a boy is being beaten by his family and always has been the cast out from them. Constantly he is harassed and abused, its been this way for 14 years, until one day he decides that he has finally had enough and the world will be better off without him so he decides to go to his favorite spot, the place were he would go at night to cry his pain away, a nearby lake with a beautiful picture of the night sky and the moon. Where the water is the mirror of truth holding up the sorrow of the sky. Reaching his final destination he begins to prepare his death when a voice reaches out to . He has never met anyone out side of his family and was scared as a stranger who seemed years older then him walked into view. That night the stranger becomes the hero of this child's life and has agreed upon to meet the him every night. Nights later his parents have began to notice their son's late night visits occurring more and more but instead of calling him out on it they punish him with impossible task and beating him worse than before. One night the boy appears before the stranger with bruises and lash marks graved into his fair skin and the stranger vows to never let the boy be beaten ever again. Giving him instructions to return home and pack a scarce amount of clothing in a bag an return. Nodding the boy obeys and has returned with a bag of clothing and his favorite item in the whole world as the stranger takes the boy away from his abusive life style to live anew one under the city lights and shinning stars.
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