Nightraven High School

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"Weapon indeed!" Ivan reached into his box. "Here, Ivan always orders extra." he said, and pulled out a Mosin-Nagant. The hefty rifle still smelled strongly of cosmoline, its bolt sticking out like a soldier at attention. It seemed to ooze power of decades past, no doubt having sent many enemies of the Proletariat to their grave.

"Is good to learn to shoot. Here, try target practice with vase" he said, pointing one out across the hall. "Is already even loaded, as good nugget should be."
Pierre mumbles "Free dumb." under his breath, just barely audiable.
Seeing Janna leave, Alfredo decided to give chase, with a "Vaya con dios amigos, I'll see some of you later on if I'm lucky!" Following her wasn't much trouble, if living in Tijuana taught him anything, it was not to drink the worm in the tequila, and how to follow someone without making much of a scene. Alfredo found himself going into halls that were getting less and less filled with people until he saw Janna by herself dancing. The dancing seemed to remind Alfredo of simpler times, happier times when he was a child. Nevertheless, he called out, "Oiiiii senioriiiiiiiita!" he started to approach from one end of the hallway. "I still have a few questions to ask you! By the way your dancing reminds me of me abuela's menudo, muy fantastico, I shall treat you to some one of these days"
Alice wasn't exactly expecting an assault rifle in the corridor. Her expression doesn't take long to settle back into its usual combination of surprise and confusion. "Uhh... Aren't you supposed to leave that outside? I wouldn't really want you to get in trouble... Or get in trouble myself. Maybe we could go out for target practice? Just not far away enough from the school to actually find nasty things. Also uhh... What's a proletariat? Some kind of monster?"
Janna jumps in shock at the sound of Alfredo's voice, "Oh my. I wasn't aware that someone would be following me."

She was flustered and obviously embarrassed. She hadn't done a good job 'sneaking' away from the crowd. She watched him approach her and she smiled her usual shy smile.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you still had questions. I will answer them the best I can." Janna felt bad that she had left so abruptly.

Although Janna silently admitted it was nice to talk to someone after being alone in this school for so long.
"Inside, outside... is same difference." Ivan waved his hand. "Point is, pottery is always fun beginners target, except maybe for when Red Army bring back kebab prisoner. Here, look" he grabbed her hands. "Right hand goes over handle, with finger of point securely inside this ring, so is always close to trigger for make quick shootings. Left goes here for better aiming. Oh, and one more things." the Russian reached into the box again.

"Is bayonet, for make stabbings of enemy!" he secured a large spike onto the front end of the gun.
"I wasn't there for most of the details in the morning, when exactly is this expedition going to be happening, my spinning friend?" Alfredo asked. "I have a little project I was going to start with some obsidian I bought, and want to know how much time there is for me to work on it." Alfredo thought the happy thoughts he had previously was a byproduct of her doing and felt the need to ask, "By the way, is being a good dancer your power or something seniorita?"
Pierre considered making anoher comment about the FAMAS, but Ivan scared the wine out of him, and so he stayed silent, thinking of all the possible ways this could go wrong.
"...Vait." Heidi turns to Alice, leaning on her zwei. "Did you just call wunderbar sword silly?"
"Didn't the professor say we'd be expelled, though?" Alice has even less clue what was going on. Ivan must know what he was doing, but he was directly contradicting the rules in a public place...

"I, uh, what? No. I'm sure your sword will strike fear in the hearts of the bad guys." What was even going on anymore?!
"Damned right. I vill know my true brothers by who fights by my side and not from behind safe distance, like a Pole." Heidi stands straighter, seeming to be come more tall. "Ve vill strike quickly, like ze lightning in ze night."
"The expedition might be conducted tomorrow or even several days from now. It's really up to my father." Janna blushed when Alfredo asked about her dancing, "My power is to make people happy. I like to make everyone around me smile. Excuse me, I'm going to be retiring to my dorm room. Let's talk again tomorrow."

With that, Janna bowed and waved good-bye to her new friend or at least she hoped she had made a new friend. Slowly she put her hand down and was unsure of herself. What did she know about making friends? She barely talked to Alfredo. She yawned and headed up to her empty dorm room. She was used to rooming by herself, but for some reason, this evening she was feeling incredibly alone.

[OOC: I'm going to sleep soon. Tomorrow I will explain the expedition and send out personal schedules (hopefully). But for now, you can continue to post here. I will initiate a time skip tomorrow as per usual. Post here or in any of the group threads. If you forgot who your roommate is check the opening post in the OOC. You and your roomy (or anyone you invite into your room) can have friendly conversation and hang out. The condition of your dorm room... well that's up to you.]
"Hah! What will expelled do? Send Ivan away forever?" the Russian retorted.

"Look, is good to learn guns for make enemies dead. See vase? You must learn to hate vase. Pretend is terrible enemy, like gypsy or capitalist. Then, shoot it! Go ahead, getting angry usually works. Other option is to be drinking this." he produced a bottle of clear fluid. "Is vodka."
"See you later me amiga!" Alfredo exclaimed while she left. Seeing that he has an unknown amount of time, he might as well work on it later, and walked back to the bulletin board, new faces may have arrived and he might as well greet the ones he was going to work with.
"Oh, vodka? That's alcohol, right? I don't think I've ever had alcohol." She eyes the bottle.
Ivan remained silent for several long moments before bringing the lip of the bottle mere millimeters away from Alice's mouth.
"Oh, why not?" Glug. And thus Alice consumed a reasonably large amount of vodka. It's not long before she's sputtering, having taken in a pretty big hit of hard alcohol for the first time.
"Are you feeling it, comrade?!" Ivan asked the now properly vodka'd Alice.
"Indeed I am... Comrade?" She grins a bit wider than normal, her cheeks starting to resemble Janna's. "What's a comrade anyway?"

Alcohol doesn't quiite set in that fast, but it's not like Alice knows that.
Returning from the many hallways, Alfredo's first view is that of Ivan shoving Vodka down Alice's throat. "Hey amigos don't have a party without me!" Alfredo said as he ran towards them.
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