Nightraven High School

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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"Great! You take a seat, use control stick on right arm rest, use power button below arm rest. Just a sec, let me take out Zeke's package." Pavel fumbled around a bit with the blades, scattering a few across the floor as he emptied the storage compartment, but in a few seconds he was done.

"I'm releasing control. Can-1 is yours." The food-can shaped craft descended to the ground, ready to be used.
Trent walked over to Can-1, getting inside it. He sat down as instructed and attempted to turn the thing on. Making a few rounds around the lunch room, Trent figured out how to fly the thing.
Pavel was impressed, and watched with glee as the craft was put to use. "Want to keep it?"
"Sure" Trent answered, putting the machine down. He got and examined it, not really liking the exterior. He liked how it flew though. It just needed a paint job, and Trent knew exactly how to do it. He just needed some money and he needed to look for Zeke.
"Alright students, you have fifteen minutes left to arrive to class. Your final class of the day will be Herbology and the Practice of Medicinal Herbs with Professor Greenwoode."

The intercom died down and Janna finished her small meal. Zi carried herself down the stairs after taking a well needed nap. She yawned and waved at Janna.
"Did you sleep well?" Janna asked her.
"Yeah, I slept like a rock," Zi replied.
"So Zi, what happened back in..." Janna couldn't bring herself to finish the question.

Zi looked down at the ground, "It was a nightmare. All I can remember thinking was that I was gonna die. The whole expedition was a failure that day and the whole group walked into an ambush. Half of our group died right there. Only two others besides me were able to escape. And Max..."
Zi choked up and looked at Janna. She was unable to finish her sentence, but Janna knew with just that look what she was going to say.

"He's gone then..."

"Janna I'm sorry. I didn't know that you two... I would have tried harder to save him," Zi was almost in tears, "And we all got split up. I'm not sure what happened to the others. They could still be out there for all I know. Finding things to eat was so hard. And then I lost track of time. Days became weeks, and weeks became months. I saw things I will never be able to unsee. It was hell everyday."

Janna hugged her friend and the two continued talking about Zi's experience in the Magic Plane all the way to class.
Pierre overheard Janna and Zi's conversation, and decided to not push his luck yet and just stay out of it.
After Janna and Zi departed, he turned to the rest of the group.
"Mes amis, if Kraven is en retard again with the announcement, we should get going now, non?"
Greg let out a sigh. Just as he had gotten started on his meat loaf, too! He did his best to eat what he could and shoveled the rest into the trash. "Dunno", he said between gulps of water, "But we might want to get going, just to be safe, you know?" He paused. "Speaking of which, does anyone here know how to get to Herbology? Because our tour guide just left."
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Shah raised her hand and beckoned the newbies towards her. Nobody knew their way around Nightraven likes he did, fringe benefit of practically living their during Summer break.
"Lead the way, Shah."
Pavel decided it was time to summon his daily second saucer, if only to carry his stuff around. He put a few choice bits of food into a small plastic bag from his backpack though, as he didn't eat much during the break.
Finished with his occupation, Pavel nodded politely to Shah: "Please, lead the way Miss, sorry for holding you up!"

(The saucer looks like a cauldron. It has three defining features: One is a loudspeaker on it's side, there is accomodation for one pilot on it's bottom (inside the cauldron), and there's a hologram projector on the seat.)
"Herbology, huh... I wonder what kind of stuff we'll be making with these herbs." Alice ponders aloud, whilst heading over to follow Shah to class.
Professor Greenwoode's classroom smelled of well... nature. The hallway it was in had trees and plants. It smelled vaguely of fruits and freshly brewed tea. A guitar was strung sitting in the corner of his classroom. He wore sandals and smelled of minty green tea. He looked content in his room and there was a very relaxing air about him. He smiled lazily as his students walked in.

"Welcome class, to Herbology. My name is Professor Greenwoode, but you can just call me Cap. I'm not really good with formalities," Professor Greenwoode admitted, "Have a seat."

There weren't any desks. Only couches that maybe seated four or five people. There were eight couches in all of that size all in a circle around Professor Greenwoode whose desk and chair were made from branches. Trees had grown in the compressed space and covered the ceiling along with vines. Fruit also grew from some of the trees and pineapples seem to be growing in the ground nearby.

Janna loved this room. It always made her feel calm, but it had been Max's favorite class as well. She sighed softly and sat on the couch in the center. Zi followed suit and sat on Janna's right.

Alice isn't even slightly surprised at the classroom. All the classrooms here were silly. Though it was more entertaining than having the same kind of generic standard room for every class.

Taking a look around, she quickly moves to grab an unoccupied couch and wait for the lecture to begin.
As Trent walked into the next classroom, his patience was certainly tested. It was then and there where he realized that the school was not as competent as he initially believed it was. He looked around him to see the actual layout of the classroom and it looked to him like he wasn't going to enjoy learning in the class. Trent never hated learning per se and so he decided to give it a chance. That was until he saw the teacher.

He was a hippie. Trent hated hippies. "Damn long hairs" Trent murmured.
Pavel gulped. The situation was becoming more and more heated. He left the saucers on the outside, and took a back seat, nodding politely to the teacher. "Good day, Cap."
Ivan took a short look around before squatting on a couch.

This classroom felt... strange. It was fortunate Ivan always wore a gasmask.
Greg plopped himself down on one of the oddly greasy, Cheeto-crumb-covered couches. He gave the professor a curt nod, "Cap." Greg's uncle Jack had warned him about these sorts of people, these "So-called political dissidents".
Then again, his uncle Jack had also warned him about shapeshifting lizardmen from Venus, so any advice was to be taken with a grain of salt.
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While Pierre enjoyed a good fag like anybody else in the world, he hated those who smoked Mary Jane and Greenwode certainly looked like Zi to him in that moment.
He nodded at the professor and sat on the same couch as Alice.
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