Nightlings (lxngdon x EmyBear)

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Christian started driving. "Somewhere fancy," he said. He drove to the more expensive end of town and parked in front of a nice restaurant. The host looked at them with an exasperated expression, as if two kids could not possibly afford to eat at this restaurant. That changed at once when Christian handed him a hundred-dollar tip.

They were quickly seated at a table in the corner and Christian pushed the menu to Sara. "Pick whatever you like," he said.​
Sara groaned at his response, then looked down at herself. She was far from dressed for a fancy place, but she wasn't going to complain. It was time out, and the distractions were helping her anyways.

As they arrived she followed him inside, unable to help the eye roll she gave as he gave the bug tip. Money it seemed would have to be another thing she'd need to get used to as well.

Taking her seat, Sara took the menu and glanced over everything. It all looked delicious, but by the time the waiter arrived she decided on getting a salad to start and the chicken and pasta entrée.
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Just for entertainment purposes Christian ordered the ravioli, because he remembered it tasting nice in his human life. He also wanted to humour Sara, and avoid attracting attention from the restaurant's other customers.

"So, what's your favourite food?" he asked Sara as he traced the rim of his Coke glass with his finger. He wanted to get to know the girl better. All he knew about her right now was that she played violin.​
Picking up her glass, Sara took a sip of her tea, then set the glass back down. She let her eyes wander around for a moment, taking in the place. She tried her best ignoring some of the gazes they received.

Two young people here in such a fancy place. Him. Her. She turned her attention back to him, shrugging.

"I'm usually open to anything, really. I'm not a big fan if Mexican, though," Sara replied, tilting her head to one side, her hair falling into her face which she then failed to brush back. "What..."

She paused, then looked down. "Well, I guess, what do you like?" She questioned, trying to keep conversation normal between them.
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Christian grinned and decided to mess with her a little. "Well, my favourite's mountain lion, but I am a bit partial to grizzly bear as well." He smirked and sipped his Coke, which, for a human beverage, was not as bad as he had thought. "We all have our favourites. Ana likes deer, Jonathan likes moose when we go up to Canada, and James likes bison because it reminds him of Texas. Victoria loves to feast on innocent children and kittens."
Sara giggled lightly, rolling her eyes some. "Some varied tastes, I see," she smirked, taking another sip of tea. She was sure he was joking about Victoria, at least about the children part. Her attitude though, she wouldn't put the kittens past her.

Wanting to know more, she leaned forward across the table some. "What other things do you like? You're favorite color? "
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"Would you call me an emo if I said black?" he asked, laughing. "But it's true. Black is my favourite colour. I feel it reflects the emotionless void that is my soul."

Their entrees came and Christian leaned back. He noticed the blonde waitress give him a smile but he ignored it; he was solely focused on Sara. "What about you? Favourite colour? Favourite movie? Favourite song?"
"Hardly emo," Sara grinned, moving back some as their food came out.

Her stomach growled again at the sight and smell. Thanking the girl, Sara grabbed her fork and poked at it letting the cheese melt. "Hmmm.. well, for colors I like black and blue. Movie, that's a rough one. I'd have to say The Crow, so I guess now you can call me emo." Taking a bite, she sighed happily. "Now my favorite song. I've got a mile long lost of those. Do you have a favorite song?"
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"Hmm ... the main song from Swan Lake, by Tchaikovsky," Christian replied. He loved classical music and that was his favourite. "Favourite school subject?"

(sorry it's so short)​
She nodded. " that's one song I have yet to adapt and learn on the violin. Maybe someday I'll get there," Sara commented.

She enjoyed taking songs, dissecting them so to speak, and adapting the music for violin. It was challenging yet soothing. "School subjects. Well other then music, art and english, yourself? "
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"It's been a few years since I've been to school, but from what I recall, Theatre Studies was rather enjoyable." Christian frowned at his ravioli before taking a bite. The flavours were a bit overwhelming for his vampire taste buds, but once he adjusted to the explosion of different tastes, it was rather enjoyable. He would have to start eating human food a little more often.

"This," he said, nodding to his plate, "is really hard when you're one of us. It's like ... everything is amplified by one million. I can literally pick up each individual grain of salt in this piece of ravioli. You won't be able to eat or drink anything but blood for at least a decade after you change. Favourite actor or actress."
Upon answering, Sara smiled a bit. It was nice to talk to him, know him better. It eased her worries a little anyways. Maybe, once everything was done, she'd get used to it. She still felt hollow, at least her heart. But having pleasant company kept her mind off the ache.

When Christian spoke of nit eating human good again after changint, she wrinkled her nose at the thought. "Sounds enjoyable," she muttered sarcastically, but shrugged it off anyways. Instead, it just made her appreciate each bite even more, even as she noticed herself the flavors seemed. Amped up. Not much, but she could tell the different ingredients.

"I'm sorry you're all having to go to school because of me. I can imagine it's not on the top of your to do list. And I don't keep tabs on actors and actresses. I prefer singers, my favorite being Brent Smith."
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"It's fine," Christian assured her. And it was. Another year of high school would pass by like a speck of dust in Christian's life. What was another year? Maybe he could go back to college and learn something new. "It's not idea, but it's the only available option right now. And, besides, the only one with an actual problem is Victoria, but Victoria has a problem with everything,"
Sara gave him a doubtful look. Like anyone in their right mind, no matter who they were, would want to repeat school.

"Well, it's not like you have to go, if it wasn't for me. Babysitting duty," she sighed, pausing and taking a few more bites. "I feel like a burden on all of you Christian. Training, making sure I don't mess up."

She dropped her fork on the plate, letting out a sigh of frustration. Bringing her hands up to her face, she took in a long deep breath, then let it out again slowly. "Sorry," she whispered, looking at him. "Here I am wanting to enjoy my time with you since I doubt I'll see you when school starts up and I'm just being fucking dumb "
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