Never Go Outside (purplerose and SAS)

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He noticed the way she looked at him and he smelled the pheromones in the air, coming from her, but him as well. He watched her sit down and nodded when she said they were destined at different times. He watched her with his head cocked to the side, noticing that his stomach was giving a nervous flutter and his mind reached out for hers, seeing if the mate bond between them would form and they could speak with each other mentally.
Heather felt his eyes on her and she looked up to find him studying her.She felt a sort of push in her mind and her brow furrowed in confusion as she cautiously let her mind open to the mysterious force.A she did,she felt a sudden warmth erupt in her and a sudden rush of thoughts assaulted her mind.At first she didn't recognize the strange sensation but then she remembered the stories people had told her about the mate bond forming.That was what was happening to her,the man infront of her was her mate.'You're my mate.' She thought to him in wonder. 'You know I still have yet to know your name.'
He smiled when he felt her fight him off at first, but then she opened her mind had heard her speak with a flood of emotion entering his mind and going straight to his heart. 'Its Samuel. What about you, my sweet beauty?' He asked her and a small grin appeared on his lips.
'It's Heather.'She replied,yet another blush covering her cheeks at his nickname for her.So many emotions were swirling in her mind at the moment and she was finding it a bit difficult to sort through them.She slowly rose from her spot in the chair only to sit down beside him on his bed.
He turned his head to see her sitting beside him, smiling to himself. 'Meu inama, I'm glad I found you.' He said and he reached out to trail tentative fingers up her back
Heather shivered slightly at his touch,loving the happiness she relieved from it.'What does that mean?'She thought curiously,unsure of the language he was speaking.She assumed it had something to do with being his mate.
'It means 'my heart', because you are the holder now.' He told her and he sat up, running his hands over her back and down her arms
'I'm glad I finally found you.Il mio cuore.'Heather answerd.She smiled warmly at him as he spoke to her and she felt her body become weak beneath his touch.His touch made her feel safe and loved,something she'd longed for after her brother moved away.Her gaze drifted to his lips when she noticed the small distance between them.
He noticed her looking at his lips and he placed a finger underneath her chin and tilted her head up, then he closed his eyes and pressed his lips to hers. 'What will the maids say when they find us?' He asked with a small chuckle in her mind, not breaking the kiss
As their lips touched,Heather's eyes fluttered closed at the amazing sensations between the two.'Honestly I don't care as long as they don't interrupt.'She replied and brought her hands up to rest on his muscular shoulders as she deepened the kiss.
He let her deepen the kiss, spreading their lips so his tongue could go over lips and tangle with hers. 'It's probably not a good idea to sleep with someone you just met.' He said before he gently pulled away, resting his forehead against hers.
'Except you're not some random stranger.You're Samuel.My mate'Heather replied with a loving glint in her eyes as she titled her head up to look at him."But if you would rather we know a few things about each other than I am perfectly fine with that."
"Hmm, maybe we can discuss it over dinner ?" He asked and on cue, his stomach growled. He chuckled and rubbed the back if his heck.
Heather laughed at his perfectly timed grumble."I think that would be best."She said with an amused smile dancing on her lips as she stood."Though I must warn you ahead of time.Some of the guards here have a tendency to over step their boundaries and a few have even hoped that I was their destined mate.So if they are hostile towards you,I am sorry,"
Samuel waved the warning off had smiled at her. "I'll be fine. If somebody challenges me, I'll take care of myself. I just have to take care if you, now. You're my number one priority." He said and stood up ax well, giving her a chaste kiss before he took her hand in his. "Lead the way."
Heather smiled at his sweet words and leaned into the gentle kiss he placed upon her lips.Holding his hand,she guided him down the stairs and through the hallway until they came to the dining room.The maids had it set up for dinner and she smiled when she saw the chef had made her favorite."I hope you like fresh deer and turkey."She said to Samuel with a content smile as she led him to the table.
He smiled and made a show of gliding his tongue over his lips. "Yum." He said and chucked, letting her tug him along. "I couldn't help but noticed the marking in your shoulder blade. Has it always been there?" He said, asking about the tribal tattoo that ran over her shoulder. He had the same thing, but on his chest, over one shoulder, and covering his whole back
(You read the grey wolves series?)
Heather turned to look at Samuel in confusion."What are you talking about?I don't have any markings on me."She pulled the sleeve of her dress down her right shoulder so she could see what he was seeing.Her eyes widened in shock when she caught sight of the black markings that swirled along her skin.
(Depends. With Fane? The Romanian guys??)

He smiled softly and looked over the markings. "Seems we're officially mates." He said and used a finger to trace along the swirls and spirals.
(Yep.:) )
Heather felt slight shivers run through her at his gentle touch and reluctantly pulled away from his hypnotic fingers to sit down."We'll have plenty of time for that later."She said to him with a bright smile and a mischievous glint in her eyes.Closing her eyes,she breathed in the aroma of the freshly cooked meal and let out a content sigh.
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