, I had guests yesterday and I think I might have a very different time zone than you guys xD))
"Oh umm.." Miu began, she closed her eyes in thought seemingly unsure what to say. After a few moments she opened her eyes, they darted toward Adrian for about a second before returning to her conversational partner. "My studies have been going fairly well." She said before taking a sip of the tea. After she had done so she placed the mug back down on the sill. Close to Adrian's hand almost almost as if to offer him to have some. Her fingers still hung on the handle as she waited. "English has been coming along much better. Being immersed in the language seems to be much better than learning it second hand from my old school." If anyone had been paying particular care to her words, they would easily be able to note that she didn't mention students or teachers, but in a very focused manner talked about the subjects.
Adrian smiled inwardly at Miu's careful choice of words, and took the place of the cup as a gesture, so he got up and quickly made a cup of tea before walking back to the window, sitting where he had been before. Even if they had sort of made a silent agreement not to talk, he wanted to try and talk to her. But right now, it was okay, he thought as he took a sip of the warm tea. He took in a sharp breath at it being very warm and put the cup down slowly, closing his eyes softly, his long eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks. It was calm to sit in the window, because the sound from people only reached to one of his ears. In his other ear was the sound of the air blowing in the trees outside the window, and the very faint sound of cars driving outside the school area. He kept his eyes closed for a while, trying to take in all of the sounds coming from all directions around him.
Ava could tell Mui chose her words carefully. She wanted to be a story writer, using role playing sites like Iwaku for practice. She was already signed up as a Journalism major for a college. She looked at Mui inquiringly and worriedly, and asked, "Wh- what about the other st- students? The t- teachers? Are they t- treating you w- well?" She was worried about her. She was the kind of person who would give all she had and then some to make sure those she cared about were happy. Then she realized that she was starting to care about Mui.
As Adrian got up Miu took a sip of her mug with a small smile. She watched him go an prepare his drink. Shortly after he returned and sat down, she followed suit, sitting down beside him, on what space there was left. For others maybe it wouldn't have been enough but for Miu's small frame it was plenty. After she was firmly planted she brought her mug up to her chest, holding it with both hands she appeared to be pulling it in. Her legs straightened, lifting lightly and her eyes closed, face scrunching up slightly. She appeared to be shivering, but after a moment she lost the fight against her yawn. Her mouth opened ever so slightly and a small yawn escaped. After it passed she relaxed again. She had been wondering what caused Adrian to be so calm, when she first approached he appeared defensive. Maybe it was the atmosphere of the room, or possibly the warm sunlight. After a few other thoughts passed through her mind she stumbled upon one. "M-me? Maybe?" She thought to herself. "No.... No, that's silly. It must be something else..." With thought finished, she began to hear the rustling of leaves on the trees, just barely playing at the edge of audible through the window. Miu was still however looking up at Ava, wondering lightly how she would respond.

Miu's eyes dulled as the question was asked, she wasn't surprised, it was the logical thing to ask. Her green eyes shifted uncomfortably. But the combination of the sun's light and Adrian sitting beside her helped keep her from panicking. "Y-yeah! There all treating me really well," It sounded like an unfinished thought but Miu was just simply smiling. She wasn't going to tell them that the constant prodding of her classmates was quite vexatious. She was sure it would pass in time, after she could no longer be considered new and the novelty of having a foreign exchange student wore off.
For a while he sat and drank his tea, smiling ever so slightly hearing Miu yawn after sitting down beside him. He opened his eyes and looked at her, sitting with his back against the window, the warm sunlight warming his back. Ava had basically mouthed his thoughts and just watched to wait for Miu to respond to her question. He had a feeling that she was holding something back; well, not like everyone in this room wasn't. He himself was holding back quite some things from his past.
The bullying that hadn't only been bullying... things had gotten out of hand and the incident hadn't been spoken of around the school. No one wanted to talk about it. The culprits got their will. They ignored him after that. They ignored the bruises, didn't pay attention to him not showing up at gym class... ignored his skipping school. No one seemed to care at that time, and thus it had come to that he changed schools. It didn't go worse here, but anything could happen. He went in the defensive because he didn't want to get hurt or bullied again... and he didn't want something like that to happen to him again. He looked down into the tea with sadness glowing in his eyes, not sure of what he should do. The thoughts had overwhelmed him and he just felt like sobbing, but instead he blinked the tears away as quick as he could and looked back out the window, hopefully before anyone could notice that something had been wrong with him.
Ava stared at Mui with a worried look on her face. Damn it, not again. Another reason she didn't make friends is because she grew too attached, and then she got hurt. She would give everything to keep them happy, no matter how it affected her, and they always ended up stabbing her in the back. She didn't want to come here in the first place, but her mom made her. She didn't want to make friends. She usually got hurt. She was kind of glad she came, though. Mui seemed nice. Though, all her 'friends' did, and then they betrayed her. She tried to hide her thoughts, but he rapidly reddening face showed she was holding back tears the best she could.
Miu's smile was awkward as she attempted to think of a way to dispel the worry of Ava, but nothing became immediately apparent. After a second she perked a little and reached into her shirt pocket, pulling out a little flip phone, she opened it and quickly fiddled with it for a few seconds. She began to type, her brow furrowed as if she got stuck for a moment. After she finished she handed the phone to Ava. Miu was smiling innocently as she did so. The screen presented was the contacts screen. The first name line was filled with "Avaccyn." Miu wasn't sure how the name was spelled but she was hoping she didn't mess it up to bad. She without a doubt noticed Adrian shifting, he appeared to be uncomfortable, sad even. She felt like asking him if everything was okay but she wasn't quite ready to break the silence between them... not yet anyway.
He didn't want anyone to be worried and could almost feel that Miu noticed him, but instead of responding he closed his left hand around his right, pressing both of his hands to his chest in a sort of gesture to calm himself down. It had always worked for him, repeating the words calm down inside his head while holding his hands right where he could feel a heartbeat, and eventually he calmed down and rested his head back against the window, taking a sip of his tea that had now cooled a little down so that it was easier to drink for him. He smiled a little; somehow it was nice to feel that Miu had actually been worried about him, even if she didn't mouth it. There was something in the way she glanced to his side that made her feelings obvious, like they were written clearly in her face. He shivered a bit at the heat of the tea filling his body, and let out a comfortable little sigh, his shoulders sinking in comfort. Tea really was the best thing on earth, next after warm and fluffy beds and cute kittens. He smiled a bit at the thought of kittens; his thoughts were drifting to his cat at home, a completely black one with only one white spot which was its left eye. He'd called it Kuu-chan. She always crawled into his bed at evenings and lied under the blanket, so that her tail would be stroking his chest and her paws would be against his arm. Kuu-chan was a quiet cat. It never said anything, it just looked at him with that look he couldn't decipher. It was calming; it felt like she worried for him and tried to comfort him by cuddling against his leg or licking his cheek, or even scratching his arm. It all seemed like a gesture saying "I'm worried about you."
((Adrian is a cat-lover xD))
Ava smiled and nodded at Mui's gesture, taking the phone from her hands, and began typing. When she returned the phone, the name read Avacyyn, and her number was there. she then pulled out her own cell phone and typed something. Ava handed her phone to Mui, and it read Miyu. She was never very good at spelling Asian names. Loved Asian people, just couldn't spell their names.
As Miu looked at the contact page she nodded, she pressed a few thing before handing the phone to Adrian. She may have heard his name earlier on in the day but she couldn't recall it now. So the first name line, wrote simply was "Crimson." As she passed her phone off Ava gave hers to Miu. She smiled lightly as she simply deleted the "Y" She began to deftly type in her number with a small smile. When she finished she looked over the information with a smile, making sure it was all correct. She even filled out the email and home phone fields. After confirmation with herself she nodded and held the phone back to Ava. She had noticed Adrian's shoulders relax, what ever it was that was bothering him appeared to be gone for the time being. In fact he appeared to be day dreaming. About what she couldn't confirm, but still she smiled, a little blush coming forward. The way the soft light from the window fell upon him only seemed to add to the dream like demeanor. Miu looked up at Ava and tilted her head signalling her to look at the crimson eyed boy that sat beside her.
After she saved Miu as a contact, she put her phone away and looked up to see her tilt her head, signaling to look at the boy next to her. He had beautiful crimson eyes, they reminded her of blood drops. She could tell by the orientation of his muscles that he was usually uptight and tense, but around Miu he was relaxed. She smiled that soft I think he likes you smile at Miu. Ava knew that's what she wanted to know. She waited for her to respond.
Adrian looked at the phone for a moment before typing in "Adrian" in the name field, typing his number below before giving the phone back to Miu along with his own, where he'd written Miu in the name field. He was pretty sure that was how you spelled it, but who knew? He'd heard it said a few times but not seen it written down so he could be wrong. He took the cup back up to his mouth and drank a bit more of his tea, getting lost in his thoughts again; he really wanted to get home and see Kuu-chan, who would just cuddle against his leg in a plea to make him go with her to the couch to cuddle. He missed that. Actually, Adrian lived on his own. After they'd decided to move, his parents had actually just given him an apartment of his own which was close to them. That way, he had his own free space but he was still close enough for them to be able to come bother him every now and then (which was three times a day, to be exact). He didn't particularly dislike it, just smile and pretend everything is okay. Then his parents would believe him.
Miu's face filled with blush as Ava made her assuming look surprise flooded her eyes. It wasn't her intention to get that sort of opinion. But... then again wasn't it? She didn't mean to consciously, but possibly sub consciously. The surprise in her face quickly wore off, but the blush still remained. Quickly it flooded out completely as she noticed Adrian handing her phone back to her. She read the contents with a nod before flipping he phone closed and putting it back in her shirt pocket. Miu then gingerly accepted Adrian's phone and typed in the information. She was done, but for some reason she didn't hand the phone back immediately. She stared at the contacts page for a few seconds before typing in three more characters into the name field. "~<3." Miu held the phone back to him without looking toward him, blushing and smiling lightly her eyes were looking the opposite direction.