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Nightlings (lxngdon x EmyBear)

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c h r i s t i a n
Christian turned and lead Sara down the hall. "She's pretty annoyed, but she mentioned something about wanting to join a martial arts club or something, so hopefully she'll find something that will stop her from being such a bitch."

They arrived in the living room where Victoria and James were resetting a chess game, Ana was flicking through the TV channels and Jonathan was reading. Victoria looked up when Christian and Sara entered the room. "You play chess, Sara?" she asked in a sickly sweet voice, gesturing to the chessboard.​
She laughed softly, shrugging her shoulders. "Perhaps, but something tells me I wouldn't bet on it." She didn't mind Victoria, but Christian had a point in her attitude. Who knows, maybe she could tone it down.

As they walked into the living area, she looked to Victoria and James with the chess board, then to Ana and Jonathan. At Victoria's question, she shook her head slowly. "Can't say I have," Sara responded, taking a seat on the couch. "Mind teaching me?"

It wasn't anything special, but maybe if she picked up on things they did and tried fitting in with them, it would make her life easier.
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Victoria smiled. "Sure."

Christian sat on the arm of the couch next to James and watched Victoria intently, trying to figure out if she had any malicious intentions as she explained each of the pieces to Sara.

"So the objective is to essentially trap the king," said Victoria, pointing to the said piece. "Like in war, if you trap the leader of the opposition and kill him, you've won the game."

There it was.

Victoria and James started playing to show Sara how it was done. Halfway through the game, Victoria looked up at Sara and asked with a wide, malicious-looking grin, "So, you scared about a new school?"
Sara raised a brow at Victoria as she explained the game. She brushed it off for now.

As she and James started up another game, see leaned over a little to get a better look. Sara for one was never good at strategic games, or anything that required a strategy really. But it was interesting to watch as they moved the pieces across the board.

Just as Sara opened her mouth to ask a question, Victorias smile caught her off gaurd. Why did she seem to harbor such I'll feelings towards her?

Scooting back on the couch to create some distance, Sara shrugged her shouldere. "I suppose I am a little," she answered.
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Christian watched as Victoria smiled and opened her mouth to respond to Sara's admission. He was about to shut her up, when, surprisingly, James cut her off.

"Well, you don't need to worry about that," he said, keeping his eyes on the chess game as he and Victoria played. "We'll be there to make sure nothing happens to you, and we're all going to this open house thing to make friends. Checkmate, babe."

"What?" Victoria stared at the game and pouted to see that she had, in fact, been checkmated by James. "Good game, baby."

"Alright, you guys should go now," said Ana from the kitchen. "Try to mingle."

Christian lead Sara, Victoria and James through the garage door off the kitchen. That morning, Jonathan and James had literally ran back to Los Angeles to collect the family's two cars -- the bright red Ferrari and the silver Porsche. Both were flashy and obnoxious, but today, they opted for the Porsche. Christian opened the door for Sara.​
Sha gave James a grateful look, she could only imagine what remarks Victoria had for her. She was already posses off enough having to go back to school.

But seeing James best her gave her a small spark of entertainment, the most she's had since coming here with them. "Hmm, guess I'll have to try next time," she said, though she knew she was setting herself up for failure.

Hearing Ana call out to them from the kitchen, Sara took in a deep breath and got to her feet. She didn't want to do this, but what choice did she have right now. Biting her lip, she followed Christian and the others to the garage.

Se lifted a brow seeing the cars, wondering how they even got there, but only shrugged and sank into the seat after Christian opened the door. "Thanks," she smiled, buckling up.

She tried making herself as small as possible in the seat, leaning her head back some. She wondered what waited for her at this open house deal. Would she enjoy the classes given to her? She closed her eyes, letting out a long sigh. All she could do was wait at this point.
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Christian leaned against the window as Victoria drove and James chatted to her relentlessly in the front seat. He didn't want to go to school. He had never wanted to go to school. But this was as much his punishment as it was to Sara's benefit; he owed it to Sara to deal with the mind-numbing bore known as Calculus for as long as she was with them.

They arrived at Rosefall High School, a collection of pastel blue wooden buildings and one hulking stone gym. It was situated slightly outside the town of Rosefall, Vermont, with the woods bordering the football field and outdoor basketball court. Victoria parked in the parking lot that was separated from the field only by a low chain-link fence. The open house had been set up on said field; a collection of booths and tables advertising each extracurricular activity had been erected on the artificial grass.

The three vampires and Sara climbed out of the silvery car. Already, people had their eyes on them -- or rather, Victoria, who, despite being a huge bitch, was admittedly very attractive. Male eyes were tracked on her and a large collection of girls were watching James, and Christian. Like always, the vamps ignored the stares. Victoria took James' hand, and Christian walked alongside Sara as they entered the open house.

Shop, football team, yearbook, Spanish. Everything he already knew how to do. Christian had had a lot of time over the years and now could be considered a jack of all trades. He hovered beside Sara, willing her to choose a club.​
Staring out the window as they pulled up to the school, she couldn't help but think how much it looked like the one back in LA. There were subtle differences, obviously, but the layout was similar. Sara felt her hands shaking as she unbuckled and opened the car door.

Instantly she noticed the eyes staring in their direcrion, most to the others than her which she was thankful for. She didn't think she could handle the attention with her nerves being shot. Feeling Christian near her made her feel better, but not much. Glancing to Victoria and James, their hands entwined, she felt a stab of jealousy. Though she didn't know why.

Tearing her eyes away from them she began wandering through the booths set up. So far nothing had really caught her attention, and she gave those who handed her papers explaining everything they had to offer gentle smiles.

It was about ten cubs in that she stopped moving and looked around. Sure there was the usual crowd noises of voices lifted in excitement. But what got to her was the fact she could hear them so clearly, and with each passing second it got louder. She felt her heart racing, the blood rushing in her ears. "Christian," she said, visibly shaking.
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Same old, same old. Nothing about this school was new to Christian. He had tried to go to school again in 2002, just to keep up appearances, but once he had graduated he had been so relieved to have left.

Victoria had dragged James over to the wrestling team when Sara spoke. His name and his name only, a small, terrified sound. He turned around and looked at her, confused. Then it dawned on him. She was starting to feel different.

The evolution had begun.

"Hearing or smell?" he asked her quietly. "Eyesight? Whatever it is, it'll pass in a few moments." He placed a soothing hand on the small of her back and walked with her further, trying to pass as normal. "Just concentrate on my voice. It'll help."

He kept on talking, reading out all the signs he saw and naming the colour of the human students' eyes. Just simple things, things she knew and could concentrate on.​
Sara watched from the corner of her eye as Victoria and James moving off to a booth. Then she heard Christians voice, and she turned to look at him.

"Hearing," she answered weakly, welcoming his touch as he steered her through the crowds. After he kept reading, and his voice was all she could concentrate on, she took slow breaths to calm herself.

"Do they have any clubs for music?" She asked. She was sure she'd get a music class in school, but she wondered if they had extra outside of it as well.
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"Music? Ah, yeah," said Christian. He lead Sara to the said booth and stood slightly to the side, watching to make sure nothing happened to her. Or with her.

"Hey," said a voice. Christian turned and found a pretty Latina girl standing behind him. She was slender and short and had a mane of beautiful curly dark hair. "You new around here?"

"Um, yeah," replied Christian. He had expected this; everywhere he went, someone tried to chat him up. "Just moved from Los Angeles."
Thankful, she couldn't help but give a bright smile to the girl standing at the booth handing out flyers and greeting anyone who seemed to take an interest.

Seeing Sara standing there, the girl smiled and waved her over excitedly. "Hi, come over! I don't think I've seen you before, new here?" The girls rambled on grabbing a paper and handing it to Sara.

She took a quick look to Christian seeing he had company and then averted her attention to the girl smiling at her. "Oh yeah just moved here actually. But I love music, I play violin," she answred, glancing down the list provided.

"Oh how wonderful! We don't get many strong students joining us, you'd be welcomed. We love doing private events around town and all kinds of charties," the girl went on for a few moments, explaining all they did.

Sara listened intently, trying to focus on just her and block the racaous of the other voices threatening to spill over.
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The Latina girl, whose name Christian quickly learned was Riley, chatted relentlessly with Christian, asking him questions about LA and other things he lost track of. He answered, pretending to be involved in the conversation when, really, he was paying attention to Sara. He needed to be on alert in case she slipped up.

Christian could also hear Victoria talking to the boys on the wrestling team and James joining film club. Christian was surprised to hear his siblings so enthusiastic about anything. Usually, Victoria only cared about fighting and James only cared about Victoria.​
The girl, Lexi, as Sara learned, went on for a moment longer about what they did before taking note that Sara looked a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, you don't need to decide now. Just come back Monday and hand this in if you want to think on it," Lexi said, grabbing a highlighter and going over a few lines on the paper.

It wasn't what was bugging sara, but she was glad for the momentary distraction. Though she did wonder how she'd get a new violin. She could ask, but it just wasn't her nature really. "Thanks," Sara replies, before folding the paper and putting it in a pocket. "I'll think on it and hopefully see you again soon."

Lexi beamed at her words then waved as Sara turned to leave the booth. In her lapse of concentration, the noises came flooding her senses again. She could hear whispers of people where humans couldnt. She could hear those talking halfway across the field. The occasional chirp of a bird in a tree nearby.

She ignored the rest of the other clubs there, and headed straight from the car. The overwhelming sounds made her feel like she was drowning, and all she really wanted was to get away.
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Riley kept talking and Christian kept answering. He was starting to get bored with the conversation; human talk could sometimes seem so desperately mundane, he wondered how the entire race wasn't mad. How could someone stand talking consecutively about homework and the Snapchat update and Trump versus Clinton without any breaks for meaningful conversations?

He was glad when Sara decided to leave. "I have to go," he said politely to Riley. "I'll see you later."

"Wait! Can I give you my number?" Riley called, but Christian had already slipped through the crowd.

He quickly reached the car and climbed into the backseat on the other side to Sara. He still wanted to give her her space. "Hey, are you alright?" he asked, concerned.

Christian had not gone through the same transformation process; he had been bitten only once, and that was because his sister had lost control. She had drained enough blood to kill him but just enough to transform him. He had suffered a complete sensory overload when he had woken up; at least Sara's change would be staggered.​
After scrambling into the backseat, she pressed her hands tightly to either side of her head. Her eyes were clamped shut, wishing it would help. The voices were lessened, but other sounds were taking over. Cars down the road, the rustling of leaves, someone whistling a merry tune walking through the parking lot.

Sara heard his footsteps before he even approached the car. Somehow, she could tell it was him. Then the sound of the door opening and closing. The seat shifted with his weight, and she finally pried her hands from her head and her gaze fell on his face. "It's just... A little overwhelming," she admitted sullenly, a tear trickling down her face.

"I had truly hoped, maybe this was all some sick twisted joke. That I had pissed someone off." She leaned back in the seat, running her hands down her face in exasperation. She didn't care at this point, she was too tired, and deep down, the realization of everything was beginning to sink in.

Looking to Christian, she laughed softly for a moment, shaking her head. "I'm scared. I'm not a strong person, I never have been." The fear in her voice was tangible as she spoke.
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Christian bit his lips and wrung his hands together as she spoke. He had done this. He had done this terrible thing to her, and now she was suffering. He was a monster.

Well, heck, of course he was. He was a goddamn vampire, wasn't he? But Christian had spent his entire life trying not to be a monster -- he fed exclusively from deer and other large animals and tried to avoid fights as much as possible. He had spent a century working to blend in with society and now, because he had overestimated his own self-control, an innocent girl was suffering.

"It'll get easier," he promised her. "It only takes a few days before you adjust." Christian squeezed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. "I was thrust into this as much as you were, you know. My sister lost control and bit me once. I was changed right away. I didn't have this kind of preparation you have -- I was just thrust into this life. Complete sensory overload."
Sara listened as he replied, explaining how he had changed. How he had no choice but to deal with it all at once. She had a feeling she wouldn't survive that, if such a thing were possible. But she hoped he was right, that it would get easier.

She leaned over enough and took his hand in her own, a pained smile on her face. She wanted terribly to let him know it was okay, that it was an accident, but how could she when she felt so lost and confused? Running her thumb over his knuckles for a minute, she then retracted her hand and stared out the window, wanting to get her mind off things while she sorted through the voices and sounds pouring into her head at the moment. "I guess if I want to join this music club I'm going to need a new violin," she sighed. "I sort of miss playing."
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Her touch was warm. He missed it when she retracted her hand.

"We can buy you a new violin," he assured her. It was the least he could do for her. "We can stop by a music store when we go into town to get school supplies. I play piano, you know," he told her. He didn't know why he told her. It was not a relevant piece of information -- this was about her, after all. Maybe he just wanted to prove that they had at least one thing in common.

James and Victoria arrived at the car. "Well, I am now a proud member of the wrestling team," Victoria announced with a smile on her face. "I had to beat the captain to get in because they thought I was too skinny and too girly. It's alright, though, he only has a concussion. And a bruise on his ego from losing to a girl."

"How'd you two go?" James asked, turning around in his seat to face Sara and Christian. "Sara? Did you join any clubs?"
Sara perked up hearing that he played something, too. "Really?" she said, lifting a brow, a faint smile tugging at her lips. "I'd love to hear one day," she added, a small sparkle shining in her eyes. "I'm not the greatest, but I love playing. Gives me an escape.." she continued, not sure why, but a part of her enjoyed the fact they had something to talk about at least.

Then Victoria and James joined them, and seeing Victoria smile with her news of being on the wrestling team, she couldn't help but feel in somewhat better spirits. "Bet he won't go underestimating you again," Sara giggled, adjusting so she sat more comfortably. then looking to James, she nodded. "Yeah, they have a neat music club here. I just have to get a violin and turn this paper in Monday," she answered, temporarily her worries and fears melting away at the casual conversation.
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