Never Go Outside (purplerose and SAS)

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He chuckled when she asked herself how she had gotten him, having not taught her yet of how to block her mind with thoughts to herself. He looked at her and slowed down when she asked the other question and sighed. 'I have my mother and brother.' He said, stopping and looked up at the sky.
'Do you still keep in contact with them?'Heather tentatively asked,noticing his shift in mood when he spoke of them.She stopped beside him and sat,nuzzling his shoulder reassuringly.It hurt her to see her mate sad and she would do anything to make him happy.
'Not really. I try, but they don't want anything to do with me.' He said and nuzzled her back, then he licked her muzzle
'Well that's their loss.I know if my parents were here they would treat you as their son.'Heather said with a wolfy grin upon her muzzle.She licked his muzzle as well and laid her head against his muscular shoulder,listening to his soothing heartbeat.
He looked at her and nodded. 'Thank you, love.' He murmured and ran his nose over her neck and shoulder, nuzzling her and nipping her softly
Heather let out a slight yip of surprise when he nipped her but soon relaxed once more.'You're welcome il mio amore.'She said to him with a happy sigh,relishing in the feel of her mate and her enjoying a moonlit night together.His nose running along her fur tickled slightly but it also brought a sense of love and protection to her.
His nose ran down her shoulder to the side of her stomachs where he stopped and nuzzled it. 'I can just imagine your belly swollen with our child inside.' He whispered in her mind and he closed his eyes, still nuzzling her stomach. It might have been a little soon, but he saw it. Images flashing through his mind of first them going through the Blood Rites, celebrating, another of them tangled in the sheets of the bed. More passed his min until he stopped at one with her eight months pregnant, and the last of her holding a child wrapped in a blanket with him holding them
Heather was a little surprised at his words but she too had imagined what it would be like when they finally had a family.As the images flashed through his mind,she saw them as well and knew if she were in human form,her cheeks would be a bright Scarlett red.When she saw the image of her pregnant and then holding the baby,she felt a sudden smile come across her.'I can't wait until we have a family.'She replied,a hopefulness to her voice.Her head rested against his shoulder blades while he nuzzled her stomach.
His ears went flat against his head when he heard her words and the flood of hopefulness that came from the bond. 'I can't either.' He said and rubbed his head against her belly once more before he stood up and licked her cheek when he faced her
Heather nuzzled him once more,enjoying the affection and love that spread through their bond.'Would you like to return home or continue on our run?'She asked him,tilting her head to face him.There wasn't much to do out here and she felt a little tired after the day they'd had but if he desired to stay she would be happy to run a little more before she headed back.
'Lets head back and get some rest. It's been a long day.' He said to her as he started heading back, making sure that she was in front of him to keep an eye on her.
'Alright.'Heather agreed,padding off towards the castle.She looked over her shoulder at Samuel to make sure he was following and grinned gently when she realized he was keeping her infront if him as a means of protecting her.When they reached the back entrance to the castle,she shifted back into her human form and slipped on the dress quickly.Her wolf was content after the time they'd shared with their mate and for once was quiet.
Samuel shifted and rolled his shoulders, then looked at her with a smile, seeing a glimpse of the markings on her back as she slipped on the dress. He looked at the pants on the ground with a scowl, not wanting to put the painful pants on and squish his manhood down to half its size. "Can I just have a blanket to cover myself?"
Heather turned look at him scowling at the pants on the ground and couldn't help that laugh that escaped her."Of course you can.I'm sorry my brother wasn't as well endowed as you are."She says with a slight teasing tone to her words as she stepped inside to find a blanket.Grabbing it,she returned to her mate and handed it to him,averting her eyes from his nakedness.
"Afraid you can't contain yourself?" He teased as he noticed that she averted her eyes. He wrapped the blanket around his waist and it was short enough to not drag on the ground, but cover his legs.
Heather blushed at his teasing,returning her gaze to his body."You're my mate,I shouldn't have to contain myself."She answered flirtatiously,placing her hand on his bare chest."But that isn't why I averted my gaze."
He tilted his head and looked at her hand on his chest before his gaze returned to her face. "Then why did you?" He asked, a grin on his lips
"Because I'm not exactly comfortable with people being naked.Mate or not."Heather replied sheepishly,standing on her tiptoes to place a gentle kiss to his lips."I do have a question.When should our Blood Rites be?"
He kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her. "Hmm, well, I think we should have it as soon as we can, though I think we should contact your brother so he can be there as well." He said and smiled
Heather smiled at his words,laying her head against his chest as she nodded her head in agreement."He lives only a few towns away.It is about two days journey.We should have sometime next week.It gives us plenty of time to plan and for my family members to attend."
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