Nightraven High School

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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'Ve vill remove all of zose who pose a sreat to our homeland. Ve vill die in defense of zat vhich we love! VE VILL NOT LET ANYZINK GET IN OUR VAY TO SUCCESS! SIEG UND RUHM ZU DENEN, DIE UNTER MIR STEHEN KOMMEN!
Heidi was standing, with both hands on the table, panting. Her eyes blazed with a yellow light, and a surge of pure nationalism swept through the room.
"FOR THE MOTHERLAND" Ivan shouted, lifting an AK into the air. He had no idea why, but he suddenly felt even more determined to protect Russia than usual.
"VIVA MEXICO" Alfredo shouted, whipping out his classical guitar hybrid. He felt a sudden love for his homeland, making him doubt why he even bothered leaving it in the first place.
Pierre suddenly stood up and yelled: "L'identite Quebecois ne serait jamait detruit, notres coeurs sont vibrant, et notres idees sont unifie! Liberte! Egalite! Fraternite! Vivre la Quebec! Vivre la France!"
Shah looked all over the room as people began acting..well not entirely unlike how Trent had the first night, singing the American national anthem. Weird. Odd that it wasn't affecting her. Likely because she couldn't really remember anything of her own homeland. Though, Heidi's influence was making her feel desperately isolated, trying vainly to remember it, or anything about it. But it was to no avail.

All of a sudden, Shah felt very small. And empty.
"For humanity?!" She's still a bit confused as to why she suddenly feels so enthusiastic, but might as well play along!
Heidi sat and ate some more of her food. She had not intended for this to happen, but she decided to watch where it lead.
"Nightraven High! Woo!" Matt cheered, doing a kegstand. "Oh, Maskbro, I've been meaning to ask: can you hook me up with Kalashnikov weapons? Like, an AK-12 would be perfect."
"For the Motherland!" Pavel shouted, having finished checking out the simulation room and summoning his saucer in front of Prof. Enkapath, while the others were entrapped in the barbaric game of the locals. He went there because he had no powers of his own, save for his saucers and their control, and the saucers were rather... volatile, and totally unsuitable for a ball game.

The shout was all his pent up frustration released. It wasn't very internationalist, which he pondered often about later, but he was a russian, tried and true. He hesitantly expanded it with "For the Socialist Future!"

His new flying rotary mixer whirred with anticipation.
"... I'm not going to lie, I just don't really understand all this nationalism."

Alice finally admits it.
At this, Shah clung to Alice. She didn't (really couldn't) understand it either, thus they were of like minds. Thus she would protect her with her life.
Alice is confused and surprised. Which isn't the most unusual, but it being due to someone hanging off her was.

"We all belong to a tribe Alice! The tribe cares for us and we care for the the tribe. Nations and tribes are the same." Pavel explained, calming down the machine soul of his rotary mixer ufo."
Shah waved, blinked and pointed to the scar on her throat. All while maintaining a grip on Alice.
"Oh." She pauses for a second, and the confused expression on her face dissapears. "Pleased to meet you too." Her tone is friendly.

No speaking = express desire to be friends with hugs = things suddenly made sense.

She makes up for suddenly figuring things out by being too distracted to process Pavel's comment.
Greg trudges into the cafeteria, giving a weak mumble of "Fuckin' America, yeah." as he spoons green beans and meatloaf onto his plate.
Trent's ears twitched as he heard the words "Fuck" and "America" in the same sentence but in the wrong order. At which, he burst through the cafeteria doors Kool-aid man style. "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!" Trent corrected.
"Yeah." Pavel chuckled. As much as he found it creepy, he was amazed by Trent's enthusiasm and faith. Truly it was a pity that so much effort was misplaced in a web of lies in service of oppression. Then he had an idea, and why not? "Hey Trent, want to try out old rustbucket before I consign her to the scrap heap?" (he pats Can 1)
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Trent walked over to Pavel. "Sure" he answered.
'Anyvay,' said Heidi conversationally to Ivan, now that the commotion had passed, 'Ve vill surely crush our enemy in ze coming times, vezzer it is vis you or I at ze forefront of ze movement. Unt odds are it vill be both.'
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